Kelly McLaughlin 1f538d7ee0 Update tests that return something other than pass for success
As of commit 3044839456 tests that
return something other than the prescribed success atom 'pass' to
indicate success result in test failure. Change tests that return the
atom 'ok' or some other value to instead return 'pass' to indicate
2014-05-22 15:54:23 -06:00

228 lines
10 KiB

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2013 Basho Technologies, Inc.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-define(CM_PREFIX, {test, cm}).
confirm() ->
rt:set_conf(all, [{"ring_size", "128"}]),
Seed = erlang:now(),
lager:info("SEED: ~p", [Seed]),
% run([10,20,40], 10, 50, 10).
run([5], 1, 5, 1),
run(NumNodes, SuperRounds, NumRounds, StableRounds) when is_list(NumNodes) ->
lager:info("starting super round ~p: ~p nodes ~p total rounds ~p stable rounds",
[S, N, NumRounds, StableRounds]),
run(N, NumRounds, StableRounds)
end || S <- lists:seq(1, SuperRounds)]
end || N <- NumNodes].
run(NumNodes, NumRounds, StableRounds) ->
{ok, Pid} = cluster_meta_proxy_server:start_link(),
AllNodes = setup_nodes(NumNodes),
%% ensures any gossip messages being proxied during initial cluster setup
%% are drained before we proceed
% wait_until_no_messages(),
% {ok, R} = rpc:call(hd(AllNodes), riak_core_ring_manager, get_my_ring, []),
% Nodes = riak_core_ring:active_members(R),
% lager:info("GOSSIP TREE: ~p", [riak_core_util:build_tree(2, Nodes, [cycles])]),
lager:info("running ~p broadcast rounds on nodes: ~p", [NumRounds, AllNodes]),
DownNodes = run_rounds(NumRounds, StableRounds, fun broadcast/2, fun wait_until_broadcast_consistent/2, AllNodes, []),
% lager:info("running ~p gossip rounds on nodes: ~p", [NumRounds, AllNodes]),
% run_rounds(NumRounds, fun gossip/2, fun wait_until_gossip_consistent/2, AllNodes),
calc_stuff(AllNodes, NumNodes, NumRounds),
exit(Pid, kill),
%% start all the down nodes so we can clean them :(
[rt:start(Node) || Node <- DownNodes],
setup_nodes(NumNodes) ->
Nodes = rt:build_cluster(NumNodes),
ok = rpc:call(Node, application, set_env, [riak_core, broadcast_exchange_timer, 4294967295]),
ok = rpc:call(Node, application, set_env, [riak_core, gossip_limit, {10000000, 4294967295}]),
rt_intercept:add(Node, {riak_core_broadcast, [{{send,2}, global_send}]})
end || Node <- Nodes],
run_rounds(0, _, _, _, _, DownNodes) ->
run_rounds(_, _, _, _, [_SenderNode], DownNodes) ->
lager:info("ran out of nodes to shut down"),
run_rounds(Round, 0, SendFun, ConsistentFun, [SenderNode | OtherNodes]=UpNodes, DownNodes) ->
lager:info("round ~p (unstable): starting", [Round]),
%% get down nodes too just so it prints nicer, debug_get_tree handles them being down
Tree = rpc:call(SenderNode, riak_core_broadcast, debug_get_tree, [SenderNode, UpNodes ++ DownNodes]),
lager:info("round ~p (unstable): tree before sending ~p", [Round, Tree]),
{FailedNode, RemainingNodes} = fail_node(Round, OtherNodes),
NewUpNodes = [SenderNode | RemainingNodes],
SendFun(SenderNode, Round),
lager:info("round: ~p (unstable): waiting until updates have reached all running nodes", [Round]),
try ConsistentFun(NewUpNodes, Round) of
_ ->
run_rounds(Round - 1, 0, SendFun, ConsistentFun, NewUpNodes, [FailedNode | DownNodes])
_:_ ->
NumDown = length([FailedNode | DownNodes]),
NumUp = length(NewUpNodes),
Total = NumDown + NumUp,
lager:error("round ~p (unstable): consistency check failed w/ ~p down ~p up, total ~p",
[Round, NumDown, NumUp, Total]),
[FailedNode | DownNodes]
run_rounds(Round, StableRound, SendFun, ConsistentFun, [SenderNode | _]=UpNodes, DownNodes) ->
lager:info("round ~p (stable): starting", [Round]),
SendFun(SenderNode, Round),
lager:info("round ~p (stable): waiting until there are no messages left", [Round]),
lager:info("round ~p (stable): waiting until updates have reached all running nodes", [Round]),
ConsistentFun(UpNodes, Round),
run_rounds(Round - 1, StableRound - 1, SendFun, ConsistentFun, UpNodes, DownNodes).
fail_node(Round, OtherNodes) ->
Failed = lists:nth(random:uniform(length(OtherNodes)), OtherNodes),
lager:info("round: ~p (unstable): shutting down ~p", [Round, Failed]),
{Failed, lists:delete(Failed, OtherNodes)}.
calc_stuff(AllNodes, NumNodes, NumRounds) ->
History = cluster_meta_proxy_server:history(),
%% GossipHistory = [{From, To, element(2, riak_core_ring:get_meta(round, R))} ||
%% {From, To, {reconcile_ring, R}} <- History, riak_core_ring:get_meta(round, R) =/= undefined],
%% lager:info("GOSSIP HISTORY:"),
%% [lager:info("~p", [X]) || X <- GossipHistory],
ResultsDict = calc_stuff(AllNodes, History),
ResultsList = lists:reverse(orddict:to_list(ResultsDict)),
ResultsFileName = io_lib:format("results-~p.csv", [NumNodes]),
{ok, ResultsFile} = file:open(ResultsFileName, [write]),
io:format(ResultsFile, "round,broadcastrmr,gossiprmr,broadcastldh,gossipldh~n", []),
[io:format(ResultsFile, "~p,~p,~p,~p,~p~n", [abs(Round - NumRounds), BRMR, GRMR, BLDH, GLDH])
|| {{round, Round}, {{BRMR, GRMR}, {BLDH, GLDH}}} <- ResultsList],
lager:info("NumNodes: ~p NumRounds: ~p RESULTS: ~p", [NumNodes, NumRounds, ResultsList]).
calc_stuff(AllNodes, History) ->
CountDict = lists:foldl(fun process_message/2, orddict:new(), History),
RMRN = length(AllNodes) - 1,
orddict:fold(fun(TestRound, Info, AccDict) ->
{BroadcastCount, BroadcastLDH} = proplists:get_value(broadcast, Info),
{GossipCount, GossipLDH} = proplists:get_value(gossip, Info, {0, 0}),
BroadcastRMR = (BroadcastCount / RMRN) - 1,
GossipRMR = (GossipCount / RMRN) - 1,
%% add 1 to LDHs since rounds are zero based
orddict:store(TestRound, {{BroadcastRMR, GossipRMR}, {BroadcastLDH+1, GossipLDH+1}}, AccDict)
end, orddict:new(), CountDict).
process_message({_From, _To,
{broadcast, {{?CM_PREFIX, {round, TestRound}}, _Ctx}, _Payload, _Mod, BCastRound, _Root, _From}},
ResultsDict) ->
case orddict:find({round, TestRound}, ResultsDict) of
error ->
orddict:store({round, TestRound}, [{broadcast, {1, BCastRound}}], ResultsDict);
{ok, Info} ->
{CurrentCount, LastBCastRound} = proplists:get_value(broadcast, Info, {1, BCastRound}),
NewInfo = lists:keystore(broadcast, 1, Info, {broadcast, {CurrentCount+1, max(LastBCastRound, BCastRound)}}),
orddict:store({round, TestRound}, NewInfo, ResultsDict)
%process_message({_From, _To,
% {reconcile_ring, OutRing}}, {CountDict, LDHDict}) ->
% CountDict1 = case riak_core_ring:get_meta(round, OutRing) of
% undefined -> CountDict; %% not a gossip message we sent (e.g. owneship change building cluster)
% {ok, Round} -> orddict:update_counter({gossip, Round}, 1, CountDict)
% end,
% {CountDict1, LDHDict};
process_message({_From, _To,
{reconcile_ring, GossipRound, OutRing}}, ResultsDict) ->
case riak_core_ring:get_meta(round, OutRing) of
undefined -> ResultsDict;
{ok, TestRound} ->
case orddict:find({round, TestRound}, ResultsDict) of
error ->
orddict:store({round, TestRound}, [{gossip, {1, GossipRound}}], ResultsDict);
{ok, Info} ->
{CurrentCount, LastGossipRound} = proplists:get_value(gossip, Info, {1, GossipRound}),
NewInfo = lists:keystore(gossip, 1, Info, {gossip, {CurrentCount+1, max(LastGossipRound, GossipRound)}}),
orddict:store({round, TestRound}, NewInfo, ResultsDict)
process_message(_Msg, Acc) ->
broadcast(SenderNode, Round) ->
%% TODO: don't use metadata manager?
Key = mk_key(Round),
Value = mk_value(Round),
ok = rpc:call(SenderNode, riak_core_metadata, put, [?CM_PREFIX, Key, Value]).
%gossip(SenderNode, Round) ->
% Value = mk_value(Round),
% {ok, _} = rpc:call(SenderNode, riak_core_ring, update_round, [Value]).
wait_until_no_messages() ->
F = fun() ->
ok = rt:wait_until(F).
wait_until_broadcast_consistent(Nodes, Round) ->
Key = mk_key(Round),
Value = mk_value(Round),
wait_until_metadata_value(Nodes,Key, Value).
wait_until_metadata_value(Nodes, Key, Val) when is_list(Nodes) ->
[wait_until_metadata_value(Node, Key, Val) || Node <- Nodes];
wait_until_metadata_value(Node, Key, Val) ->
F = fun() ->
%% no need to resolve b/c we use a single sender
Val =:= metadata_get(Node, Key)
ok = rt:wait_until(F, 10, 500).
metadata_get(Node, Key) ->
rpc:call(Node, riak_core_metadata, get, [?CM_PREFIX, Key]).
%wait_until_gossip_consistent(Nodes, Round) ->
% Value = mk_value(Round),
% wait_until_bucket_value(Nodes, Value).
%wait_until_bucket_value(Nodes, Val) when is_list(Nodes) ->
% [wait_until_bucket_value(Node, Val) || Node <- Nodes];
%wait_until_bucket_value(Node, Val) ->
% F = fun() ->
% {ok, Ring} = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_ring_manager, get_my_ring, []),
% {ok, Val} =:= riak_core_ring:get_meta(round, Ring)
% end,
% ok = rt:wait_until(F).
mk_key(Round) ->
{round, Round}.
mk_value(Round) ->