Upgrade dependencies where available
- libsodium to 1.0.15
- OpenSSL to 1.0.2n
- Python to 2.7.14
- apache-libcloud to 2.2.1
- cffi to 1.11.2
- CherryPy to 13.0.0
- GitPython to 2.1.7
- idna to 2.6
- Jinja2 to 2.9.6
- pyasn1 to 0.4.2
- pyzmq to 17.0.0b3
- requests to 2.18.4
- six to 1.11.0
- tornado to 4.5.2
- cryptography to 2.1.4
- pyOpenSSL to 17.5.0
Update shasums for downloaded updates
Make the scripts self sudo themselves
Since we're forcing the script to run as sudo, remove individual sudo
Move /opt/salt into variable $INSTALL_DIR in the build_env script
- gdbm
- gnu-readline
- libgit2
- pygit2
- cmake (used to compile libgit2)
Removed traces of pkg-congig after build
Updated license to say it was built using pkg-config
Updated openssl to 1.0.2f