Russell Brown 2b7508dee7 Add test for riak_dt counter convergence in the face of partitions
Add partion/1 and heal/1 functions to rt.erl
2012-10-02 17:34:54 +01:00

100 lines
2.8 KiB

%%% @author Russell Brown <russelldb@basho.com>
%%% @copyright (C) 2012, Basho Technologies
%%% @doc
%%% riak_test for riak_dt counter convergence,
%%% @end
confirm() ->
Key = a,
[N1, N2, N3, N4]=Nodes = rt:build_cluster(4),
[HP1, HP2, HP3, HP4]=Hosts = get_host_ports(Nodes),
increment_counter(HP1, Key),
increment_counter(HP2, Key, 10),
[?assertEqual(11, get_counter(HP, Key)) || HP <- Hosts],
decrement_counter(HP3, Key),
decrement_counter(HP4, Key, 2),
[?assertEqual(8, get_counter(HP, Key)) || HP <- Hosts],
lager:debug("Partition cluster in two."),
PartInfo = rt:partition([N1, N2], [N3, N4]),
%% increment one side
increment_counter(HP1, Key, 5),
%% check vaule on one side is different from other
[?assertEqual(13, get_counter(HP, Key)) || HP <- [HP1, HP2]],
[?assertEqual(8, get_counter(HP, Key)) || HP <- [HP3, HP4]],
%% decrement other side
decrement_counter(HP3, Key, 2),
%% verify values differ
[?assertEqual(13, get_counter(HP, Key)) || HP <- [HP1, HP2]],
[?assertEqual(6, get_counter(HP, Key)) || HP <- [HP3, HP4]],
%% heal
lager:debug("Heal and check merged values"),
ok = rt:heal(PartInfo),
ok = rt:wait_for_cluster_service(Nodes, riak_dt),
%% verify all nodes agree
[?assertEqual(ok, rt:wait_until(HP, fun(N) ->
11 == get_counter(N, Key)
end)) || HP <- Hosts],
get_host_ports(Nodes) ->
{ResL, []} = rpc:multicall(Nodes, application, get_env, [riak_core, http]),
[{Host, Port} || {ok, [{Host, Port}]} <- ResL].
%% Counter API
get_counter(HostPort, Key) ->
get(HostPort, Key).
increment_counter(HostPort, Key) ->
increment_counter(HostPort, Key, 1).
increment_counter(HostPort, Key, Amt) ->
update_counter(HostPort, Key, increment, Amt).
decrement_counter(HostPort, Key) ->
decrement_counter(HostPort, Key, 1).
decrement_counter(HostPort, Key, Amt) ->
update_counter(HostPort, Key, decrement, Amt).
update_counter(HostPort, Key, Action, Amt) ->
post(HostPort, [Key, Action], integer_to_list(Amt)).
url({Host, Port}, PathElements) ->
Path = path([counters|PathElements]),
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("http://~s:~p~s", [Host, Port, Path])).
path(Elements) ->
[lists:concat(['/', E]) || E <- Elements].
get(HostPort, Key) ->
Url = url(HostPort, [Key]),
{ok, {{_Version, 200, _}, _, Body}} =
post(HostPort, PathElements, Body) ->
Url = url(HostPort, PathElements),
{ok, {{_Version, 204, _}, _, _}} =
httpc:request(post, {Url, [], [], Body}, [], []),