Return a detailed information about package(s)

This commit is contained in:
Bo Maryniuk 2015-09-08 18:47:01 +02:00
parent 7483556b5f
commit 9fb9296276

View File

@ -395,3 +395,55 @@ def diff(package, path):
return 'File "{0}" is binary and its content has been modified.'.format(path)
return res
def info(*packages):
Return a detailed package(s) summary information.
If no packages specified, all packages will be returned.
:param packages:
CLI example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' apache2 bash
cmd = packages and "rpm -qi {0}".format(' '.join(packages)) or "rpm -qai"
call = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd + " --queryformat '-----\n'", output_loglevel='trace')
if call['retcode'] != 0:
comment = ''
if 'stderr' in call:
comment += call['stderr']
raise CommandExecutionError('{0}'.format(comment))
out = call['stdout']
ret = dict()
for pkg_info in re.split("----*", out):
pkg_info = pkg_info.strip()
if not pkg_info:
pkg_info = pkg_info.split(os.linesep)
if pkg_info[-1].lower().startswith('distribution'):
pkg_info = pkg_info[:-1]
pkg_data = dict()
pkg_name = None
for line in pkg_info[:]:
line = [item.strip() for item in line.split(':', 1)]
if len(line) != 2:
key, value = line
key = key.replace(' ', '_').lower()
if key == 'name':
pkg_name = value
if key != 'description' and value:
pkg_data[key] = value
if pkg_name:
ret[pkg_name] = pkg_data
return ret