Andrei Zavada ee7985d4d1 a rolling upgrade/downgrade test for TS
A squash of the following commits:

* First cut of upgrade/downgrade

  Also includes a spelling fix for 'aggregration'

* Experimental branch of riak_test that includes the capability to force downgrade and upgrade the client

* whitespace cleanup, copyright year update

* ensure ts_util:assert brings a ct test down

* This is the 5th commit message:

  take care to fuzzy-compare those floats in returned rows

* don't bother reloading protobuff, but do reload riak_pb mods & apps

* always dumbly drop 'ok' from query returned tuple

* trivial code touchups

* remove client up/downgrade code, extra io:format's; use 3 nodes not 5
2016-07-21 14:02:50 +03:00

182 lines
6.8 KiB

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2016 Basho Technologies, Inc.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
init_per_suite_data_write(Nodes) ->
StartingNode = hd(Nodes),
Conn = rt:pbc(StartingNode),
AggTable = "Aggregation_written_on_old_cluster",
DDL = ts_util:get_ddl(aggregation, AggTable),
{ok, _} = ts_util:create_and_activate_bucket_type({Nodes, StartingNode}, DDL, AggTable),
%% generate data and hoy it into the cluster
Count = 10,
Data = ts_util:get_valid_aggregation_data(Count),
Column4 = [element(?TEMPERATURE_COL_INDEX, X) || X <- Data],
Column5 = [element(?PRESSURE_COL_INDEX, X) || X <- Data],
Column6 = [element(?PRECIPITATION_COL_INDEX, X) || X <- Data],
ok = riakc_ts:put(Conn, AggTable, Data),
%% now lets create some queries with their expected results
Where = " WHERE myfamily = 'family1' and myseries = 'seriesX' "
"and time >= 1 and time <= " ++ integer_to_list(Count),
Qry1 = "SELECT COUNT(myseries) FROM " ++ AggTable ++ Where,
Expected1 = {[<<"COUNT(myseries)">>], [{Count}]},
Qry2 = "SELECT COUNT(time) FROM " ++ AggTable ++ Where,
Expected2 = {[<<"COUNT(time)">>], [{Count}]},
Qry3 = "SELECT COUNT(pressure), count(temperature), cOuNt(precipitation) FROM " ++
AggTable ++ Where,
Expected3 = {
Qry4 = "SELECT SUM(temperature) FROM " ++ AggTable ++ Where,
Sum4 = lists:sum([X || X <- Column4, is_number(X)]),
Expected4 = {[<<"SUM(temperature)">>],
Qry5 = "SELECT SUM(temperature), sum(pressure), sUM(precipitation) FROM " ++
AggTable ++ Where,
Sum5 = lists:sum([X || X <- Column5, is_number(X)]),
Sum6 = lists:sum([X || X <- Column6, is_number(X)]),
Expected5 = {[<<"SUM(temperature)">>, <<"SUM(pressure)">>, <<"SUM(precipitation)">>],
[{Sum4, Sum5, Sum6}]},
Qry6 = "SELECT MIN(temperature), MIN(pressure) FROM " ++ AggTable ++ Where,
Min4 = lists:min([X || X <- Column4, is_number(X)]),
Min5 = lists:min([X || X <- Column5, is_number(X)]),
Expected6 = {[<<"MIN(temperature)">>, <<"MIN(pressure)">>],
[{Min4, Min5}]},
Qry7 = "SELECT MAX(temperature), MAX(pressure) FROM " ++ AggTable ++ Where,
Max4 = lists:max([X || X <- Column4, is_number(X)]),
Max5 = lists:max([X || X <- Column5, is_number(X)]),
Expected7 = {[<<"MAX(temperature)">>, <<"MAX(pressure)">>],
[{Max4, Max5}]},
C4 = [X || X <- Column4, is_number(X)],
C5 = [X || X <- Column5, is_number(X)],
Count4 = length(C4),
Count5 = length(C5),
Avg4 = Sum4 / Count4,
Avg5 = Sum5 / Count5,
Qry8 = "SELECT AVG(temperature), MEAN(pressure) FROM " ++ AggTable ++ Where,
Expected8 = {[<<"AVG(temperature)">>, <<"MEAN(pressure)">>],
[{Avg4, Avg5}]},
StdDevFun4 = stddev_fun_builder(Avg4),
StdDevFun5 = stddev_fun_builder(Avg5),
StdDev4 = math:sqrt(lists:foldl(StdDevFun4, 0, C4) / Count4),
StdDev5 = math:sqrt(lists:foldl(StdDevFun5, 0, C5) / Count5),
Sample4 = math:sqrt(lists:foldl(StdDevFun4, 0, C4) / (Count4-1)),
Sample5 = math:sqrt(lists:foldl(StdDevFun5, 0, C5) / (Count5-1)),
Qry9 = "SELECT STDDEV_POP(temperature), STDDEV_POP(pressure),"
" STDDEV(temperature), STDDEV(pressure), "
" STDDEV_SAMP(temperature), STDDEV_SAMP(pressure) FROM " ++ AggTable ++ Where,
Expected9 = {
<<"STDDEV_POP(temperature)">>, <<"STDDEV_POP(pressure)">>,
<<"STDDEV(temperature)">>, <<"STDDEV(pressure)">>,
<<"STDDEV_SAMP(temperature)">>, <<"STDDEV_SAMP(pressure)">>
[{StdDev4, StdDev5, Sample4, Sample5, Sample4, Sample5}]
Qry10 = "SELECT SUM(temperature), MIN(pressure), AVG(pressure) FROM " ++
AggTable ++ Where,
Expected10 = {
[<<"SUM(temperature)">>, <<"MIN(pressure)">>, <<"AVG(pressure)">>],
[{Sum4, Min5, Avg5}]
QueryConfig = [
{1, {Qry1, {ok, Expected1}}},
{2, {Qry2, {ok, Expected2}}},
{3, {Qry3, {ok, Expected3}}},
{4, {Qry4, {ok, Expected4}}},
{5, {Qry5, {ok, Expected5}}},
{6, {Qry6, {ok, Expected6}}},
{7, {Qry7, {ok, Expected7}}},
{8, {Qry8, {ok, Expected8}}},
{9, {Qry9, {ok, Expected9}}},
{10, {Qry10, {ok, Expected10}}}
do_node_transition(Config, N, Version) ->
{nodes, Nodes} = lists:keyfind(nodes, 1, Config),
{N, Node} = lists:keyfind(N, 1, Nodes),
{Version, ToVsn} = lists:keyfind(Version, 1, Config),
ok = rt:upgrade(Node, ToVsn),
ok = rt:wait_for_service(Node, riak_kv),
run_init_per_suite_queries(Config, TestNo)
when is_integer(TestNo) andalso TestNo > 0 ->
{init_per_suite_queries, Queries} = lists:keyfind(init_per_suite_queries, 1, Config),
{TestNo, {Query, Exp}} = lists:keyfind(TestNo, 1, Queries),
{nodes, Nodes} = lists:keyfind(nodes, 1, Config),
{1, Node} = lists:keyfind(1, 1, Nodes),
Conn = rt:pbc(Node),
Got = ts_util:single_query(Conn, Query, []),
case ts_util:assert_float("reading data query " ++ integer_to_list(TestNo), Exp, Got) of
pass ->
fail ->
ct:fail("failed query ~b", [TestNo])
%% helper fns
count_non_nulls(Col) ->
length([V || V <- Col, V =/= []]).
stddev_fun_builder(Avg) ->
fun(X, Acc) -> Acc + (Avg-X)*(Avg-X) end.