Due to the many merge conflicts created from #47106 against the 2017.7 branch
and #46002 against the 2018.3 branch, the changes from #47106 have been largely
removed from this merge forward and the HEAD of 2018.3 was taken.
A separate fix for Tornado 5.0 support will need to be made directly against the
2018.3 branch.
- doc/topics/development/conventions/formulas.rst
- salt/master.py
- salt/minion.py
- salt/netapi/rest_tornado/saltnado.py
- salt/states/zfs.py
- salt/transport/ipc.py
- salt/transport/tcp.py
- salt/transport/zeromq.py
- salt/utils/async.py
- tests/support/helpers.py
- tests/support/parser/cover.py
- tests/unit/grains/test_core.py
- tests/unit/modules/test_ssh.py
- tests/unit/test_minion.py
- tests/unit/utils/test_safe_walk.py