2019-10-21 10:20:40 +01:00

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%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2013 Basho Technologies, Inc.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
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%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc Verification of Active Anti Entropy.
%% The basic guarantee of AAE is this: Even without the read repairs that will
%% happen when data is accessed, inconsistencies between the replicas of a
%% KV object will be repaired eventually. The test tries hard not to
%% explicitly check for when the AAE trees are built or when exchanges are run
%% in an effort to remain decoupled from the implementation. Instead, it
%% simply configures AAE to build/rebuild and run exchanges between the data
%% partitions. It then performs direct vnode reads on all replicas and verify
%% they eventually match.
%% Data recovery after the following scenarios is tested:
%% - Data for a partition completely disappears.
%% - Less than N replicas are written
%% - Less than N replicas are updated
%% Also, a sanity check is done to make sure AAE repairs go away eventually
%% if there is no activity. That was an actual early AAE bug.
-export([confirm/0, verify_aae_norebuild/1, verify_aae_rebuild/1, test_single_partition_loss/3]).
% I would hope this would come from the testing framework some day
% to use the test in small and large scenarios.
-define(DEFAULT_RING_SIZE, 8).
-define(AAE_THROTTLE_LIMITS, [{-1, 0}, {100, 10}]).
% Speedy AAE configuration
{anti_entropy, {off, []}},
{tictacaae_active, active},
{tictacaae_parallelstore, leveled_ko},
% if backend not leveled will use parallel key-ordered
% store
{tictacaae_rebuildwait, 4},
{tictacaae_rebuilddelay, 3600},
{tictacaae_exchangetick, 5 * 1000}, % 5 seconds
{tictacaae_rebuildtick, 3600000}, % don't tick for an hour!
{tictacaae_primaryonly, PrimaryOnly}
{ring_creation_size, ?DEFAULT_RING_SIZE}
% Speedy AAE configuration
{anti_entropy, {off, []}},
{tictacaae_active, active},
{tictacaae_parallelstore, leveled_ko},
% if backend not leveled will use parallel key-ordered
% store
{tictacaae_rebuildwait, 0},
{tictacaae_rebuilddelay, 60},
{tictacaae_exchangetick, 5 * 1000}, % 5 seconds
{tictacaae_rebuildtick, 60 * 1000} % Check for rebuilds!
{ring_creation_size, ?DEFAULT_RING_SIZE}
-define(NUM_NODES, 3).
-define(NUM_KEYS, 1000).
-define(BUCKET, <<"test_bucket">>).
-define(N_VAL, 3).
confirm() ->
Nodes0 = rt:build_cluster(?NUM_NODES, ?CFG_NOREBUILD(true)),
ok = verify_aae_norebuild(Nodes0),
Nodes1 = rt:build_cluster(?NUM_NODES, ?CFG_REBUILD),
ok = verify_aae_rebuild(Nodes1),
Nodes2 = rt:build_cluster(?NUM_NODES, ?CFG_NOREBUILD(false)),
ok = verify_aae_norebuild(Nodes2),
verify_aae_norebuild(Nodes) ->
lager:info("Tictac AAE tests without rebuilding trees"),
Node1 = hd(Nodes),
% Recovery without tree rebuilds
% Test recovery from too few replicas written
KV1 = test_data(1, 1000),
test_less_than_n_writes(Node1, KV1),
% Test recovery when replicas are different
KV2 = [{K, <<V/binary, "a">>} || {K, V} <- KV1],
test_less_than_n_mods(Node1, KV2),
verify_aae_rebuild(Nodes) ->
lager:info("Tictac AAE tests with rebuilding trees"),
Node1 = hd(Nodes),
% Test recovery from too few replicas written
KV1 = test_data(1, 1000),
test_less_than_n_writes(Node1, KV1),
% Test recovery when replicas are different
KV2 = [{K, <<V/binary, "a">>} || {K, V} <- KV1],
test_less_than_n_mods(Node1, KV2),
% Test recovery from too few replicas written
KV3 = test_data(1001, 2000),
test_less_than_n_writes(Node1, KV3),
% Test recovery when replicas are different
KV4 = [{K, <<V/binary, "a">>} || {K, V} <- KV3],
test_less_than_n_mods(Node1, KV4),
lager:info("Writing 1000 objects"),
KV5 = test_data(2001, 3000),
write_data(Node1, KV5),
% Test recovery from single partition loss.
{PNuke, NNuke} = choose_partition_to_nuke(Node1, ?BUCKET, KV5),
test_single_partition_loss(NNuke, PNuke, KV5),
% Test recovery from losing AAE data
test_aae_partition_loss(NNuke, PNuke, KV5),
% Test recovery from losing both AAE and KV data
test_total_partition_loss(NNuke, PNuke, KV5),
lager:info("Finished verifying AAE magic"),
acc_preflists(Pl, PlCounts) ->
lists:foldl(fun(Idx, D) ->
dict:update(Idx, fun(V) -> V+1 end, 0, D)
end, PlCounts, Pl).
choose_partition_to_nuke(Node, Bucket, KVs) ->
Preflists = [get_preflist(Node, Bucket, K) || {K, _} <- KVs],
PCounts = lists:foldl(fun acc_preflists/2, dict:new(), Preflists),
CPs = [{C, P} || {P, C} <- dict:to_list(PCounts)],
{_, MaxP} = lists:max(CPs),
get_preflist(Node, B, K) ->
DocIdx = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_util, chash_key, [{B, K}]),
PlTagged = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_apl, get_primary_apl, [DocIdx, ?N_VAL, riak_kv]),
Pl = [E || {E, primary} <- PlTagged],
to_key(N) ->
list_to_binary(io_lib:format("K~4..0B", [N])).
test_data(Start, End) ->
Keys = [to_key(N) || N <- lists:seq(Start, End)],
[{K, K} || K <- Keys].
write_data(Node, KVs) ->
write_data(Node, KVs, []).
write_data(Node, KVs, Opts) ->
PB = rt:pbc(Node),
O =
case riakc_pb_socket:get(PB, ?BUCKET, K) of
{ok, Prev} ->
riakc_obj:update_value(Prev, V);
_ ->
riakc_obj:new(?BUCKET, K, V)
?assertMatch(ok, riakc_pb_socket:put(PB, O, Opts))
end || {K, V} <- KVs],
% @doc Verifies that the data is eventually restored to the expected set.
verify_data(Node, KeyValues) ->
lager:info("Verify all replicas are eventually correct"),
PB = rt:pbc(Node),
CheckFun =
fun() ->
Matches = [verify_replicas(Node, ?BUCKET, K, V, ?N_VAL)
|| {K, V} <- KeyValues],
CountTrues = fun(true, G) -> G+1; (false, G) -> G end,
NumGood = lists:foldl(CountTrues, 0, Matches),
Num = length(KeyValues),
case Num == NumGood of
true -> true;
false ->
lager:info("Data not yet correct: ~p mismatches",
MaxTime = rt_config:get(rt_max_wait_time),
Delay = 2000, % every two seconds until max time.
Retry = MaxTime div Delay,
case rt:wait_until(CheckFun, Retry, Delay) of
ok ->
lager:info("Data is now correct. Yay!");
fail ->
lager:error("AAE failed to fix data"),
?assertEqual(aae_fixed_data, aae_failed_to_fix_data)
merge_values(O) ->
Vals = riak_object:get_values(O),
lists:foldl(fun(NV, V) ->
case size(NV) > size(V) of
true -> NV;
_ -> V
end, <<>>, Vals).
verify_replicas(Node, B, K, V, N) ->
Replies = [rt:get_replica(Node, B, K, I, N)
|| I <- lists:seq(1,N)],
Vals = [merge_values(O) || {ok, O} <- Replies],
Expected = [V || _ <- lists:seq(1, N)],
Vals == Expected.
test_single_partition_loss(Node, Partition, KeyValues)
when is_atom(Node), is_integer(Partition) ->
lager:info("Verify recovery from the loss of partition ~p", [Partition]),
wipe_out_partition(Node, Partition),
restart_vnode(Node, riak_kv, Partition),
verify_data(Node, KeyValues).
test_aae_partition_loss(Node, Partition, KeyValues)
when is_atom(Node), is_integer(Partition) ->
lager:info("Verify recovery from the loss of AAE data for partition ~p", [Partition]),
wipe_out_aae_data(Node, Partition),
restart_vnode(Node, riak_kv, Partition),
verify_data(Node, KeyValues).
test_total_partition_loss(Node, Partition, KeyValues)
when is_atom(Node), is_integer(Partition) ->
lager:info("Verify recovery from the loss of AAE and KV data for partition ~p", [Partition]),
wipe_out_partition(Node, Partition),
wipe_out_aae_data(Node, Partition),
restart_vnode(Node, riak_kv, Partition),
verify_data(Node, KeyValues).
test_less_than_n_writes(Node, KeyValues) ->
lager:info("Writing ~p objects with N=1, AAE should ensure they end up"
" with ~p replicas", [length(KeyValues), ?N_VAL]),
write_data(Node, KeyValues, [{n_val, 1}]),
verify_data(Node, KeyValues).
test_less_than_n_mods(Node, KeyValues) ->
lager:info("Modifying only one replica for ~p objects. AAE should ensure"
" all replicas end up modified", [length(KeyValues)]),
write_data(Node, KeyValues, [{n_val, 1}]),
verify_data(Node, KeyValues).
wipe_out_partition(Node, Partition) ->
lager:info("Wiping out partition ~p in node ~p", [Partition, Node]),
rt:clean_data_dir(Node, dir_for_partition(Partition)),
wipe_out_aae_data(Node, Partition) ->
lager:info("Wiping out AAE data for partition ~p in node ~p", [Partition, Node]),
rt:clean_data_dir(Node, "tictac_aae/"++integer_to_list(Partition)),
base_dir_for_backend(leveled) ->
base_dir_for_backend(bitcask) ->
base_dir_for_backend(eleveldb) ->
restart_vnode(Node, Service, Partition) ->
VNodeName = list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Service) ++ "_vnode"),
{ok, Pid} = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_vnode_manager, get_vnode_pid,
[Partition, VNodeName]),
?assert(rpc:call(Node, erlang, exit, [Pid, kill_for_test])),
Mon = monitor(process, Pid),
{'DOWN', Mon, _, _, _} ->
rt_config:get(rt_max_wait_time) ->
lager:error("VNode for partition ~p did not die, the bastard",
?assertEqual(vnode_killed, {failed_to_kill_vnode, Partition})
{ok, NewPid} = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_vnode_manager, get_vnode_pid,
[Partition, VNodeName]),
lager:info("Vnode for partition ~p restarted as ~p",
[Partition, NewPid]).
dir_for_partition(Partition) ->
TestMetaData = riak_test_runner:metadata(),
KVBackend = proplists:get_value(backend, TestMetaData),
BaseDir = base_dir_for_backend(KVBackend),
filename:join([BaseDir, integer_to_list(Partition)]).