Kelly McLaughlin 1f538d7ee0 Update tests that return something other than pass for success
As of commit 3044839456 tests that
return something other than the prescribed success atom 'pass' to
indicate success result in test failure. Change tests that return the
atom 'ok' or some other value to instead return 'pass' to indicate
2014-05-22 15:54:23 -06:00

176 lines
7.2 KiB

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2013 Basho Technologies, Inc.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-export([confirm/0, object_count/2]).
-define(PREFIX1, {a, b}).
-define(PREFIX2, {fold, prefix}).
-define(KEY1, key1).
-define(KEY2, key2).
-define(VAL1, val1).
-define(VAL2, val2).
confirm() ->
Nodes = rt:build_cluster(5),
ok = test_fold_full_prefix(Nodes),
ok = test_metadata_conflicts(Nodes),
ok = test_writes_after_partial_cluster_failure(Nodes),
%% 1. write a key and waits til it propogates around the cluster
%% 2. stop the immediate eager peers of the node that performed the write
%% 3. perform an update of the key from the same node and wait until it reaches all alive nodes
%% 4. bring up stopped nodes and ensure that either lazily queued messages or anti-entropy repair
%% propogates key to all nodes in cluster
test_writes_after_partial_cluster_failure([N1 | _]=Nodes) ->
lager:info("testing writes after partial cluster failure"),
metadata_put(N1, ?PREFIX1, ?KEY1, ?VAL1),
wait_until_metadata_value(Nodes, ?PREFIX1, ?KEY1, ?VAL1),
print_tree(N1, Nodes),
StopNodes = eager_peers(N1, N1),
AliveNodes = Nodes -- StopNodes,
lager:info("stopping nodes: ~p remaining nodes: ~p", [StopNodes, AliveNodes]),
[rt:stop(N) || N <- StopNodes],
metadata_put(N1, ?PREFIX1, ?KEY1, ?VAL2),
wait_until_metadata_value(AliveNodes, ?PREFIX1, ?KEY1, ?VAL2),
lager:info("bring stopped nodes back up: ~p", [StopNodes]),
[rt:start(N) || N <- StopNodes],
wait_until_metadata_value(Nodes, ?PREFIX1, ?KEY1, ?VAL2),
%% 1. write several keys to a prefix, fold over them accumulating a list
%% 2. ensure list of keys and values match those written to prefix
test_fold_full_prefix([N1 | _]=Nodes) ->
rt:load_modules_on_nodes([?MODULE], Nodes),
lager:info("testing prefix (~p) fold on ~p", [?PREFIX2, N1]),
KeysAndVals = [{I, I} || I <- lists:seq(1, 10)],
[metadata_put(N1, ?PREFIX2, K, V) || {K, V} <- KeysAndVals],
%% we don't use a resolver but shouldn't have conflicts either, so assume that in
%% head of fold function
FoldRes = [{K, V} || {K, [V]} <- metadata_to_list(N1, ?PREFIX2)],
SortedRes = lists:ukeysort(1, FoldRes),
?assertEqual(KeysAndVals, SortedRes),
test_metadata_conflicts([N1, N2 | _]=Nodes) ->
rt:load_modules_on_nodes([?MODULE], Nodes),
lager:info("testing conflicting writes to a key"),
write_conflicting(N1, N2, ?PREFIX1, ?KEY2, ?VAL1, ?VAL2),
%% assert that we still have siblings since write_conflicting uses allow_put=false
lager:info("checking object count after resolve on get w/o put"),
?assertEqual(2, rpc:call(N1, ?MODULE, object_count, [?PREFIX1, ?KEY2])),
?assertEqual(2, rpc:call(N2, ?MODULE, object_count, [?PREFIX1, ?KEY2])),
%% iterate over the values and ensure we can resolve w/o doing a put
?assertEqual([{?KEY2, lists:usort([?VAL1, ?VAL2])}],
metadata_to_list(N1, ?PREFIX1, [{allow_put, false}])),
?assertEqual([{?KEY2, lists:usort([?VAL1, ?VAL2])}],
metadata_to_list(N2, ?PREFIX1, [{allow_put, false}])),
lager:info("checking object count after resolve on itr_key_values w/o put"),
?assertEqual(2, rpc:call(N1, ?MODULE, object_count, [?PREFIX1, ?KEY2])),
?assertEqual(2, rpc:call(N2, ?MODULE, object_count, [?PREFIX1, ?KEY2])),
%% assert that we no longer have siblings when allow_put=true
lager:info("checking object count afger resolve on get w/ put"),
wait_until_metadata_value(N1, ?PREFIX1, ?KEY2,
[{resolver, fun list_resolver/2}],
lists:usort([?VAL1, ?VAL2])),
wait_until_metadata_value([N1, N2], ?PREFIX1, ?KEY2,
[{resolver, fun list_resolver/2}, {allow_put, false}],
lists:usort([?VAL1, ?VAL2])),
wait_until_object_count([N1, N2], ?PREFIX1, ?KEY2, 1),
write_conflicting(N1, N2, Prefix, Key, Val1, Val2) ->
rpc:call(N1, riak_core_metadata_manager, put, [{Prefix, Key}, undefined, Val1]),
rpc:call(N2, riak_core_metadata_manager, put, [{Prefix, Key}, undefined, Val2]),
wait_until_metadata_value([N1, N2], Prefix, Key,
[{resolver, fun list_resolver/2},
{allow_put, false}],
lists:usort([Val1, Val2])).
object_count(Prefix, Key) ->
Obj = riak_core_metadata_manager:get({Prefix, Key}),
case Obj of
undefined -> 0;
_ -> riak_core_metadata_object:value_count(Obj)
list_resolver(X1, X2) when is_list(X2) andalso is_list(X1) ->
lists:usort(X1 ++ X2);
list_resolver(X1, X2) when is_list(X2) ->
lists:usort([X1 | X2]);
list_resolver(X1, X2) when is_list(X1) ->
lists:usort(X1 ++ [X2]);
list_resolver(X1, X2) ->
lists:usort([X1, X2]).
metadata_to_list(Node, FullPrefix) ->
metadata_to_list(Node, FullPrefix, []).
metadata_to_list(Node, FullPrefix, Opts) ->
rpc:call(Node, riak_core_metadata, to_list, [FullPrefix, Opts]).
metadata_put(Node, Prefix, Key, FunOrVal) ->
ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_metadata, put, [Prefix, Key, FunOrVal]).
metadata_get(Node, Prefix, Key, Opts) ->
rpc:call(Node, riak_core_metadata, get, [Prefix, Key, Opts]).
wait_until_metadata_value(Nodes, Prefix, Key, Val) ->
wait_until_metadata_value(Nodes, Prefix, Key, [], Val).
wait_until_metadata_value(Nodes, Prefix, Key, Opts, Val) when is_list(Nodes) ->
[wait_until_metadata_value(Node, Prefix, Key, Opts, Val) || Node <- Nodes];
wait_until_metadata_value(Node, Prefix, Key, Opts, Val) ->
lager:info("wait until {~p, ~p} equals ~p on ~p", [Prefix, Key, Val, Node]),
F = fun() ->
Val =:= metadata_get(Node, Prefix, Key, Opts)
?assertEqual(ok, rt:wait_until(F)),
wait_until_object_count(Nodes, Prefix, Key, Count) when is_list(Nodes) ->
[wait_until_object_count(Node, Prefix, Key, Count) || Node <- Nodes];
wait_until_object_count(Node, Prefix, Key, Count) ->
lager:info("wait until {~p, ~p} has object count ~p on ~p", [Prefix, Key, Count, Node]),
F = fun() ->
Count =:= rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, object_count, [Prefix, Key])
?assertEqual(ok, rt:wait_until(F)),
eager_peers(Node, Root) ->
{Eagers, _} = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_broadcast, debug_get_peers, [Node, Root]),
print_tree(Root, Nodes) ->
Tree = rpc:call(Root, riak_core_broadcast, debug_get_tree, [Root, Nodes]),
lager:info("broadcast tree: ~p", [Tree]).