Nick Marino 2be9c2f83b Fix race in repl_rt_heartbeat due to short timeout
One particular timeout in the repl_rt_heartbeat test was slightly too
short, which could cause us to occasionally hit a false positive on this
test if various timings lined up just right. This PR bumps up the
timeout, which should prevent this from happening again.

I would really like to do a proper fix for this, which would use
intercepts or something to confirm that the actual timeout is being hit
in the code...but we don't really have time for that, and a half fix is
better than no fix I suppose.
2015-11-23 11:09:21 -05:00

262 lines
10 KiB

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2013 Basho Technologies, Inc.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-define(RPC_TIMEOUT, 5000).
-define(HB_TIMEOUT, 2).
-define(HB_INTERVAL, 1).
%% Replication Realtime Heartbeat test
%% Valid for EE version 1.3.2 and up
%% If both sides of an RT replication connection support it, a heartbeat
%% message is sent from the RT Source to the RT Sink every
%% {riak_repl, rt_heartbeat_interval} which default to 15s. If
%% a response is not received in {riak_repl, rt_heartbeat_timeout}, also
%% default to 15s then the source connection exits and will be re-established
%% by the supervisor.
%% RT Heartbeat messages are supported between EE releases 1.3.2 and up.
%% Test:
%% -----
%% Change the heartbeat_interval and heartbeat_timeout to 2 seconds,
%% Start up two >1.3.2 clusters and connect them,
%% Enable RT replication,
%% Write some objects to the source cluster (A),
%% Verify they got to the sink cluster (B),
%% Verify that heartbeats are being acknowledged by the sink (B) back to source (A),
%% Interupt the connection so that packets can not flow from A -> B,
%% Verify that the connection is restarted after the heartbeat_timeout period,
%% Verify that heartbeats are being acknowledged by the sink (B) back to source (A),
%% Write some objects to the source cluster (A),
%% Verify they got to the sink cluster (B),
%% Have a cold beverage.
%% @doc riak_test entry point
confirm() ->
%% Start up two >1.3.2 clusters and connect them,
{LeaderA, LeaderB, ANodes, _BNodes} = make_connected_clusters(),
%% load intercepts. See ../intercepts/riak_repl_rt_intercepts.erl
%% Enable RT replication from cluster "A" to cluster "B"
enable_rt(LeaderA, ANodes),
%% Verify that heartbeats are being acknowledged by the sink (B) back to source (A)
?assertEqual(verify_heartbeat_messages(LeaderA), true),
%% Verify RT repl of objects
verify_rt(LeaderA, LeaderB),
%% Cause heartbeat messages to not be delivered, but remember the current
%% Pid of the RT connection. It should change after we stop heartbeats
%% because the RT connection will restart if all goes well.
RTConnPid1 = get_rt_conn_pid(LeaderA),
lager:info("Suspending HB"),
%% sleep longer than the HB timeout interval to force re-connection;
%% and give it time to restart the RT connection.
%% Since it's possible we may disable heartbeats right after a heartbeat has been fired,
%% it can take up to 2*?HB_TIMEOUT seconds to detect a missed heartbeat. The extra second
%% is to avoid rare race conditions due to the timeouts lining up exactly. Not the prettiest
%% solution, but it failed so rarely at 2*HB_TIMEOUT, that this should be good enough
%% in practice, and it beats having to write a bunch of fancy intercepts to verify that
%% the timeout has been hit internally.
timer:sleep(timer:seconds(?HB_TIMEOUT*2) + 1000),
%% Verify that RT connection has restarted by noting that it's Pid has changed
RTConnPid2 = get_rt_conn_pid(LeaderA),
?assertNotEqual(RTConnPid1, RTConnPid2),
%% Verify that heart beats are not being ack'd
rt:log_to_nodes([LeaderA], "Verify suspended HB"),
?assertEqual(verify_heartbeat_messages(LeaderA), false),
%% Resume heartbeat messages from source and allow some time to ack back.
%% Wait one second longer than the timeout
rt:log_to_nodes([LeaderA], "Resuming HB"),
timer:sleep(timer:seconds(?HB_TIMEOUT) + 1000),
%% Verify that heartbeats are being acknowledged by the sink (B) back to source (A)
rt:log_to_nodes([LeaderA], "Verify resumed HB"),
?assertEqual(verify_heartbeat_messages(LeaderA), true),
%% Verify RT repl of objects
verify_rt(LeaderA, LeaderB),
verify_hb_noresponse(LeaderA, LeaderB),
%% @doc Turn on Realtime replication on the cluster lead by LeaderA.
%% The clusters must already have been named and connected.
enable_rt(LeaderA, ANodes) ->
repl_util:enable_realtime(LeaderA, "B"),
repl_util:start_realtime(LeaderA, "B"),
%% @doc Verify that RealTime replication is functioning correctly by
%% writing some objects to cluster A and checking they can be
%% read from cluster B. Each call creates a new bucket so that
%% verification can be tested multiple times independently.
verify_rt(LeaderA, LeaderB) ->
TestHash = list_to_binary([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [X]) ||
<<X>> <= erlang:md5(term_to_binary(os:timestamp()))]),
TestBucket = <<TestHash/binary, "-rt_test_a">>,
First = 101,
Last = 200,
%% Write some objects to the source cluster (A),
lager:info("Writing ~p keys to ~p, which should RT repl to ~p",
[Last-First+1, LeaderA, LeaderB]),
?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(LeaderA, First, Last, TestBucket, 2)),
%% verify data is replicated to B
lager:info("Reading ~p keys written from ~p", [Last-First+1, LeaderB]),
?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(LeaderB, First, Last, TestBucket, 2)).
verify_hb_noresponse(LeaderA, LeaderB) ->
lager:info("Testing heartbeats with no responses, should not crash"),
TestHash = list_to_binary([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [X]) ||
<<X>> <= erlang:md5(term_to_binary(os:timestamp()))]),
TestBucket = <<TestHash/binary, "-rt_test_a">>,
First = 1,
Last = 20000,
%% suspend HB responses from the sink, write some data, then stop writing
%% data, hb timeout should not crash the node
%% Write some objects to the source cluster (A),
lager:info("Writing ~p keys to ~p, which should RT repl to ~p",
[Last-First+1, LeaderA, LeaderB]),
?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(LeaderA, First, Last, TestBucket, 2)),
%% verify data is replicated to B
lager:info("Reading ~p keys written from ~p", [Last-First+1, LeaderB]),
timer:sleep(?HB_TIMEOUT + 1000),
?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(LeaderB, First, Last, TestBucket, 2)).
%% @doc Connect two clusters for replication using their respective leader nodes.
connect_clusters(LeaderA, LeaderB) ->
{ok, {_IP, Port}} = rpc:call(LeaderB, application, get_env,
[riak_core, cluster_mgr]),
lager:info("connect cluster A:~p to B on port ~p", [LeaderA, Port]),
repl_util:connect_cluster(LeaderA, "", Port),
?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_for_connection(LeaderA, "B")).
%% @doc Create two clusters of 3 nodes each and connect them for replication:
%% Cluster "A" -> cluster "B"
make_connected_clusters() ->
NumNodes = rt_config:get(num_nodes, 6),
ClusterASize = rt_config:get(cluster_a_size, 3),
lager:info("Deploy ~p nodes", [NumNodes]),
Conf = [
%% turn off fullsync
{fullsync_on_connect, false},
{fullsync_interval, disabled},
%% override defaults for RT heartbeat so that we
%% can see faults sooner and have a quicker test.
{rt_heartbeat_interval, ?HB_TIMEOUT},
{rt_heartbeat_timeout, ?HB_TIMEOUT}
Nodes = rt:deploy_nodes(NumNodes, Conf, [riak_kv, riak_repl]),
{ANodes, BNodes} = lists:split(ClusterASize, Nodes),
lager:info("ANodes: ~p", [ANodes]),
lager:info("BNodes: ~p", [BNodes]),
lager:info("Build cluster A"),
lager:info("Build cluster B"),
%% get the leader for the first cluster
lager:info("waiting for leader to converge on cluster A"),
?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(ANodes)),
AFirst = hd(ANodes),
%% get the leader for the second cluster
lager:info("waiting for leader to converge on cluster B"),
?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(BNodes)),
BFirst = hd(BNodes),
%% Name the clusters
repl_util:name_cluster(AFirst, "A"),
repl_util:name_cluster(BFirst, "B"),
%% Connect for replication
connect_clusters(AFirst, BFirst),
{AFirst, BFirst, ANodes, BNodes}.
%% @doc Load intercepts file from ../intercepts/riak_repl2_rtsource_helper_intercepts.erl
load_intercepts(Node) ->
%% @doc Suspend heartbeats from the source node
suspend_heartbeat_messages(Node) ->
%% disable forwarding of the heartbeat function call
lager:info("Suspend sending of heartbeats from node ~p", [Node]),
rt_intercept:add(Node, {riak_repl2_rtsource_helper,
[{{send_heartbeat, 1}, drop_send_heartbeat}]}).
%% @doc Resume heartbeats from the sink node
resume_heartbeat_messages(Node) ->
%% enable forwarding of the heartbeat function call
lager:info("Resume sending of heartbeats from node ~p", [Node]),
rt_intercept:add(Node, {riak_repl2_rtsource_helper,
[{{send_heartbeat, 1}, forward_send_heartbeat}]}).
suspend_heartbeat_responses(Node) ->
lager:info("Suspending sending of heartbeat responses from node ~p", [Node]),
rt_intercept:add(Node, {riak_repl2_rtsink_conn,
[{{send_heartbeat, 2}, drop_send_heartbeat_resp}]}).
%% @doc Get the Pid of the first RT source connection on Node
get_rt_conn_pid(Node) ->
[{_Remote, Pid}|Rest] = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl2_rtsource_conn_sup, enabled, []),
case Rest of
[] -> ok;
RR -> lager:info("Other connections: ~p", [RR])
%% @doc Verify that heartbeat messages are being ack'd from the RT sink back to source Node
verify_heartbeat_messages(Node) ->
lager:info("Verify heartbeats"),
Pid = get_rt_conn_pid(Node),
Status = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl2_rtsource_conn, status, [Pid], ?RPC_TIMEOUT),
HBRTT = proplists:get_value(hb_rtt, Status),
case HBRTT of
undefined ->
RTT ->