Martin Sumner a211369908 Typo fix
2018-10-02 12:15:39 +01:00

153 lines
6.7 KiB

confirm() ->
lager:info("Deploy some nodes"),
Nodes = rt:build_cluster(4),
%% calculate the preflist for foo/bar
{ok, Ring} = rpc:call(hd(Nodes), riak_core_ring_manager, get_my_ring, []),
UpNodes = rpc:call(hd(Nodes), riak_core_node_watcher, nodes, [riak_kv]),
DocIdx = rpc:call(hd(Nodes), riak_core_util, chash_key, [{<<"foo">>,
N = 3,
Preflist2 = riak_core_apl:get_apl_ann(DocIdx, N, Ring, UpNodes),
lager:info("Preflist is ~p", [Preflist2]),
PLNodes = [Node || {{_Index, Node}, _Status} <- Preflist2],
lager:info("Nodes in preflist ~p", [PLNodes]),
[SafeNode] = Nodes -- PLNodes,
lager:info("Node not involved in this preflist ~p", [SafeNode]),
%% connect to the only node in the preflist we won't break, to avoid
%% random put forwarding
{ok, C} = riak:client_connect(hd(PLNodes)),
NodeUrl = rt:http_url(hd(PLNodes)),
UrlFun=fun(Key, Value, Params) ->
[NodeUrl, Key, Value, Params]))
Obj = riak_object:new(<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, <<42:32/integer>>),
?assertEqual(ok, C:put(Obj, [{pw, all}])),
?assertMatch({ok, _}, C:get(<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, [{pr, all}])),
%% check pr/pw can't be violated
?assertEqual({error, {pw_val_violation, evil}}, C:put(Obj, [{pw, evil}])),
?assertEqual({error, {pr_val_violation, evil}}, C:get(<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>,
[{pr, evil}])),
?assertMatch({ok, {{_, 400, _}, _, "pr query parameter must be"++_}},
httpc:request(get, {UrlFun(<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, <<"?pr=evil">>), []}, [], [])),
?assertMatch({ok, {{_, 400, _}, _, "pw query parameter must be"++_}},
httpc:request(put, {UrlFun(<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>,
<<"?pw=evil">>), [], "text/plain", <<42:32/integer>>}, [], [])),
%% install an intercept to emulate a node that kernel paniced or
%% something where it can take some time for the node_watcher to spot the
%% downed node
{{Index, Node}, _} = lists:last(Preflist2),
make_intercepts_tab(Node, Index),
rt_intercept:add(Node, {riak_kv_vnode, [{{do_get,4}, drop_do_get},
{{do_head, 4}, drop_do_head},
{{do_put, 7}, drop_do_put}]}),
lager:info("disabling do_get and do_head for index ~p on ~p", [Index, Node]),
rt:log_to_nodes(Nodes, "disabling do_get and do_head for index ~p on ~p", [Index, Node]),
%% one vnode will never return, so we get timeouts
?assertEqual({error, timeout},
C:get(<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, [{pr, all}])),
?assertEqual({error, timeout}, C:put(Obj, [{pw, all}])),
%% we can still meet quorum, though
?assertEqual(ok, C:put(Obj, [{pw, quorum}])),
?assertMatch({ok, _},
C:get(<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, [{pr, quorum}])),
%% there's now a fallback in the preflist, so PR/PW won't be satisfied
%% anymore
?assertEqual({error, {pr_val_unsatisfied, 3, 2}},
C:get(<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, [{pr, all}])),
?assertEqual({error, {pw_val_unsatisfied, 3, 2}}, C:put(Obj, [{pw, all}])),
?assertMatch({ok, {{_, 503, _}, _, "PR-value unsatisfied: 2/3\n"}},
httpc:request(get, {UrlFun(<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, <<"?pr=all">>), []}, [], [])),
?assertMatch({ok, {{_, 503, _}, _, "PW-value unsatisfied: 2/3\n"}},
httpc:request(put, {UrlFun(<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>,
<<"?pw=all">>), [], "text/plain", <<42:32/integer>>}, [], [])),
%% emulate another node failure
{{Index2, Node2}, _} = lists:nth(2, Preflist2),
make_intercepts_tab(Node2, Index2),
rt_intercept:add(Node2, {riak_kv_vnode, [{{do_get,4}, drop_do_get},
{{do_head, 4}, drop_do_head},
{{do_put, 7}, drop_do_put}]}),
lager:info("disabling do_get, do_put and do_head for index ~p on ~p", [Index2, Node2]),
rt:log_to_nodes(Nodes, "disabling do_get, do_put and do_head for index ~p on ~p", [Index2, Node2]),
%% can't even meet quorum now
?assertEqual({error, timeout},
C:get(<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, [{pr, quorum}])),
?assertEqual({error, timeout}, C:put(Obj, [{pw, quorum}])),
%% restart the node
rt:wait_for_service(Node, riak_kv),
%% we can make quorum again
?assertEqual(ok, C:put(Obj, [{pw, quorum}])),
?assertMatch({ok, _}, C:get(<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, [{pr, quorum}])),
%% intercepts still in force on second node, so we'll get timeouts
?assertEqual({error, timeout},
C:get(<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, [{pr, all}])),
?assertEqual({error, timeout}, C:put(Obj, [{pw, all}])),
%% reboot the node
rt:wait_for_service(Node2, riak_kv),
%% everything is happy again
?assertEqual(ok, C:put(Obj, [{pw, all}])),
?assertMatch({ok, _}, C:get(<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, [{pr, all}])),
%% make a vnode start to fail puts
make_intercepts_tab(Node2, Index2),
rt_intercept:add(Node2, {riak_kv_vnode, [{{do_put, 7}, error_do_put}]}),
lager:info("failing do_put for index ~p on ~p", [Index2, Node2]),
rt:log_to_nodes(Nodes, "failing do_put for index ~p on ~p", [Index2, Node2]),
%% there's now a failing vnode in the preflist, so PW/DW won't be satisfied
%% anymore
?assertEqual({error, {pw_val_unsatisfied, 3, 2}}, C:put(Obj, [{pw, all}])),
?assertEqual({error, {dw_val_unsatisfied, 3, 2}}, C:put(Obj, [{dw, all}])),
?assertMatch({ok, {{_, 503, _}, _, "PW-value unsatisfied: 2/3\n"}},
httpc:request(put, {UrlFun(<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>,
<<"?pw=all">>), [], "text/plain", <<42:32/integer>>}, [], [])),
?assertMatch({ok, {{_, 503, _}, _, "DW-value unsatisfied: 2/3\n"}},
httpc:request(put, {UrlFun(<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>,
<<"?dw=all">>), [], "text/plain", <<42:32/integer>>}, [], [])),
make_intercepts_tab(Node, Partition) ->
SupPid = rpc:call(Node, erlang, whereis, [sasl_safe_sup]),
intercepts_tab = rpc:call(Node, ets, new, [intercepts_tab, [named_table,
public, set, {heir, SupPid, {}}]]),
true = rpc:call(Node, ets, insert, [intercepts_tab, {drop_do_get_partitions,
true = rpc:call(Node, ets, insert, [intercepts_tab, {drop_do_head_partitions,
true = rpc:call(Node, ets, insert, [intercepts_tab, {drop_do_put_partitions,