Brian Sparrow d66bf7546b Add tests for read repair object limits
Tests to verify that object limits are ignored for read repair. This
requires an intercept to spoof all puts as read repair since there’s no
external API for forcing read repair. Intercept used to replace both
put/6 and coord_put/6 and simply adds the `rr` property to the put
2016-03-02 16:47:06 -05:00

168 lines
6.8 KiB

%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2015 Basho Technologies, Inc.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% shamelessly copied from riak_kv_vnode.hrl
-record(riak_kv_w1c_put_req_v1, {
bkey :: {binary(),binary()},
encoded_val :: binary(),
type :: primary | fallback
% start_time :: non_neg_integer(), Jon to add?
-record(riak_kv_w1c_put_reply_v1, {
reply :: ok | {error, term()},
type :: primary | fallback
-define(M, riak_kv_vnode_orig).
%% @doc Simulate dropped puts by truncating the preflist for every kv
%% vnode put. This is useful for testing read-repair, AAE, etc.
dropped_put(Preflist, BKey, Obj, ReqId, StartTime, Options, Sender) ->
NewPreflist = lists:sublist(Preflist, length(Preflist) - 1),
%% Uncomment to see modification in logs, too spammy to have on by default
%% ?I_INFO("Preflist modified from ~p to ~p", [Preflist, NewPreflist]),
?M:put_orig(NewPreflist, BKey, Obj, ReqId, StartTime, Options, Sender).
%% @doc Make all KV vnode commands take abnormally long.
slow_handle_command(Req, Sender, State) ->
?M:handle_command_orig(Req, Sender, State).
%% @doc Return wrong_node error because ownership transfer is happening
%% when trying to get the hashtree pid for a partition.
wrong_node(_Partition) ->
{error, wrong_node}.
%% @doc Make all KV vnode coverage commands take abnormally long.
slow_handle_coverage(Req, Filter, Sender, State) ->
Rand = random:uniform(5000),
error_logger:info_msg("coverage sleeping ~p", [Rand]),
?M:handle_coverage_orig(Req, Filter, Sender, State).
%% @doc Count how many times we call handle_handoff_command
count_handoff_w1c_puts(#riak_kv_w1c_put_req_v1{}=Req, Sender, State) ->
Val = ?M:handle_handoff_command_orig(Req, Sender, State),
ets:update_counter(intercepts_tab, w1c_put_counter, 1),
count_handoff_w1c_puts(Req, Sender, State) ->
?M:handle_handoff_command_orig(Req, Sender, State).
%% @doc Count how many times we handle syncchronous and asynchronous replies
%% in handle_command when using w1c buckets
count_w1c_handle_command(#riak_kv_w1c_put_req_v1{}=Req, Sender, State) ->
case ?M:handle_command_orig(Req, Sender, State) of
{noreply, NewState} ->
ets:update_counter(intercepts_tab, w1c_async_replies, 1),
{noreply, NewState};
{reply, #riak_kv_w1c_put_reply_v1{reply=ok, type=Type}, NewState} ->
ets:update_counter(intercepts_tab, w1c_sync_replies, 1),
{reply, #riak_kv_w1c_put_reply_v1{reply=ok, type=Type}, NewState};
Any -> Any
count_w1c_handle_command(Req, Sender, State) ->
?M:handle_command_orig(Req, Sender, State).
%% @doc Simulate dropped gets/network partitions byresponding with
%% noreply during get requests.
drop_do_get(Sender, BKey, ReqId, State) ->
Partition = element(2,State),
case ets:lookup(intercepts_tab, drop_do_get_partitions) of
[] ->
?M:do_get_orig(Sender, BKey, ReqId, State);
[{drop_do_get_partitions, Partitions}] ->
case lists:member(Partition, Partitions) of
true ->
%% ?I_INFO("Dropping get for ~p on ~p", [BKey, Partition]),
lager:log(info, self(), "dropping get request for ~p",
{noreply, State};
false ->
?M:do_get_orig(Sender, BKey, ReqId, State)
%% @doc Simulate dropped puts/network partitions byresponding with
%% noreply during put requests.
drop_do_put(Sender, BKey, RObj, ReqId, StartTime, Options, State) ->
Partition = element(2,State),
case ets:lookup(intercepts_tab, drop_do_put_partitions) of
[] ->
?M:do_put_orig(Sender, BKey, RObj, ReqId, StartTime, Options, State);
[{drop_do_put_partitions, Partitions}] ->
case lists:member(Partition, Partitions) of
true ->
lager:log(info, self(), "dropping put request for ~p",
%% ?I_INFO("Dropping put for ~p on ~p", [BKey, Partition]),
%% NB: riak_kv#1046 - do_put returns a tuple now
{dropped_by_intercept, State};
false ->
?M:do_put_orig(Sender, BKey, RObj, ReqId, StartTime, Options, State)
%% @doc Simulate put failures by responding with failure messages.
error_do_put(Sender, BKey, RObj, ReqId, StartTime, Options, State) ->
Partition = element(2,State),
case ets:lookup(intercepts_tab, drop_do_put_partitions) of
[] ->
?M:do_put_orig(Sender, BKey, RObj, ReqId, StartTime, Options, State);
[{drop_do_put_partitions, Partitions}] ->
case lists:member(Partition, Partitions) of
true ->
lager:log(info, self(), "failing put request for ~p",
%% ?I_INFO("Failing put for ~p on ~p", [BKey, Partition]),
%% sleep for a while, so the vnode response order is
%% deterministic
riak_core_vnode:reply(Sender, {fail, Partition, ReqId}),
%% NB: riak_kv#1046 - do_put returns a tuple now
{error_by_intercept, State};
false ->
?M:do_put_orig(Sender, BKey, RObj, ReqId, StartTime, Options, State)
corrupting_handle_handoff_data(BinObj0, State) ->
BinObj =
case random:uniform(20) of
10 ->
_ -> BinObj0
?M:handle_handoff_data_orig(BinObj, State).
corrupt_binary(O) ->
put_as_readrepair(Preflist, BKey, Obj, ReqId, StartTime, Options) ->
?M:put_orig(Preflist, BKey, Obj, ReqId, StartTime, [rr | Options]).
coord_put_as_readrepair(Preflist, BKey, Obj, ReqId, StartTime, Options) ->
?M:coord_put_orig(Preflist, BKey, Obj, ReqId, StartTime, [rr | Options]).