2014-10-31 15:18:45 +00:00
# coding: utf-8
import os
import json
import yaml
import urllib
from salt.netapi.rest_tornado import saltnado
import salt.auth
import integration
import tornado.testing
import tornado.concurrent
from salttesting import skipIf, TestCase
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class SaltnadoTestCase(integration.ModuleCase, tornado.testing.AsyncHTTPTestCase):
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Mixin to hold some shared things
content_type_map = {'json': 'application/json',
'yaml': 'application/x-yaml',
'text': 'text/plain',
'form': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
auth_creds = (
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('username', 'saltdev_api'),
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('password', 'saltdev'),
('eauth', 'auto'))
def auth_creds_dict(self):
return dict(self.auth_creds)
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def opts(self):
return self.get_config('master', from_scratch=True)
def auth(self):
if not hasattr(self, '__auth'):
self.__auth = salt.auth.LoadAuth(self.opts)
return self.__auth
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def token(self):
''' Mint and return a valid token for auth_creds '''
return self.auth.mk_token(self.auth_creds_dict)
class TestBaseSaltAPIHandler(SaltnadoTestCase):
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def get_app(self):
class StubHandler(saltnado.BaseSaltAPIHandler):
def get(self):
return self.echo_stuff()
def post(self):
return self.echo_stuff()
def echo_stuff(self):
ret_dict = {'foo': 'bar'}
attrs = ('token',
for attr in attrs:
ret_dict[attr] = getattr(self, attr)
return tornado.web.Application([('/', StubHandler)], debug=True)
def test_content_type(self):
Test the base handler's accept picking
# send NO accept header, should come back with json
response = self.fetch('/')
assert response.headers['Content-Type'] == self.content_type_map['json']
assert type(json.loads(response.body)) == dict
# send application/json
response = self.fetch('/', headers={'Accept': self.content_type_map['json']})
assert response.headers['Content-Type'] == self.content_type_map['json']
assert type(json.loads(response.body)) == dict
# send application/x-yaml
response = self.fetch('/', headers={'Accept': self.content_type_map['yaml']})
assert response.headers['Content-Type'] == self.content_type_map['yaml']
assert type(yaml.load(response.body)) == dict
def test_token(self):
Test that the token is returned correctly
token = json.loads(self.fetch('/').body)['token']
assert token is None
# send a token as a header
response = self.fetch('/', headers={saltnado.AUTH_TOKEN_HEADER: 'foo'})
token = json.loads(response.body)['token']
assert token == 'foo'
# send a token as a cookie
response = self.fetch('/', headers={'Cookie': '{0}=foo'.format(saltnado.AUTH_COOKIE_NAME)})
token = json.loads(response.body)['token']
assert token == 'foo'
# send both, make sure its the header
response = self.fetch('/', headers={saltnado.AUTH_TOKEN_HEADER: 'foo',
'Cookie': '{0}=bar'.format(saltnado.AUTH_COOKIE_NAME)})
token = json.loads(response.body)['token']
assert token == 'foo'
def test_deserialize(self):
Send various encoded forms of lowstates (and bad ones) to make sure we
handle deserialization correctly
valid_lowstate = [{
"client": "local",
"tgt": "*",
"fun": "test.fib",
"arg": ["10"]
"client": "runner",
"fun": "jobs.lookup_jid",
"jid": "20130603122505459265"
# send as JSON
response = self.fetch('/',
headers={'Content-Type': self.content_type_map['json']})
assert valid_lowstate == json.loads(response.body)['lowstate']
# send yaml as json (should break)
response = self.fetch('/',
headers={'Content-Type': self.content_type_map['json']})
assert response.code == 400
# send as yaml
response = self.fetch('/',
headers={'Content-Type': self.content_type_map['yaml']})
assert valid_lowstate == json.loads(response.body)['lowstate']
# send json as yaml (works since yaml is a superset of json)
response = self.fetch('/',
headers={'Content-Type': self.content_type_map['yaml']})
assert valid_lowstate == json.loads(response.body)['lowstate']
# send json as text/plain
response = self.fetch('/',
headers={'Content-Type': self.content_type_map['text']})
assert valid_lowstate == json.loads(response.body)['lowstate']
# send form-urlencoded
form_lowstate = (
('client', 'local'),
('tgt', '*'),
('fun', 'test.fib'),
('arg', '10'),
('arg', 'foo'),
response = self.fetch('/',
headers={'Content-Type': self.content_type_map['form']})
returned_lowstate = json.loads(response.body)['lowstate']
assert len(returned_lowstate) == 1
returned_lowstate = returned_lowstate[0]
assert returned_lowstate['client'] == 'local'
assert returned_lowstate['tgt'] == '*'
assert returned_lowstate['fun'] == 'test.fib'
assert returned_lowstate['arg'] == ['10', 'foo']
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class TestSaltAuthHandler(SaltnadoTestCase):
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def get_app(self):
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# TODO: make a "GET APPPLICATION" func
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application = tornado.web.Application([('/login', saltnado.SaltAuthHandler)], debug=True)
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application.auth = self.auth
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application.opts = self.opts
return application
def test_get(self):
We don't allow gets, so assert we get 401s
response = self.fetch('/login')
assert response.code == 401
def test_login(self):
Test valid logins
response = self.fetch('/login',
headers={'Content-Type': self.content_type_map['form']})
response_obj = json.loads(response.body)['return'][0]
assert response_obj['perms'] == self.opts['external_auth']['auto'][self.auth_creds_dict['username']]
assert 'token' in response_obj # TODO: verify that its valid?
assert response_obj['user'] == self.auth_creds_dict['username']
assert response_obj['eauth'] == self.auth_creds_dict['eauth']
def test_login_missing_password(self):
Test logins with bad/missing passwords
bad_creds = []
for key, val in self.auth_creds_dict.iteritems():
if key == 'password':
response = self.fetch('/login',
headers={'Content-Type': self.content_type_map['form']})
assert response.code == 400
def test_login_bad_creds(self):
Test logins with bad/missing passwords
bad_creds = []
for key, val in self.auth_creds_dict.iteritems():
if key == 'username':
val = val + 'foo'
response = self.fetch('/login',
headers={'Content-Type': self.content_type_map['form']})
assert response.code == 401