# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # import Python Libs from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals import logging import pkg_resources import os.path # Import Salt Libs import salt.config from salt.ext import six import salt.loader import salt.modules.boto_route53 as boto_route53 import salt.utils.versions # Import Salt Testing Libs from tests.support.mixins import LoaderModuleMockMixin from tests.support.unit import skipIf, TestCase from tests.support.mock import NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON from tests.support.paths import TESTS_DIR # import Python Third Party Libs # pylint: disable=import-error try: import boto boto.ENDPOINTS_PATH = os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, 'unit/files/endpoints.json') from moto import mock_route53_deprecated HAS_MOTO = True except ImportError: HAS_MOTO = False def mock_route53_deprecated(self): ''' if the mock_route53_deprecated function is not available due to import failure this replaces the decorated function with stub_function. Allows boto_route53 unit tests to use the @mock_route53_deprecated decorator without a "NameError: name 'mock_route53_deprecated' is not defined" error. ''' def stub_function(self): pass return stub_function # pylint: enable=import-error log = logging.getLogger(__name__) required_moto = '0.3.7' required_moto_py3 = '1.0.1' def _has_required_moto(): ''' Returns True or False depending on if ``moto`` is installed and at the correct version, depending on what version of Python is running these tests. ''' if not HAS_MOTO: return False else: moto_version = salt.utils.versions.LooseVersion(pkg_resources.get_distribution('moto').version) if moto_version < salt.utils.versions.LooseVersion(required_moto): return False elif six.PY3 and moto_version < salt.utils.versions.LooseVersion(required_moto_py3): return False return True @skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) @skipIf(HAS_MOTO is False, 'The moto module must be installed.') @skipIf(_has_required_moto() is False, 'The moto module must be >= to {0} for ' 'PY2 or {1} for PY3.'.format(required_moto, required_moto_py3)) class BotoRoute53TestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): ''' TestCase for salt.modules.boto_route53 module ''' def setup_loader_modules(self): self.opts = salt.config.DEFAULT_MINION_OPTS self.opts['route53.keyid'] = 'GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H' self.opts['route53.key'] = 'askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs' utils = salt.loader.utils(self.opts) funcs = salt.loader.minion_mods(self.opts, utils=utils, whitelist=['boto_route53', 'config']) return { boto_route53: { '__opts__': self.opts, '__utils__': utils, '__salt__': funcs }, } def setUp(self): TestCase.setUp(self) # __virtual__ must be caller in order for _get_conn to be injected boto_route53.__virtual__() boto_route53.__init__(self.opts) def tearDown(self): del self.opts @mock_route53_deprecated def test_create_healthcheck(self): ''' tests that given a valid instance id and valid ELB that register_instances returns True. ''' expected = { 'result': { 'CreateHealthCheckResponse': { 'HealthCheck': { 'HealthCheckConfig': { 'FailureThreshold': '3', 'IPAddress': '', 'ResourcePath': '/', 'RequestInterval': '30', 'Type': 'HTTPS', 'Port': '443', 'FullyQualifiedDomainName': 'blog.saltstack.furniture', }, 'HealthCheckVersion': '1', }, }, }, } healthcheck = boto_route53.create_healthcheck( '', fqdn='blog.saltstack.furniture', hc_type='HTTPS', port=443, resource_path='/', ) del healthcheck['result']['CreateHealthCheckResponse']['HealthCheck']['CallerReference'] del healthcheck['result']['CreateHealthCheckResponse']['HealthCheck']['Id'] self.assertEqual(healthcheck, expected)