John R. Daily 4744eecd47 Faster/cleaner remove_last/1 per Andrei
converting ts_util calls to new ts library calls

modified ts_setup:create_bucket_type

more test updating

Replace ts_util with ts_setup, ts_ops and ts_data
2016-11-04 16:19:30 -06:00

102 lines
3.5 KiB

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2016 Basho Technologies, Inc.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
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%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Ensure aggregation functions only work on desired data types
confirm() ->
DDL = ts_data:get_ddl(aggregation),
Count = 10,
Data = ts_data:get_valid_aggregation_data_not_null(Count),
Column4 = [element(4, X) || X <- Data],
Column5 = [element(5, X) || X <- Data],
Column6 = [element(6, X) || X <- Data],
Bucket = "WeatherData",
Where = " WHERE myfamily = 'family1' and myseries = 'seriesX' and time >= 1 and time <= 10",
Qry = "SELECT AVG(temperature) * (9/5) + 32 FROM " ++ Bucket ++ Where ++ " and temperature > 10",
Cluster = ts_setup:start_cluster(1),
FilteredTemp = lists:filter(fun(X) -> case X>10 andalso is_number(X) of true -> true; _ -> false end end, Column4),
_FilteredSum4 = lists:sum(FilteredTemp),
{ok,_} = ts_setup:create_bucket_type(Cluster, DDL, Bucket),
ok = ts_setup:activate_bucket_type(Cluster, Bucket),
ok = ts_ops:put(Cluster, Bucket, Data),
{_, {_, _Got}} = ts_ops:query(Cluster, Qry),
%% ?assertEqual((FilteredSum4/length(FilteredTemp)) * (9/5) + 32, Got),
Qry2 = "SELECT SUM(pressure/precipitation) FROM " ++ Bucket ++ Where,
{ok, {_, Got2}} = ts_ops:query(Cluster, Qry2),
SumDiv = lists:sum(
[Press/Precip || {Press, Precip} <- lists:zip(Column5, Column6), Press /= [], Precip /= []]),
?assertEqual([{SumDiv}], Got2),
Qry3 = "SELECT 3+5, 2.0+8, 9/2, 9.0/2 FROM " ++ Bucket ++ Where,
{ok, {_, Got3}} = ts_ops:query(Cluster, Qry3),
Arithmetic = [{8, 10.0, 4, 4.5} || _ <- lists:seq(1, Count)],
?assertEqual(Arithmetic, Got3),
Qry4 = "SELECT SUM(temperature+10), AVG(pressure)/10 FROM " ++ Bucket ++ Where,
{ok, {_, Got4}} = ts_ops:query(Cluster, Qry4),
SumPlus = lists:sum([X+10 || X<-Column4]),
AvgDiv = lists:sum(Column5)/Count/10,
?assertEqual([{SumPlus, AvgDiv}], Got4),
div_by_zero_test(Cluster, Bucket, Where),
div_aggregate_function_by_zero_test(Cluster, Bucket, Where),
negate_an_aggregation_test(Cluster, Bucket, Where),
div_by_zero_test(Cluster, Bucket, Where) ->
Query = "SELECT 5 / 0 FROM " ++ Bucket ++ Where,
{error,{1001,<<"Divide by zero">>}},
ts_ops:query(Cluster, Query)
div_aggregate_function_by_zero_test(Cluster, Bucket, Where) ->
Query = "SELECT COUNT(*) / 0 FROM " ++ Bucket ++ Where,
{error,{1001,<<"Divide by zero">>}},
ts_ops:query(Cluster, Query)
negate_an_aggregation_test(Cluster, Bucket, Where) ->
Query = "SELECT -COUNT(*), COUNT(*) FROM " ++ Bucket ++ Where,
{ok, {[<<"-COUNT(*)">>, <<"COUNT(*)">>],[{-10, 10}]}},
ts_ops:query(Cluster, Query)