#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' The setup script for salt ''' # pylint: disable=C0111,E1101,E1103,F0401,W0611,W0201,W0232,R0201,R0902,R0903 # For Python 2.5. A no-op on 2.6 and above. from __future__ import print_function, with_statement import os import sys import glob import urllib2 from datetime import datetime # pylint: disable=E0611 import distutils.dist from distutils import log from distutils.cmd import Command from distutils.errors import DistutilsArgError from distutils.command.build import build from distutils.command.clean import clean from distutils.command.sdist import sdist from distutils.command.install_lib import install_lib # pylint: enable=E0611 try: import zmq HAS_ZMQ = True except ImportError: HAS_ZMQ = False # Change to salt source's directory prior to running any command try: SETUP_DIRNAME = os.path.dirname(__file__) except NameError: # We're most likely being frozen and __file__ triggered this NameError # Let's work around that SETUP_DIRNAME = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) if SETUP_DIRNAME != '': os.chdir(SETUP_DIRNAME) SETUP_DIRNAME = os.path.abspath(SETUP_DIRNAME) BOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT_DISTRIBUTED_VERSION = os.environ.get( # The user can provide a different bootstrap-script version. # ATTENTION: A tag for that version MUST exist 'BOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT_VERSION', # If no bootstrap-script version was provided from the environment, let's # provide the one we define. 'v2014.06.21' ) # Store a reference to the executing platform IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM = sys.platform.startswith('win') # Use setuptools only if the user opts-in by setting the USE_SETUPTOOLS env var # Or if setuptools was previously imported (which is the case when using # 'distribute') # This ensures consistent behavior but allows for advanced usage with # virtualenv, buildout, and others. WITH_SETUPTOOLS = False if 'USE_SETUPTOOLS' in os.environ or 'setuptools' in sys.modules: try: from setuptools import setup from setuptools.command.install import install from setuptools.command.sdist import sdist from setuptools.command.egg_info import egg_info WITH_SETUPTOOLS = True except ImportError: WITH_SETUPTOOLS = False if WITH_SETUPTOOLS is False: import warnings # pylint: disable=E0611 from distutils.command.install import install from distutils.core import setup # pylint: enable=E0611 warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', 'Unknown distribution option: \'(extras_require|tests_require|install_requires|zip_safe)\'', UserWarning, 'distutils.dist' ) try: # Add the esky bdist target if the module is available # may require additional modules depending on platform from esky import bdist_esky # bbfreeze chosen for its tight integration with distutils import bbfreeze HAS_ESKY = True except ImportError: HAS_ESKY = False SALT_VERSION = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(SETUP_DIRNAME), 'salt', 'version.py') SALT_VERSION_HARDCODED = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(SETUP_DIRNAME), 'salt', '_version.py') SALT_REQS = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(SETUP_DIRNAME), '_requirements.txt') SALT_ZEROMQ_REQS = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(SETUP_DIRNAME), 'zeromq-requirements.txt') SALT_CLOUD_REQS = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(SETUP_DIRNAME), 'cloud-requirements.txt') SALT_RAET_REQS = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(SETUP_DIRNAME), 'raet-requirements.txt') SALT_SYSPATHS = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(SETUP_DIRNAME), 'salt', 'syspaths.py') # Salt SSH Packaging Detection PACKAGED_FOR_SALT_SSH_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(SETUP_DIRNAME), '.salt-ssh-package') PACKAGED_FOR_SALT_SSH = os.path.isfile(PACKAGED_FOR_SALT_SSH_FILE) # pylint: disable=W0122 exec(compile(open(SALT_VERSION).read(), SALT_VERSION, 'exec')) exec(compile(open(SALT_SYSPATHS).read(), SALT_SYSPATHS, 'exec')) # pylint: enable=W0122 # ----- Helper Functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> def _parse_requirements_file(requirements_file): parsed_requirements = [] with open(requirements_file) as rfh: for line in rfh.readlines(): line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith(('#', '-r')): continue if IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM and 'libcloud' in line: continue parsed_requirements.append(line) return parsed_requirements # <---- Helper Functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----- Custom Distutils/Setuptools Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------------> class WriteSaltVersion(Command): description = 'Write salt\'s hardcoded version file' def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): if not os.path.exists(SALT_VERSION_HARDCODED): # Write the version file if getattr(self.distribution, 'salt_version_hardcoded_path', None) is None: print('This command is not meant to be called on it\'s own') exit(1) # pylint: disable=E0602 open(self.distribution.salt_version_hardcoded_path, 'w').write( INSTALL_VERSION_TEMPLATE.format( date=datetime.utcnow(), full_version_info=__saltstack_version__.full_info ) ) # pylint: enable=E0602 class WriteSaltSshPackaingFile(Command): description = 'Write salt\'s ssh packaging file' def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): if not os.path.exists(PACKAGED_FOR_SALT_SSH_FILE): # Write the salt-ssh packaging file if getattr(self.distribution, 'salt_ssh_packaging_file', None) is None: print('This command is not meant to be called on it\'s own') exit(1) # pylint: disable=E0602 open(self.distribution.salt_ssh_packaging_file, 'w').write('Packaged for Salt-SSH\n') # pylint: enable=E0602 class Sdist(sdist): def make_release_tree(self, base_dir, files): if self.distribution.ssh_packaging: self.distribution.salt_ssh_packaging_file = PACKAGED_FOR_SALT_SSH_FILE self.run_command('write-salt-ssh-packaging-file') self.filelist.files.append(os.path.basename(PACKAGED_FOR_SALT_SSH_FILE)) sdist.make_release_tree(self, base_dir, files) # Let's generate salt/_version.py to include in the sdist tarball self.distribution.running_salt_sdist = True self.distribution.salt_version_hardcoded_path = os.path.join( base_dir, 'salt', '_version.py' ) self.run_command('write-salt-version') def make_distribution(self): sdist.make_distribution(self) if self.distribution.ssh_packaging: os.unlink(PACKAGED_FOR_SALT_SSH_FILE) class CloudSdist(Sdist): user_options = Sdist.user_options + [ ('download-bootstrap-script', None, 'Download the latest stable bootstrap-salt.sh script. This ' 'can also be triggered by having `DOWNLOAD_BOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT=1` as an ' 'environment variable.') ] boolean_options = Sdist.boolean_options + [ 'download-bootstrap-script' ] def initialize_options(self): Sdist.initialize_options(self) self.skip_bootstrap_download = True self.download_bootstrap_script = False def finalize_options(self): Sdist.finalize_options(self) if 'SKIP_BOOTSTRAP_DOWNLOAD' in os.environ: log('Please stop using \'SKIP_BOOTSTRAP_DOWNLOAD\' and use ' '\'DOWNLOAD_BOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT\' instead') if 'DOWNLOAD_BOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT' in os.environ: download_bootstrap_script = os.environ.get( 'DOWNLOAD_BOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT', '0' ) self.download_bootstrap_script = download_bootstrap_script == '1' def run(self): if self.download_bootstrap_script is True: # Let's update the bootstrap-script to the version defined to be # distributed. See BOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT_DISTRIBUTED_VERSION above. url = ( 'https://github.com/saltstack/salt-bootstrap/raw/{0}' '/bootstrap-salt.sh'.format( BOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT_DISTRIBUTED_VERSION ) ) deploy_path = os.path.join( SETUP_DIRNAME, 'salt', 'cloud', 'deploy', 'bootstrap-salt.sh' ) log.info( 'Updating bootstrap-salt.sh.' '\n\tSource: {0}' '\n\tDestination: {1}'.format( url, deploy_path ) ) try: import requests req = requests.get(url) if req.status_code == 200: script_contents = req.text.encode(req.encoding) else: log.error( 'Failed to update the bootstrap-salt.sh script. HTTP ' 'Error code: {0}'.format( req.status_code ) ) except ImportError: req = urllib2.urlopen(url) if req.getcode() == 200: script_contents = req.read() else: log.error( 'Failed to update the bootstrap-salt.sh script. HTTP ' 'Error code: {0}'.format( req.getcode() ) ) try: with open(deploy_path, 'w') as fp_: fp_.write(script_contents) except (OSError, IOError) as err: log.error( 'Failed to write the updated script: {0}'.format(err) ) # Let's the rest of the build command Sdist.run(self) def write_manifest(self): # We only need to ship the scripts which are supposed to be installed dist_scripts = self.distribution.scripts for script in self.filelist.files[:]: if not script.startswith('scripts/'): continue if script not in dist_scripts: self.filelist.files.remove(script) return Sdist.write_manifest(self) class TestCommand(Command): description = 'Run tests' user_options = [ ('runtests-opts=', 'R', 'Command line options to pass to runtests.py') ] def initialize_options(self): self.runtests_opts = None def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): from subprocess import Popen self.run_command('build') build_cmd = self.get_finalized_command('build_ext') runner = os.path.abspath('tests/runtests.py') test_cmd = sys.executable + ' {0}'.format(runner) if self.runtests_opts: test_cmd += ' {0}'.format(self.runtests_opts) print('running test') test_process = Popen( test_cmd, shell=True, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, cwd=build_cmd.build_lib ) test_process.communicate() sys.exit(test_process.returncode) class Clean(clean): def run(self): clean.run(self) # Let's clean compiled *.py[c,o] for subdir in ('salt', 'tests', 'doc'): root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), subdir) for dirname, _, _ in os.walk(root): for to_remove_filename in glob.glob('{0}/*.py[oc]'.format(dirname)): os.remove(to_remove_filename) INSTALL_VERSION_TEMPLATE = '''\ # This file was auto-generated by salt's setup on \ {date:%A, %d %B %Y @ %H:%m:%S UTC}. from salt.version import SaltStackVersion __saltstack_version__ = SaltStackVersion{full_version_info!r} ''' INSTALL_SYSPATHS_TEMPLATE = '''\ # This file was auto-generated by salt's setup on \ {date:%A, %d %B %Y @ %H:%m:%S UTC}. ROOT_DIR = {root_dir!r} CONFIG_DIR = {config_dir!r} CACHE_DIR = {cache_dir!r} SOCK_DIR = {sock_dir!r} SRV_ROOT_DIR= {srv_root_dir!r} BASE_FILE_ROOTS_DIR = {base_file_roots_dir!r} BASE_PILLAR_ROOTS_DIR = {base_pillar_roots_dir!r} BASE_MASTER_ROOTS_DIR = {base_master_roots_dir!r} LOGS_DIR = {logs_dir!r} PIDFILE_DIR = {pidfile_dir!r} ''' class Build(build): def run(self): # Run build.run function build.run(self) if getattr(self.distribution, 'running_salt_install', False): # If our install attribute is present and set to True, we'll go # ahead and write our install time python modules. # Write the hardcoded salt version module salt/_version.py self.run_command('write-salt-version') # Write the system paths file system_paths_file_path = os.path.join( self.build_lib, 'salt', '_syspaths.py' ) open(system_paths_file_path, 'w').write( INSTALL_SYSPATHS_TEMPLATE.format( date=datetime.utcnow(), root_dir=self.distribution.salt_root_dir, config_dir=self.distribution.salt_config_dir, cache_dir=self.distribution.salt_cache_dir, sock_dir=self.distribution.salt_sock_dir, srv_root_dir=self.distribution.salt_srv_root_dir, base_file_roots_dir=self.distribution.salt_base_file_roots_dir, base_pillar_roots_dir=self.distribution.salt_base_pillar_roots_dir, base_master_roots_dir=self.distribution.salt_base_master_roots_dir, logs_dir=self.distribution.salt_logs_dir, pidfile_dir=self.distribution.salt_pidfile_dir, ) ) class Install(install): user_options = install.user_options + [ ('salt-root-dir=', None, 'Salt\'s pre-configured root directory'), ('salt-config-dir=', None, 'Salt\'s pre-configured configuration directory'), ('salt-cache-dir=', None, 'Salt\'s pre-configured cache directory'), ('salt-sock-dir=', None, 'Salt\'s pre-configured socket directory'), ('salt-srv-root-dir=', None, 'Salt\'s pre-configured service directory'), ('salt-base-file-roots-dir=', None, 'Salt\'s pre-configured file roots directory'), ('salt-base-pillar-roots-dir=', None, 'Salt\'s pre-configured pillar roots directory'), ('salt-base-master-roots-dir=', None, 'Salt\'s pre-configured master roots directory'), ('salt-logs-dir=', None, 'Salt\'s pre-configured logs directory'), ('salt-pidfile-dir=', None, 'Salt\'s pre-configured pidfiles directory'), ] def initialize_options(self): install.initialize_options(self) # pylint: disable=undefined-variable self.salt_root_dir = ROOT_DIR self.salt_config_dir = CONFIG_DIR self.salt_cache_dir = CACHE_DIR self.salt_sock_dir = SOCK_DIR self.salt_srv_root_dir = SRV_ROOT_DIR self.salt_base_file_roots_dir = BASE_FILE_ROOTS_DIR self.salt_base_pillar_roots_dir = BASE_PILLAR_ROOTS_DIR self.salt_base_master_roots_dir = BASE_MASTER_ROOTS_DIR self.salt_logs_dir = LOGS_DIR self.salt_pidfile_dir = PIDFILE_DIR # pylint: enable=undefined-variable def finalize_options(self): install.finalize_options(self) for optname in ('root_dir', 'config_dir', 'cache_dir', 'sock_dir', 'srv_root_dir', 'base_file_roots_dir', 'base_pillar_roots_dir', 'base_master_roots_dir', 'logs_dir', 'pidfile_dir'): optvalue = getattr(self, 'salt_{0}'.format(optname)) if not optvalue: raise DistutilsArgError( 'The value of --salt-{0} needs a proper path value'.format( optname.replace('_', '-') ) ) setattr(self.distribution, 'salt_{0}'.format(optname), optvalue) def run(self): # Let's set the running_salt_install attribute so we can add # _version.py in the build command self.distribution.running_salt_install = True self.distribution.salt_version_hardcoded_path = os.path.join( self.build_lib, 'salt', '_version.py' ) # Run install.run install.run(self) class InstallLib(install_lib): def run(self): executables = [ 'salt/templates/git/ssh-id-wrapper', 'salt/templates/lxc/salt_tarball', ] install_lib.run(self) # input and outputs match 1-1 inp = self.get_inputs() out = self.get_outputs() chmod = [] for idx, inputfile in enumerate(inp): for executeable in executables: if inputfile.endswith(executeable): chmod.append(idx) for idx in chmod: filename = out[idx] os.chmod(filename, 0755) # <---- Custom Distutils/Setuptools Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if PACKAGED_FOR_SALT_SSH: NAME = 'salt-ssh' else: NAME = 'salt' VER = __version__ # pylint: disable=E0602 DESC = 'Portable, distributed, remote execution and configuration management system' SETUP_KWARGS = {'name': NAME, 'version': VER, 'description': DESC, 'author': 'Thomas S Hatch', 'author_email': 'thatch45@gmail.com', 'url': 'http://saltstack.org', 'cmdclass': { 'test': TestCommand, 'clean': Clean, 'build': Build, 'sdist': Sdist, 'install': Install, 'write-salt-version': WriteSaltVersion, 'write-salt-ssh-packaging-file': WriteSaltSshPackaingFile, }, 'classifiers': ['Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Cython', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Environment :: Console', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: Information Technology', 'Intended Audience :: System Administrators', ('License :: OSI Approved ::' ' Apache Software License'), 'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux', 'Topic :: System :: Clustering', 'Topic :: System :: Distributed Computing', ], 'packages': ['salt', 'salt.auth', 'salt.cli', 'salt.client', 'salt.client.raet', 'salt.client.ssh', 'salt.client.ssh.wrapper', 'salt.cloud', 'salt.cloud.clouds', 'salt.daemons', 'salt.daemons.flo', 'salt.ext', 'salt.fileserver', 'salt.grains', 'salt.log', 'salt.log.handlers', 'salt.modules', 'salt.netapi', 'salt.netapi.rest_cherrypy', 'salt.netapi.rest_cherrypy.tools', 'salt.netapi.rest_tornado', 'salt.output', 'salt.pillar', 'salt.proxy', 'salt.renderers', 'salt.returners', 'salt.roster', 'salt.runners', 'salt.search', 'salt.states', 'salt.tops', 'salt.templates', 'salt.transport', 'salt.utils', 'salt.utils.decorators', 'salt.utils.openstack', 'salt.utils.openstack.pyrax', 'salt.utils.validate', 'salt.utils.serializers', 'salt.wheel', ], 'package_data': {'salt.templates': [ 'rh_ip/*.jinja', 'debian_ip/*.jinja', 'virt/*.jinja', 'git/*', 'lxc/*', ], 'salt.daemons.flo': [ '*.flo' ] }, 'data_files': [('share/man/man1', ['doc/man/salt-cp.1', 'doc/man/salt-call.1', 'doc/man/salt-minion.1', 'doc/man/salt-run.1', 'doc/man/salt-ssh.1', 'doc/man/salt-syndic.1', 'doc/man/salt-unity.1']) return data_files @property def _property_install_requires(self): install_requires = _parse_requirements_file(SALT_REQS) if IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM: install_requires.append('WMI') if self.salt_transport == 'zeromq': install_requires += _parse_requirements_file(SALT_ZEROMQ_REQS) elif self.salt_transport == 'raet': install_requires += _parse_requirements_file(SALT_RAET_REQS) return install_requires @property def _property_extras_require(self): if self.ssh_packaging: return {} return {'RAET': _parse_requirements_file(SALT_RAET_REQS), 'Cloud': _parse_requirements_file(SALT_CLOUD_REQS)} @property def _property_scripts(self): # Scripts common to all scenarios scripts = ['scripts/salt-call'] if self.ssh_packaging or PACKAGED_FOR_SALT_SSH: scripts.append('scripts/salt-ssh') if IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM: return scripts scripts.extend(['scripts/salt-cloud', 'scripts/salt-run']) return scripts if IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM: scripts.extend(['scripts/salt-cp', 'scripts/salt-minion', 'scripts/salt-unity']) return scripts # *nix, so, we need all scripts scripts.extend(['scripts/salt', 'scripts/salt-api', 'scripts/salt-cloud', 'scripts/salt-cp', 'scripts/salt-key', 'scripts/salt-master', 'scripts/salt-minion', 'scripts/salt-run', 'scripts/salt-ssh', 'scripts/salt-syndic', 'scripts/salt-unity']) return scripts # We don't actually need to set the console_scripts entry point since the # packaged scripts with do the same work #@property #def _property_entry_points(self): # return {} # # console scripts common to all scenarios # scripts = ['salt-call = salt.scripts:salt_call'] # if self.ssh_packaging or PACKAGED_FOR_SALT_SSH: # scripts.append('salt-ssh = salt.scripts:salt_ssh') # if IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM: # return {'console_scripts': scripts} # scripts.extend(['salt-cloud = salt.scripts:salt_cloud', # 'salt-run = salt.scripts:salt_run']) # return {'console_scripts': scripts} # # if IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM: # scripts.extend(['salt-cp = salt.scripts:salt_cp' # 'salt-minion = salt.scripts:salt_minion', # 'salt-unity = salt.scripts:salt_unity']) # return {'console_scripts': scripts} # # # *nix, so, we need all scripts # scripts.extend(['salt = salt.scripts:salt_main', # 'salt-api = salt.scripts:salt_api', # 'salt-cloud = salt.scripts:salt_cloud', # 'salt-cp = salt.scripts:salt_cp', # 'salt-key = salt.scripts:salt_key', # 'salt-master = salt.scripts:salt_master', # 'salt-minion = salt.scripts:salt_minion', # 'salt-run = salt.scripts:salt_run', # 'salt-ssh = salt.scripts:salt_ssh', # 'salt-syndic = salt.scripts:salt_syndic', # 'salt-unity = salt.scripts:salt_unity']) # return {'console_scripts': scripts} # <---- Dynamic Data --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----- Esky Setup ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> def setup_esky(self): opt_dict = self.get_option_dict('bdist_esky') opt_dict['freezer_module'] = ('setup script', 'bbfreeze') opt_dict['freezer_options'] = ('setup script', {'includes': self.get_esky_freezer_includes()}) @property def _property_freezer_options(self): return {'includes': self.get_esky_freezer_includes()} def get_esky_freezer_includes(self): # Sometimes the auto module traversal doesn't find everything, so we # explicitly add it. The auto dependency tracking especially does not work for # imports occurring in salt.modules, as they are loaded at salt runtime. # Specifying includes that don't exist doesn't appear to cause a freezing # error. freezer_includes = [ 'zmq.core.*', 'zmq.utils.*', 'ast', 'difflib', 'distutils', 'distutils.version', 'numbers', 'json', 'M2Crypto', 'Cookie', 'asyncore', 'fileinput', 'sqlite3', 'email', 'email.mime.*', 'requests', 'sqlite3', ] if HAS_ZMQ and hasattr(zmq, 'pyzmq_version_info'): if HAS_ZMQ and zmq.pyzmq_version_info() >= (0, 14): # We're freezing, and when freezing ZMQ needs to be installed, so this # works fine if 'zmq.core.*' in freezer_includes: # For PyZMQ >= 0.14, freezing does not need 'zmq.core.*' freezer_includes.remove('zmq.core.*') if IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM: freezer_includes.extend([ 'win32api', 'win32file', 'win32con', 'win32com', 'win32net', 'win32netcon', 'win32gui', 'win32security', 'ntsecuritycon', 'pywintypes', 'pythoncom', '_winreg', 'wmi', 'site', 'psutil', ]) elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): freezer_includes.append('spwd') try: import yum # pylint: disable=unused-variable freezer_includes.append('yum') except ImportError: pass elif sys.platform.startswith('sunos'): # (The sledgehammer approach) # Just try to include everything # (This may be a better way to generate freezer_includes generally) try: from bbfreeze.modulegraph.modulegraph import ModuleGraph mgraph = ModuleGraph(sys.path[:]) for arg in glob.glob('salt/modules/*.py'): mgraph.run_script(arg) for mod in mgraph.flatten(): if type(mod).__name__ != 'Script' and mod.filename: freezer_includes.append(str(os.path.basename(mod.identifier))) except ImportError: pass # Include C extension that convinces esky to package up the libsodium C library # This is needed for ctypes to find it in libnacl which is in turn needed for raet # see pkg/smartos/esky/sodium_grabber{.c,_installer.py} freezer_includes.extend([ 'sodium_grabber', 'ioflo', 'raet', 'libnacl', ]) return freezer_includes # <---- Esky Setup ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----- Overridden Methods --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> def parse_command_line(self): args = distutils.dist.Distribution.parse_command_line(self) # Setup our property functions after class initialization and # after parsing the command line since most are set to None for funcname in dir(self): if not funcname.startswith('_property_'): continue property_name = funcname.split('_property_', 1)[-1] setattr(self, property_name, getattr(self, funcname)) if not self.ssh_packaging and PACKAGED_FOR_SALT_SSH: self.ssh_packaging = 1 if self.ssh_packaging: self.metadata.name = 'salt-ssh' self.salt_transport = 'ssh' elif self.salt_transport is None: self.salt_transport = 'zeromq' if self.salt_transport not in ('zeromq', 'raet', 'both', 'ssh', 'none'): raise DistutilsArgError( 'The value of --salt-transport needs be \'zeromq\', ' '\'raet\', \'both\', \'ssh\' or \'none\' not {0!r}'.format( self.salt_transport ) ) return args # <---- Overridden Methods --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <---- Custom Distribution Class ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == '__main__': setup(distclass=SaltDistribution)