We now support runtime created files that can be used like `salt://my-temp-file.txt`.
Just make sure you write them to `os.path.join(integration.TMP_STATE_TREE, 'my-temp-file.txt')`.
The methods `assertSaltTrueReturn`, `assertSaltFalseReturn` and `assertSaltNoneReturn` now reuse the code from `__getWithinSaltReturn` making `__assertReturn` obsolete and for that removed.
* Created a method which gets a deep keyed value in a salt state return. For example, allow getting, `ret['changes']['new']`.
* Created a method which tries to make sure the correct type of the passed keys for the above added method.
* Also added were the methods, `assertInSaltReturn`, `assertNotInSaltReturn`, `assertInSaltReturnRegexpMatches`, which simplified the existing `assertInSaltComment`, `assertNotInSaltComment`, `assertSaltCommentRegexpMatches`, `assertSaltStateChangesEqual` and `assertSaltStateChangesNotEqual`, also allowing to do similar tests in every key(deep or not) of a salt state return dictionary.
* Two new methods were added to `SaltReturnAssertsMixIn`, `SaltReturnAssertsMixIn.assertSaltStateChangesEqual()` and `SaltReturnAssertsMixIn.assertSaltStateChangesNotEqual()`, in order to be able to test salt state returns. These methods, besides asserting that the state was correctly applied using `SaltReturnAssertsMixIn.assertSaltTrueReturn()`, are also able to test for what's in the `changes` key of salt's return, it can even "go inside" the `changes` dictionary, just have a look at what was done in `tests.integration.states.ssh`.
* Added `assertReturnSaltType` which is dictionary for non errors.
* Added `assertReturnNonEmptySaltType` which does the above and makes sure it's not empty.
* Fix `tests.integration.states.user.UserTest` which was using wrongly using `assertSaltTrueReturn` on 'user.info' calls.
* The `RedirectStdStreams` tests helper will allow to temporarily catch `stdout` and `stderr` output. Right now it's only used to **mute** the `tests.integration.runners.jobs.ManageTest.test_active()` output.
* Implement `SaltReturnAssertsMixIn.assertSaltNoneReturn` used in `tests.integration.states.cmd`.
* Migrate `tests.integration.states.cmd` to use `SaltReturnAssertsMixIn`.
* Do proper type checking for salt calls, ie, a dict should be returned, if not, it's a failure, usually errors come as lists, show that to the user.
* Iterate through the salt call parts to make sure result is true, and if not, fail showing the part comment.
* Created a mix which tests for the required assertion(True/False) and in case of a failure, shows salt comment kwarg in the raised assertion error so we know what was the original(salt's) failure.
* We basically copied subprocess from python 2.7 and import that one instead of the python 2.6 subprocess to run the tests. Since we import it under a different name, there should be no issues with the remaining of salt's source importing the regular subprocess module.
* Only instantiate a `LocalClient` on a test if one is required.
* Try to precipitate garbage collection on our minions connect and sync multi-processes.
* Raised max open files by 1024 since running in a vagrant machine 2048 was not enough, though, I think travis-ci defaults to a higher value.
* Wait a bit longer on the events testing.
* Separated the initial minions connected and minions synced into two different events and functions. Also corrected the `if` expected value when a timeout occurs.
While running the tests within a VirtualBox(vagrant) machine, if the salt source is mounted using shared folders, any tests involving hard links WILL fail. Any tests involving symlinks, can be made to work by setting some properties on the VirtualBox shared folder. By moving the tests `tmp` directory to `tempfile.gettempdir()` we avoid this false test case errors.
The generation of keys does not involve all the checks required to accept/deny/list keys. This code change allows:
* regular users to generate keys
* `/etc/salt` and `/var/log/salt` not to exist or not to be readable by the current user
It also does not check for a running master. We have now lowered the requirements to run this script just for generating keys.
* Test both master and minion events firing
* Allow targeting the minions in `tests.integration.ModuleCase.run_function()`
* The above item allows to also test events firing using `tcp` as `ipc_mode` which is being used by the tests `sub_minion`
* `salt-call` default outputter returned from `salt.output.get_printout()` was `None` and `None` isn't callable neither outputs anything useful. In this case, the fault Outputter should be used.
* `get_printout()` also tested for `txt_out` which now is, in the cleaned up parsers, `text_out`. Fixed.
Reused the output options and logging setup mix-ins.
Fixed a bug introduced in previous commit on `salt.utils.parsers.SaltCPOptionParser._mixin_after_parsed()`, function does not accept any arguments.
For this, the timeout mix-in and both the target and output parser group mix-ins were re-used. Way less code and logic to keep track of.
Added a simple test for this binary too.
* Created 2 mix-ins as option groups, the output options and the target options. This will allow adding some explanatory text besides separating these options from the parser's main options.
* All options on the parser, including the grouped options are now merged to the loaded configuration which will latter get passed on.
* Also created the timeout mix-in which will be used in other binaries.
While performing integration tests, the "mockbin" directory is
inserted in the beginning of the $PATH environment variable.
This effectively means that every file placed in this directory will be
executed instead of real one from the system, which opens up the
opportunity to write more complex integration tests.
At the time the only wrapper for "su" command (used in "cmdmod") is
placed there.
Defined "integration.run_tests()" function which can be used to execute
a particular integration test case. Existing bolerplate code in modules
and states tests is replaced with following lines:
if __name__ == '__main__':
from integration import run_tests
Typical usecase could look like this:
python integration/modules/pip.py --no-clean -vv
--no-clean option speeds up repeating test execution by skipping the cleanup
process before and after testing.
Typical use case command could look like
./runtests.py -vv --no-clean --name integration.modules.ssh
Integration tests requiring a salt master and daemon were seperated
from pure unit tests. For now both are run with runtest.py. In
the future it could take arguments for which type of tests to run.