# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' :codeauthor: :email:`Jayesh Kariya ` ''' # Import Python libs from __future__ import absolute_import # Import Salt Testing Libs from salttesting import skipIf, TestCase from salttesting.mock import ( NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON, MagicMock, patch) from salttesting.helpers import ensure_in_syspath ensure_in_syspath('../../') # Import Salt Libs from salt.states import glusterfs from tests.unit.modules.glusterfs_test import GlusterResults import salt.modules.glusterfs as mod_glusterfs import salt.utils.cloud import salt.modules.glusterfs as mod_glusterfs glusterfs.__salt__ = {'glusterfs.peer': mod_glusterfs.peer} glusterfs.__opts__ = {} @skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) class GlusterfsTestCase(TestCase): ''' Test cases for salt.states.glusterfs ''' # 'peered' function tests: 1 def test_peered(self): ''' Test to verify if node is peered. ''' name = 'server1' other_name = 'server1' ret = {'name': name, 'result': True, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}} # probe new peer server2 under gluster 3.4.x comt = ('Peer {0} added successfully.'.format(name)) ret.update({'comment': comt, 'result': True, 'changes': {'new': {name: []}, 'old': {}}}) mock_xml = MagicMock( return_value=GlusterResults.v34.peer_probe.success_other) with patch.dict('salt.modules.glusterfs.__salt__', {'cmd.run': mock_xml}): mock = MagicMock(side_effect=[{}, {name: []}]) with patch.dict(glusterfs.__salt__, {'glusterfs.list_peers': mock}): self.assertDictEqual(glusterfs.peered(name), ret) # probe new peer server2 under gluster 3.7.x mock_xml = MagicMock( return_value=GlusterResults.v37.peer_probe.success_other) with patch.dict('salt.modules.glusterfs.__salt__', {'cmd.run': mock_xml}): mock = MagicMock(side_effect=[{}, {name: []}]) with patch.dict(glusterfs.__salt__, {'glusterfs.list_peers': mock}): self.assertDictEqual(glusterfs.peered(name), ret) # probe already existing server2 under gluster 3.4.x comt = ('Host {0} already peered'.format(name)) ret.update({'comment': comt, 'changes': {}}) mock_xml = MagicMock( return_value=GlusterResults.v34.peer_probe.success_already_peer['hostname']) with patch.dict('salt.modules.glusterfs.__salt__', {'cmd.run': mock_xml}): mock = MagicMock(side_effect=[{name: []}, {name: []}]) with patch.dict(glusterfs.__salt__, {'glusterfs.list_peers': mock}): self.assertDictEqual(glusterfs.peered(name), ret) # probe already existing server2 under gluster 3.7.x mock_xml = MagicMock( return_value=GlusterResults.v37.peer_probe.success_already_peer['hostname']) with patch.dict('salt.modules.glusterfs.__salt__', {'cmd.run': mock_xml}): mock = MagicMock(side_effect=[{name: []}, {name: []}]) with patch.dict(glusterfs.__salt__, {'glusterfs.list_peers': mock}): self.assertDictEqual(glusterfs.peered(name), ret) # Issue 30932: Peering an existing server by IP fails with gluster 3.7+ # # server2 was probed by address, Under 3.4, server1 would be # known as but starting with 3.7, its hostname of server1 would be # known instead. Subsequent probing of server1 by server2 used to result in # "success_already_peer" but now it should succeed in adding an alternate # hostname entry. name = 'server1' ip = '' comt = ('Host {0} already peered'.format(ip)) ret.update({'name': ip, 'comment': comt, 'changes': {}}) mock_xml = MagicMock( return_value=GlusterResults.v34.peer_probe.success_first_ip_from_second_first_time) with patch.dict('salt.modules.glusterfs.__salt__', {'cmd.run': mock_xml}): mock = MagicMock(side_effect=[{ip: []}, {ip: []}]) with patch.dict(glusterfs.__salt__, {'glusterfs.list_peers': mock}): self.assertDictEqual(glusterfs.peered(ip), ret) comt = ('Peer {0} added successfully.'.format(ip)) ret.update({'name': ip, 'comment': comt, 'changes': { 'old': {name: []}, 'new': {name: [ip]}}}) mock_xml = MagicMock( return_value=GlusterResults.v37.peer_probe.success_first_ip_from_second_first_time) with patch.dict('salt.modules.glusterfs.__salt__', {'cmd.run': mock_xml}): mock = MagicMock(side_effect=[{name: []}, {name: [ip]}]) with patch.dict(glusterfs.__salt__, {'glusterfs.list_peers': mock}): self.assertDictEqual(glusterfs.peered(ip), ret) comt = ('Host {0} already peered'.format(ip)) ret.update({'name': ip, 'comment': comt, 'changes': {}}) mock_xml = MagicMock( return_value=GlusterResults.v37.peer_probe.success_first_ip_from_second_second_time) with patch.dict('salt.modules.glusterfs.__salt__', {'cmd.run': mock_xml}): mock = MagicMock(side_effect=[{name: [ip]}, {name: [ip]}]) with patch.dict(glusterfs.__salt__, {'glusterfs.list_peers': mock}): self.assertDictEqual(glusterfs.peered(ip), ret) # test for invalid characters comt = ('Invalid characters in peer name.') ret.update({'name': '#badhostname', 'comment': comt, 'result': False}) self.assertDictEqual(glusterfs.peered('#badhostname'), ret) # 'created' function tests: 1 def test_created(self): ''' Test to check if volume already exists ''' name = 'salt' bricks = {'host1': '/srv/gluster/drive1', 'host2': '/srv/gluster/drive2'} ret = {'name': name, 'result': True, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}} mock = MagicMock(side_effect=[[name], [], [], [], [name]]) mock_lst = MagicMock(return_value=[]) with patch.dict(glusterfs.__salt__, {'glusterfs.list_volumes': mock, 'glusterfs.create': mock_lst}): comt = ('Volume {0} already exists.'.format(name)) ret.update({'comment': comt}) self.assertDictEqual(glusterfs.created(name, bricks), ret) with patch.dict(glusterfs.__opts__, {'test': True}): comt = ('Volume {0} will be created'.format(name)) ret.update({'comment': comt, 'result': None}) self.assertDictEqual(glusterfs.created(name, bricks), ret) with patch.dict(glusterfs.__opts__, {'test': False}): with patch.object(salt.utils.cloud, 'check_name', MagicMock(return_value=True)): comt = ('Invalid characters in volume name.') ret.update({'comment': comt, 'result': False}) self.assertDictEqual(glusterfs.created(name, bricks), ret) comt = ('Host {0} already peered'.format(name)) ret.update({'comment': [], 'result': True, 'changes': {'new': ['salt'], 'old': []}}) self.assertDictEqual(glusterfs.created(name, bricks), ret) # 'started' function tests: 1 def test_started(self): ''' Test to check if volume has been started ''' name = 'salt' ret = {'name': name, 'result': False, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}} mock = MagicMock(side_effect=[[], [name], [name], [name]]) mock_t = MagicMock(return_value='started') mock_dict = MagicMock(side_effect=[{}, '', '']) with patch.dict(glusterfs.__salt__, {'glusterfs.list_volumes': mock, 'glusterfs.status': mock_dict, 'glusterfs.start_volume': mock_t}): comt = ('Volume {0} does not exist'.format(name)) ret.update({'comment': comt}) self.assertDictEqual(glusterfs.started(name), ret) comt = ('Volume {0} is already started'.format(name)) ret.update({'comment': comt, 'result': True}) self.assertDictEqual(glusterfs.started(name), ret) with patch.dict(glusterfs.__opts__, {'test': True}): comt = ('Volume {0} will be started'.format(name)) ret.update({'comment': comt, 'result': None}) self.assertDictEqual(glusterfs.started(name), ret) with patch.dict(glusterfs.__opts__, {'test': False}): ret.update({'comment': 'started', 'result': True, 'change': {'new': 'started', 'old': 'stopped'}}) self.assertDictEqual(glusterfs.started(name), ret) # 'add_volume_bricks' function tests: 1 def test_add_volume_bricks(self): ''' Test to add brick(s) to an existing volume ''' name = 'salt' bricks = {'bricks': {'host1': '/srv/gluster/drive1'}} ret = {'name': name, 'result': False, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}} mock = MagicMock(side_effect=['does not exist', 'is not started', bricks, bricks, bricks, '']) mock_t = MagicMock(side_effect=['bricks successfully added', 'Bricks already in volume', '']) with patch.dict(glusterfs.__salt__, {'glusterfs.status': mock, 'glusterfs.add_volume_bricks': mock_t}): ret.update({'comment': 'does not exist'}) self.assertDictEqual( glusterfs.add_volume_bricks(name, bricks), ret) ret.update({'comment': 'is not started'}) self.assertDictEqual( glusterfs.add_volume_bricks(name, bricks), ret) ret.update({'comment': 'bricks successfully added', 'result': True, 'changes': {'new': ['host1'], 'old': ['host1']}}) self.assertDictEqual( glusterfs.add_volume_bricks(name, bricks), ret) ret.update({'comment': 'Bricks already in volume', 'changes': {}}) self.assertDictEqual( glusterfs.add_volume_bricks(name, bricks), ret) ret.update({'comment': '', 'result': False}) self.assertDictEqual( glusterfs.add_volume_bricks(name, bricks), ret) if __name__ == '__main__': from integration import run_tests run_tests(GlusterfsTestCase, needs_daemon=False)