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converting ts_util calls to new ts library calls modified ts_setup:create_bucket_type more test updating Replace ts_util with ts_setup, ts_ops and ts_data
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%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2015 Basho Technologies, Inc.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
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%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Test full range_scan API
confirm() ->
DDL = ts_data:get_ddl(api),
Data = ts_data:get_data(api),
Cluster = ts_setup:start_cluster(1),
Table = ts_data:get_default_bucket(),
{ok,_} = ts_setup:create_bucket_type(Cluster, DDL, Table),
ok = ts_setup:activate_bucket_type(Cluster, Table),
?assertEqual(ok, ts_ops:put(Cluster, Table, Data)),
% Test > Ops
confirm_GtOps(C) ->
confirm_Pass(C, {myint, int, '>', 1}),
confirm_Pass(C, {myfloat, float, '>', 1.0}),
confirm_Error(C, {mybin, varchar, '>', test2}),
confirm_Error(C, {mybool, boolean, '>', true}).
% Test >= Ops
confirm_GtEqOps(C) ->
confirm_Pass(C, {myint, int, '>=', 1}),
confirm_Pass(C, {myfloat, float, '>=', 1.0}),
confirm_Error(C, {mybin, varchar, '>=', test2}),
confirm_Error(C, {mybool, boolean, '>=', true}).
% Test < Ops
confirm_LtOps(C) ->
confirm_Pass(C, {myint, int, '<', 4}),
confirm_Pass(C, {myfloat, float, '<', 4.0}),
confirm_Error(C, {mybin, varchar, '<', test2}),
confirm_Error(C, {mybool, boolean, '<', true}).
% Test <= Ops
confirm_LtEqOps(C) ->
confirm_Pass(C, {myint, int, '<=', 4}),
confirm_Pass(C, {myfloat, float, '<=', 4.0}),
confirm_Error(C, {mybin, varchar, '<=', test2}),
confirm_Error(C, {mybool, boolean, '<=', true}).
% Test == Ops
confirm_EqOps(C) ->
confirm_Pass(C, {myint, int, '=', 2}),
confirm_Pass(C, {myfloat, float, '=', 2.0}),
confirm_Pass(C, {mybin, varchar, '=', test2}),
confirm_Pass(C, {mybool, boolean, '=', true}).
% Test != Ops
confirm_NeqOps(C) ->
confirm_Pass(C, {myint, int, '!=', 2}),
confirm_Pass(C, {myfloat, float, '!=', 2.0}),
confirm_Pass(C, {mybin, varchar, '!=', test2}),
confirm_Pass(C, {mybool, boolean, '!=', true}).
% Runs a query, and checks that the result is non-trivial (ie, returns
% > 0 records) AND matches the expected. This protects against bad
% tests that have no expected matches
confirm_pass(C, Qry, Expected) ->
Got = ts_ops:query(C, Qry),
{ok, {_Cols, Records}} = Got,
N = length(Records),
?assertEqual(Expected, Got),
?assert(N > 0).
% Runs a query, and checks that the result is an error
confirm_error(C, Qry, _Expected) ->
Got = ts_ops:query(C, Qry),
{Status, _Reason} = Got,
?assertEqual(Status, error).
% Utility to build a list
buildList(Acc, Next) ->
case Acc of
[] ->
_ ->
Acc ++ [Next]
% Return a list of indices corresponding to the passed list of field
% names
indexOf(Type, FieldNames) ->
Fields = ts_data:get_map(Type),
lists:foldl(fun(Name, Acc) ->
{_Name, Index} = lists:keyfind(Name, 1, Fields),
buildList(Acc, Index)
end, [], FieldNames).
% Return a list of values corresponding to the requested field names
valuesOf(Type, FieldNames, Record) ->
Indices = indexOf(Type, FieldNames),
lists:foldl(fun(Index, Acc) ->
buildList(Acc, element(Index, Record))
end, [], Indices).
% Return all records matching the eval function
recordsMatching(Type, Data, FieldNames, CompVals, CompFun) ->
lists:foldl(fun(Record, Acc) ->
Vals = valuesOf(Type, FieldNames, Record),
case CompFun(Vals, CompVals) of
true ->
buildList(Acc, Record);
false ->
end, [], Data).
% Return the expected data from a query
expected(Type, Data, Fields, CompVals, CompFn) ->
Records = recordsMatching(Type, Data, Fields, CompVals, CompFn),
case Records of
[] ->
{ok, {[],[]}};
_ ->
{ok, {ts_data:get_cols(Type), Records}}
% Construct a base-SQL query
baseQry() ->
"SELECT * FROM GeoCheckin "
"WHERE time >= 100 AND time <= 400 "
"AND myfamily = 'family1' "
"AND myseries = 'seriesX' ".
getQry({NameAtom, float, OpAtom, Val}) ->
baseQry() ++ "AND " ++ atom_to_list(NameAtom) ++ " " ++ atom_to_list(OpAtom) ++ " " ++ float_to_list(Val);
getQry({NameAtom, int, OpAtom, Val}) ->
baseQry() ++ "AND " ++ atom_to_list(NameAtom) ++ " " ++ atom_to_list(OpAtom) ++ " " ++ integer_to_list(Val);
getQry({NameAtom, varchar, OpAtom, Val}) ->
baseQry() ++ "AND " ++ atom_to_list(NameAtom) ++ " " ++ atom_to_list(OpAtom) ++ " '" ++ atom_to_list(Val) ++ "'";
getQry({NameAtom, boolean, OpAtom, Val}) ->
baseQry() ++ "AND " ++ atom_to_list(NameAtom) ++ " " ++ atom_to_list(OpAtom) ++ " " ++ atom_to_list(Val).
% Template for checking that a query passes
confirm_Pass(C, {NameAtom, TypeAtom, OpAtom, Val}) ->
confirm_Template(C, {NameAtom, TypeAtom, OpAtom, Val}, pass).
% Template for checking that a query returns an error
confirm_Error(C, {NameAtom, TypeAtom, OpAtom, Val}) ->
confirm_Template(C, {NameAtom, TypeAtom, OpAtom, Val}, error).
% Template for single-key range queries. For example
% confirm_Template(C, {myint, int, '>', 1}, pass)
% adds a query clause "AND myint > 1" to the base query SQL, and
% checks that the test passes. (passing 'error' as the Result atom
% would check that the test returns an error)
confirm_Template(C, {NameAtom, TypeAtom, OpAtom, Val}, Result) ->
Data = ts_data:get_data(api),
Qry = getQry({NameAtom, TypeAtom, OpAtom, Val}),
Fields = [<<"time">>, <<"myfamily">>, <<"myseries">>] ++ [list_to_binary(atom_to_list(NameAtom))],
case TypeAtom of
varchar ->
CompVals = [<<"family1">>, <<"seriesX">>] ++ [list_to_binary(atom_to_list(Val))];
_ ->
CompVals = [<<"family1">>, <<"seriesX">>] ++ [Val]
case OpAtom of
'>' ->
CompFn = fun(Vals, Cvals) ->
[T,V1,V2,V3] = Vals,
[C1,C2,C3] = Cvals,
(T >= 100) and (T =< 400) and (V1 == C1) and (V2 == C2) and (V3 > C3)
'>=' ->
CompFn = fun(Vals, Cvals) ->
[T,V1,V2,V3] = Vals,
[C1,C2,C3] = Cvals,
(T >= 100) and (T =< 400) and (V1 == C1) and (V2 == C2) and (V3 >= C3)
'<' ->
CompFn = fun(Vals, Cvals) ->
[T,V1,V2,V3] = Vals,
[C1,C2,C3] = Cvals,
(T >= 100) and (T =< 400) and (V1 == C1) and (V2 == C2) and (V3 < C3)
'=<' ->
CompFn = fun(Vals, Cvals) ->
[T,V1,V2,V3] = Vals,
[C1,C2,C3] = Cvals,
(T >= 100) and (T =< 400) and (V1 == C1) and (V2 == C2) and (V3 =< C3)
'<=' ->
CompFn = fun(Vals, Cvals) ->
[T,V1,V2,V3] = Vals,
[C1,C2,C3] = Cvals,
(T >= 100) and (T =< 400) and (V1 == C1) and (V2 == C2) and (V3 =< C3)
'=' ->
CompFn = fun(Vals, Cvals) ->
[T,V1,V2,V3] = Vals,
[C1,C2,C3] = Cvals,
(T >= 100) and (T =< 400) and (V1 == C1) and (V2 == C2) and (V3 == C3)
'!=' ->
CompFn = fun(Vals, Cvals) ->
[T,V1,V2,V3] = Vals,
[C1,C2,C3] = Cvals,
(T >= 100) and (T =< 400) and (V1 == C1) and (V2 == C2) and (V3 /= C3)
Expected = expected(api, Data, Fields, CompVals, CompFn),
case Result of
pass ->
confirm_pass(C, Qry, Expected);
error ->
confirm_error(C, Qry, Expected)