Merge pull request #2188 from romeotheriault/add-solaris-package-module

solaris package module
This commit is contained in:
Thomas S Hatch 2012-10-07 20:08:33 -07:00
commit 4ce3264a31

salt/modules/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
Package support for Solaris
import tempfile
import os
import shutil
def __virtual__():
Set the virtual pkg module if the os is Solaris
if __grains__['os'] == 'Solaris':
return 'pkg'
return False
def _list_removed(old, new):
List the packages which have been removed between the two package objects
pkgs = []
for pkg in old:
if pkg not in new:
return pkgs
def _compare_versions(old, new):
Returns a dict that that displays old and new versions for a package after
install/upgrade of package.
pkgs = {}
for npkg in new:
if npkg in old:
if old[npkg] == new[npkg]:
# no change in the package
# the package was here before and the version has changed
pkgs[npkg] = {'old': old[npkg],
'new': new[npkg]}
# the package is freshly installed
pkgs[npkg] = {'old': '',
'new': new[npkg]}
return pkgs
def _get_pkgs():
Get a full list of the package installed on the machine
pkg = {}
cmd = '/usr/bin/pkginfo -x'
line_count = 0
for line in __salt__[''](cmd).split('\n'):
if line_count % 2 == 0:
namever = line.split()[0].strip()
if line_count % 2 == 1:
pkg[namever] = line.split()[1].strip()
line_count = line_count + 1
return pkg
def list_pkgs():
List the packages currently installed as a dict::
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs
return _get_pkgs()
def version(name):
Returns a version if the package is installed, else returns an empty string
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkg.version <package name>
cmd = '/usr/bin/pkgparam {0} VERSION 2> /dev/null'.format(name)
namever = __salt__[''](cmd)
if namever:
return namever
return ''
def available_version(name):
The available version of the package in the repository
On Solaris with the pkg module this always returns the
version that is installed since pkgadd does not have
the concept of a repository.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkg.available_version <package name>
return version(name)
def install(name, refresh=False, **kwargs):
Install the passed package. Can install packages from the following sources::
* Locally (package already exists on the minion
* HTTP/HTTPS server
* FTP server
* Salt master
Returns a dict containing the new package names and versions::
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>',
'new': '<new-version>']}
CLI Example, installing a datastream pkg that already exists on the minion::
salt '*' pkg.install <package name once installed> source=/dir/on/minion/<package filename>
salt '*' pkg.install SMClgcc346 source=/var/spool/pkg/gcc-3.4.6-sol10-sparc-local.pkg
CLI Example, installing a datastream pkg that exists on the salt master::
salt '*' pkg.install <package name once installed> source='salt://srv/salt/pkgs/<package filename>'
salt '*' pkg.install SMClgcc346 source='salt://srv/salt/pkgs/gcc-3.4.6-sol10-sparc-local.pkg'
CLI Example, installing a datastream pkg that exists on a HTTP server::
salt '*' pkg.install <package name once installed> source='<package filename>'
salt '*' pkg.install SMClgcc346 source=''
By default salt automatically provides an adminfile, to automate package installation, with these options set:
You can override any of these options in two ways. First you can optionally pass any of
the options as a kwarg to the module/state to override the default value or you can
optionally pass the 'admin_source' option providing your own adminfile to the minions.
Note: You can find all of the possible options to provide to the adminfile by reading the admin man page:
man -s 4 admin
CLI Example - Overriding the 'instance' adminfile option when calling the module directly:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name once installed> source='salt://srv/salt/pkgs/<package filename>' instance="overwrite"
CLI Example - Overriding the 'instance' adminfile option when used in a state:
- source: salt://srv/salt/pkgs/gcc-3.4.6-sol10-sparc-local.pkg
- instance: overwrite
CLI Example - Providing your own adminfile when calling the module directly:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name once installed> source='salt://srv/salt/pkgs/<package filename>' admin_source='salt://srv/salt/pkgs/<adminfile filename>'
CLI Example - Providing your own adminfile when using states:
<package name once installed>:
- source: salt://srv/salt/pkgs/<package filename>
- admin_source: salt://srv/salt/pkgs/<adminfile filename>
if not 'source' in kwargs:
return 'source option required with solaris pkg installs'
if (kwargs['source']).startswith('salt://') or (kwargs['source']).startswith('http://') or (kwargs['source']).startswith('https://') or (kwargs['source']).startswith('ftp://'):
pkgname = __salt__['cp.cache_file'](kwargs['source'])
pkgname = (kwargs['source'])
if 'admin_source' in kwargs:
adminfile = __salt__['cp.cache_file'](kwargs['admin_source'])
# Set the adminfile default variables
email=kwargs.get('email', '')
instance=kwargs.get('instance', 'quit')
partial=kwargs.get('partial', 'nocheck')
runlevel=kwargs.get('runlevel', 'nocheck')
idepend=kwargs.get('idepend', 'nocheck')
rdepend=kwargs.get('rdepend', 'nocheck')
space=kwargs.get('space', 'nocheck')
setuid=kwargs.get('setuid', 'nocheck')
conflict=kwargs.get('conflict', 'nocheck')
action=kwargs.get('action', 'nocheck')
basedir=kwargs.get('basedir', 'default')
# Make tempfile to hold the adminfile contents.
fd, adminfile = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="salt-")
# Write to file then close it.
os.write(fd, "email=%s\n" % email)
os.write(fd, "instance=%s\n" % instance)
os.write(fd, "partial=%s\n" % partial)
os.write(fd, "runlevel=%s\n" % runlevel)
os.write(fd, "idepend=%s\n" % idepend)
os.write(fd, "rdepend=%s\n" % rdepend)
os.write(fd, "space=%s\n" % space)
os.write(fd, "setuid=%s\n" % setuid)
os.write(fd, "conflict=%s\n" % conflict)
os.write(fd, "action=%s\n" % action)
os.write(fd, "basedir=%s\n" % basedir)
# Get a list of the packages before install so we can diff after to see
# what got installed.
old = _get_pkgs()
# Install the package
cmd = '/usr/sbin/pkgadd -n -a {0} -d {1} \'all\''.format(adminfile, pkgname)
# Get a list of the packages again, including newly installed ones.
new = _get_pkgs()
# Remove the temp adminfile
if not 'admin_source' in kwargs:
# Return a list of the new package installed.
return _compare_versions(old, new)
def remove(name, **kwargs):
Remove a single package with pkgrm
By default salt automatically provides an adminfile, to automate package removal, with these options set:
You can override any of these options in two ways. First you can optionally pass any of
the options as a kwarg to the module/state to override the default value or you can
optionally pass the 'admin_source' option providing your own adminfile to the minions.
Note: You can find all of the possible options to provide to the adminfile by reading the admin man page:
man -s 4 admin
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name>
salt '*' pkg.remove SUNWgit
# Check to see if the package is installed before we proceed
if version(name) == '':
return ''
if 'admin_source' in kwargs:
adminfile = __salt__['cp.cache_file'](kwargs['admin_source'])
# Set the adminfile default variables
email=kwargs.get('email', '')
instance=kwargs.get('instance', 'quit')
partial=kwargs.get('partial', 'nocheck')
runlevel=kwargs.get('runlevel', 'nocheck')
idepend=kwargs.get('idepend', 'nocheck')
rdepend=kwargs.get('rdepend', 'nocheck')
space=kwargs.get('space', 'nocheck')
setuid=kwargs.get('setuid', 'nocheck')
conflict=kwargs.get('conflict', 'nocheck')
action=kwargs.get('action', 'nocheck')
basedir=kwargs.get('basedir', 'default')
# Make tempfile to hold the adminfile contents.
fd, adminfile = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="salt-")
# Write to file then close it.
os.write(fd, "email=%s\n" % email)
os.write(fd, "instance=%s\n" % instance)
os.write(fd, "partial=%s\n" % partial)
os.write(fd, "runlevel=%s\n" % runlevel)
os.write(fd, "idepend=%s\n" % idepend)
os.write(fd, "rdepend=%s\n" % rdepend)
os.write(fd, "space=%s\n" % space)
os.write(fd, "setuid=%s\n" % setuid)
os.write(fd, "conflict=%s\n" % conflict)
os.write(fd, "action=%s\n" % action)
os.write(fd, "basedir=%s\n" % basedir)
# Get a list of the currently installed pkgs.
old = _get_pkgs()
# Remove the package
cmd = '/usr/sbin/pkgrm -n -a {0} {1}'.format(adminfile, name)
# Remove the temp adminfile
if not 'admin_source' in kwargs:
# Get a list of the packages after the uninstall
new = _get_pkgs()
# Compare the pre and post remove package objects and report the uninstalled pkgs.
return _list_removed(old, new)
def purge(name, **kwargs):
Remove a single package with pkgrm
Returns a list containing the removed packages.
CLI Example::
salt '*' pkg.purge <package name>
return remove(name, **kwargs)