Engel A. Sanchez 556cb7210c Ensure riak_repl service is up across the board
Trying to use the repl features before newly started nodes have
riak_repl completely initialized leads to all sorts of nasty crashes and
noise. Frequently it makes fullsync stuck forever, which makes a lot of
the tests fail.

This also tweaks the AAE fullsync tests to remove assumptions about
failure stats when AAE transient errors occur. The behavior in the
handling of those errors has changed recently with the introduction of
soft exits.
2014-12-18 16:07:00 -05:00

81 lines
3.2 KiB

%% @doc
%% This module implements a riak_test to exercise the Active Anti-Entropy Fullsync replication.
%% It sets up two clusters and starts a single fullsync worker for a single AAE tree.
-import(rt, [deploy_nodes/3,
make_clusters(NumNodesWanted, ClusterSize, Conf) ->
NumNodes = rt_config:get(num_nodes, NumNodesWanted),
ClusterASize = rt_config:get(cluster_a_size, ClusterSize),
lager:info("Deploy ~p nodes", [NumNodes]),
Nodes = deploy_nodes(NumNodes, Conf, [riak_kv, riak_repl]),
{ANodes, BNodes} = lists:split(ClusterASize, Nodes),
lager:info("ANodes: ~p", [ANodes]),
lager:info("BNodes: ~p", [BNodes]),
lager:info("Build cluster A"),
lager:info("Build cluster B"),
{ANodes, BNodes}.
prepare_cluster_data(TestBucket, NumKeysAOnly, _NumKeysBoth, [AFirst|_] = ANodes, [BFirst|_] = BNodes) ->
AllNodes = ANodes ++ BNodes,
log_to_nodes(AllNodes, "Starting AAE Fullsync test"),
%% clusters are not connected, connect them
repl_util:name_cluster(AFirst, "A"),
repl_util:name_cluster(BFirst, "B"),
%% we'll need to wait for cluster names before continuing
lager:info("waiting for leader to converge on cluster A"),
?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(ANodes)),
lager:info("waiting for leader to converge on cluster B"),
?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(BNodes)),
%% get the leader for the first cluster
LeaderA = rpc:call(AFirst, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []),
{ok, {_IP, Port}} = rpc:call(BFirst, application, get_env,
[riak_core, cluster_mgr]),
lager:info("connect cluster A:~p to B on port ~p", [LeaderA, Port]),
repl_util:connect_cluster(LeaderA, "", Port),
?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_for_connection(LeaderA, "B")),
%% make sure we are connected
lager:info("Wait for cluster connection A:~p -> B:~p:~p", [LeaderA, BFirst, Port]),
?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_for_connection(LeaderA, "B")),
%% TEST: write data, NOT replicated by RT or fullsync
%% keys: 1..NumKeysAOnly
lager:info("Writing ~p keys to A(~p)", [NumKeysAOnly, AFirst]),
?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(AFirst, 1, NumKeysAOnly, TestBucket, 2)),
%% check that the keys we wrote initially aren't replicated yet, because
%% we've disabled fullsync_on_connect
lager:info("Check keys written before repl was connected are not present"),
Res2 = rt:systest_read(BFirst, 1, NumKeysAOnly, TestBucket, 1, <<>>, true),
?assertEqual(NumKeysAOnly, length(Res2)),
%% wait for the AAE trees to be built so that we don't get a not_built error