Bryan Fink 360364519d use records and utils now that they're available
The rt_pipe.hrl and rt_pipe.erl files were added in #143. This commit
cleans up the TODOs from #209.
2013-02-19 15:31:08 -05:00

231 lines
8.8 KiB

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2012 Basho Technologies, Inc.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc Verify some MapReduce internals.
%% This test used to be in riak_kv's test/mapred_test.erl. It was
%% called `notfound_failover_test_'. It has been moved here
%% to avoid the fragile setup and teardown stages that frequently
%% broke eunit testing.
%% riak_test api
-compile([export_all]). %% because we run ?MODULE:PrepareFun later
-define(INTS_BUCKET, <<"foonum">>).
-define(NUM_INTS, 1000).
confirm() ->
%% we need the volatility of memory, so we can cause a replica
%% notfound by killing a vnode
Nodes = rt:build_cluster(3),
%% for our custom reduce phase
rt:load_modules_on_nodes([?MODULE], Nodes),
[ begin
lager:info("Running test ~p", [T]),
run_test(Nodes, T)
|| T <- [actual_notfound,
replica_notfound] ],
load_test_data([Node|_]) ->
%% creates foonum/1..?NUM_INTS - this is what populates ?INTS_BUCKET
lager:info("Filling INTS_BUCKET (~s)", [?INTS_BUCKET]),
ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_kv_mrc_pipe, example_setup, [?NUM_INTS]).
rpcmr(Node, Inputs, Query) ->
rpc:call(Node, riak_kv_mrc_pipe, mapred, [Inputs, Query]).
%% @doc check the condition that used to bring down a pipe in
%% https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/issues/290 (this version checks it
%% with an actual not-found)
actual_notfound(_Node, _ChashFun,
_MissingBucket, _MissingKey, _MissingValue) ->
%% @doc check the condition that used to bring down a pipe in
%% https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/issues/290 this version checks
%% with an object that is missing a replica
replica_notfound(Node, {HashMod, HashFun},
MissingBucket, MissingKey, MissingValue) ->
%% create a value for the "missing" key
Obj = riakc_obj:new(MissingBucket, MissingKey, MissingValue),
C = rt:pbc(Node),
ok = riakc_pb_socket:put(C, Obj, [{w, 3}]),
%% and now kill the first replica; this will make the vnode local
%% to the kvget pipe fitting return an error (because it's the
%% memory backend), so it will have to look at another kv vnode
Hash = rpc:call(Node, HashMod, HashFun, [{MissingBucket, MissingKey}]),
[{{PrimaryIndex, PrimaryNode},_}] =
rpc:call(Node, riak_core_apl, get_primary_apl, [Hash, 1, riak_kv]),
{ok, VnodePid} = rpc:call(PrimaryNode,
riak_core_vnode_manager, get_vnode_pid,
[PrimaryIndex, riak_kv_vnode]),
exit(VnodePid, kill).
run_test([Node|_], PrepareFun) ->
QLimit = 3,
WaitRef = make_ref(),
Spec =
[{map, {modfun, riak_kv_mapreduce, map_object_value},
<<"include_keydata">>, false},
{reduce, {modfun, ?MODULE, reduce_wait_for_signal},
[{reduce_phase_batch_size, 1}, {wait, {self(), WaitRef}}],
%% mapred_plan must happen on riak node to access ring manager
PipeSpec = rpc:call(Node, riak_kv_mrc_pipe, mapred_plan, [Spec]),
%% make it easier to fill
SmallPipeSpec = [ S#fitting_spec{q_limit=QLimit} || S <- PipeSpec ],
{ok, Pipe} = rpc:call(Node, riak_pipe, exec,
[{log, sink}, {trace, [error, queue_full]},
{sink, rt_pipe:self_sink()}]]),
ExistingKey = {?INTS_BUCKET, <<"bar1">>},
ChashFun = (hd(SmallPipeSpec))#fitting_spec.chashfun,
{MissingBucket, MissingKey} =
find_adjacent_key(Node, ChashFun, ExistingKey),
ValueRef = term_to_binary(make_ref()),
%% get the missing bucket/key into the right state
?MODULE:PrepareFun(Node, ChashFun, MissingBucket, MissingKey, ValueRef),
%% get main workers spun up
ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_pipe, queue_work, [Pipe, ExistingKey]),
receive {waiting, WaitRef, ReducePid} -> ok end,
%% reduce is now blocking, fill its queue
[ ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_pipe, queue_work, [Pipe, ExistingKey])
|| _ <- lists:seq(1, QLimit) ],
{NValMod,NValFun} = (hd(SmallPipeSpec))#fitting_spec.nval,
NVal = rpc:call(Node, NValMod, NValFun, [ExistingKey]),
%% each of N paths through the primary preflist
[ fill_map_queue(Node, Pipe, QLimit, ExistingKey)
|| _ <- lists:seq(1, NVal) ],
%% check get queue actually full
ExpectedTOs = lists:duplicate(NVal, timeout),
{error, ExpectedTOs} =
rpc:call(Node, riak_pipe, queue_work, [Pipe, ExistingKey, noblock]),
%% now inject a missing key that would need to
%% failover to the full queue
KeyDataRef = make_ref(),
ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_pipe, queue_work,
[Pipe, {{MissingBucket, MissingKey}, KeyDataRef}]),
%% and watch for it to block in the reduce queue
%% *this* is when pre-patched code would fail:
%% we'll receive an [error] trace from the kvget fitting's
%% failure to forward the bkey along its preflist
ok = consume_queue_full(Pipe, 1),
%% let the pipe finish
ReducePid ! {continue, WaitRef},
{eoi, Results, Logs} = riak_pipe:collect_results(Pipe),
ExpectVal = case PrepareFun of
actual_notfound ->
%% the object does not exist, but we told the map
%% phase to send on its keydata - check for it
replica_notfound ->
%% the object does exist (but one replica does
%% not), and we should have found it
?assert(lists:member({1, ExpectVal}, Results)),
%% just to be a little extra cautious, check for
%% other errors
?assertEqual([], [E || {_,{trace,[error],_}}=E <- Logs]).
fill_map_queue(Node, Pipe, QLimit, ExistingKey) ->
%% give the map worker one more to block on
ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_pipe, queue_work, [Pipe, ExistingKey, noblock]),
consume_queue_full(Pipe, 1),
%% map is now blocking, fill its queue
[ ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_pipe, queue_work, [Pipe, ExistingKey, noblock])
|| _ <- lists:seq(1, QLimit) ],
%% give the get worker one more to block on
ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_pipe, queue_work, [Pipe, ExistingKey, noblock]),
consume_queue_full(Pipe, {xform_map, 0}),
%% get is now blocking, fill its queue
[ ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_pipe, queue_work, [Pipe, ExistingKey, noblock])
|| _ <- lists:seq(1, QLimit) ],
find_adjacent_key(Node, {HashMod, HashFun}, ExistingKey) ->
Hash = rpc:call(Node, HashMod, HashFun, [ExistingKey]),
[ExistingHead|_] = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_apl, get_primary_apl,
[Hash, 2, riak_kv]),
[K|_] = lists:dropwhile(
fun(N) ->
K = {<<"foonum_missing">>,
KH = rpc:call(Node, HashMod, HashFun, [K]),
[_,Second] =
rpc:call(Node, riak_core_apl, get_primary_apl,
[KH, 2, riak_kv]),
Second /= ExistingHead
lists:seq(1, 1000)),
{<<"foonum_missing">>, list_to_binary(integer_to_list(K))}.
consume_queue_full(Pipe, FittingName) ->
{log, {FittingName, {trace, [queue_full], _}}} =
riak_pipe:receive_result(Pipe, 5000),
reduce_wait_for_signal(Inputs, Args) ->
case get(waited) of
true ->
_ ->
{TestProc, WaitRef} = proplists:get_value(wait, Args),
TestProc ! {waiting, WaitRef, self()},
receive {continue, WaitRef} -> ok end,
put(waited, true),
wait_until_dead(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
Ref = monitor(process, Pid),
{'DOWN', Ref, process, _Obj, Info} ->
after 10*1000 ->
exit({timeout_waiting_for, Pid})
wait_until_dead(_) ->