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synced 2024-11-07 00:55:19 +00:00
Merge pull request #25888 from adelcast/dev/adelcast/add_opkg_module
opkg: add opkg execution module
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,977 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Support for Opkg
.. versionadded: Boron
.. note::
For version comparision support, the ``opkg-utils`` package must be
from __future__ import absolute_import
# Import python libs
import copy
import os
import re
import logging
from salt.ext import six
from shlex import quote as _cmd_quote # pylint: disable=E0611
except ImportError:
from pipes import quote as _cmd_quote
# Import salt libs
import salt.utils
from salt.utils.decorators import which as _which
from salt.exceptions import (
CommandExecutionError, MinionError, SaltInvocationError
REPO_REGEXP = r'^#?\s*(src|src/gz)\s+[^\s<>]+\s+[^\s<>]+'
OPKG_CONFDIR = '/etc/opkg'
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Define the module's virtual name
__virtualname__ = 'pkg'
def __virtual__():
Confirm this module is on a nilrt based system
if __grains__.get('os_family', False) == 'NILinuxRT':
return __virtualname__
return False
def latest_version(*names, **kwargs):
Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or
installation. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
If the latest version of a given package is already installed, an empty
string will be returned for that package.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name>
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name>
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
refresh = salt.utils.is_true(kwargs.pop('refresh', True))
if len(names) == 0:
return ''
ret = {}
for name in names:
ret[name] = ''
# Refresh before looking for the latest version available
if refresh:
cmd = ['opkg', 'list-upgradable']
out = __salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace')
for line in out.splitlines():
name, _oldversion, newversion = line.split(' - ')
if name in names:
ret[name] = newversion
except ValueError:
# Return a string if only one package name passed
if len(names) == 1:
return ret[names[0]]
return ret
# available_version is being deprecated
available_version = latest_version
def version(*names, **kwargs):
Returns a string representing the package version or an empty string if not
installed. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.version <package name>
salt '*' pkg.version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
return __salt__['pkg_resource.version'](*names, **kwargs)
def refresh_db():
Updates the opkg database to latest packages based upon repositories
Returns a dict, with the keys being package databases and the values being
the result of the update attempt. Values can be one of the following:
- ``True``: Database updated successfully
- ``False``: Problem updating database
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.refresh_db
ret = {}
cmd = ['opkg', 'update']
call = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace')
if call['retcode'] != 0:
comment = ''
if 'stderr' in call:
comment += call['stderr']
raise CommandExecutionError(
out = call['stdout']
for line in out.splitlines():
if 'Inflating' in line:
key = line.strip().split()[1].split('.')[0]
ret[key] = True
elif 'Failed to download' in line:
key = line.strip().split()[5].split(',')[0]
ret[key] = False
return ret
# TODO: opkg doesn't support installation of a specific version of a package
# (opkg issue 176). Once fixed, this function should add support.
def install(name=None,
Install the passed package, add refresh=True to update the opkg database.
The name of the package to be installed. Note that this parameter is
ignored if either "pkgs" or "sources" is passed. Additionally, please
note that this option can only be used to install packages from a
software repository. To install a package file manually, use the
"sources" option.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.install <package name>
Whether or not to refresh the package database before installing.
Multiple Package Installation Options:
A list of packages to install from a software repository. Must be
passed as a python list.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
A list of IPK packages to install. Must be passed as a list of dicts,
with the keys being package names, and the values being the source URI
or local path to the package. Dependencies are automatically resolved
and marked as auto-installed.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"foo": "salt://foo.deb"},{"bar": "salt://bar.deb"}]'
Whether to install the packages marked as recommended. Default is True.
Returns a dict containing the new package names and versions::
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>',
'new': '<new-version>'}}
refreshdb = salt.utils.is_true(refresh)
pkgs, pkg_type = __salt__['pkg_resource.parse_targets'](
name, pkgs, sources, **kwargs
except MinionError as exc:
raise CommandExecutionError(exc)
old = list_pkgs()
cmd = ['opkg', 'install']
if pkgs is None or len(pkgs) == 0:
return {}
elif pkg_type == 'file':
elif pkg_type == 'repository':
targets = list(pkgs.keys())
if 'install_recommends' in kwargs and not kwargs['install_recommends']:
if refreshdb:
__salt__['cmd.run'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace')
__context__.pop('pkg.list_pkgs', None)
new = list_pkgs()
return salt.utils.compare_dicts(old, new)
def remove(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Remove packages using ``opkg remove``.
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
``name`` parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name>
salt '*' pkg.remove <package1>,<package2>,<package3>
salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
pkg_params = __salt__['pkg_resource.parse_targets'](name, pkgs)[0]
except MinionError as exc:
raise CommandExecutionError(exc)
old = list_pkgs()
targets = [x for x in pkg_params if x in old]
if not targets:
return {}
cmd = ['opkg', 'remove']
__salt__['cmd.run'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace')
__context__.pop('pkg.list_pkgs', None)
new = list_pkgs()
return salt.utils.compare_dicts(old, new)
def purge(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Package purges are not supported by opkg, this function is identical to
:mod:`pkg.remove <salt.modules.opkg.remove>`.
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
``name`` parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.purge <package name>
salt '*' pkg.purge <package1>,<package2>,<package3>
salt '*' pkg.purge pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
return remove(name=name, pkgs=pkgs)
def upgrade(refresh=True):
Upgrades all packages via ``opkg upgrade``
Returns a dict containing the changes.
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>',
'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.upgrade
ret = {'changes': {},
'result': True,
'comment': '',
if salt.utils.is_true(refresh):
old = list_pkgs()
cmd = ['opkg', 'upgrade']
call = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace')
if call['retcode'] != 0:
ret['result'] = False
if 'stderr' in call:
ret['comment'] += call['stderr']
if 'stdout' in call:
ret['comment'] += call['stdout']
__context__.pop('pkg.list_pkgs', None)
new = list_pkgs()
ret['changes'] = salt.utils.compare_dicts(old, new)
return ret
def hold(name=None, pkgs=None, sources=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=W0613
Set package in 'hold' state, meaning it will not be upgraded.
The name of the package, e.g., 'tmux'
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.hold <package name>
A list of packages to hold. Must be passed as a python list.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.hold pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
if not name and not pkgs and not sources:
raise SaltInvocationError(
'One of name, pkgs, or sources must be specified.'
if pkgs and sources:
raise SaltInvocationError(
'Only one of pkgs or sources can be specified.'
targets = []
if pkgs:
elif sources:
for source in sources:
ret = {}
for target in targets:
if isinstance(target, dict):
target = next(iter(target))
ret[target] = {'name': target,
'changes': {},
'result': False,
'comment': ''}
state = _get_state(target)
if not state:
ret[target]['comment'] = ('Package {0} not currently held.'
elif state != 'hold':
if 'test' in __opts__ and __opts__['test']:
ret[target]['comment'] = ('Package {0} is set to be held.'
result = _set_state(target, 'hold')
ret[target].update(changes=result[target], result=True)
ret[target]['comment'] = ('Package {0} is now being held.'
ret[target]['comment'] = ('Package {0} is already set to be held.'
return ret
def unhold(name=None, pkgs=None, sources=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=W0613
Set package current in 'hold' state to install state,
meaning it will be upgraded.
The name of the package, e.g., 'tmux'
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.unhold <package name>
A list of packages to hold. Must be passed as a python list.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.unhold pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
if not name and not pkgs and not sources:
raise SaltInvocationError(
'One of name, pkgs, or sources must be specified.'
if pkgs and sources:
raise SaltInvocationError(
'Only one of pkgs or sources can be specified.'
targets = []
if pkgs:
elif sources:
for source in sources:
ret = {}
for target in targets:
if isinstance(target, dict):
target = next(iter(target))
ret[target] = {'name': target,
'changes': {},
'result': False,
'comment': ''}
state = _get_state(target)
if not state:
ret[target]['comment'] = ('Package {0} does not have a state.'
elif state == 'hold':
if 'test' in __opts__ and __opts__['test']:
ret['comment'] = ('Package {0} is set not to be held.'
result = _set_state(target, 'ok')
ret[target].update(changes=result[target], result=True)
ret[target]['comment'] = ('Package {0} is no longer being '
ret[target]['comment'] = ('Package {0} is already set not to be '
return ret
def _get_state(pkg):
View package state from the opkg database
Return the state of pkg
cmd = ['opkg', 'status']
out = __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd)
state_flag = ''
for line in out.splitlines():
if line.startswith('Status'):
_status, _state_want, state_flag, _state_status = line.split()
return state_flag
def _set_state(pkg, state):
Change package state on the opkg database
The state can be any of:
- hold
- noprune
- user
- ok
- installed
- unpacked
This command is commonly used to mark a specific package to be held from
being upgraded, that is, to be kept at a certain version.
Returns a dict containing the package name, and the new and old
ret = {}
valid_states = ('hold', 'noprune', 'user', 'ok', 'installed', 'unpacked')
if state not in valid_states:
raise SaltInvocationError(
'Invalid state: {0}'.format(state)
oldstate = _get_state(pkg)
cmd = ['opkg', 'flag']
_out = __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd)
# Missing return value check due to opkg issue 160
ret[pkg] = {'old': oldstate,
'new': state}
return ret
def list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs):
List the packages currently installed in a dict::
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs versions_as_list=True
versions_as_list = salt.utils.is_true(versions_as_list)
# not yet implemented or not applicable
if any([salt.utils.is_true(kwargs.get(x))
for x in ('removed', 'purge_desired')]):
return {}
if 'pkg.list_pkgs' in __context__:
if versions_as_list:
return __context__['pkg.list_pkgs']
ret = copy.deepcopy(__context__['pkg.list_pkgs'])
return ret
cmd = ['opkg', 'list-installed']
ret = {}
out = __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace')
for line in out.splitlines():
pkg_name, pkg_version = line.split(' - ')
__salt__['pkg_resource.add_pkg'](ret, pkg_name, pkg_version)
__context__['pkg.list_pkgs'] = copy.deepcopy(ret)
if not versions_as_list:
return ret
def list_upgrades(refresh=True):
List all available package upgrades.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades
ret = {}
if salt.utils.is_true(refresh):
cmd = ['opkg', 'list-upgradable']
call = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace')
if call['retcode'] != 0:
comment = ''
if 'stderr' in call:
comment += call['stderr']
if 'stdout' in call:
comment += call['stdout']
raise CommandExecutionError(
out = call['stdout']
for line in out.splitlines():
name, _oldversion, newversion = line.split(' - ')
ret[name] = newversion
return ret
def upgrade_available(name):
Check whether or not an upgrade is available for a given package
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.upgrade_available <package name>
return latest_version(name) != ''
def version_cmp(pkg1, pkg2):
Do a cmp-style comparison on two packages. Return -1 if pkg1 < pkg2, 0 if
pkg1 == pkg2, and 1 if pkg1 > pkg2. Return None if there was a problem
making the comparison.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.version_cmp '0.2.4-0' ''
cmd_compare = ['opkg-compare-versions']
for oper, ret in (("<<", -1), ("=", 0), (">>", 1)):
cmd = cmd_compare[:]
retcode = __salt__['cmd.retcode'](
cmd, output_loglevel='trace', ignore_retcode=True
if retcode == 0:
return ret
return None
def list_repos():
Lists all repos on /etc/opkg/*.conf
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.list_repos
repos = {}
regex = re.compile(REPO_REGEXP)
for filename in os.listdir(OPKG_CONFDIR):
if filename.endswith(".conf"):
with open(os.path.join(OPKG_CONFDIR, filename)) as conf_file:
for line in conf_file:
if regex.search(line):
repo = {}
if line.startswith('#'):
repo['enabled'] = False
line = line[1:]
repo['enabled'] = True
cols = line.strip().split()
if cols[0] in 'src':
repo['compressed'] = False
repo['compressed'] = True
repo['name'] = cols[1]
repo['uri'] = cols[2]
repo['file'] = os.path.join(OPKG_CONFDIR, filename)
# do not store duplicated uri's
if repo['uri'] not in repos:
repos[repo['uri']] = [repo]
return repos
def get_repo(alias):
Display a repo from the /etc/opkg/*.conf
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.get_repo alias
repos = list_repos()
if repos:
for source in six.itervalues(repos):
for sub in source:
if sub['name'] == alias:
return sub
return {}
def _del_repo_from_file(alias, filepath):
Remove a repo from filepath
with open(filepath) as fhandle:
output = []
regex = re.compile(REPO_REGEXP)
for line in fhandle:
if regex.search(line):
if line.startswith('#'):
line = line[1:]
cols = line.strip().split()
if alias != cols[1]:
with open(filepath, 'w') as fhandle:
def _add_new_repo(alias, uri, compressed, enabled=True):
Add a new repo entry
repostr = '# ' if not enabled else ''
repostr += 'src/gz ' if compressed else 'src '
repostr += alias + ' ' + uri + '\n'
conffile = os.path.join(OPKG_CONFDIR, alias + '.conf')
with open(conffile, 'a') as fhandle:
def _mod_repo_in_file(alias, repostr, filepath):
Replace a repo entry in filepath with repostr
with open(filepath) as fhandle:
output = []
for line in fhandle:
if alias not in line:
output.append(repostr + '\n')
with open(filepath, 'w') as fhandle:
def del_repo(alias):
Delete a repo from /etc/opkg/*.conf
If the file does not contain any other repo configuration, the file itself
will be deleted.
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.del_repo alias
repos = list_repos()
if repos:
deleted_from = dict()
for repo in repos:
source = repos[repo][0]
if source['name'] == alias:
deleted_from[source['file']] = 0
_del_repo_from_file(alias, source['file'])
if deleted_from:
ret = ''
for repo in repos:
source = repos[repo][0]
if source['file'] in deleted_from:
deleted_from[source['file']] += 1
for repo_file, count in six.iteritems(deleted_from):
msg = 'Repo {0!r} has been removed from {1}.\n'
if count == 1 and os.path.isfile(repo_file):
msg = ('File {1} containing repo {0!r} has been '
except OSError:
ret += msg.format(alias, repo_file)
# explicit refresh after a repo is deleted
return ret
return "Repo {0} doesn't exist in the opkg repo lists".format(alias)
def mod_repo(alias, **kwargs):
Modify one or more values for a repo. If the repo does not exist, it will
be created, so long as uri is defined.
The following options are available to modify a repo definition:
alias by which opkg refers to the repo.
the URI to the repo.
defines (True or False) if the index file is compressed
enable or disable (True or False) repository
but do not remove if disabled.
enable or disable (True or False) auto-refresh of the repositories
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.mod_repo alias uri=http://new/uri
salt '*' pkg.mod_repo alias enabled=False
repos = list_repos()
found = False
uri = ''
if 'uri' in kwargs:
uri = kwargs['uri']
for repo in repos:
source = repos[repo][0]
if source['name'] == alias:
found = True
repostr = ''
if 'enabled' in kwargs and not kwargs['enabled']:
repostr += '# '
if 'compressed' in kwargs:
repostr += 'src/gz ' if kwargs['compressed'] else 'src'
repostr += 'src/gz' if source['compressed'] else 'src'
repostr += ' {0}'.format(kwargs['alias'] if 'alias' in kwargs else alias)
repostr += ' {0}'.format(kwargs['uri'] if 'uri' in kwargs else source['uri'])
_mod_repo_in_file(alias, repostr, source['file'])
elif uri and source['uri'] == uri:
raise CommandExecutionError(
'Repository \'{0}\' already exists as \'{1}\'.'.format(uri, source['name']))
if not found:
# Need to add a new repo
if 'uri' not in kwargs:
raise CommandExecutionError(
'Repository \'{0}\' not found and no URI passed to create one.'.format(alias))
# If compressed is not defined, assume True
compressed = kwargs['compressed'] if 'compressed' in kwargs else True
# If enabled is not defined, assume True
enabled = kwargs['enabled'] if 'enabled' in kwargs else True
_add_new_repo(alias, kwargs['uri'], compressed, enabled)
if 'refresh' in kwargs:
def file_list(*packages):
List the files that belong to a package. Not specifying any packages will
return a list of _every_ file on the system's package database (not
generally recommended).
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd
salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd postfix
salt '*' pkg.file_list
output = file_dict(*packages)
files = []
for package in list(output['packages'].values()):
return {'errors': output['errors'], 'files': files}
def file_dict(*packages):
List the files that belong to a package, grouped by package. Not
specifying any packages will return a list of _every_ file on the system's
package database (not generally recommended).
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd
salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd postfix
salt '*' pkg.file_list
errors = []
ret = {}
cmd_files = ['opkg', 'files']
if not packages:
packages = list(list_pkgs().keys())
for package in packages:
files = []
cmd = cmd_files[:]
out = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace')
for line in out['stdout'].splitlines():
if line.startswith('/'):
elif line.startswith(' * '):
if files:
ret[package] = files
return {'errors': errors, 'packages': ret}
def owner(*paths):
Return the name of the package that owns the file. Multiple file paths can
be passed. Like :mod:`pkg.version <salt.modules.opkg.version`, if a single
path is passed, a string will be returned, and if multiple paths are passed,
a dictionary of file/package name pairs will be returned.
If the file is not owned by a package, or is not present on the minion,
then an empty string will be returned for that path.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.owner /usr/bin/apachectl
salt '*' pkg.owner /usr/bin/apachectl /usr/bin/basename
if not paths:
return ''
ret = {}
cmd_search = ['opkg', 'search']
for path in paths:
cmd = cmd_search[:]
output = __salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace')
if output:
ret[path] = output.split(' - ')[0].strip()
ret[path] = ''
if len(ret) == 1:
return six.itervalues(ret)
return ret
Reference in New Issue
Block a user