Merge pull request #37060 from theredcat/lxc

Add lxc.get_pid and lxc.add_veth
This commit is contained in:
Mike Place 2016-10-19 11:43:42 +09:00 committed by GitHub
commit 454a721bff

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ lxc >= 1.0 (even beta alpha) is required
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import datetime
import copy
import string
import textwrap
import difflib
import logging
@ -4659,3 +4660,103 @@ def apply_network_profile(name, network_profile, nic_opts=None, path=None):
diff += line
return diff
def get_pid(name, path=None):
Returns a container pid.
Throw an exception if the container isn't running.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' lxc.get_pid name
if name not in list_(limit='running', path=path):
raise CommandExecutionError('Container {0} is not running, can\'t determine PID'.format(name))
info = __salt__['']('lxc-info -n {0}'.format(name)).split("\n")
pid = [line.split(':')[1].strip() for line in info if re.match(r'\s*PID', line) != None][0]
return pid
def add_veth(name, interface_name, bridge=None, path=None):
Add a veth to a container.
Note : this function doesn't update the container config, just add the interface at runtime
Name of the container
Name of the interface in the container
Name of the bridge to attach the interface to (facultative)
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' lxc.add_veth container_name eth1 br1
salt '*' lxc.add_veth container_name eth1
# Get container init PID
pid = get_pid(name, path=path)
# Generate a ramdom string for veth and ensure that is isn't present on the system
while True:
random_veth = 'veth'+''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(6))
if random_veth not in __salt__['network.interfaces']().keys():
# Check prerequisites
if not __salt__['file.directory_exists']('/var/run/'):
raise CommandExecutionError('Directory /var/run required for lxc.add_veth doesn\'t exists')
if not __salt__['file.file_exists']('/proc/{0}/ns/net'.format(pid)):
raise CommandExecutionError('Proc file for container {0} network namespace doesn\'t exists'.format(name))
if not __salt__['file.directory_exists']('/var/run/netns'):
# Ensure that the symlink is up to date (change on container restart)
if __salt__['file.is_link']('/var/run/netns/{0}'.format(name)):
__salt__['file.symlink']('/proc/{0}/ns/net'.format(pid), '/var/run/netns/{0}'.format(name))
# Ensure that interface doesn't exists
interface_exists = 0 == __salt__['cmd.retcode']('ip netns exec {netns} ip address list {interface}'.format(
if interface_exists:
raise CommandExecutionError('Interface {interface} already exists in {container}'.format(
# Create veth and bring it up
if __salt__['cmd.retcode']('ip link add name {veth} type veth peer name {veth}_c'.format(veth=random_veth)) != 0:
raise CommandExecutionError('Error while creating the veth pair {0}'.format(random_veth))
if __salt__['cmd.retcode']('ip link set dev {0} up'.format(random_veth)) != 0:
raise CommandExecutionError('Error while bringing up host-side veth {0}'.format(random_veth))
# Attach it to the container
attached = 0 == __salt__['cmd.retcode']('ip link set dev {veth}_c netns {container} name {interface_name}'.format(
if not attached:
raise CommandExecutionError('Error while attaching the veth {veth} to container {container}'.format(
if bridge is not None:
__salt__['bridge.addif'](bridge, random_veth)