
152 lines
5.9 KiB

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Basho Technologies, Inc.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
confirm() ->
NVal = 5,
Config = ensemble_util:fast_config(NVal),
Nodes = ensemble_util:build_cluster(8, Config, NVal),
Node = hd(Nodes),
lager:info("Creating/activating 'strong' bucket type"),
rt:create_and_activate_bucket_type(Node, <<"strong">>,
[{consistent, true}, {n_val, NVal}]),
ensemble_util:wait_until_stable(Node, NVal),
ExpectOkay = [ok],
ExpectTimeout = [{error, timeout}, {error, <<"timeout">>},
{error, <<"failed">>} | ExpectOkay],
ExpectFail = [{error, notfound} | ExpectTimeout],
Scenarios = [%% corrupted, suspended, valid, empty, bucket, expect
{1, 1, 1, 2, <<"test1">>, ExpectOkay},
{1, 2, 0, 2, <<"test2">>, ExpectTimeout},
{2, 1, 0, 2, <<"test3">>, ExpectTimeout},
{3, 0, 0, 2, <<"test4">>, ExpectFail}
[ok = run_scenario(Nodes, NVal, Scenario) || Scenario <- Scenarios],
-spec partition(non_neg_integer(), node(), list()) -> {[{non_neg_integer(), node()}], [node()]}.
partition(Minority, ContactNode, PL) ->
AllVnodes = [VN || {VN, _} <- PL],
OtherVnodes = [VN || {VN={_, Owner}, _} <- PL,
Owner =/= ContactNode],
NodeCounts = num_partitions_per_node(OtherVnodes),
PartitionedNodes = minority_nodes(NodeCounts, Minority),
PartitionedVnodes = minority_vnodes(OtherVnodes, PartitionedNodes),
ValidVnodes = AllVnodes -- PartitionedVnodes,
{ValidVnodes, PartitionedNodes}.
num_partitions_per_node(Other) ->
lists:foldl(fun({_, Node}, Acc) ->
orddict:update_counter(Node, 1, Acc)
end, orddict:new(), Other).
minority_nodes(NodeCounts, MinoritySize) ->
lists:foldl(fun({Node, Count}, Acc) ->
case Count =:= 1 andalso length(Acc) < MinoritySize of
true ->
[Node | Acc];
false ->
end, [], NodeCounts).
minority_vnodes(Vnodes, PartitionedNodes) ->
[VN || {_, Node}=VN <- Vnodes, lists:member(Node, PartitionedNodes)].
run_scenario(Nodes, NVal, {NumKill, NumSuspend, NumValid, _, Name, Expect}) ->
Node = hd(Nodes),
Quorum = NVal div 2 + 1,
Minority = NVal - Quorum,
Bucket = {<<"strong">>, Name},
Keys = [<<N:64/integer>> || N <- lists:seq(1,1000)],
Key1 = hd(Keys),
DocIdx = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_util, chash_std_keyfun, [{Bucket, Key1}]),
PL = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_apl, get_primary_apl, [DocIdx, NVal, riak_kv]),
{Valid, Partitioned} = partition(Minority, Node, PL),
{KillVN, Valid2} = lists:split(NumKill, Valid),
{SuspendVN, Valid3} = lists:split(NumSuspend, Valid2),
{AfterVN, _} = lists:split(NumValid, Valid3),
io:format("PL: ~p~n", [PL]),
PBC = rt:pbc(Node),
Options = [{timeout, 2000}],
rpc:multicall(Nodes, riak_kv_entropy_manager, set_mode, [manual]),
Part = rt:partition(Nodes -- Partitioned, Partitioned),
ensemble_util:wait_until_stable(Node, Quorum),
%% Write data while minority is partitioned
lager:info("Writing ~p consistent keys", [1000]),
[ok = rt:pbc_write(PBC, Bucket, Key, Key) || Key <- Keys],
lager:info("Read keys to verify they exist"),
[rt:pbc_read(PBC, Bucket, Key, Options) || Key <- Keys],
%% Suspend desired number of valid vnodes
S1 = [vnode_util:suspend_vnode(VNode, VIdx) || {VIdx, VNode} <- SuspendVN],
%% Kill/corrupt desired number of valid vnodes
[vnode_util:kill_vnode(VN) || VN <- KillVN],
[vnode_util:rebuild_vnode(VN) || VN <- KillVN],
rpc:multicall(Nodes, riak_kv_entropy_manager, set_mode, [automatic]),
ensemble_util:wait_until_stable(Node, Quorum),
lager:info("Disabling AAE"),
rpc:multicall(Nodes, riak_kv_entropy_manager, disable, []),
ensemble_util:wait_until_stable(Node, Quorum),
%% Suspend remaining valid vnodes to ensure data comes from repaired vnodes
S2 = [vnode_util:suspend_vnode(VNode, VIdx) || {VIdx, VNode} <- AfterVN],
ensemble_util:wait_until_stable(Node, Quorum),
lager:info("Checking that key results match scenario"),
[rt:pbc_read_check(PBC, Bucket, Key, Expect, Options) || Key <- Keys],
lager:info("Re-enabling AAE"),
rpc:multicall(Nodes, riak_kv_entropy_manager, enable, []),
lager:info("Resuming all vnodes"),
[vnode_util:resume_vnode(Pid) || Pid <- S1 ++ S2],
ensemble_util:wait_until_stable(Node, NVal),
%% Check that for other than the "all bets are off" failure case,
%% we can successfully read all keys after all vnodes are available.
case lists:member({error, notfound}, Expect) of
true ->
false ->
lager:info("Re-reading keys to verify they exist"),
[rt:pbc_read(PBC, Bucket, Key, Options) || Key <- Keys]
lager:info("Scenario passed"),