Add communities to win_snmp

This commit is contained in:
Morrie Winnett 2016-05-17 14:20:21 -07:00
parent 4eb272da3c
commit f4407f8e77
2 changed files with 197 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -16,7 +16,10 @@ import salt.utils
_SNMP_KEY = r'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SNMP\Parameters'
_AGENT_KEY = r'{0}\RFC1156Agent'.format(_SNMP_KEY)
_COMMUNITIES_KEY = r'{0}\ValidCommunities'.format(_SNMP_KEY)
_PERMISSION_TYPES = {'None': 1, 'Notify': 2, 'Read Only': 4, 'Read Write': 8,
'Read Create': 16}
_SERVICE_TYPES = {'None': 0, 'Physical': 1, 'Datalink and subnetwork': 2, 'Internet': 4,
'End-to-end': 8, 'Applications': 64}
@ -51,6 +54,22 @@ def get_agent_service_types():
return _SERVICE_TYPES.keys()
def get_permission_types():
Get the permission types that can be configured for communities.
:return: A list of the permission types.
:rtype: list
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_snmp.get_permission_types
return _PERMISSION_TYPES.keys()
def get_agent_settings():
Determine the value of the SNMP sysContact, sysLocation, and sysServices settings.
@ -212,3 +231,104 @@ def set_auth_traps_enabled(status=True):
return True
_LOG.error('Unable to configure %s with value: %s', vname, vdata)
return False
def get_community_names():
Get the current accepted SNMP community names and their permissions.
:return: A dictionary of community names and permissions.
:rtype: dict
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_snmp.get_community_names
ret = dict()
current_values = __salt__['reg.list_values'](_HKEY, _COMMUNITIES_KEY, include_default=False)
# The communities are stored as the community name with a numeric permission value. Convert
# the numeric value to the text equivalent, as present in the Windows SNMP service GUI.
for current_value in current_values:
permissions = str()
for permission_name in _PERMISSION_TYPES:
if current_value['vdata'] == _PERMISSION_TYPES[permission_name]:
permissions = permission_name
ret[current_value['vname']] = permissions
if not ret:
_LOG.debug('Unable to find existing communities.')
return ret
def set_community_names(communities):
Manage the SNMP accepted community names and their permissions.
:param str communities: A dictionary of SNMP community names and permissions.
The possible permissions can be found via win_snmp.get_permission_types.
:return: A boolean representing whether the change succeeded.
:rtype: bool
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_snmp.set_community_names communities="{'TestCommunity': 'Read Only'}'
values = dict()
current_communities = get_community_names()
if communities == current_communities:
_LOG.debug('Communities already contain the provided values.')
return True
for vname in communities:
if not communities[vname]:
communities[vname] = 'None'
vdata = _PERMISSION_TYPES[communities[vname]]
except KeyError:
message = ("Invalid permission '{0}' specified. Valid permissions:"
' {1}').format(communities[vname], _PERMISSION_TYPES.keys())
raise SaltInvocationError(message)
values[vname] = vdata
# Check current communities.
for current_vname in current_communities:
if current_vname in values:
# Modify existing communities that have a different permission value.
if current_communities[current_vname] != values[current_vname]:
__salt__['reg.set_value'](_HKEY, _COMMUNITIES_KEY, current_vname, values[current_vname], 'REG_DWORD')
# Remove current communities that weren't provided.
__salt__['reg.delete_value'](_HKEY, _COMMUNITIES_KEY, current_vname)
# Create any new communities.
for vname in values:
if vname not in current_communities:
__salt__['reg.set_value'](_HKEY, _COMMUNITIES_KEY, vname, values[vname], 'REG_DWORD')
# Get the fields post-change so that we can verify tht all values
# were modified successfully. Track the ones that weren't.
new_communities = get_community_names()
failed_communities = dict()
for new_vname in new_communities:
if new_vname not in communities:
failed_communities[new_vname] = None
for vname in communities:
if communities[vname] != new_communities[vname]:
failed_communities[vname] = communities[vname]
if failed_communities:
_LOG.error('Unable to configure communities: %s', failed_communities)
return False
_LOG.debug('Communities configured successfully: %s', communities.keys())
return True

View File

@ -30,9 +30,8 @@ def agent_settings(name, contact, location, services=None):
'comment': str(),
'result': None}
ret_settings = dict()
ret_settings['changes'] = {}
ret_settings['failures'] = {}
ret_settings = {'changes': dict(),
'failures': dict()}
if not services:
services = ['None']
@ -105,3 +104,78 @@ def auth_traps_enabled(name, status=True):
ret['result'] = __salt__['win_snmp.set_auth_traps_enabled'](status=status)
return ret
def community_names(name, communities=None):
Manage the SNMP accepted community names and their permissions.
:param str communities: A dictionary of SNMP communities and permissions.
ret = {'name': name,
'changes': dict(),
'comment': str(),
'result': None}
ret_communities = {'changes': dict(),
'failures': dict()}
if not communities:
communities = dict()
current_communities = __salt__['win_snmp.get_community_names']()
# Note any existing communities that should be removed.
for current_vname in current_communities:
if current_vname not in communities:
ret_communities['changes'][current_vname] = {'old': current_communities[current_vname],
'new': None}
# Note any new communities or existing communities that should be changed.
for vname in communities:
current_vdata = None
if vname in current_communities:
current_vdata = current_communities[vname]
if communities[vname] != current_vdata:
ret_communities['changes'][vname] = {'old': current_vdata,
'new': communities[vname]}
if not ret_communities['changes']:
ret['comment'] = 'Communities already contain the provided values.'
ret['result'] = True
return ret
elif __opts__['test']:
ret['comment'] = 'Communities will be changed.'
ret['changes'] = ret_communities
return ret
new_communities = __salt__['win_snmp.get_community_names']()
# Verify that any communities that needed to be removed were removed.
for new_vname in new_communities:
if new_vname not in communities:
ret_communities['failures'][new_vname] = {'old': current_communities[new_vname],
'new': new_communities[new_vname]}
ret_communities['changes'].pop(new_vname, None)
# Verify that any new communities or existing communities that
# needed to be changed were changed.
for vname in communities:
new_vdata = None
if vname in new_communities:
new_vdata = new_communities[vname]
if communities[vname] != new_vdata:
ret_communities['failures'][vname] = {'old': current_communities[vname],
'new': new_vdata}
ret_communities['changes'].pop(vname, None)
if ret_communities['failures']:
ret['comment'] = 'Some communities failed to change.'
ret['changes'] = ret_communities
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = 'Set communities to contain the provided values.'
ret['changes'] = ret_communities['changes']
ret['result'] = True
return ret