@Library('salt@master-1.3') _ // Define the maximum time, in hours, that a test run should run for def testrun_timeout = 6 // Now define a global pipeline timeout. This is the test run timeout with one(1) additional // hour to allow for artifacts to be downloaded, if possible. def global_timeout = testrun_timeout + 1; def distro_name = 'macosx' def distro_version = 'sierra' def python_version = 'py3' def nox_env_name = 'runtests-zeromq' def golden_images_branch = 'master' def nox_passthrough_opts = '' def concurrent_builds = 1 def jenkins_slave_label = 'kitchen-slave-mac' properties([ buildDiscarder(logRotator(artifactDaysToKeepStr: '', artifactNumToKeepStr: '', daysToKeepStr: '', numToKeepStr: '30')), parameters([ booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: 'Run full test suite', name: 'runFull') ]) ]) // Only set milestones on PR builds if (env.CHANGE_ID) { // Be sure to cancel any previously running builds def buildNumber = env.BUILD_NUMBER as int if (buildNumber > concurrent_builds) { // This will cancel the previous build which also defined a matching milestone milestone(buildNumber - concurrent_builds) } // Define a milestone for this build so that, if another build starts, this one will be aborted milestone(buildNumber) } wrappedNode(jenkins_slave_label, global_timeout, '#jenkins-prod-pr') { withEnv([ 'SALT_KITCHEN_PLATFORMS=/var/jenkins/workspace/platforms.yml', 'SALT_KITCHEN_VERIFIER=/var/jenkins/workspace/verifier.yml', 'SALT_KITCHEN_DRIVER=/var/jenkins/workspace/driver.yml', "NOX_ENV_NAME=${nox_env_name}", 'NOX_ENABLE_FROM_FILENAMES=true', "NOX_PASSTHROUGH_OPTS=${nox_passthrough_opts}", "GOLDEN_IMAGES_CI_BRANCH=${golden_images_branch}", "PATH=/Users/parallels/.rbenv/shims:/Users/parallels/.rbenv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/salt/bin:/usr/local/sbin", 'RBENV_VERSION=2.6.3', "TEST_SUITE=${python_version}", "TEST_PLATFORM=${distro_name}-${distro_version}", "FORCE_FULL=${params.runFull}", ]) { stage('VM Cleanup') { sh ''' for i in `prlctl list -aij|jq -r '.[]|select((.Uptime|tonumber > 86400) and (.State == "running"))|.ID'` do prlctl stop $i --kill done # don't delete vm's that haven't started yet ((.State == "stopped") and (.Uptime == "0")) for i in `prlctl list -aij|jq -r '.[]|select((.Uptime|tonumber > 0) and (.State != "running"))|.ID'` do prlctl delete $i done ''' } // Checkout the repo stage('Clone') { cleanWs notFailBuild: true checkout scm } // Setup the kitchen required bundle stage('Setup') { sh 'bundle install --with vagrant macos --without ec2 windows opennebula docker' } stage('Create VM') { sh ''' bundle exec kitchen create $TEST_SUITE-$TEST_PLATFORM; echo "ExitCode: $?"; ''' sh """ if [ -s ".kitchen/logs/${python_version}-${distro_name}-${distro_version}.log" ]; then mv ".kitchen/logs/${python_version}-${distro_name}-${distro_version}.log" ".kitchen/logs/${python_version}-${distro_name}-${distro_version}-create.log" fi if [ -s ".kitchen/logs/kitchen.log" ]; then mv ".kitchen/logs/kitchen.log" ".kitchen/logs/kitchen-create.log" fi """ } try { timeout(time: testrun_timeout, unit: 'HOURS') { stage('Converge VM') { sh ''' ssh-agent /bin/bash -c 'ssh-add ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key; bundle exec kitchen converge $TEST_SUITE-$TEST_PLATFORM; echo "ExitCode: $?"' ''' sh """ if [ -s ".kitchen/logs/${python_version}-${distro_name}-${distro_version}.log" ]; then mv ".kitchen/logs/${python_version}-${distro_name}-${distro_version}.log" ".kitchen/logs/${python_version}-${distro_name}-${distro_version}-converge.log" fi if [ -s ".kitchen/logs/kitchen.log" ]; then mv ".kitchen/logs/kitchen.log" ".kitchen/logs/kitchen-converge.log" fi """ } stage('Run Tests') { sh 'bundle exec kitchen verify $TEST_SUITE-$TEST_PLATFORM; echo "ExitCode: $?";' } } } finally { try { sh """ if [ -s ".kitchen/logs/${python_version}-${distro_name}-${distro_version}.log" ]; then mv ".kitchen/logs/${python_version}-${distro_name}-${distro_version}.log" ".kitchen/logs/${python_version}-${distro_name}-${distro_version}-verify.log" fi if [ -s ".kitchen/logs/kitchen.log" ]; then mv ".kitchen/logs/kitchen.log" ".kitchen/logs/kitchen-verify.log" fi """ archiveArtifacts( artifacts: "artifacts/*,artifacts/**/*,.kitchen/logs/*-create.log,.kitchen/logs/*-converge.log,.kitchen/logs/*-verify.log,.kitchen/logs/*-download.log,artifacts/xml-unittests-output/*.xml", allowEmptyArchive: true ) junit 'artifacts/xml-unittests-output/*.xml' } finally { stage('Cleanup') { sh ''' bundle exec kitchen destroy $TEST_SUITE-$TEST_PLATFORM; echo "ExitCode: $?"; ''' } stage('Upload Coverage') { def distro_strings = [ distro_name, distro_version ] def report_strings = ( [python_version] + nox_env_name.split('-') ).flatten() uploadCodeCoverage( report_path: 'artifacts/coverage/coverage.xml', report_name: "${distro_strings.join('-')}-${report_strings.join('-')}", report_flags: ([distro_strings.join('')] + report_strings).flatten() ) } } } } } // vim: ft=groovy