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synced 2024-11-07 00:55:21 +00:00
We no longer need to test for the incompatible status in vnodes, because the ring page no longer requires that information and can derive all state from the ring, not rpc.
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%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2013 Basho Technologies, Inc.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc Run Riak Control on all nodes, and verify that we can upgrade
%% from legacy and previous to current, while ensuring Riak Control
%% continues to operate and doesn't crash on any node.
-define(RC_ENABLE_CFG, [{riak_control, [{enabled, true}, {auth, none}]}]).
%% @doc Verify that Riak Control operates predictably during an upgrade.
confirm() ->
rt:setup_harness(ignored, ignored),
rt:setup_harness(ignored, ignored),
%% @doc Verify an upgrade succeeds with all nodes running control from
%% the specified `Vsn' to current.
verify_upgrade(Vsn) ->
lager:info("Verify upgrade from ~p to current.", [Vsn]),
lager:info("Building cluster."),
Nodes = rt:build_cluster(lists:duplicate(3, {Vsn, ?RC_ENABLE_CFG})),
lager:info("Verifying all nodes are alive."),
lager:info("Upgrading each node and verifying Control."),
VersionedNodes = [{Vsn, Node} || Node <- Nodes],
lists:foldl(fun verify_upgrade_fold/2, VersionedNodes, VersionedNodes),
lager:info("Validate capability convergence."),
%% @doc Verify upgrade fold function.
verify_upgrade_fold({FromVsn, Node}, VersionedNodes0) ->
lager:info("Upgrading ~p from ~p to current.", [Node, FromVsn]),
lager:info("Performing upgrade."),
rt:upgrade(Node, current),
rt:wait_for_service(Node, riak_kv),
lager:info("Versioned nodes is: ~p.", [VersionedNodes0]),
VersionedNodes = lists:keyreplace(Node, 2, VersionedNodes0, {current, Node}),
lager:info("Versioned nodes is now: ~p.", [VersionedNodes]),
lager:info("Verify that all nodes are still alive."),
verify_alive([VersionedNode || {_, VersionedNode} <- VersionedNodes]),
lager:info("Verify that control still works on all nodes."),
%% @doc Verify control is operating correctly.
verify_control({legacy, Node}, _VersionedNodes) ->
lager:info("Verifying control on node ~p vsn legacy.", [Node]),
%% Verify overview resource.
verify_resource(Node, "/admin/overview"),
%% Verify cluster resource.
verify_resource(Node, "/admin/cluster/list"),
%% Verify partitions resource.
verify_resource(Node, "/admin/ring/partitions"),
verify_control({Vsn, Node}, VersionedNodes) ->
lager:info("Verifying control on node ~p vsn ~p.", [Node, Vsn]),
%% Verify node resource.
[{<<"nodes">>, Nodes}]} = verify_resource(Node, "/admin/nodes"),
validate_nodes(Node, Nodes, VersionedNodes, any),
%% Verify partitions resource.
[{<<"partitions">>, Partitions}]} = verify_resource(Node, "/admin/partitions"),
validate_partitions({Vsn, Node}, Partitions, VersionedNodes),
verify_control(VersionedNodes) ->
[verify_control(NodeVsn, VersionedNodes) || NodeVsn <- VersionedNodes].
%% @doc Verify a particular JSON resource responds.
verify_resource(Node0, Resource) ->
Node = rt:http_url(Node0),
Output = os:cmd(io_lib:format("curl -s -S ~s~p", [Node, Resource])),
lager:info("Verifying ~p ~p.", [Node, Resource]),
%% @doc Verify that riak_kv is still running on all nodes.
verify_alive(Nodes) ->
[rt:wait_for_service(Node, riak_kv) || Node <- Nodes].
%% @doc This section iterates over the JSON response of nodes, and
%% verifies that each node is reporting its status correctly based
%% on it's current Vsn.
validate_nodes(ControlNode, ResponseNodes, VersionedNodes, Status0) ->
MixedCluster = mixed_cluster(VersionedNodes),
lager:info("Mixed cluster: ~p.", [MixedCluster]),
lists:map(fun({struct, Node}) ->
%% Parse JSON further.
BinaryName = proplists:get_value(<<"name">>, Node),
Status = proplists:get_value(<<"status">>, Node),
Name = list_to_existing_atom(binary_to_list(BinaryName)),
%% Find current Vsn of node we are validating, and the
%% vsn of the node running Riak Control that we've
%% queried.
{NodeVsn, _} = lists:keyfind(Name, 2, VersionedNodes),
{ControlVsn, _} = lists:keyfind(ControlNode, 2, VersionedNodes),
%% Determine what the correct status should be, or if
%% we've been told to test a specific status, use that.
case Status0 of
any ->
valid_status(MixedCluster, ControlVsn,
NodeVsn, Status));
_ ->
?assertEqual(Status0, Status)
end, ResponseNodes).
%% @doc Determine if we're currently running mixed mode.
mixed_cluster(VersionedNodes) ->
lists:map(fun({Vsn, _}) -> Vsn end, VersionedNodes))) =/= 1.
%% @doc Validate partitions response.
validate_partitions({current, _}, _ResponsePartitions, _VersionedNodes) ->
%% The newest version of the partitions display can derive the
%% partition state without relying on data from rpc calls -- it can
%% use just the ring to do this. Don't test anything specific here
%% yet.
validate_partitions({ControlVsn, _}, ResponsePartitions, VersionedNodes) ->
MixedCluster = mixed_cluster(VersionedNodes),
lager:info("Mixed cluster: ~p.", [MixedCluster]),
lists:map(fun({struct, Partition}) ->
%% Parse JSON further.
BinaryName = proplists:get_value(<<"node">>, Partition),
Status = proplists:get_value(<<"status">>, Partition),
Name = list_to_existing_atom(binary_to_list(BinaryName)),
%% Find current Vsn of node we are validating, and the
%% vsn of the node running Riak Control that we've
%% queried.
{NodeVsn, _} = lists:keyfind(Name, 2, VersionedNodes),
%% Validate response.
valid_status(MixedCluster, ControlVsn,
NodeVsn, Status))
end, ResponsePartitions).
%% @doc Validate status based on Vsn.
valid_status(false, current, current, <<"incompatible">>) ->
%% Fully upgraded cluster, but might have not negotiated yet.
valid_status(false, current, current, <<"valid">>) ->
%% Fully upgraded cluster, but already negotiated.
valid_status(true, _, _, <<"valid">>) ->
%% Cross-version communication in mixed cluster.
valid_status(_, _, _, _) ->
%% Default failure case.
%% @doc Validate capability has converged.
validate_capability(VersionedNodes) ->
%% Wait for capability negotiation.
{riak_control, member_info_version},
v1) || {_, Node} <- VersionedNodes],
%% We can test any node here, so just choose the first.
[{_Vsn, Node}|_] = VersionedNodes,
lager:info("Verifying capability through ~p.", [Node]),
%% Wait the Riak Control converges.
rt:wait_until(Node, fun(N) -> {ok, _, Status} = rpc:call(N, riak_control_session, get_status, []), Status =:= valid end),
%% Get the current response.
[{<<"nodes">>, Nodes}]} = verify_resource(Node, "/admin/nodes"),
%% Validate we are in the correct state, not the incompatible state,
%% which ensure the capability has negotiated correctly.
validate_nodes(Node, Nodes, VersionedNodes, <<"valid">>).