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-define(PYTHON_CLIENT_TAG, "1.5.2").
-define(PYTHON_CHECKOUT, filename:join([rt_config:get(rt_scratch_dir), "riak-python-client"])).
-define(PYTHON_GIT_URL, "git://github.com/basho/riak-python-client.git").
%% Need python, yo
%% Virtualenv will isolate this so we don't have permissions issues.
confirm() ->
%% test requires allow_mult=false b/c of rt:systest_read
rt:set_conf(all, [{"buckets.default.siblings", "off"}]),
{ok, TestCommand} = prereqs(),
Config = [{riak_search, [{enabled, true}]}],
[Node] = rt:deploy_nodes(1, Config),
rt:wait_for_service(Node, riak_search),
[{Node, ConnectionInfo}] = rt:connection_info([Node]),
{HTTP_Host, HTTP_Port} = orddict:fetch(http, ConnectionInfo),
{PB_Host, PB_Port} = orddict:fetch(pb, ConnectionInfo),
lager:info("Connection Info: http: ~p:~p pb: ~p:~p", [HTTP_Host, HTTP_Port, PB_Host, PB_Port]),
lager:info("Enabling search hook on 'searchbucket'"),
rt:enable_search_hook(Node, <<"searchbucket">>),
{ExitCode, PythonLog} = rt_local:stream_cmd(TestCommand,
{env,[{"RIAK_TEST_PB_HOST", PB_Host},
{"RIAK_TEST_PB_PORT", integer_to_list(PB_Port)},
{"RIAK_TEST_HTTP_PORT", integer_to_list(HTTP_Port)},
{"SKIP_LUWAK", "1"}]}]),
?assertEqual(0, ExitCode),
?assertNot(rt:str(PythonLog, "FAIL")),
prereqs() ->
%% Cleanup from previous test runs as it causes a
%% virtualenv caremad explosion if it already exists
lager:info("[PREREQ] Cleaning up python scratch directory"),
CleanupCMD = io_lib:format("rm -rf ~s", [?PYTHON_CHECKOUT]),
%% Python should be at least 2.6, but not 3.x
lager:info("[PREREQ] Checking for python version >= 2.6, < 3.0"),
"Python 2." ++ [Minor|_] = Version = os:cmd("python -V"),
lager:info("[PREREQ] Got python version: ~s", [Version]),
?assert(Minor =:= $6 orelse Minor =:= $7),
%% Need setuptools too
lager:info("[PREREQ] Checking for presence of setuptools"),
?assertCmd("python -c 'import setuptools'"),
%% Checkout the project and a specific tag.
lager:info("[PREREQ] Cloning riak-python-client from ~s", [?PYTHON_GIT_URL]),
Cmd = io_lib:format("git clone ~s ~s", [?PYTHON_GIT_URL, ?PYTHON_CHECKOUT]),
lager:info("[PREREQ] Resetting python client to tag '~s'", [?PYTHON_CLIENT_TAG]),
TagCmd = io_lib:format("git checkout ~s", [?PYTHON_CLIENT_TAG]),
rt_local:stream_cmd(TagCmd, [{cd, ?PYTHON_CHECKOUT}]),
lager:info("[PREREQ] Installing an isolated environment with virtualenv in ~s", [?PYTHON_CHECKOUT]),
rt_local:stream_cmd("virtualenv --clear --no-site-packages .", [{cd, ?PYTHON_CHECKOUT}]),
lager:info("[PREREQ] Installing dependencies"),
rt_local:stream_cmd("bin/python setup.py develop", [{cd, ?PYTHON_CHECKOUT}]),
case Minor of
$6 ->
lager:info("[PREREQ] Installing unittest2 for python 2.6"),
rt_local:stream_cmd("bin/easy_install unittest2", [{cd, ?PYTHON_CHECKOUT}]),
{ok, "bin/unit2 riak.tests.test_all"};
_ ->
{ok, "bin/python setup.py test"}