Force all distros which use yum to use yumpkg5

This commit is contained in:
Erik Johnson 2013-12-09 14:06:31 -06:00
parent 64e217c864
commit 6d636ae0d6

View File

@ -7,17 +7,11 @@ Support for YUM
import collections
import copy
import logging
import os
import re
# Import salt libs
import salt.utils
from salt.utils import namespaced_function as _namespaced_function
from salt.modules.yumpkg import (mod_repo, _parse_repo_file, list_repos,
get_repo, expand_repo_def, del_repo)
# Import libs required by functions imported from yumpkg
import os
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -40,39 +34,15 @@ def __virtual__():
# Work only on RHEL/Fedora based distros with python 2.5 and below
os_grain = __grains__['os']
os_family = __grains__['os_family']
os_grain = __grains__['os'].lower()
os_family = __grains__['os_family'].lower()
os_major_version = int(__grains__['osrelease'].split('.')[0])
except Exception:
return False
valid = False
# Fedora <= 10 need to use this module
if os_grain == 'Fedora' and os_major_version < 11:
valid = True
# XCP == 1.x uses a CentOS 5 base
elif os_grain == 'XCP':
if os_major_version == 1:
valid = True
# XenServer 6 and earlier uses a CentOS 5 base
elif os_grain == 'XenServer':
if os_major_version <= 6:
valid = True
elif os_grain == 'Amazon':
valid = True
# RHEL <= 5 and all variants need to use this module
if os_family == 'RedHat' and os_major_version <= 5:
valid = True
if valid:
global mod_repo, _parse_repo_file, list_repos, get_repo
global expand_repo_def, del_repo
mod_repo = _namespaced_function(mod_repo, globals())
_parse_repo_file = _namespaced_function(_parse_repo_file, globals())
list_repos = _namespaced_function(list_repos, globals())
get_repo = _namespaced_function(get_repo, globals())
expand_repo_def = _namespaced_function(expand_repo_def, globals())
del_repo = _namespaced_function(del_repo, globals())
enabled = ('amazon', 'xcp', 'xenserver')
if os_family == 'redhat' or os_grain in enabled:
return __virtualname__
return False
@ -634,3 +604,262 @@ def purge(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs):
salt '*' pkg.purge pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
return remove(name=name, pkgs=pkgs)
def list_repos(basedir='/etc/yum.repos.d'):
Lists all repos in <basedir> (default: /etc/yum.repos.d/).
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.list_repos
repos = {}
for repofile in os.listdir(basedir):
repopath = '{0}/{1}'.format(basedir, repofile)
if not repofile.endswith('.repo'):
header, filerepos = _parse_repo_file(repopath)
for reponame in filerepos.keys():
repo = filerepos[reponame]
repo['file'] = repopath
repos[reponame] = repo
return repos
def get_repo(repo, basedir='/etc/yum.repos.d', **kwargs):
Display a repo from <basedir> (default basedir: /etc/yum.repos.d).
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.get_repo myrepo
salt '*' pkg.get_repo myrepo basedir=/path/to/dir
repos = list_repos(basedir)
# Find out what file the repo lives in
repofile = ''
for arepo in repos.keys():
if arepo == repo:
repofile = repos[arepo]['file']
if not repofile:
raise Exception('repo {0} was not found in {1}'.format(repo, basedir))
# Return just one repo
header, filerepos = _parse_repo_file(repofile)
return filerepos[repo]
def del_repo(repo, basedir='/etc/yum.repos.d', **kwargs):
Delete a repo from <basedir> (default basedir: /etc/yum.repos.d).
If the .repo file that the repo exists in does not contain any other repo
configuration, the file itself will be deleted.
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.del_repo myrepo
salt '*' pkg.del_repo myrepo basedir=/path/to/dir
repos = list_repos(basedir)
if repo not in repos:
return 'Error: the {0} repo does not exist in {1}'.format(
repo, basedir)
# Find out what file the repo lives in
repofile = ''
for arepo in repos:
if arepo == repo:
repofile = repos[arepo]['file']
# See if the repo is the only one in the file
onlyrepo = True
for arepo in repos.keys():
if arepo == repo:
if repos[arepo]['file'] == repofile:
onlyrepo = False
# If this is the only repo in the file, delete the file itself
if onlyrepo:
return 'File {0} containing repo {1} has been removed'.format(
repofile, repo)
# There must be other repos in this file, write the file with them
header, filerepos = _parse_repo_file(repofile)
content = header
for stanza in filerepos.keys():
if stanza == repo:
comments = ''
if 'comments' in filerepos[stanza]:
comments = '\n'.join(filerepos[stanza]['comments'])
del filerepos[stanza]['comments']
content += '\n[{0}]'.format(stanza)
for line in filerepos[stanza]:
content += '\n{0}={1}'.format(line, filerepos[stanza][line])
content += '\n{0}\n'.format(comments)
with salt.utils.fopen(repofile, 'w') as fileout:
return 'Repo {0} has been removed from {1}'.format(repo, repofile)
def mod_repo(repo, basedir=None, **kwargs):
Modify one or more values for a repo. If the repo does not exist, it will
be created, so long as the following values are specified:
name by which the yum refers to the repo
a human-readable name for the repo
the URL for yum to reference
the URL for yum to reference
Key/Value pairs may also be removed from a repo's configuration by setting
a key to a blank value. Bear in mind that a name cannot be deleted, and a
baseurl can only be deleted if a mirrorlist is specified (or vice versa).
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' pkg.mod_repo reponame enabled=1 gpgcheck=1
salt '*' pkg.mod_repo reponame basedir=/path/to/dir enabled=1
salt '*' pkg.mod_repo reponame baseurl= mirrorlist=
# Filter out '__pub' arguments
repo_opts = dict((x, kwargs[x]) for x in kwargs if not x.startswith('__'))
# Build a list of keys to be deleted
todelete = []
for key in repo_opts:
if repo_opts[key] != 0 and not repo_opts[key]:
del repo_opts[key]
# Fail if the user tried to delete the name
if 'name' in todelete:
return 'Error: The repo name cannot be deleted'
# Give the user the ability to change the basedir
repos = {}
if basedir:
repos = list_repos(basedir)
repos = list_repos()
basedir = '/etc/yum.repos.d'
repofile = ''
header = ''
filerepos = {}
if repo not in repos:
# If the repo doesn't exist, create it in a new file
repofile = '{0}/{1}.repo'.format(basedir, repo)
if 'name' not in repo_opts:
return ('Error: The repo does not exist and needs to be created, '
'but a name was not given')
if 'baseurl' not in repo_opts and 'mirrorlist' not in repo_opts:
return ('Error: The repo does not exist and needs to be created, '
'but either a baseurl or a mirrorlist needs to be given')
filerepos[repo] = {}
# The repo does exist, open its file
repofile = repos[repo]['file']
header, filerepos = _parse_repo_file(repofile)
# Error out if they tried to delete baseurl or mirrorlist improperly
if 'baseurl' in todelete:
if 'mirrorlist' not in repo_opts and 'mirrorlist' \
not in filerepos[repo].keys():
return 'Error: Cannot delete baseurl without specifying mirrorlist'
if 'mirrorlist' in todelete:
if 'baseurl' not in repo_opts and 'baseurl' \
not in filerepos[repo].keys():
return 'Error: Cannot delete mirrorlist without specifying baseurl'
# Delete anything in the todelete list
for key in todelete:
if key in filerepos[repo].keys():
del filerepos[repo][key]
# Old file or new, write out the repos(s)
content = header
for stanza in filerepos.keys():
comments = ''
if 'comments' in filerepos[stanza].keys():
comments = '\n'.join(filerepos[stanza]['comments'])
del filerepos[stanza]['comments']
content += '\n[{0}]'.format(stanza)
for line in filerepos[stanza].keys():
content += '\n{0}={1}'.format(line, filerepos[stanza][line])
content += '\n{0}\n'.format(comments)
with salt.utils.fopen(repofile, 'w') as fileout:
return {repofile: filerepos}
def _parse_repo_file(filename):
Turn a single repo file into a dict
repos = {}
header = ''
repo = ''
with salt.utils.fopen(filename, 'r') as rfile:
for line in rfile:
if line.startswith('['):
repo = line.strip().replace('[', '').replace(']', '')
repos[repo] = {}
# Even though these are essentially uselss, I want to allow the
# user to maintain their own comments, etc
if not line:
if not repo:
header += line
if line.startswith('#'):
if not repo:
header += line
if 'comments' not in repos[repo]:
repos[repo]['comments'] = []
# These are the actual configuration lines that matter
if '=' in line:
comps = line.strip().split('=')
repos[repo][comps[0].strip()] = '='.join(comps[1:])
return (header, repos)
def expand_repo_def(repokwargs):
Take a repository definition and expand it to the full pkg repository dict
that can be used for comparison. This is a helper function to make
certain repo managers sane for comparison in the pkgrepo states.
There is no use to calling this function via the CLI.
# YUM doesn't need the data massaged.
return repokwargs