mirror of
synced 2024-11-06 18:35:18 +00:00
131 lines
4.1 KiB
131 lines
4.1 KiB
- salt.roots
- create: True
- mode: 755
- user: root
- group: root
- create: True
- user: root
- group: root
- mode: 700
- require:
- file: /var/salt/
- replace: False
- user: root
- group: root
- mode: 600
- require:
- file: /var/salt/ssh/
{% set main_reponame = salt['pillar.get']('salt:repos:main:name', 'local') %}
{% set main_remote_uri = salt['pillar.get']('salt:repos:main:remote') %}
{% set common_reponame = salt['pillar.get']('salt:repos:common:name', 'common') %}
{% set common_remote_uri = salt['pillar.get']('salt:repos:common:remote',
"git+ssh://git@git.bakka.su/salt-common.git") %}
{% set extra_repos = salt['pillar.get']('salt:repos:extra', {} ) %}
{% set extra_reponames = extra_repos.keys() %}
{% set sync_reponames = salt['pillar.get']('tmp-salt-git-reponames',[]) %}
{% set sync_branches = salt['pillar.get']('tmp-salt-git-branches', []) %}
# if a pillar was not passed in, then get the list of branches from main remote.
{% if not sync_reponames or sync_branches == [] %}
{% set sync_reponames = [main_reponame] + extra_reponames %}
{% for origin_branch in salt['git.ls_remote'](remote=main_remote_uri, opts='--heads', user='root') %}
{% set branch_name = origin_branch.replace('refs/heads/', '') %}
{% if not '/' in branch_name %}{% do sync_branches.append(branch_name) %}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
# Delete directories of deleted main branches, since we're looking at all main remote branches
{% for reponame in sync_reponames %}
{% for dir in salt['file.find']('/var/salt/' + reponame, type='d', maxdepth=1)
if dir.split('/')[-1] != reponame and dir.split('/')[-1] not in sync_branches %}
{{ dir }}:
- require_in:
- file: /etc/salt/master.d/roots.conf
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% for reponame in sync_reponames %}
/var/salt/{{ reponame }}:
- create: True
{% if reponame == main_reponame %}
{% set remote_uri = main_remote_uri %}
{% set remote_branches = sync_branches %}
{% set fixed_branch = None %}
{% else %}
{% set remote_uri = extra_repos[reponame].get('remote', None) %}
{% if remote_uri %}
{% set remote_branches = [] %}
{% for origin_branch in salt['git.ls_remote'](remote=remote_uri, opts='--heads', user='root') %}
{% set branch = origin_branch.replace('refs/heads/', '') %}
{% do remote_branches.append(branch) %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% set fixed_branch = extra_repos[reponame].get('branch', None) %}
{% if remote_uri and fixed_branch and fixed_branch not in sync_branches %}
{% do sync_branches.append(fixed_branch) %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if remote_uri %}
{% for branch in remote_branches if branch in sync_branches or branch == fixed_branch %}
{% set i = salt['file.mkdir']('/'.join(('/var/salt', reponame, branch, 'sls')), mode=750) %}
{% set i = salt['file.mkdir']('/'.join(('/var/salt', reponame, branch, 'pillar')), mode=750) %}
salt-repo-{{ reponame }}-{{ branch }}:
- name: {{ remote_uri }}
- target: /var/salt/{{ reponame }}/{{ branch }}
- rev: {{ branch }}
- branch: {{ branch }}
- user: root
- force_checkout: True
- force_clone: True
- force_fetch: True
- force_reset: True
- identity: /var/salt/ssh/salt
- require:
- file: /var/salt/ssh/salt
- file: /var/salt/{{ reponame }}
- require_in:
- file: /etc/salt/master.d/roots.conf
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
/var/salt/{{ common_reponame }}:
- user: root
- group: root
- file_mode: 644
- dir_mode: 755
- name: {{ common_remote_uri }}
- target: /var/salt/{{ common_reponame }}
- rev: master
- force_clone: True
- force_checkout: True
- identity: /var/salt/ssh/salt
- require:
- file: /var/salt/ssh/salt
- require_in:
- file: /etc/salt/master.d/roots.conf
- name: {{ 'salt-minion' if salt['grains.get']('salt:masterless', False) else 'salt-master' }}
- watch:
- file: /etc/salt/master.d/roots.conf