Merge pull request #29479 from The-Loeki/iostat

contribution: disk.iostat info gathering
This commit is contained in:
Mike Place 2015-12-08 09:40:00 -07:00
commit 6b20b8017f

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@ -9,18 +9,24 @@ import logging
import os
import subprocess
import re
import collections
import decimal
# Import 3rd-party libs
from salt.ext import six
from salt.ext.six.moves import zip
# Import salt libs
import salt.utils
import salt.utils.decorators as decorators
from salt.utils.decorators import depends
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
from salt.ext.six.moves import zip
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
HAS_HDPARM = salt.utils.which_bin(['hdparm']) is not None
HAS_SMARTCTL = salt.utils.which_bin(['smartctl']) is not None
HAS_HDPARM = salt.utils.which('hdparm') is not None
HAS_SMARTCTL = salt.utils.which('smartctl') is not None
HAS_IOSTAT = salt.utils.which('iostat') is not None
def __virtual__():
@ -580,3 +586,130 @@ def smart_attributes(dev, attributes=None, values=None):
smart_attr[attr] = data
return smart_attr
def iostat(interval=1, count=5, disks=None):
Gather and return (averaged) IO stats.
.. versionadded:: Boron
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' disk.iostat 1 5 disks=sda
if salt.utils.is_linux():
return _iostat_linux(interval, count, disks)
elif salt.utils.is_freebsd():
return _iostat_fbsd(interval, count, disks)
def _iostats_dict(header, stats):
Transpose collected data, average it, stomp it in dict using header
Use Decimals so we can properly calc & round, convert to float 'caus' we can't transmit Decimals over 0mq
stats = [float((sum(stat) / len(stat)).quantize(decimal.Decimal('.01'))) for stat in zip(*stats)]
stats = dict(zip(header, stats))
return stats
def _iostat_fbsd(interval, count, disks):
Tested on FreeBSD, quite likely other BSD's only need small changes in cmd syntax
if disks is None:
iostat_cmd = 'iostat -xC -w {0} -c {1} '.format(interval, count)
elif isinstance(disks, six.string_types):
iostat_cmd = 'iostat -x -w {0} -c {1} {2}'.format(interval, count, disks)
iostat_cmd = 'iostat -x -w {0} -c {1} {2}'.format(interval, count, ' '.join(disks))
sys_stats = []
dev_stats = collections.defaultdict(list)
sys_header = []
dev_header = []
h_len = 1000 # randomly absurdly high
ret = iter(__salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](iostat_cmd, output_loglevel='quiet').splitlines())
for line in ret:
if not line.startswith('device'):
elif not len(dev_header):
dev_header = line.split()[1:]
while line is not False:
line = next(ret, False)
if not line or not line[0].isalnum():
line = line.split()
disk = line[0]
stats = [decimal.Decimal(x) for x in line[1:]]
# h_len will become smallest number of fields in stat lines
if len(stats) < h_len:
h_len = len(stats)
iostats = {}
# The header was longer than the smallest number of fields
# Therefore the sys stats are hidden in there
if h_len < len(dev_header):
sys_header = dev_header[h_len:]
dev_header = dev_header[0:h_len]
for disk, stats in dev_stats.items():
if len(stats[0]) > h_len:
sys_stats = [stat[h_len:] for stat in stats]
dev_stats[disk] = [stat[0:h_len] for stat in stats]
iostats['sys'] = _iostats_dict(sys_header, sys_stats)
for disk, stats in dev_stats.items():
iostats[disk] = _iostats_dict(dev_header, stats)
return iostats
def _iostat_linux(interval, count, disks):
if disks is None:
iostat_cmd = 'iostat -x {0} {1} '.format(interval, count)
elif isinstance(disks, six.string_types):
iostat_cmd = 'iostat -xd {0} {1} {2}'.format(interval, count, disks)
iostat_cmd = 'iostat -xd {0} {1} {2}'.format(interval, count, ' '.join(disks))
sys_stats = []
dev_stats = collections.defaultdict(list)
sys_header = []
dev_header = []
ret = iter(__salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](iostat_cmd, output_loglevel='quiet').splitlines())
for line in ret:
if line.startswith('avg-cpu:'):
if not len(sys_header):
sys_header = tuple(line.split()[1:])
line = [decimal.Decimal(x) for x in next(ret).split()]
elif line.startswith('Device:'):
if not len(dev_header):
dev_header = tuple(line.split()[1:])
while line is not False:
line = next(ret, False)
if not line or not line[0].isalnum():
line = line.split()
disk = line[0]
stats = [decimal.Decimal(x) for x in line[1:]]
iostats = {}
if len(sys_header):
iostats['sys'] = _iostats_dict(sys_header, sys_stats)
for disk, stats in dev_stats.items():
iostats[disk] = _iostats_dict(dev_header, stats)
return iostats