apache-libcloud==2.0.0 boto3 boto>=2.46.0 certifi cffi cherrypy==17.3.0 croniter>=0.3.0,!=0.3.22 dnspython docker futures>=2.0; python_version < '3.0' GitPython hgtools jsonschema junos-eznc jxmlease kazoo keyring==5.7.1 kubernetes<4.0 mock>=3.0.5; python_version < '3.6' more-itertools==5.0.0 moto paramiko>=2.1.6 psutil # Let's install pycryptodome instead of pycrypto because of pycrypto's outstanding security issues # PyCrypto, if pulled, will be removed from the generated static requirements pycryptodome pygit2 pyinotify pyopenssl python-etcd>0.4.2 python-gnupg pyvmomi requests rfc3987 salttesting==2017.6.1 setproctitle setuptools-scm strict_rfc3339 supervisor==3.3.5; python_version < '3' timelib tornado<5.0 virtualenv watchdog