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synced 2024-11-06 16:45:29 +00:00
The mapred_test eunit suite had a fragile setup stage that frequently caused the automated builders to fail. It should be more stable here. The suite has also been broken into several independent tests, to make it possible to run each major piece individually.
243 lines
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243 lines
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%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2012 Basho Technologies, Inc.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc Verify some MapReduce internals.
%% This test used to be in riak_kv's test/mapred_test.erl. It was
%% called `notfound_failover_test_'. It has been moved here
%% to avoid the fragile setup and teardown stages that frequently
%% broke eunit testing.
%% riak_test api
-compile([export_all]). %% because we run ?MODULE:PrepareFun later
-define(INTS_BUCKET, <<"foonum">>).
-define(NUM_INTS, 1000).
confirm() ->
%% we need the volatility of memory, so we can cause a replica
%% notfound by killing a vnode
Nodes = rt:build_cluster(1),
?assertEqual(ok, rt:wait_until_nodes_ready(Nodes)),
%% for our custom reduce phase
rt:load_modules_on_nodes([?MODULE], Nodes),
[ begin
lager:info("Running test ~p", [T]),
run_test(Nodes, T)
|| T <- [actual_notfound,
replica_notfound] ],
load_test_data([Node|_]) ->
%% creates foonum/1..?NUM_INTS - this is what populates ?INTS_BUCKET
lager:info("Filling INTS_BUCKET (~s)", [?INTS_BUCKET]),
ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_kv_mrc_pipe, example_setup, [?NUM_INTS]).
rpcmr(Node, Inputs, Query) ->
rpc:call(Node, riak_kv_mrc_pipe, mapred, [Inputs, Query]).
%% @doc check the condition that used to bring down a pipe in
%% https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/issues/290 (this version checks it
%% with an actual not-found)
actual_notfound(_Node, _ChashFun,
_MissingBucket, _MissingKey, _MissingValue) ->
%% @doc check the condition that used to bring down a pipe in
%% https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/issues/290 this version checks
%% with an object that is missing a replica
replica_notfound(Node, {HashMod, HashFun},
MissingBucket, MissingKey, MissingValue) ->
%% create a value for the "missing" key
Obj = riakc_obj:new(MissingBucket, MissingKey, MissingValue),
C = rt:pbc(Node),
ok = riakc_pb_socket:put(C, Obj, [{w, 3}]),
%% and now kill the first replica; this will make the vnode local
%% to the kvget pipe fitting return an error (because it's the
%% memory backend), so it will have to look at another kv vnode
Hash = rpc:call(Node, HashMod, HashFun, [{MissingBucket, MissingKey}]),
[{{PrimaryIndex, _},_}] =
rpc:call(Node, riak_core_apl, get_primary_apl, [Hash, 1, riak_kv]),
{ok, VnodePid} = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_vnode_manager,get_vnode_pid,
[PrimaryIndex, riak_kv_vnode]),
exit(VnodePid, kill).
run_test([Node|_], PrepareFun) ->
QLimit = 3,
WaitRef = make_ref(),
Spec =
[{map, {modfun, riak_kv_mapreduce, map_object_value},
<<"include_keydata">>, false},
{reduce, {modfun, ?MODULE, reduce_wait_for_signal},
[{reduce_phase_batch_size, 1}, {wait, {self(), WaitRef}}],
%% mapred_plan must happen on riak node to access ring manager
PipeSpec = rpc:call(Node, riak_kv_mrc_pipe, mapred_plan, [Spec]),
%% make it easier to fill
%% TODO: use record once rt_pipe.hrl from other branch is merged (#143)
%% SmallPipeSpec = [ S#fitting_spec{q_limit=QLimit} || S <- PipeSpec ],
SmallPipeSpec = [ setelement(7, S, QLimit) || S <- PipeSpec ],
{ok, Pipe} = rpc:call(Node, riak_pipe, exec,
[{log, sink}, {trace, [error, queue_full]},
%% TODO: use rt_pipe:self_sink() when #143 merges
{sink, {fitting, %% #fitting{
self(), %% pid
make_ref(), %% ref
sink, %% chashfun
undefined}}]]), %% nval}
ExistingKey = {?INTS_BUCKET, <<"bar1">>},
%% TODO: use record once rt_pipe.hrl from other branch is merged (#143)
%% ChashFun = (hd(SmallPipeSpec))#fitting_spec.chashfun,
ChashFun = element(5, hd(SmallPipeSpec)),
{MissingBucket, MissingKey} =
find_adjacent_key(Node, ChashFun, ExistingKey),
ValueRef = term_to_binary(make_ref()),
%% get the missing bucket/key into the right state
?MODULE:PrepareFun(Node, ChashFun, MissingBucket, MissingKey, ValueRef),
%% get main workers spun up
ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_pipe, queue_work, [Pipe, ExistingKey]),
receive {waiting, WaitRef, ReducePid} -> ok end,
%% reduce is now blocking, fill its queue
[ ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_pipe, queue_work, [Pipe, ExistingKey])
|| _ <- lists:seq(1, QLimit) ],
%% TODO: use record once rt_pipe.hrl from other branch is merged (#143)
%% {NValMod,NValFun} = (hd(SmallPipeSpec))#fitting_spec.nval,
{NValMod,NValFun} = element(6, hd(SmallPipeSpec)),
NVal = rpc:call(Node, NValMod, NValFun, [ExistingKey]),
%% each of N paths through the primary preflist
[ fill_map_queue(Node, Pipe, QLimit, ExistingKey)
|| _ <- lists:seq(1, NVal) ],
%% check get queue actually full
ExpectedTOs = lists:duplicate(NVal, timeout),
{error, ExpectedTOs} =
rpc:call(Node, riak_pipe, queue_work, [Pipe, ExistingKey, noblock]),
%% now inject a missing key that would need to
%% failover to the full queue
KeyDataRef = make_ref(),
ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_pipe, queue_work,
[Pipe, {{MissingBucket, MissingKey}, KeyDataRef}]),
%% and watch for it to block in the reduce queue
%% *this* is when pre-patched code would fail:
%% we'll receive an [error] trace from the kvget fitting's
%% failure to forward the bkey along its preflist
ok = consume_queue_full(Pipe, 1),
%% let the pipe finish
ReducePid ! {continue, WaitRef},
{eoi, Results, Logs} = riak_pipe:collect_results(Pipe),
ExpectVal = case PrepareFun of
actual_notfound ->
%% the object does not exist, but we told the map
%% phase to send on its keydata - check for it
replica_notfound ->
%% the object does exist (but one replica does
%% not), and we should have found it
?assert(lists:member({1, ExpectVal}, Results)),
%% just to be a little extra cautious, check for
%% other errors
?assertEqual([], [E || {_,{trace,[error],_}}=E <- Logs]).
fill_map_queue(Node, Pipe, QLimit, ExistingKey) ->
%% give the map worker one more to block on
ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_pipe, queue_work, [Pipe, ExistingKey, noblock]),
consume_queue_full(Pipe, 1),
%% map is now blocking, fill its queue
[ ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_pipe, queue_work, [Pipe, ExistingKey, noblock])
|| _ <- lists:seq(1, QLimit) ],
%% give the get worker one more to block on
ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_pipe, queue_work, [Pipe, ExistingKey, noblock]),
consume_queue_full(Pipe, {xform_map, 0}),
%% get is now blocking, fill its queue
[ ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_pipe, queue_work, [Pipe, ExistingKey, noblock])
|| _ <- lists:seq(1, QLimit) ],
find_adjacent_key(Node, {HashMod, HashFun}, ExistingKey) ->
Hash = rpc:call(Node, HashMod, HashFun, [ExistingKey]),
[ExistingHead|_] = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_apl, get_primary_apl,
[Hash, 2, riak_kv]),
[K|_] = lists:dropwhile(
fun(N) ->
K = {<<"foonum_missing">>,
KH = rpc:call(Node, HashMod, HashFun, [K]),
[_,Second] =
rpc:call(Node, riak_core_apl, get_primary_apl,
[KH, 2, riak_kv]),
Second /= ExistingHead
lists:seq(1, 1000)),
{<<"foonum_missing">>, list_to_binary(integer_to_list(K))}.
consume_queue_full(Pipe, FittingName) ->
{log, {FittingName, {trace, [queue_full], _}}} =
riak_pipe:receive_result(Pipe, 5000),
reduce_wait_for_signal(Inputs, Args) ->
case get(waited) of
true ->
_ ->
{TestProc, WaitRef} = proplists:get_value(wait, Args),
TestProc ! {waiting, WaitRef, self()},
receive {continue, WaitRef} -> ok end,
put(waited, true),
wait_until_dead(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
Ref = monitor(process, Pid),
{'DOWN', Ref, process, _Obj, Info} ->
after 10*1000 ->
exit({timeout_waiting_for, Pid})
wait_until_dead(_) ->