
379 lines
16 KiB

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2016 Basho Technologies, Inc.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-compile({parse_transform, rt_intercept_pt}).
%% Test both realtime and fullsync replication for timeseries data.
-import(rt, [join/2,
confirm() ->
NumNodes = rt_config:get(num_nodes, 6),
ClusterASize = rt_config:get(cluster_a_size, 3),
lager:info("Deploy ~p nodes", [NumNodes]),
Conf = [
%% Specify fast building of AAE trees
{anti_entropy, {on, []}},
{anti_entropy_build_limit, {100, 1000}},
{anti_entropy_concurrency, 100}
{fullsync_on_connect, false},
{fullsync_interval, disabled},
{ts_realtime, true},
{diff_batch_size, 10}
lager:info("Building Clusters A and B"),
[ANodes, BNodes] = rt:build_clusters([{ClusterASize, Conf}, {NumNodes - ClusterASize, Conf}]),
%% TS-ize the clusters
DDL = ts_data:get_ddl(),
Table = ts_data:get_default_bucket(),
ts_setup:create_bucket_type(ANodes, DDL, Table),
ts_setup:activate_bucket_type(ANodes, Table),
ts_setup:create_bucket_type(BNodes, DDL, Table),
ts_setup:activate_bucket_type(BNodes, Table),
replication(ANodes, BNodes, list_to_binary(Table), <<"hey look ma no w1c">>),
test_ddl_comparison(ANodes, BNodes),
test_ddl_comparison(ANodes, BNodes) ->
lager:info("Testing TS realtime fails with incompatible DDLs"),
Table = "house_of_horrors",
SmallDDL = ts_data:get_ddl(small, Table),
BigDDL = ts_data:get_ddl(big, Table),
ts_setup:create_bucket_type(ANodes, SmallDDL, Table),
ts_setup:activate_bucket_type(ANodes, Table),
ts_setup:create_bucket_type(BNodes, BigDDL, Table),
ts_setup:activate_bucket_type(BNodes, Table),
LeaderA = get_leader(hd(ANodes)),
PortB = get_mgr_port(hd(BNodes)),
prop_failure_replication_test(ANodes, BNodes, LeaderA, PortB, Table).
create_normal_type(Nodes, BucketType) ->
TypeProps = [{n_val, 3}],
lager:info("Create bucket type ~p, wait for propagation", [BucketType]),
rt:create_and_activate_bucket_type(hd(Nodes), BucketType, TypeProps),
rt:wait_until_bucket_type_status(BucketType, active, Nodes),
rt:wait_until_bucket_props(Nodes, {BucketType, <<"bucket">>}, TypeProps).
ts_num_records_present(Node, Lower, Upper, Table) when is_binary(Table) ->
ts_num_records_present(Node, Lower, Upper, unicode:characters_to_list(Table));
ts_num_records_present(Node, Lower, Upper, Table) ->
%% Queries use strictly greater/less than
Qry = ts_data:get_valid_qry(Lower-1, Upper+1, Table),
{ok, {_Hdrs, Results}} = riakc_ts:query(rt:pbc(Node), Qry),
kv_num_objects_present(Node, Lower, Upper, Bucket) ->
FailedMatches = rt:systest_read(Node, Lower, Upper, Bucket, 2),
PotentialQty = Upper - Lower + 1,
PotentialQty - length(FailedMatches).
delete_record(Node, Table, Time) ->
[RecordAsTuple] = ts_data:get_valid_select_data(fun() -> lists:seq(Time, Time) end),
RecordAsList = tuple_to_list(RecordAsTuple),
KeyAsList = lists:sublist(RecordAsList, 3),
lager:info("Deleting ~p from ~ts~n", [KeyAsList, Table]),
riakc_ts:delete(rt:pbc(Node), Table, KeyAsList, []).
put_records(Node, Table, Lower, Upper) ->
riakc_ts:put(rt:pbc(Node), Table,
fun() -> lists:seq(Lower, Upper) end)).
replication(ANodes, BNodes, Table, NormalType) ->
log_to_nodes(ANodes ++ BNodes, "Starting ts_replication test"),
LeaderA = get_leader(hd(ANodes)),
PortB = get_mgr_port(hd(BNodes)),
KVBucket = {NormalType, <<"bucket">>},
KVBucketInTS = {Table, <<"bucket">>},
create_normal_type(ANodes, NormalType),
create_normal_type(BNodes, NormalType),
%% Make certain we don't start throwing objects into the realtime
%% queue until realtime sync is enabled. Bug in 1.3, fixed in 1.4.
lager:info("Adding intercept to RTQ"),
{push, 3},
fun(_Len, _Bin, _Meta) ->
application:set_env(riak_repl, '_test_rtq_pushed', true)
%% Before connecting clusters, write some initial data to Cluster A
lager:info("Writing 100 KV values to ~p (~p)", [hd(ANodes), KVBucket]),
?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(hd(ANodes), 1, 100, KVBucket, 2)),
lager:info("Writing 100 KV values to ~p (~p)", [hd(ANodes), KVBucketInTS]),
?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(hd(ANodes), 1, 100, KVBucketInTS, 2)),
lager:info("Writing 100 TS records to ~p (~p)", [hd(ANodes), Table]),
?assertEqual(ok, put_records(hd(ANodes), Table, 1, 100)),
?assertEqual(100, ts_num_records_present(hd(ANodes), 1, 100, Table)),
%% Now remove our temporary intercept
rt_intercept:clean(hd(ANodes), riak_repl2_rtq),
%% Check to see if anything was pushed to the realtime queue
lager:info("Checking to see whether anything was (wrongly) pushed to the RTQ"),
WasPushed = rpc:call(hd(ANodes), application, get_env, [riak_repl, '_test_rtq_pushed']),
?assertEqual(undefined, WasPushed),
lager:info("Testing a non-w1c bucket type (realtime)"),
real_time_replication_test(ANodes, BNodes, LeaderA, PortB, KVBucket),
%% We do not have realtime sync for w1c, but make sure we can
%% still write and read the data from the source cluster
lager:info("Testing the timeseries bucket type, non-ts-managed bucket (realtime)"),
no_w1c_real_time_replication_test(ANodes, BNodes, LeaderA, PortB, KVBucketInTS),
lager:info("Testing timeseries data (realtime)"),
ts_real_time_replication_test(ANodes, BNodes, LeaderA, PortB, Table),
lager:info("Testing a change of bucket properties to disable realtime"),
no_ts_real_time_replication_test(ANodes, BNodes, LeaderA, PortB, Table),
lager:info("Testing all buckets with fullsync"),
full_sync_replication_test(ANodes, BNodes, LeaderA, PortB, KVBucket, KVBucketInTS, Table),
lager:info("Tests passed"),
full_sync_replication_test([AFirst|_]=ANodes, [BFirst|_]=BNodes, LeaderA, PortB, KVBucket, KVBucketInTS, Table) ->
BNode = hd(BNodes),
%% Revisit data written before realtime was tested to verify that
%% it is still absent on the sink cluster
lager:info("Verifying first 100 keys not present on 2nd cluster (non-w1c)"),
?assertEqual(0, kv_num_objects_present(BNode, 1, 100, KVBucket)),
lager:info("Verifying first 100 keys not present on 2nd cluster (ts bucket type, non-ts bucket)"),
?assertEqual(0, kv_num_objects_present(BNode, 1, 100, KVBucketInTS)),
lager:info("Verifying first 100 TS keys not present on 2nd cluster"),
?assertEqual(0, ts_num_records_present(BNode, 1, 100, Table)),
lager:info("Starting and waiting for fullsync"),
connect_clusters(ANodes, BNodes, LeaderA, PortB),
start_mdc(ANodes, LeaderA, "B", true),
repl_util:start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete(ANodes, "B"),
lager:info("Verifying first 100 keys present on 2nd cluster (non-w1c)"),
?assertEqual(100, kv_num_objects_present(BNode, 1, 100, KVBucket)),
lager:info("Verifying first 100 keys present on 2nd cluster (ts bucket type, non-ts bucket)"),
?assertEqual(100, kv_num_objects_present(BNode, 1, 100, KVBucketInTS)),
lager:info("Verifying first 100 TS keys present on 2nd cluster"),
?assertEqual(100, ts_num_records_present(BNode, 1, 100, Table)),
lager:info("Deleting a record on Cluster A"),
delete_record(AFirst, Table, 23),
lager:info("Verifying record is no longer on Cluster A"),
?assertEqual(0, ts_num_records_present(AFirst, 23, 23, Table)),
repl_util:start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete(ANodes, "B"),
lager:info("Verifying record is no longer on Cluster B"),
?assertEqual(0, ts_num_records_present(BFirst, 23, 23, Table)),
disconnect_clusters(ANodes, LeaderA, "B").
real_time_replication_test(ANodes, [BFirst|_] = BNodes, LeaderA, PortB, Bucket) ->
lager:info("Connecting clusters"),
connect_clusters(ANodes, BNodes, LeaderA, PortB),
lager:info("Starting real-time MDC"),
start_mdc(ANodes, LeaderA, "B", false),
log_to_nodes(ANodes++BNodes, "Write data to Cluster A, verify replication to Cluster B via realtime"),
lager:info("Writing 100 keys to Cluster A-LeaderNode: ~p", [LeaderA]),
?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(LeaderA, 101, 200, Bucket, 2)),
lager:info("Reading 100 keys written to Cluster A-LeaderNode: ~p from Cluster B-Node: ~p", [LeaderA, PortB]),
?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(BFirst, 101, 200, Bucket, 2)),
disconnect_clusters(ANodes, LeaderA, "B").
%% @doc Real time replication test
ts_real_time_replication_test([AFirst|_] = ANodes, [BFirst|_] = BNodes, LeaderA, PortB, Table) ->
connect_clusters(ANodes, BNodes, LeaderA, PortB),
start_mdc(ANodes, LeaderA, "B", false),
lager:info("Verifying none of the records on A are on B"),
?assertEqual(0, ts_num_records_present(BFirst, 1, 100, Table)),
log_to_nodes(ANodes++BNodes, "Write data to Cluster A, verify replication to Cluster B via realtime"),
lager:info("Writing 100 keys to Cluster A-LeaderNode: ~p", [LeaderA]),
?assertEqual(ok, put_records(AFirst, Table, 101, 200)),
lager:info("Writing a single key to Cluster A-LeaderNode: ~p", [LeaderA]),
?assertEqual(ok, put_records(AFirst, Table, 201, 201)),
lager:info("Reading 101 keys written to Cluster A-LeaderNode: ~p from Cluster B-Node: ~p", [LeaderA, BFirst]),
?assertEqual(ok, rt:wait_until(fun() -> 101 == ts_num_records_present(BFirst, 101, 201, Table) end)),
lager:info("Deleting a record on Cluster A"),
delete_record(AFirst, Table, 174),
lager:info("Verifying record is no longer on Cluster A"),
?assertEqual(0, ts_num_records_present(AFirst, 174, 174, Table)),
lager:info("Verifying record is no longer on Cluster B"),
?assertEqual(0, ts_num_records_present(BFirst, 174, 174, Table)),
disconnect_clusters(ANodes, LeaderA, "B").
%% @doc No w1c replication test (feature is not yet implemented)
no_w1c_real_time_replication_test([AFirst|_] = ANodes, [BFirst|_] = BNodes, LeaderA, PortB, Bucket) ->
connect_clusters(ANodes, BNodes, LeaderA, PortB),
start_mdc(ANodes, LeaderA, "B", false),
log_to_nodes(ANodes++BNodes, "Write data to Cluster A, verify no replication to Cluster B via realtime"),
lager:info("Writing 100 keys to Cluster A-LeaderNode: ~p", [LeaderA]),
?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(LeaderA, 1001, 1100, Bucket, 2)),
lager:info("Verifying all of the new records are on A"),
?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(AFirst, 1001, 1100, Bucket, 2)),
lager:info("Pausing 2 seconds"),
lager:info("Verifying none of the new records are on B"),
?assertEqual(true, repl_util:confirm_missing(BFirst, 1001, 1100, Bucket, 2)),
disconnect_clusters(ANodes, LeaderA, "B").
%% @doc No real time replication test (bucket properties set to fullsync)
no_ts_real_time_replication_test([AFirst|_] = ANodes, [BFirst|_] = BNodes, LeaderA, PortB, Table) ->
connect_clusters(ANodes, BNodes, LeaderA, PortB),
start_mdc(ANodes, LeaderA, "B", false),
%% Set bucket properties to {repl, fullsync} before writing data
rt:pbc_set_bucket_type(rt:pbc(AFirst), Table, [{repl, fullsync}]),
log_to_nodes(ANodes++BNodes, "Write data to Cluster A, verify no replication to Cluster B via realtime"),
lager:info("Writing 100 keys to Cluster A-LeaderNode: ~p", [LeaderA]),
?assertEqual(ok, put_records(AFirst, Table, 202, 301)),
lager:info("Pausing 2 seconds"),
lager:info("Verifying none of the new records are on B"),
?assertEqual(0, ts_num_records_present(BFirst, 202, 301, Table)),
%% "Undo" (sort of) the bucket property
rt:pbc_set_bucket_type(rt:pbc(AFirst), Table, [{repl, both}]),
disconnect_clusters(ANodes, LeaderA, "B").
%% @doc No real time replication test (incompatible DDLs)
prop_failure_replication_test([AFirst|_] = ANodes, [BFirst|_] = BNodes, LeaderA, PortB, Table) ->
connect_clusters(ANodes, BNodes, LeaderA, PortB),
start_mdc(ANodes, LeaderA, "B", false),
log_to_nodes(ANodes++BNodes, "Write data to Cluster A, verify no replication to Cluster B via realtime because DDL comparison failed"),
lager:info("Writing 100 keys to Cluster A-LeaderNode: ~p", [LeaderA]),
?assertEqual(ok, put_records(AFirst, Table, 202, 301)),
lager:info("Pausing 2 seconds"),
lager:info("Verifying none of the new records are on B"),
?assertEqual(0, ts_num_records_present(BFirst, 202, 301, Table)),
disconnect_clusters(ANodes, LeaderA, "B").
connect_clusters([AFirst|_] = ANodes, [BFirst|_] = BNodes,
LeaderA, PortB) ->
repl_util:name_cluster(AFirst, "A"),
repl_util:name_cluster(BFirst, "B"),
%% Wait for Cluster naming to converge.
lager:info("Waiting for leader to converge on cluster A"),
?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(ANodes)),
lager:info("Waiting for leader to converge on cluster B"),
?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(BNodes)),
lager:info("connect cluster A:~p to B on port ~p", [LeaderA, PortB]),
repl_util:connect_cluster(LeaderA, "", PortB),
?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_for_connection(LeaderA, "B")).
disconnect_clusters(SourceNodes, SourceLeader, RemoteClusterName) ->
lager:info("Disconnect the 2 clusters"),
repl_util:disable_realtime(SourceLeader, RemoteClusterName),
repl_util:disconnect_cluster(SourceLeader, RemoteClusterName),
%% Last argument: do fullsync or not
start_mdc(SourceNodes, SourceLeader, RemoteClusterName, true) ->
start_mdc(SourceNodes, SourceLeader, RemoteClusterName, false),
repl_util:enable_fullsync(SourceLeader, RemoteClusterName),
start_mdc(SourceNodes, SourceLeader, RemoteClusterName, false) ->
repl_util:enable_realtime(SourceLeader, RemoteClusterName),
repl_util:start_realtime(SourceLeader, RemoteClusterName),
get_leader(Node) ->
rpc:call(Node, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []).
get_mgr_port(Node) ->
{ok, {_IP, Port}} = rpc:call(Node, application, get_env, [riak_core, cluster_mgr]),