Sean Cribbs 1cf7c76c6f Port riaknostic test from basho_expect.
We don't have command-output matching yet, so this could appear to pass and yet still fail in some way.
2012-09-07 16:46:12 -07:00

52 lines
1.8 KiB

%% Change when a new release comes out.
-define(RIAKNOSTIC_URL, "https://github.com/basho/riaknostic/downloads/riaknostic-1.0.2.tar.gz").
riaknostic_rt() ->
%% Build a small cluster
[Node1, _Node2] = rt:build_cluster(2, []),
%% Since we don't have command output matching yet, we'll just
%% print it to the console and hope for the best.
lager:info("1. Check download message"),
rt:admin(Node1, ["diag"]),
%% Install
lager:info("2a. Install Riaknostic"),
{ok, LibDir} = rpc:call(Node1, application, get_env, [riak_core, platform_lib_dir]),
Cmd = io_lib:format("sh -c \"cd ~s && curl -O -L ~s && tar xzf ~s\"", [LibDir, ?RIAKNOSTIC_URL, filename:basename(?RIAKNOSTIC_URL)]),
lager:info("Running command: ~s", [Cmd]),
lager:debug("~p~n", [rpc:call(Node1, os, cmd, [Cmd])]),
%% Execute
lager:info("2b. Check Riaknostic executes"),
rt:admin(Node1, ["diag"]),
%% Check usage message
lager:info("3. Run Riaknostic usage message"),
rt:admin(Node1, ["diag", "--help"]),
%% Check commands list
lager:info("4. Run Riaknostic commands list message"),
rt:admin(Node1, ["diag", "--list"]),
%% Check log levels
lager:info("5. Run Riaknostic with a different log level"),
rt:admin(Node1, ["diag", "--level", "debug"]),
%% Check node conn failure when stopped
lager:info("6. Riaknostic warns of node connection failure when stopped"),
rt:admin(Node1, ["diag"]),
%% Check node connection when started
lager:info("7. Riaknostic connects to node when running"),
rt:admin(Node1, ["diag", "--level", "debug"]),
%% Done!
lager:info("Test riaknostic: PASS"),