provide True, False and None returns on deregister_instances and register_instances methods

This commit is contained in:
Colin Johnson 2014-09-04 05:53:52 +00:00
parent 78b7ace6e1
commit 754c01448e
2 changed files with 255 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -501,16 +501,40 @@ def register_instances(name, instances, region=None, key=None, keyid=None,
Register instances with an ELB. Instances is either a string
instance id or a list of string instance id's.
CLI example to set attributes on an ELB::
- ``True``: instance(s) registered successfully
- ``False``: instance(s) failed to be registered
CLI example::
salt myminion boto_elb.register_instances myelb instance_id
salt myminion boto_elb.register_instances myelb "[instance_id,instance_id]"
# convert instances to list type, enabling consistent use of instances
# variable throughout the register_instances method
if isinstance(instances, str) or isinstance(instances, unicode):
instances = [instances]
conn = _get_conn(region, key, keyid, profile)
if not conn:
return False
load_balancer = conn.get_all_load_balancers(name)[0]
return load_balancer.register_instances(instances)
registered_instances = conn.register_instances(name, instances)
except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
return False
registered_instance_ids = [ for instance in
# register_failues is a set that will contain any instances that were not
# able to be registered with the given ELB
register_failures = set(instances).difference(set(registered_instance_ids))
if register_failures:
log.warn('Instance(s): {0} not registered with ELB {1}.'
.format(list(register_failures), name))
register_result = False
register_result = True
return register_result
def deregister_instances(name, instances, region=None, key=None, keyid=None,
@ -519,16 +543,51 @@ def deregister_instances(name, instances, region=None, key=None, keyid=None,
Deregister instances with an ELB. Instances is either a string
instance id or a list of string instance id's.
CLI example to set attributes on an ELB::
- ``True``: instance(s) deregistered successfully
- ``False``: instance(s) failed to be deregistered
- ``None``: instance(s) not valid or not registered, no action taken
CLI example::
salt myminion boto_elb.deregister_instances myelb instance_id
salt myminion boto_elb.deregister_instances myelb "[instance_id,instance_id]"
salt myminion boto_elb.deregister_instances myelb "[instance_id, instance_id]"
# convert instances to list type, enabling consistent use of instances
# variable throughout the deregister_instances method
if isinstance(instances, str) or isinstance(instances, unicode):
instances = [instances]
conn = _get_conn(region, key, keyid, profile)
if not conn:
return False
load_balancer = conn.get_all_load_balancers(name)[0]
return load_balancer.deregister_instances(instances)
registered_instances = conn.deregister_instances(name, instances)
except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
# if the instance(s) given as an argument are not members of the ELB
# boto returns e.error_code == 'InvalidInstance'
# deregister_instances returns "None" because the instances are
# effectively deregistered from ELB
if e.error_code == 'InvalidInstance':
log.warn('One or more of instance(s) {0} are not part of ELB {1}.'
' deregister_instances not performed.'
.format(instances, name))
return None
return False
registered_instance_ids = [ for instance in
# deregister_failures is a set that will contain any instances that were
# unable to be deregistered from the given ELB
deregister_failures = set(instances).intersection(set(registered_instance_ids))
if deregister_failures:
log.warn('Instance(s): {0} not deregistered from ELB {1}.'
.format(list(deregister_failures)), name)
deregister_result = False
deregister_result = True
return deregister_result
def get_instance_health(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, instances=None):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# import Python Libs
from copy import deepcopy
# import Python Third Party Libs
import boto
import boto.ec2.elb
except ImportError:
HAS_BOTO = False
from moto import mock_ec2, mock_elb
except ImportError:
HAS_MOTO = False
def mock_ec2(self):
if the mock_ec2 function is not available due to import failure
this replaces the decorated function with stub_function.
Allows boto_vpc unit tests to use the @mock_ec2 decorator
without a "NameError: name 'mock_ec2' is not defined" error.
def stub_function(self):
return stub_function
def mock_elb(self):
if the mock_ec2 function is not available due to import failure
this replaces the decorated function with stub_function.
Allows boto_vpc unit tests to use the @mock_ec2 decorator
without a "NameError: name 'mock_ec2' is not defined" error.
def stub_function(self):
return stub_function
# Import Salt Libs
from salt.modules import boto_elb
# Import Salt Testing Libs
from salttesting import skipIf, TestCase
from salttesting.mock import NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON
from salttesting.helpers import ensure_in_syspath
region = 'us-east-1'
secret_key = 'askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs'
conn_parameters = {'region': region, 'key': access_key, 'keyid': secret_key,
'profile': {}}
boto_conn_parameters = {'aws_access_key_id': access_key,
'aws_secret_access_key': secret_key}
instance_parameters = {'instance_type': 't1.micro'}
@skipIf(HAS_BOTO is False, 'The boto module must be installed.')
@skipIf(HAS_MOTO is False, 'The moto module must be installed.')
class BotoElbTestCase(TestCase):
TestCase for salt.modules.boto_elb module
def test_register_instances_valid_id_result_true(self):
tests that given a valid instance id and valid ELB that
register_instances returns True.
conn_ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region, **boto_conn_parameters)
conn_elb = boto.ec2.elb.connect_to_region(region,
zones = [ for zone in conn_ec2.get_all_zones()]
elb_name = 'TestRegisterInstancesValidIdResult'
conn_elb.create_load_balancer(elb_name, zones, [(80, 80, 'http')])
reservations = conn_ec2.run_instances('ami-08389d60')
register_result = boto_elb.register_instances(elb_name,
self.assertEqual(True, register_result)
def test_register_instances_valid_id_string(self):
tests that given a string containing a instance id and valid ELB that
register_instances adds the given instance to an ELB
conn_ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region, **boto_conn_parameters)
conn_elb = boto.ec2.elb.connect_to_region(region,
zones = [ for zone in conn_ec2.get_all_zones()]
elb_name = 'TestRegisterInstancesValidIdResult'
conn_elb.create_load_balancer(elb_name, zones, [(80, 80, 'http')])
reservations = conn_ec2.run_instances('ami-08389d60')
boto_elb.register_instances(elb_name, reservations.instances[0].id,
load_balancer_refreshed = conn_elb.get_all_load_balancers(elb_name)[0]
registered_instance_ids = [ for instance in
print load_balancer_refreshed.instances
self.assertEqual([reservations.instances[0].id], registered_instance_ids)
def test_deregister_instances_valid_id_result_true(self):
tests that given an valid id the boto_elb deregister_instances method
removes exactly one of a number of ELB registered instances
conn_ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region, **boto_conn_parameters)
conn_elb = boto.ec2.elb.connect_to_region(region,
zones = [ for zone in conn_ec2.get_all_zones()]
elb_name = 'TestDeregisterInstancesValidIdResult'
load_balancer = conn_elb.create_load_balancer(elb_name, zones,
[(80, 80, 'http')])
reservations = conn_ec2.run_instances('ami-08389d60')
deregister_result = boto_elb.deregister_instances(elb_name,
self.assertEqual(True, deregister_result)
def test_deregister_instances_valid_id_string(self):
tests that given an valid id the boto_elb deregister_instances method
removes exactly one of a number of ELB registered instances
conn_ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region, **boto_conn_parameters)
conn_elb = boto.ec2.elb.connect_to_region(region,
zones = [ for zone in conn_ec2.get_all_zones()]
elb_name = 'TestDeregisterInstancesValidIdString'
load_balancer = conn_elb.create_load_balancer(elb_name, zones,
[(80, 80, 'http')])
reservations = conn_ec2.run_instances('ami-08389d60', min_count=2)
all_instance_ids = [ for instance in reservations.instances]
boto_elb.deregister_instances(elb_name, reservations.instances[0].id,
load_balancer_refreshed = conn_elb.get_all_load_balancers(elb_name)[0]
expected_instances = deepcopy(all_instance_ids)
actual_instances = [ for instance in
self.assertEqual(actual_instances, expected_instances)
def test_deregister_instances_valid_id_list(self):
tests that given an valid ids in the form of a list that the boto_elb
deregister_instances all members of the given list
conn_ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region, **boto_conn_parameters)
conn_elb = boto.ec2.elb.connect_to_region(region,
zones = [ for zone in conn_ec2.get_all_zones()]
elb_name = 'TestDeregisterInstancesValidIdList'
load_balancer = conn_elb.create_load_balancer(elb_name, zones,
[(80, 80, 'http')])
reservations = conn_ec2.run_instances('ami-08389d60', min_count=3)
all_instance_ids = [ for instance in reservations.instances]
# reservations.instances[:-1] refers to all instances except list
# instance
deregister_instances = [ for instance in
expected_instances = [reservations.instances[-1].id]
boto_elb.deregister_instances(elb_name, deregister_instances,
load_balancer_refreshed = conn_elb.get_all_load_balancers(elb_name)[0]
actual_instances = [ for instance in
self.assertEqual(actual_instances, expected_instances)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from integration import run_tests
run_tests(BotoElbTestCase, needs_daemon=False)