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synced 2024-11-06 00:25:22 +00:00
This test shows a dataloss edge case in riak, even in 2.1 with per-key-actor-epochs enabled. The test is a litte convoluted, and is based on a quickcheck counter example, included in the riak_kv/test directory. In short, both this test, and the other kv679_dataloss_fb test, show that even with multiple replicas acking/storing, a single disk error on a single replica is enough to cause acked writes to be silently and permanently lost. For a replicated database, that is bad.
162 lines
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162 lines
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%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2014 Basho Technologies, Inc.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
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%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% @copyright (C) 2014, Basho Technologies
%%% @doc
%%% riak_test for kv679 another doomstone flavour.
%%% issue kv679 is a possible dataloss issue, it's basically caused by
%%% the fact that per key logical clocks can go backwards in time in
%%% certain situations. The situation under test here is as follows:
%%% Create value. Delete value (write tombstone reap tombstone from
%%% all but one crashed primary). Write new value. Crashed primary
%%% comes back, read repair tombstone dominates the new value. This
%%% test depends on things happening inside a certain time limit, so
%%% technically it is not determenistic. If you think of a better way,
%%% please let me know.
%%% @end
-define(BUCKET, <<"kv679">>).
-define(KEY, <<"test">>).
confirm() ->
Config = [{riak_kv, [{delete_mode, 10000}]}, %% 10 seconds to reap.
{riak_core, [{ring_creation_size, 8},
{vnode_management_timer, 1000},
{handoff_concurrency, 100},
{vnode_inactivity_timeout, 1000}]}],
%% 4 'cos I want a perfect preflist
Nodes = rt:build_cluster(4, Config),
Clients = kv679_tombstone:create_pb_clients(Nodes),
%% Get preflist for key
PL = kv679_tombstone:get_preflist(hd(Nodes)),
%% Patsy is the primary node that will take a fall, where the
%% lingering doomstone will stay
{CoordClient, Patsy} = get_coord_client_and_patsy(Clients, PL),
lager:info("CoordClient ~p~nPatsy ~p~n", [CoordClient, Patsy]),
%% Write key some times
kv679_tombstone:write_key(CoordClient, [<<"bob">>, <<"phil">>, <<"pete">>]),
lager:info("wrote key thrice"),
lager:info("deleted key"),
%% kill the patsy, must happen before the reap
lager:info("killed the patsy"),
%% A time to reap wait for the up nodes to reap, can't use
%% kv679_tombstone:read_it_and_reap
lager:info("tombstone (should be) reaped"),
%% %% write the key again, this will start a new clock, a clock
%% that is in the past of that un-reaped primary tombstone. We use the
%% same node to get the same clock.
kv679_tombstone:write_key(CoordClient, [<<"jon">>]),
%% %% Bring the patsy back up, and wait until the preflists are as
%% before
rt:wait_until(fun() ->
PL2 = kv679_tombstone:get_preflist(Patsy),
PL == PL2
%% Read a few times, just in case (repair, then reap, etc)
Res = [begin
{I, kv679_tombstone:read_key(CoordClient)}
end || I <- lists:seq(1, 5)],
lager:info("res ~p", [Res]),
First = hd(lists:dropwhile(fun({_I, {ok, _}}) -> false;
(_) -> true end,
lager:info("res ~p", [First]),
%% The last result
{_, Res2} = hd(lists:reverse(Res)),
?assertMatch({ok, _}, Res2),
{ok, Obj} = Res2,
?assertEqual(<<"jon">>, riakc_obj:get_value(Obj)),
perfect_preflist(PL) ->
perfect_preflist(PL, 3).
perfect_preflist(PL, NVal) ->
%% N=NVal primaries, each on a unique node
length(lists:usort([Node || {{_Idx, Node}, Type} <- PL,
Type == primary])) == NVal.
get_coord_client_and_patsy(Clients, PL) ->
{CoordNode, _}=CoordClient=kv679_tombstone:coordinating_client(Clients, PL),
PL2 = [Node || {{_Idx, Node}, Type} <- PL,
Type == primary,
Node /= CoordNode],
{CoordClient, hd(lists:reverse(PL2))}.
delete_key({_, Client}) ->
{ok, Obj} = riakc_pb_socket:get(Client, ?BUCKET, ?KEY),
riakc_pb_socket:delete_obj(Client, Obj).
dump_clock({Node, Client}) ->
case riakc_pb_socket:get(Client, ?BUCKET, ?KEY) of
{ok, O} ->
VCE = riakc_obj:vclock(O),
VC = rpc:call(Node, riak_object, decode_vclock, [VCE]),
lager:info("VC ~p~n", [VC]),
NodeId = erlang:crc32(term_to_binary(Node)),
Id = <<NodeId:32/unsigned-integer>>,
lager:info("Coord Node ID ~p~n", [Id]);
Res ->
lager:info("no clock in ~p~n", [Res])