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synced 2024-11-06 16:45:29 +00:00
As of commit 3044839456
tests that
return something other than the prescribed success atom 'pass' to
indicate success result in test failure. Change the
replication_upgrade and replication2_upgrade tests that return the
result of the a call to lists:foreach/2 to instead return 'pass' to
indicate success.
106 lines
4.3 KiB
106 lines
4.3 KiB
%% Test cluster version migration with BNW replication as "new" version
confirm() ->
TestMetaData = riak_test_runner:metadata(),
FromVersion = proplists:get_value(upgrade_version, TestMetaData, previous),
lager:info("Doing rolling replication upgrade test from ~p to ~p",
[FromVersion, "current"]),
NumNodes = rt_config:get(num_nodes, 6),
UpgradeOrder = rt_config:get(repl_upgrade_order, "forwards"),
lager:info("Deploy ~p nodes", [NumNodes]),
Conf = [
{anti_entropy, {off, []}}
{fullsync_on_connect, false},
{fullsync_interval, disabled},
{diff_batch_size, 10}
NodeConfig = [{FromVersion, Conf} || _ <- lists:seq(1, NumNodes)],
Nodes = rt:deploy_nodes(NodeConfig),
NodeUpgrades = case UpgradeOrder of
"forwards" ->
"backwards" ->
"alternate" ->
%% eg 1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6
lists:flatten(lists:foldl(fun(E, [A,B,C]) -> [B, C, A ++ [E]] end,
[[],[],[]], Nodes));
"random" ->
%% halfass randomization
lists:sort(fun(_, _) -> random:uniform(100) < 50 end, Nodes);
Other ->
lager:error("Invalid upgrade ordering ~p", [Other]),
ClusterASize = rt_config:get(cluster_a_size, 3),
{ANodes, BNodes} = lists:split(ClusterASize, Nodes),
lager:info("ANodes: ~p", [ANodes]),
lager:info("BNodes: ~p", [BNodes]),
lager:info("Build cluster A"),
lager:info("Build cluster B"),
lager:info("Replication First pass...homogenous cluster"),
rt:log_to_nodes(Nodes, "Replication First pass...homogenous cluster"),
%% initial "previous" replication run, homogeneous cluster
replication2:replication(ANodes, BNodes, false),
lager:info("Upgrading nodes in order: ~p", [NodeUpgrades]),
rt:log_to_nodes(Nodes, "Upgrading nodes in order: ~p", [NodeUpgrades]),
%% upgrade the nodes, one at a time
ok = lists:foreach(fun(Node) ->
lager:info("Upgrade node: ~p", [Node]),
rt:log_to_nodes(Nodes, "Upgrade node: ~p", [Node]),
rtdev:upgrade(Node, current),
%% The upgrade did a wait for pingable
rt:wait_for_service(Node, [riak_kv, riak_pipe, riak_repl]),
[rt:wait_until_ring_converged(N) || N <- [ANodes, BNodes]],
%% Prior to 1.4.8 riak_repl registered
%% as a service before completing all
%% initialization including establishing
%% realtime connections.
%% @TODO Ideally the test would only wait
%% for the connection in the case of the
%% node version being < 1.4.8, but currently
%% the rt API does not provide a
%% harness-agnostic method do get the node
%% version. For now the test waits for all
%% source cluster nodes to establish a
%% connection before proceeding.
case lists:member(Node, ANodes) of
true ->
repl_util:wait_for_connection(Node, "B");
false ->
lager:info("Replication with upgraded node: ~p", [Node]),
rt:log_to_nodes(Nodes, "Replication with upgraded node: ~p", [Node]),
replication2:replication(ANodes, BNodes, true)
end, NodeUpgrades),