mirror of
synced 2024-11-06 08:35:22 +00:00
This changes client_ruby_verify to require Ruby 1.9.3 or 2.0.0
76 lines
2.8 KiB
76 lines
2.8 KiB
%% @todo Only Memory backend is supported
confirm() ->
GemDir = dat_gem(),
Nodes = rt:deploy_nodes([{current,
[{riak_kv, [{test, true},
{add_paths, [filename:join([GemDir, "erl_src"])]}]},
{riak_search, [{enabled, true},
{search_backend, riak_search_test_backend}]}]}],
[Node1] = Nodes,
[{Node1, ConnectionInfo}] = rt:connection_info([Node1]),
{_HTTP_Host, HTTP_Port} = orddict:fetch(http, ConnectionInfo),
{_PB_Host, PB_Port} = orddict:fetch(pb, ConnectionInfo),
%% Ruby Client Tests require a path to riak, to grab the PIPE_DIR
%% from riak && riak-admin. Work will need to be done on the
%% ruby-client side to enable this test to work with remote nodes.
%% Fortunately for us, riak_test does not support remote nodes, so
%% all is fine in ruby land... for now.
%% That's why I'm calling rtdev directly, violating a cardinal rule
%% of riak_test.
RiakRootDir = rtdev:node_path(Node1),
Cmd = "bin/rspec --profile --tag integration --tag \~nodegen --no-color",
lager:info("Cmd: ~s", [Cmd]),
{Code, RubyLog} = rt_local:stream_cmd(Cmd, [{cd, GemDir}, {env, [
{"RIAK_NODE_NAME", atom_to_list(Node1)},
{"RIAK_ROOT_DIR", RiakRootDir},
{"HTTP_PORT", integer_to_list(HTTP_Port)},
{"PB_PORT", integer_to_list(PB_Port)},
{"RIAK_VERSION", binary_to_list(rt:get_version())}
?assert(rt:str(RubyLog, " 0 failures")),
?assert(Code =:= 0),
prereqs() ->
lager:info("Checking ruby version is 1.9.3 or 2.0.0"),
RubyVersion = os:cmd("ruby -v"),
?assert(rt:str(RubyVersion, "1.9.3") orelse rt:str(RubyVersion, "2.0.0")),
rt_local:install_on_absence("bundle", "gem install bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri"),
% Download the ruby-client gem, unpack it and build it locally
dat_gem() ->
lager:info("Fetching riak-client gem"),
GemInstalled = os:cmd("cd " ++ rt_config:get(rt_scratch_dir) ++ " ; gem fetch riak-client"),
GemFile = string:substr(GemInstalled, 12, length(GemInstalled) - 12),
%GemFile = "riak-client",
lager:info("Downloaded gem: ~s", [GemFile]),
rt_local:stream_cmd(io_lib:format("gem unpack ~s.gem", [GemFile]), [{cd, rt_config:get(rt_scratch_dir)}]),
Cmd = "bundle install --without=guard --binstubs --no-color --path=vendor/bundle",
GemDir = filename:join([rt_config:get(rt_scratch_dir), GemFile]),
{_Exit, _Log} = rt_local:stream_cmd(Cmd, [{cd, GemDir}, {env, [{"BUNDLE_PATH", "vendor/bundle"}]}]),