mirror of
synced 2024-11-08 09:23:56 +00:00
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ def version():
Displays the current version of pkg
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.version
@ -55,15 +56,16 @@ def version():
return __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd)
def available_version(name):
def available_version(pkg_name):
The available version of the package in the repository
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.available_version <package name>
cmd = 'pkg info {0}'.format(name)
cmd = 'pkg info {0}'.format(pkg_name)
out = __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd).split()
return out[0]
@ -75,6 +77,7 @@ def update_package_site(new_url):
Must be using http://, ftp://, or https// protos
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.update_package_site
config_file = parse_config()['config_file']
@ -86,15 +89,38 @@ def update_package_site(new_url):
return True
def stats():
def stats(local=False, remote=False):
Return pkgng stats.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.stats
Display stats only for the local package database.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.stats local=True
Display stats only for the remote package database(s).
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.stats remote=True
cmd = 'pkg stats'
opts = ''
if local:
opts += 'l'
if remote:
opts += 'r'
if opts:
opts = '-' + opts
cmd = 'pkg stats {0}'.format(opts)
res = __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd)
res = [x.strip("\t") for x in res.split("\n")]
return res
@ -105,6 +131,7 @@ def backup(file_name):
Export installed packages into yaml+mtree file
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.backup /tmp/pkg
cmd = 'pkg backup -d {0}'.format(file_name)
@ -115,6 +142,8 @@ def backup(file_name):
def restore(file_name):
Reads archive created by pkg backup -d and recreates the database.
salt '*' pkgng.restore /tmp/pkg
cmd = 'pkg backup -r {0}'.format(file_name)
res = __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd)
@ -126,6 +155,7 @@ def add(pkg_path):
Install a package from either a local source or remote one
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.add /tmp/package.txz
if not os.path.isfile(pkg_path) or pkg_path.split(".")[1] != "txz":
@ -141,6 +171,7 @@ def audit():
Audits installed packages against known vulnerabilities
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.audit
@ -148,75 +179,678 @@ def audit():
return __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd)
def install(pkg_name):
def install(pkg_name, orphan=False, force=False, glob=False, local=False,
dryrun=False, quiet=False, require=False, reponame=None,
regex=False, pcre=False):
Install package from repositories
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.install bash
salt '*' pkgng.install <package name>
Mark the installed package as orphan. Will be automatically removed
if no other packages depend on them. For more information please
refer to pkg-autoremove(8).
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.install <package name> orphan=True
Force the reinstallation of the package if already installed.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.install <package name> force=True
Treat the package names as shell glob patterns.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.install <package name> glob=True
Skip updating the repository catalogues with pkg-update(8). Use the
locally cached copies only.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.install <package name> local=True
Dru-run mode. The list of changes to packages is always printed,
but no changes are actually made.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.install <package name> dryrun=True
Force quiet output, except when dryrun is used, where pkg install
will always show packages to be installed, upgraded or deleted.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.install <package name> quiet=True
When used with force, reinstalls any packages that require the
given package.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.install <package name> require=True force=True
In multi-repo mode, override the pkg.conf ordering and only attempt
to download packages from the named repository.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.install <package name> reponame=repo
Treat the package names as a regular expression
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.install <regular expression> regex=True
Treat the package names as extended regular expressions.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.install <extended regular expression> pcre=True
cmd = 'pkg install -y {0}'.format(pkg_name)
opts = ''
if orphan:
opts += 'A'
if force:
opts += 'f'
if glob:
opts += 'g'
if local:
opts += 'l'
if dryrun:
opts += 'n'
if not dryrun:
opts += 'y'
if quiet:
opts += 'q'
if require:
opts += 'R'
if reponame:
opts += 'r {0}'.format(reponame)
if regex:
opts += 'x'
if pcre:
opts += 'X'
if opts:
opts = '=' + opts
cmd = 'pkg install {0} {1}'.format(opts,pkg_name)
return __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd)
def delete(pkg_name):
def delete(pkg_name, all_installed=False, force=False, glob=False,
dryrun=False, recurse=False, regex=False, pcre=False):
Delete a package from the database and system
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.delete bash
salt '*' pkgng.delete <package name>
Deletes all installed packages from the system and empties the
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.delete all all_installed=True force=True
Forces packages to be removed despite leaving unresolved
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.delete <package name> force=True
Treat the package names as shell glob patterns.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.delete <package name> glob=True
Dry run mode. The list of packages to delete is always printed, but
no packages are actually deleted.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.delete <package name> dryrun=True
Delete all packages that require the listed package as well.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.delete <package name> recurse=True
Treat the package names as regular expressions.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.delete <regular expression> regex=True
Treat the package names as extended regular expressions.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.delete <extended regular expression> pcre=True
cmd = 'pkg delete -y {0}'.format(pkg_name)
opts = ''
if all_installed:
opts += 'a'
if force:
opts += 'f'
if glob:
opts += 'g'
if dryrun:
opts += 'n'
if not dryrun:
opts += 'y'
if recurse:
opts += 'R'
if regex:
opts += 'x'
if pcre:
opts += 'X'
if opts:
opts = '-' + opts
cmd = 'pkg delete {0} {1}'.format(opts,pkg_name)
return __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd)
def info(pkg=None):
def info(pkg_name=None):
Returns info on packages installed on system
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.info
For individual info
salt '*' pkgng.info sudo
if pkg:
cmd = 'pkg info {0}'.format(pkg)
if pkg_name:
cmd = 'pkg info {0}'.format(pkg_name)
cmd = 'pkg info'
res = __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd)
if not pkg:
if not pkg_name:
res = res.splitlines()
return res
def update():
def update(force=False):
Refresh PACKAGESITE contents
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.update
cmd = 'pkg update'
salt '*' pkgng.update
Force a full download of the repository catalogue without regard to
the respective ages of the local and remote copies of the
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.update force=True
opts =''
if force:
opts += 'f'
if opts:
opts = '-' + opts
cmd = 'pkg update {0}'.format(opts)
return __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd)
def upgrade():
def upgrade(force=False, local=False, dryrun=False):
Upgrade all packages
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.upgrade
Force reinstalling/upgrading the whole set of packages.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.upgrade force=True
Skip updating the repository catalogues with pkg-update(8). Use the
local cache only.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.update local=True
Dry-run mode: show what packages have updates available, but do not
perform any upgrades. Repository catalogues will be updated as
usual unless the local option is also given.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.update dryrun=True
cmd = 'pkg upgrade -y'
opts = ''
if force:
opts += 'f'
if local:
opts += 'L'
if dryrun:
opts += 'n'
if not dryrun:
opts += 'y'
if opts:
opts = '-' + opts
cmd = 'pkg upgrade {0}'.format(opts)
return __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd)
def clean():
Cleans the local cache of fetched remote packages
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.clean
cmd = 'pkg clean'
return __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd)
def autoremove(dryrun=False):
Delete packages which were automatically installed as dependencies and are
not required anymore
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.autoremove
Dry-run mode. The list of changes to packages is always printed,
but no changes are actually made.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.autoremove dryrun=True
opts = ''
if dryrun:
opts += 'n'
opts += 'y'
if opts:
opts = '-' + opts
cmd = 'pkg autoremove {0}'.format(opts)
return __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd)
def check(depends=False, recompute=False, checksum=False):
Sanity checks installed packages
Check for and install missing dependencies.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.check recompute=True
Recompute sizes and checksums of installed packages.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.check depends=True
Find invalid checksums for installed packages.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.check checksum=True
opts = ''
if depends:
opts += 'dy'
if recompute:
opts += 'r'
if checksum:
opts += 's'
if opts:
opts = '-' + opts
cmd = 'pkg check {0}'.format(opts)
return __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd)
def which(file_name, origin=False, quiet=False):
Displays which package installed a specific file
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.which <file name>
Shows the origin of the package instead of name-version.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.which <file name> origin=True
Quiet output.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.which <file name> quiet=True
opts = ''
if quiet:
opts += 'q'
if origin:
opts += 'o'
if opts:
opts = '-' + opts
cmd = 'pkg which {0} {1}'.format(opts, file_name)
return __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd)
def search(pkg_name, exact=False, glob=False, regex=False, pcre=False,
comment=False, desc=False, full=False, depends=False,
size=False, quiet=False, origin=False, prefix=False, ):
Searches in remote package repositories
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.search pattern
Treat pattern as exact pattern.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.search pattern exact=True
Treat pattern as a shell glob pattern.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.search pattern glob=True
Treat pattern as a regular expression.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.search pattern regex=True
Treat pattern as an extended regular expression.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.search pattern pcre=True
Search for pattern in the package comment one-line description.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.search pattern comment=True
Search for pattern in the package description.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.search pattern desc=True
Displays full information about the matching packages.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.search pattern full=True
Displays the dependencies of pattern.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.search pattern depends=True
Displays the size of the package
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.search pattern size=True
Be quiet. Prints only the requested information without displaying
many hints.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.search pattern quiet=True
Displays pattern origin.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.search pattern origin=True
Displays the installation prefix for each package matching pattern.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.search pattern prefix=True
opts = ''
if exact:
opts += 'e'
if glob:
opts += 'g'
if regex:
opts += 'x'
if pcre:
opts += 'X'
if comment:
opts += 'c'
if desc:
opts += 'D'
if full:
opts += 'f'
if depends:
opts += 'd'
if size:
opts += 's'
if quiet:
opts += 'q'
if origin:
opts += 'o'
if prefix:
opts += 'p'
if opts:
opts = '-' + opts
cmd = 'pkg search {0} {1}'.format(opts,pkg_name)
return __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd)
def fetch(pkg_name, all=False, quiet=False, reponame=None, glob=True,
regex=False, pcre=False, local=False, depends=False):
Fetches remote packages
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.fetch <package name>
Fetch all packages.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.fetch <package name> all=True
Quiet mode. Show less output.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.fetch <package name> quiet=True
Fetches packages from the given reponame if multiple repo support
is enabled. See pkg.conf(5).
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.fetch <package name> reponame=repo
Treat pkg_name as a shell glob pattern.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.fetch <package name> glob=True
Treat pkg_name as a regular expression.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.fetch <regular expression> regex=True
Treat pkg_name is an extended regular expression.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.fetch <extended regular expression> pcre=True
Skip updating the repository catalogues with pkg-update(8). Use the
local cache only.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.fetch <package name> local=True
Fetch the package and its dependencies as well.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.fetch <package name> depends=True
opts = ''
if all:
opts += 'a'
if quiet:
opts += 'q'
if reponame:
opts += 'r {0}'.format(reponame)
if glob:
opts += 'g'
if regex:
opts += 'x'
if pcre:
opts += 'X'
if local:
opts += 'L'
if depends:
opts += 'd'
if opts:
opts = '-' + opts
cmd = 'pkg fetch -y {0} {1}'.format(opts,pkg_name)
return __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd)
def updating(pkg_name, filedate=None, filename=None):
Displays UPDATING entries of software packages
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.updating foo
Only entries newer than date are shown. Use a YYYYMMDD date format.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.updating foo filedate=20130101
Defines an alternative location of the UPDATING file.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkgng.updating foo filename=/tmp/UPDATING
opts = ''
if filedate:
opts += 'd {0}'.format(filedate)
if filename:
opts += 'f {0}'.format(filename)
if opts:
opts = '-' + opts
cmd = 'pkg updating {0} {1}'.format(opts,pkg_name)
return __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user