2019-10-18 10:30:58 +01:00

1023 lines
38 KiB

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2012 Basho Technologies, Inc.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-define(CTYPE, <<"counters">>).
-define(STYPE, <<"sets">>).
-define(MTYPE, <<"maps">>).
-define(TYPES, [{?CTYPE, counter},
{?STYPE, set},
{?MTYPE, map}]).
-define(CONF, [
[{enabled, true}]
%% You should have curl installed locally to do this.
confirm() ->
Nodes = rt:deploy_nodes(1, ?CONF),
[Node1] = Nodes,
verify_dt_converge:create_bucket_types(Nodes, ?TYPES),
?assertEqual(ok, rt:wait_until_nodes_ready([Node1])),
Stats1 = get_stats(Node1),
TestMetaData = riak_test_runner:metadata(),
KVBackend = proplists:get_value(backend, TestMetaData),
HeadSupport = has_head_support(KVBackend),
lager:info("Verifying that all expected stats keys are present from the HTTP endpoint"),
ok = verify_stats_keys_complete(Node1, Stats1),
AdminStats1 = get_console_stats(Node1),
lager:info("Verifying that the stats keys in riak admin status and HTTP match"),
ok = compare_http_and_console_stats(Stats1, AdminStats1),
%% make sure a set of stats have valid values
lager:info("Verifying that the system and ring stats have valid values"),
lager:info("perform 5 x PUT and a GET to increment the stats"),
lager:info("as the stat system only does calcs for > 5 readings"),
C = rt:httpc(Node1),
[rt:httpc_write(C, <<"systest">>, <<X>>, <<"12345">>) || X <- lists:seq(1, 5)],
[rt:httpc_read(C, <<"systest">>, <<X>>) || X <- lists:seq(1, 5)],
Stats2 = get_stats(Node1),
ExpectedNodeStats =
case HeadSupport of
true ->
[{<<"node_gets">>, 10},
{<<"node_puts">>, 5},
{<<"node_gets_total">>, 10},
{<<"node_puts_total">>, 5},
{<<"vnode_gets">>, 5},
% The five PUTS will require only HEADs
{<<"vnode_heads">>, 30},
% There is no reduction in the count of HEADs
% as HEADS before GETs
{<<"vnode_puts">>, 15},
{<<"vnode_gets_total">>, 5},
{<<"vnode_heads_total">>, 30},
{<<"vnode_puts_total">>, 15}];
false ->
[{<<"node_gets">>, 10},
{<<"node_puts">>, 5},
{<<"node_gets_total">>, 10},
{<<"node_puts_total">>, 5},
{<<"vnode_gets">>, 30},
{<<"vnode_heads">>, 0},
{<<"vnode_puts">>, 15},
{<<"vnode_gets_total">>, 30},
{<<"vnode_heads_total">>, 0},
{<<"vnode_puts_total">>, 15}]
%% make sure the stats that were supposed to increment did
verify_inc(Stats1, Stats2, ExpectedNodeStats),
%% verify that fsm times were tallied
verify_nz(Stats2, [<<"node_get_fsm_time_mean">>,
lager:info("Make PBC Connection"),
Pid = rt:pbc(Node1),
Stats3 = get_stats(Node1),
rt:systest_write(Node1, 1),
%% make sure the stats that were supposed to increment did
verify_inc(Stats2, Stats3, [{<<"pbc_connects_total">>, 1},
{<<"pbc_connects">>, 1},
{<<"pbc_active">>, 1}]),
lager:info("Force Read Repair"),
rt:pbc_write(Pid, <<"testbucket">>, <<"1">>, <<"blah!">>),
rt:pbc_set_bucket_prop(Pid, <<"testbucket">>, [{n_val, 4}]),
Stats4 = get_stats(Node1),
verify_inc(Stats3, Stats4, [{<<"read_repairs_total">>, 0},
{<<"read_repairs">>, 0}]),
_Value = rt:pbc_read(Pid, <<"testbucket">>, <<"1">>),
Stats5 = get_stats(Node1),
verify_inc(Stats3, Stats5, [{<<"read_repairs_total">>, 1},
{<<"read_repairs">>, 1}]),
_ = do_datatypes(Pid),
lager:info("Verifying datatype stats are non-zero."),
Stats6 = get_stats(Node1),
lager:info("~s: ~p (expected non-zero)", [S, proplists:get_value(S, Stats6)]),
verify_nz(Stats6, [S])
end || S <- datatype_stats() ],
_ = do_pools(Node1),
Stats7 = get_stats(Node1),
lager:info("Verifying pool stats are incremented"),
verify_inc(Stats6, Stats7, inc_by_one(dscp_stats())),
verify_inc(Prev, Props, Keys) ->
Old = proplists:get_value(Key, Prev, 0),
New = proplists:get_value(Key, Props, 0),
lager:info("~s: ~p -> ~p (expected ~p)", [Key, Old, New, Old + Inc]),
?assertEqual(New, (Old + Inc))
end || {Key, Inc} <- Keys].
verify_nz(Props, Keys) ->
[?assertNotEqual(proplists:get_value(Key,Props,0), 0) || Key <- Keys].
has_head_support(leveled) ->
has_head_support(_Backend) ->
get_stats(Node) ->
lager:info("Retrieving stats from node ~s", [Node]),
StatsCommand = io_lib:format("curl -s -S ~s/stats", [rt:http_url(Node)]),
lager:debug("Retrieving stats using command ~s", [StatsCommand]),
StatString = os:cmd(StatsCommand),
{struct, Stats} = mochijson2:decode(StatString),
get_console_stats(Node) ->
%% Problem: rt:admin(Node, Cmd) seems to drop parts of the output when
%% used for "riak admin status" in 'rtdev'.
%% Temporary workaround: use os:cmd/1 when in 'rtdev' (needs some cheats
%% in order to find the right path etc.)
Stats =
case rt_config:get(rt_harness) of
rtdev ->
N = rtdev:node_id(Node),
Path = rtdev:relpath(rtdev:node_version(N)),
Cmd = rtdev:riak_admin_cmd(Path, N, ["status"]),
lager:info("Cmd = ~p~n", [Cmd]),
_ ->
rt:admin(Node, "status")
[S || {_,_} = S <-
[list_to_tuple(re:split(L, " : ", []))
|| L <- tl(tl(string:tokens(Stats, "\n")))]]
error:Reason ->
lager:info("riak admin status ERROR: ~p~n~p~n",
[Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
compare_http_and_console_stats(Stats1, Stats2) ->
OnlyInHttp = [S || {K,_} = S <- Stats1,
not lists:keymember(K, 1, Stats2)],
OnlyInAdmin = [S || {K,_} = S <- Stats2,
not lists:keymember(K, 1, Stats1)],
maybe_log_stats_keys(OnlyInHttp, "Keys missing from riak admin"),
maybe_log_stats_keys(OnlyInAdmin, "Keys missing from HTTP"),
?assertEqual([], OnlyInHttp),
?assertEqual([], OnlyInAdmin),
verify_stats_keys_complete(Node, Stats) ->
ActualKeys = proplists:get_keys(Stats),
ExpectedKeys = all_stats(Node),
MissingStatsKeys = diff_lists(ActualKeys, ExpectedKeys),
AdditionalStatsKeys = diff_lists(ExpectedKeys, ActualKeys),
maybe_log_stats_keys(MissingStatsKeys, "missing stats keys"),
maybe_log_stats_keys(AdditionalStatsKeys, "additional stats"),
?assertEqual({[],[]}, {MissingStatsKeys, AdditionalStatsKeys}),
diff_lists(List, ThatList) ->
lists:filter(fun(Element) -> not lists:member(Element, List) end, ThatList).
-spec maybe_log_stats_keys([binary()], string()) -> ok.
maybe_log_stats_keys(StatsKeys, _Description) when length(StatsKeys) == 0 ->
maybe_log_stats_keys(StatsKeys, Description) ->
lager:info("~s: ~s", [Description, pretty_print_stats_keys(StatsKeys)]).
-spec pretty_print_stats_keys([binary()]) -> string().
pretty_print_stats_keys(StatsKeys) ->
ConvertedStatsKeys = lists:map(fun(StatsKey) -> binary_to_list(StatsKey) end, StatsKeys),
string:join(ConvertedStatsKeys, ", ").
datatype_stats() ->
%% Merge stats are excluded because we likely never merge disjoint
%% copies on a single node after a single write each.
[ list_to_binary(Stat) ||
Stat <- [
%% "object_counter_merge"
%% ,"object_counter_merge_total"
%% ,"object_counter_merge_time_mean"
%% ,"object_counter_merge_time_median"
%% ,"object_counter_merge_time_95"
%% ,"object_counter_merge_time_99"
%% ,"object_counter_merge_time_100"
%% ,
%% ,"object_set_merge"
%% ,"object_set_merge_total"
%% ,"object_set_merge_time_mean"
%% ,"object_set_merge_time_median"
%% ,"object_set_merge_time_95"
%% ,"object_set_merge_time_99"
%% ,"object_set_merge_time_100"
%% ,"object_map_merge"
%% ,"object_map_merge_total"
%% ,"object_map_merge_time_mean"
%% ,"object_map_merge_time_median"
%% ,"object_map_merge_time_95"
%% ,"object_map_merge_time_99"
%% ,"object_map_merge_time_100"
do_datatypes(Pid) ->
_ = [ get_and_update(Pid, Type) || Type <- [counter, set, map]].
get_and_update(Pid, counter) ->
_ = [ riakc_pb_socket:update_type(Pid, {?CTYPE, <<"pb">>}, <<I>>,
{counter, {increment, 5},
|| I <- lists:seq(1, 10) ],
_ = [ riakc_pb_socket:fetch_type(Pid, {?CTYPE, <<"pb">>}, <<I>>)
|| I <- lists:seq(1, 10) ];
get_and_update(Pid, set) ->
_ = [ riakc_pb_socket:update_type(Pid, {?STYPE, <<"pb">>}, <<I>>,
{set, {add_all, [<<"a">>, <<"b">>]}, undefined})
|| I <- lists:seq(1, 10) ],
_ = [ riakc_pb_socket:fetch_type(Pid, {?STYPE, <<"pb">>}, <<I>>)
|| I <- lists:seq(1, 10) ];
get_and_update(Pid, map) ->
_ = [ riakc_pb_socket:update_type(Pid, {?MTYPE, <<"pb">>}, <<I>>,
{update, {<<"a">>, counter}, {increment, 5}}
|| I <- lists:seq(1, 10) ],
_ = [ riakc_pb_socket:fetch_type(Pid, {?MTYPE, <<"pb">>}, <<I>>)
|| I <- lists:seq(1, 10) ].
all_stats(Node) ->
common_stats() ++ product_stats(rt:product(Node)).
common_stats() ->
] ++ pool_stats().
product_stats(riak_ee) ->
product_stats(riak) ->
pool_stats() ->
dscp_stats() ++
dscp_stats() ->
do_pools(Node) ->
do_pools(Node, rpc:call(Node, riak_core_node_worker_pool, dscp_pools, [])).
do_pools(_Node, []) ->
do_pools(Node, [Pool | Pools]) ->
do_pool(Node, Pool),
do_pools(Node, Pools).
do_pool(Node, Pool) ->
WorkFun = fun() -> ok end,
FinishFun = fun(ok) -> ok end,
Work = {fold, WorkFun, FinishFun},
Res = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_node_worker_pool, handle_work, [Pool, Work, undefined]),
lager:info("Pool ~p returned ~p", [Pool, Res]).
inc_by_one(StatNames) ->
inc_by(StatNames, 1).
inc_by(StatNames, Amt) ->
[{StatName, Amt} || StatName <- StatNames].