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synced 2024-11-06 16:45:29 +00:00
Discussed this with Brian and turned out they were just left over from some debugging he'd been doing earlier. I tried the test without them and it works fine.
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179 lines
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%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2013 Basho Technologies, Inc.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc Verifies Riak's warnings and caps for number of siblings
%% and object size. Warnings end up in the logs, and hard caps can
%% make requests fail.
-define(BUCKET, <<"b">>).
-define(WARN_SIZE, 1000).
-define(MAX_SIZE, 10000).
confirm() ->
[Node1] = rt:build_cluster(1, [{riak_kv, [
{ring_creation_size, 8},
{anti_entropy, {off,[]}},
{max_object_size, ?MAX_SIZE},
{warn_object_size, ?WARN_SIZE},
{max_siblings, ?MAX_SIBLINGS},
{warn_siblings, ?WARN_SIBLINGS}]}]),
C = rt:pbc(Node1),
%% Set up to grep logs to verify messages
% For the sibling test, we need the bucket to allow siblings
lager:info("Configuring bucket to allow siblings"),
?assertMatch(ok, riakc_pb_socket:set_bucket(C, ?BUCKET,
[{allow_mult, true}])),
verify_size_limits(C, Node1),
verify_sibling_limits(C, Node1),
lager:notice("Starting readrepair section of test"),
verify_readrepair_ignore_max_size(C, Node1),
verify_readrepair_ignore_max_sib(C, Node1),
verify_size_limits(C, Node1) ->
lager:info("Verifying size limits"),
Puts = [{1, ok},
{10, ok},
{50, ok},
{?WARN_SIZE, warning},
{?MAX_SIZE, error},
{?MAX_SIZE*2, error}],
lager:info("Checking put of size ~p, expected ~p", [N, X]),
K = <<N:32/big-integer>>,
V = <<0:(N)/integer-unit:8>>, % N zeroes bin
O = riakc_obj:new(?BUCKET, K, V),
% Verify behavior on write
Res = riakc_pb_socket:put(C, O),
lager:info("Result : ~p", [Res]),
case X of
ok ->
?assertMatch({N, ok}, {N, Res});
error ->
?assertMatch({N, {error, _}}, {N, Res}),
verify_size_write_error(Node1, K, N);
warning ->
verify_size_write_warning(Node1, K, N)
% Now verify on read
lager:info("Now checking read of size ~p, expected ~p", [N, X]),
ReadRes = riakc_pb_socket:get(C, ?BUCKET, K),
case X of
ok ->
?assertMatch({{ok, _}, N}, {ReadRes, N});
warning ->
?assertMatch({{ok, _}, N}, {ReadRes, N}),
verify_size_read_warning(Node1, K, N);
error ->
?assertMatch({{error, _}, N}, {ReadRes, N})
end || {N, X} <- Puts],
verify_size_write_warning(Node, K, N) ->
lager:info("Looking for write warning for size ~p", [N]),
Pattern = io_lib:format("warning.*Writ.*~p.*~p",[?BUCKET, K]),
Res = rt:expect_in_log(Node, Pattern),
?assertEqual({warning, N, true}, {warning, N, Res}).
verify_size_read_warning(Node, K, N) ->
lager:info("Looking for read warning for size ~p", [N]),
Pattern = io_lib:format("warning.*Read.*~p.*~p",[?BUCKET, K]),
Res = rt:expect_in_log(Node, Pattern),
?assertEqual({warning, N, true}, {warning, N, Res}).
verify_size_write_error(Node, K, N) ->
lager:info("Looking for write error for size ~p", [N]),
Pattern = io_lib:format("error.*~p.*~p",[?BUCKET, K]),
Res = rt:expect_in_log(Node, Pattern),
?assertEqual({warning, N, true}, {warning, N, Res}).
verify_sibling_limits(C, Node1) ->
K = <<"sibtest">>,
O = riakc_obj:new(?BUCKET, K, <<"val">>),
[?assertMatch(ok, riakc_pb_socket:put(C, O))
|| _ <- lists:seq(1, ?WARN_SIBLINGS+1)],
P = io_lib:format("warning.*siblings.*~p.*~p.*(~p)",
Found = rt:expect_in_log(Node1, P),
lager:info("Looking for sibling warning: ~p", [Found]),
?assertEqual(true, Found),
% Generate error now
[?assertMatch(ok, riakc_pb_socket:put(C, O))
|| _ <- lists:seq(?WARN_SIBLINGS+2, ?MAX_SIBLINGS)],
Res = riakc_pb_socket:put(C, O),
lager:info("Result when too many siblings : ~p", [Res]),
?assertMatch({error,_}, Res),
verify_readrepair_ignore_max_size(C, Node1) ->
% Add intercept to treat all vnode puts as readrepairs
Intercept = {riak_kv_vnode, [{{put, 6}, put_as_readrepair},{{coord_put,6}, coord_put_as_readrepair}]},
ok = rt_intercept:add(Node1, Intercept),
% Do put with value greater than max size and confirm warning
lager:info("Checking readrepair put of size ~p, expecting ok result and log warning", [?MAX_SIZE*2]),
K = <<"rrsizetest">>,
V = <<0:(?MAX_SIZE*2)/integer-unit:8>>,
O = riakc_obj:new(?BUCKET, K, V),
?assertMatch(ok, riakc_pb_socket:put(C, O)),
verify_size_write_warning(Node1, K, ?MAX_SIZE*2),
% Clean intercept
ok = rt_intercept:clean(Node1, riak_kv_vnode),
verify_readrepair_ignore_max_sib(C, Node1) ->
lager:info("Checking sibling warning on readrepair above max siblings=~p", [?MAX_SIBLINGS]),
K = <<"rrsibtest">>,
V = <<"sibtest">>,
O = riakc_obj:new(?BUCKET, K, V),
% Force sibling error
[?assertMatch(ok, riakc_pb_socket:put(C, O))
|| _ <- lists:seq(1, ?MAX_SIBLINGS)],
Res = riakc_pb_socket:put(C, O),
lager:info("Result when too many siblings : ~p", [Res]),
?assertMatch({error,_}, Res),
% Add intercept to spoof writes as readrepair
Intercept = {riak_kv_vnode, [{{put, 6}, put_as_readrepair},{{coord_put,6}, coord_put_as_readrepair}]},
ok = rt_intercept:add(Node1, Intercept),
% Verify readrepair writes return ok and log warning
lager:info("Verifying succesful put above max_siblings with readrepair"),
?assertMatch(ok, riakc_pb_socket:put(C, O)),
P = io_lib:format("warning.*siblings.*~p.*~p.*(~p)",
Found = rt:expect_in_log(Node1, P),
lager:info("Looking for sibling warning: ~p", [Found]),
?assertEqual(true, Found),
% Clean intercept
ok = rt_intercept:clean(Node1, riak_kv_vnode),