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synced 2024-11-06 16:45:29 +00:00
Trying to use the repl features before newly started nodes have riak_repl completely initialized leads to all sorts of nasty crashes and noise. Frequently it makes fullsync stuck forever, which makes a lot of the tests fail. This also tweaks the AAE fullsync tests to remove assumptions about failure stats when AAE transient errors occur. The behavior in the handling of those errors has changed recently with the introduction of soft exits.
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%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2013 Basho Technologies, Inc.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-export([confirm/0, check_size/1, slow_trim_q/1]).
%% Replication Realtime Overload test
%% This attempts to push rtq to the point of overload, so that
%% the overload control will flip on (when the rtq mailbox gets over 2k)
%% then off again. This should cause some overload_drops, though
%% traffic should recover once this clears.
%% This test makes use of the riak_repl2_rtq_intecept.erl in order to slow
%% the trim_q call on the first iteration (causing the mailbox blacklog),
%% then clear that condition and allow traffic to recover.
%% @doc riak_test entry point
confirm() ->
%% Start up two >1.3.2 clusters and connect them,
{LeaderA, LeaderB, ANodes, _BNodes} = make_connected_clusters(),
%% load intercepts. See ../intercepts/riak_repl_rt_intercepts.erl
%% Enable RT replication from cluster "A" to cluster "B"
lager:info("Enabling realtime between ~p and ~p", [LeaderA, LeaderB]),
enable_rt(LeaderA, ANodes),
%% Verify RT repl of objects
verify_rt(LeaderA, LeaderB),
lager:info("Slowing trim_q calls on leader A"),
verify_overload_writes(LeaderA, LeaderB),
%% @doc Turn on Realtime replication on the cluster lead by LeaderA.
%% The clusters must already have been named and connected.
enable_rt(LeaderA, ANodes) ->
repl_util:enable_realtime(LeaderA, "B"),
repl_util:start_realtime(LeaderA, "B"),
%% @doc Verify that RealTime replication is functioning correctly by
%% writing some objects to cluster A and checking they can be
%% read from cluster B. Each call creates a new bucket so that
%% verification can be tested multiple times independently.
verify_rt(LeaderA, LeaderB) ->
TestHash = list_to_binary([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [X]) ||
<<X>> <= erlang:md5(term_to_binary(os:timestamp()))]),
TestBucket = <<TestHash/binary, "-rt_test_a">>,
First = 101,
Last = 200,
%% Write some objects to the source cluster (A),
lager:info("Writing ~p keys to ~p, which should RT repl to ~p",
[Last-First+1, LeaderA, LeaderB]),
?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(LeaderA, First, Last, TestBucket, 2)),
%% verify data is replicated to B
lager:info("Reading ~p keys written from ~p", [Last-First+1, LeaderB]),
?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(LeaderB, First, Last, TestBucket, 2)).
verify_overload_writes(LeaderA, LeaderB) ->
TestHash = list_to_binary([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [X]) ||
<<X>> <= erlang:md5(term_to_binary(os:timestamp()))]),
TestBucket = <<TestHash/binary, "-rt_test_overload">>,
First = 1,
Last = 10000,
%% Write some objects to the source cluster (A),
lager:info("Writing ~p keys to ~p, to ~p",
[Last-First+1, LeaderA, LeaderB]),
?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(LeaderA, First, Last, TestBucket, 2)),
lager:info("Reading ~p keys from ~p", [Last-First+1, LeaderB]),
NumReads = rt:systest_read(LeaderB, First, Last, TestBucket, 2),
lager:info("systest_read saw ~p errors", [length(NumReads)]),
Status = rpc:call(LeaderA, riak_repl2_rtq, status, []),
{_, OverloadDrops} = lists:keyfind(overload_drops, 1, Status),
lager:info("overload_drops: ~p", [OverloadDrops]),
% If there are overload_drops, overload has done its job
?assert(OverloadDrops > 0).
%% @doc Connect two clusters for replication using their respective leader nodes.
connect_clusters(LeaderA, LeaderB) ->
{ok, {_IP, Port}} = rpc:call(LeaderB, application, get_env,
[riak_core, cluster_mgr]),
lager:info("connect cluster A:~p to B on port ~p", [LeaderA, Port]),
repl_util:connect_cluster(LeaderA, "", Port),
?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_for_connection(LeaderA, "B")).
%% @doc Create two clusters of 1 node each and connect them for replication:
%% Cluster "A" -> cluster "B"
make_connected_clusters() ->
NumNodes = rt_config:get(num_nodes, 2),
ClusterASize = rt_config:get(cluster_a_size, 1),
lager:info("Deploy ~p nodes", [NumNodes]),
Conf = [
%% turn off fullsync
{fullsync_on_connect, false},
{fullsync_interval, disabled},
{rtq_max_bytes, 1048576},
{rtsink_max_workers, ?RTSINK_MAX_WORKERS},
{rt_heartbeat_timeout, ?RTSINK_MAX_PENDING}
Nodes = rt:deploy_nodes(NumNodes, Conf, [riak_kv, riak_repl]),
{ANodes, BNodes} = lists:split(ClusterASize, Nodes),
lager:info("ANodes: ~p", [ANodes]),
lager:info("BNodes: ~p", [BNodes]),
lager:info("Build cluster A"),
lager:info("Build cluster B"),
%% get the leader for the first cluster
lager:info("waiting for leader to converge on cluster A"),
?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(ANodes)),
AFirst = hd(ANodes),
%% get the leader for the second cluster
lager:info("waiting for leader to converge on cluster B"),
?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(BNodes)),
BFirst = hd(BNodes),
%% Name the clusters
repl_util:name_cluster(AFirst, "A"),
repl_util:name_cluster(BFirst, "B"),
%% Connect for replication
connect_clusters(AFirst, BFirst),
{AFirst, BFirst, ANodes, BNodes}.
%% @doc Load intercepts file from ../intercepts/riak_repl2_rtq_intercepts.erl
load_intercepts(Node) ->
%% @doc Slow down handle_info (write calls)
% slow_write_calls(Node) ->
% %% disable forwarding of the heartbeat function call
% lager:info("Slowing down sink do_write calls on ~p", [Node]),
% rt_intercept:add(Node, {riak_repl2_rtsink_conn,
% [{{handle_info, 2}, slow_handle_info}]}).
slow_trim_q(Node) ->
lager:info("Slowing down trim_q calls on ~p", [Node]),
rt_intercept:add(Node, {riak_repl2_rtq,
[{{trim_q, 1}, slow_trim_q}]}).
check_rtq_msg_q(Node) ->
Pid = spawn(?MODULE, check_size, [Node]),
check_size(Node) ->
Pid = rpc:call(Node, erlang, whereis, [riak_repl2_rtq]),
Len = rpc:call(Node, erlang, process_info, [Pid, message_queue_len]),
io:format("mailbox size of riak_repl2_rtq: ~p", [Len]),