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synced 2024-11-07 17:09:03 +00:00
Merge pull request #29185 from jirikotlin/develop
Support of tunnels in openvswitch modules.
This commit is contained in:
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ def port_remove(br, port, if_exists=True):
br: A string - bridge name (If bridge is None, port is removed from whatever bridge contains it)
port: A string - port name (Required argument)
port: A string - port name.
if_exists: Bool, if False - attempting to delete a por that does not exist returns False. (Default True)
@ -243,6 +243,9 @@ def port_list(br):
Lists all of the ports within bridge.
br: A string - bridge name.
List of bridges (or empty list), False on failure.
@ -258,3 +261,188 @@ def port_list(br):
retcode = result['retcode']
stdout = result['stdout']
return _stdout_list_split(retcode, stdout)
def port_get_tag(port):
Lists tags of the port.
port: A string - port name.
List of tags (or empty list), False on failure.
.. versionadded:: 2015.8.2
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' openvswitch.port_get_tag tap0
cmd = 'ovs-vsctl get port {0} tag'.format(port)
result = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
retcode = result['retcode']
stdout = result['stdout']
return _stdout_list_split(retcode, stdout)
def interface_get_options(port):
Port's interface's optional parameters.
port: A string - port name.
String containing optional parameters of port's interface, False on failure.
.. versionadded:: 2015.8.2
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' openvswitch.interface_get_options tap0
cmd = 'ovs-vsctl get interface {0} options'.format(port)
result = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
retcode = result['retcode']
stdout = result['stdout']
return _stdout_list_split(retcode, stdout)
def interface_get_type(port):
Type of port's interface.
port: A string - port name.
String - type of interface or empty string, False on failure.
.. versionadded:: 2015.8.2
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' openvswitch.interface_get_type tap0
cmd = 'ovs-vsctl get interface {0} type'.format(port)
result = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
retcode = result['retcode']
stdout = result['stdout']
return _stdout_list_split(retcode, stdout)
def port_create_vlan(br, port, id):
Isolate VM traffic using VLANs.
br: A string - bridge name.
port: A string - port name.
id: An integer in the valid range 0 to 4095 (inclusive), name of VLAN.
True on success, else False.
.. versionadded:: 2015.8.2
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' openvswitch.port_create_vlan br0 tap0 100
interfaces = __salt__['network.interfaces']()
if not 0 <= id <= 4095:
return False
elif not bridge_exists(br):
return False
elif port not in interfaces:
return False
elif port in port_list(br):
cmd = 'ovs-vsctl set port {0} tag={1}'.format(port, id)
result = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
return _retcode_to_bool(result['retcode'])
cmd = 'ovs-vsctl add-port {0} {1} tag={2}'.format(br, port, id)
result = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
return _retcode_to_bool(result['retcode'])
def port_create_gre(br, port, id, remote):
Generic Routing Encapsulation - creates GRE tunnel between endpoints.
br: A string - bridge name.
port: A string - port name.
id: An integer - unsigned 32-bit number, tunnel's key.
remote: A string - remote endpoint's IP address.
True on success, else False.
.. versionadded:: 2015.8.2
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' openvswitch.port_create_gre br0 gre1 5001
if not 0 <= id < 2**32:
return False
elif not __salt__['dig.check_ip'](remote):
return False
elif not bridge_exists(br):
return False
elif port in port_list(br):
cmd = 'ovs-vsctl set interface {0} type=gre options:remote_ip={1} options:key={2}'.format(port, remote, id)
result = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
return _retcode_to_bool(result['retcode'])
cmd = 'ovs-vsctl add-port {0} {1} -- set interface {1} type=gre options:remote_ip={2} ' \
'options:key={3}'.format(br, port, remote, id)
result = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
return _retcode_to_bool(result['retcode'])
def port_create_vxlan(br, port, id, remote, dst_port=None):
Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network - creates VXLAN tunnel between endpoints.
br: A string - bridge name.
port: A string - port name.
id: An integer - unsigned 64-bit number, tunnel's key.
remote: A string - remote endpoint's IP address.
dst_port: An integer - port to use when creating tunnelport in the switch.
True on success, else False.
.. versionadded:: 2015.8.2
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' openvswitch.port_create_vxlan br0 vx1 5001 8472
dst_port = ' options:dst_port=' + str(dst_port) if 0 < dst_port <= 65535 else ''
if not 0 <= id < 2**64:
return False
elif not __salt__['dig.check_ip'](remote):
return False
elif not bridge_exists(br):
return False
elif port in port_list(br):
cmd = 'ovs-vsctl set interface {0} type=vxlan options:remote_ip={1} ' \
'options:key={2}{3}'.format(port, remote, id, dst_port)
result = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
return _retcode_to_bool(result['retcode'])
cmd = 'ovs-vsctl add-port {0} {1} -- set interface {1} type=vxlan options:remote_ip={2} ' \
'options:key={3}{4}'.format(br, port, remote, id, dst_port)
result = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
return _retcode_to_bool(result['retcode'])
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ def present(name):
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_created
ret['changes'] = changes_bridge_created
return ret
@ -90,7 +89,6 @@ def absent(name):
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_deleted
ret['changes'] = changes_bridge_deleted
return ret
@ -11,16 +11,24 @@ def __virtual__():
return 'openvswitch.port_add' in __salt__
def present(name, bridge):
def present(name, bridge, type=None, id=None, remote=None, dst_port=None):
Ensures that the named port exists on bridge, eventually creates it.
name: The name of the port.
bridge: The name of the bridge.
type: Optional type of interface to create, currently supports: vlan, vxlan and gre.
id: Optional tunnel's key.
remote: Remote endpoint's IP address.
dst_port: Port to use when creating tunnelport in the switch.
ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''}
types = ('vlan', 'vxlan', 'gre')
if type and type not in types:
raise TypeError('The optional type argument must be one of these values: {0}.'.format(str(types)))
bridge_exists = __salt__['openvswitch.bridge_exists'](bridge)
@ -37,17 +45,131 @@ def present(name, bridge):
comment_vlan_invalid_id = 'VLANs id must be between 0 and 4095.'
comment_vlan_invalid_name = 'Could not find network interface {0}.'.format(name)
comment_vlan_port_exists = 'Port {0} with access to VLAN {1} already exists on bridge {2}.'.format(name, id, bridge)
comment_vlan_created = 'Created port {0} with access to VLAN {1} on bridge {2}.'.format(name, id, bridge)
comment_vlan_notcreated = 'Unable to create port {0} with access to VLAN {1} on ' \
'bridge {2}.'.format(name, id, bridge)
changes_vlan_created = {name: {'old': 'No port named {0} with access to VLAN {1} present on '
'bridge {2} present.'.format(name, id, bridge),
'new': 'Created port {1} with access to VLAN {2} on '
'bridge {0}.'.format(bridge, name, id),
comment_gre_invalid_id = 'Id of GRE tunnel must be an unsigned 32-bit integer.'
comment_gre_interface_exists = 'GRE tunnel interface {0} with rempte ip {1} and key {2} ' \
'already exists on bridge {3}.'.format(name, remote, id, bridge)
comment_gre_created = 'Created GRE tunnel interface {0} with remote ip {1} and key {2} ' \
'on bridge {3}.'.format(name, remote, id, bridge)
comment_gre_notcreated = 'Unable to create GRE tunnel interface {0} with remote ip {1} and key {2} ' \
'on bridge {3}.'.format(name, remote, id, bridge)
changes_gre_created = {name: {'old': 'No GRE tunnel interface {0} with remote ip {1} and key {2} '
'on bridge {3} present.'.format(name, remote, id, bridge),
'new': 'Created GRE tunnel interface {0} with remote ip {1} and key {2} '
'on bridge {3}.'.format(name, remote, id, bridge),
comment_dstport = ' (dst_port' + str(dst_port) + ')' if 0 < dst_port <= 65535 else ''
comment_vxlan_invalid_id = 'Id of VXLAN tunnel must be an unsigned 64-bit integer.'
comment_vxlan_interface_exists = 'VXLAN tunnel interface {0} with rempte ip {1} and key {2} ' \
'already exists on bridge {3}{4}.'.format(name, remote, id, bridge, comment_dstport)
comment_vxlan_created = 'Created VXLAN tunnel interface {0} with remote ip {1} and key {2} ' \
'on bridge {3}{4}.'.format(name, remote, id, bridge, comment_dstport)
comment_vxlan_notcreated = 'Unable to create VXLAN tunnel interface {0} with remote ip {1} and key {2} ' \
'on bridge {3}{4}.'.format(name, remote, id, bridge, comment_dstport)
changes_vxlan_created = {name: {'old': 'No VXLAN tunnel interface {0} with remote ip {1} and key {2} '
'on bridge {3}{4} present.'.format(name, remote, id, bridge, comment_dstport),
'new': 'Created VXLAN tunnel interface {0} with remote ip {1} and key {2} '
'on bridge {3}{4}.'.format(name, remote, id, bridge, comment_dstport),
comment_invalid_ip = 'Remote is not valid ip address.'
# Check VLANs attributes
def _check_vlan():
tag = __salt__['openvswitch.port_get_tag'](name)
interfaces = __salt__['network.interfaces']()
if not 0 <= id <= 4095:
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = comment_vlan_invalid_id
elif name not in interfaces:
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = comment_vlan_invalid_name
elif tag and name in port_list:
if int(tag[0]) == id:
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = comment_vlan_port_exists
except (ValueError, KeyError):
# Check GRE tunnels attributes
def _check_gre():
interface_options = __salt__['openvswitch.interface_get_options'](name)
interface_type = __salt__['openvswitch.interface_get_type'](name)
if not 0 <= id <= 2**32:
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = comment_gre_invalid_id
elif not __salt__['dig.check_ip'](remote):
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = comment_invalid_ip
elif interface_options and interface_type and name in port_list:
interface_attroptions = '{key=\"' + str(id) + '\", remote_ip=\"' + str(remote) + '\"}'
if interface_type[0] == 'gre' and interface_options[0] == interface_attroptions:
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = comment_gre_interface_exists
except KeyError:
# Check VXLAN tunnels attributes
def _check_vxlan():
interface_options = __salt__['openvswitch.interface_get_options'](name)
interface_type = __salt__['openvswitch.interface_get_type'](name)
if not 0 <= id <= 2**64:
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = comment_vxlan_invalid_id
elif not __salt__['dig.check_ip'](remote):
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = comment_invalid_ip
elif interface_options and interface_type and name in port_list:
opt_port = 'dst_port=\"' + str(dst_port) + '\", ' if 0 < dst_port <= 65535 else ''
interface_attroptions = '{{{0}key=\"'.format(opt_port) + str(id) + '\", remote_ip=\"' + str(remote) + '\"}'
if interface_type[0] == 'vxlan' and interface_options[0] == interface_attroptions:
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = comment_vxlan_interface_exists
except KeyError:
# Dry run, test=true mode
if __opts__['test']:
if bridge_exists:
if name in port_list:
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = comment_port_exists
if type == 'vlan':
if not ret['comment']:
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = comment_vlan_created
elif type == 'vxlan':
if not ret['comment']:
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = comment_vxlan_created
elif type == 'gre':
if not ret['comment']:
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = comment_gre_created
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = comment_port_created
ret['changes'] = changes_port_created
if name in port_list:
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = comment_port_exists
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = comment_port_created
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_notexists
@ -55,18 +177,52 @@ def present(name, bridge):
return ret
if bridge_exists:
if name in port_list:
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = comment_port_exists
if type == 'vlan':
if not ret['comment']:
port_create_vlan = __salt__['openvswitch.port_create_vlan'](bridge, name, id)
if port_create_vlan:
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = comment_vlan_created
ret['changes'] = changes_vlan_created
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = comment_vlan_notcreated
elif type == 'vxlan':
if not ret['comment']:
port_create_vxlan = __salt__['openvswitch.port_create_vxlan'](bridge, name, id, remote, dst_port)
if port_create_vxlan:
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = comment_vxlan_created
ret['changes'] = changes_vxlan_created
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = comment_vxlan_notcreated
elif type == 'gre':
if not ret['comment']:
port_create_gre = __salt__['openvswitch.port_create_gre'](bridge, name, id, remote)
if port_create_gre:
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = comment_gre_created
ret['changes'] = changes_gre_created
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = comment_gre_notcreated
port_add = __salt__['openvswitch.port_add'](bridge, name)
if port_add:
if name in port_list:
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = comment_port_created
ret['changes'] = changes_port_created
ret['comment'] = comment_port_exists
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = comment_port_notcreated
port_add = __salt__['openvswitch.port_add'](bridge, name)
if port_add:
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = comment_port_created
ret['changes'] = changes_port_created
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = comment_port_notcreated
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_notexists
@ -116,7 +272,6 @@ def absent(name, bridge=None):
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = comment_port_deleted
ret['changes'] = changes_port_deleted
return ret
if bridge and not bridge_exists:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user