%% @doc The purpose of thie test is to ensure the realtime helpers on both %% the source and sink sides properly exit when a connection is flakey; ie %% then there are errors and not out-right closes of the connection. -module(repl_process_leak). -behavior(riak_test). -export([confirm/0]). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -define(SEND_ERROR_INTERVAL, 500). confirm() -> Conf = [ {riak_repl, [ {fullsync_on_connect, false}, {fullsync_interval, disabled} ]} ], lager:info("deploying 2 nodes"), Nodes = rt:deploy_nodes(2, Conf, [riak_kv, riak_repl]), [SourceNode, SinkNode] = Nodes, lager:info("nameing clusters"), repl_util:name_cluster(SourceNode, "source"), repl_util:name_cluster(SinkNode, "sink"), {ok, {_IP, Port}} = rpc:call(SinkNode, application, get_env, [riak_core, cluster_mgr]), lager:info("connecting clusters using port ~p", [Port]), repl_util:connect_cluster(SourceNode, "", Port), repl_util:wait_for_connection(SourceNode, "sink"), lager:info("enabling and starting realtime"), repl_util:enable_realtime(SourceNode, "sink"), repl_util:start_realtime(SourceNode, "sink"), lager:info("testing for leaks on flakey sink"), flakey_sink(SourceNode, SinkNode), lager:info("testing for leaks on flakey source"), flakey_source(SourceNode, SinkNode), pass. flakey_sink(_SourceNode, SinkNode) -> InitialCount = rpc:call(SinkNode, erlang, system_info, [process_count]), ProcCounts = send_sink_tcp_errors(SinkNode, 20, [InitialCount]), Smallest = lists:min(ProcCounts), Biggest = lists:max(ProcCounts), ?assert(2 =< Biggest - Smallest), %?assertEqual(InitialProcCount, PostProcCount), % the process count is increasing, but the helper did die true. send_sink_tcp_errors(_SinkNode, 0, Acc) -> Acc; send_sink_tcp_errors(SinkNode, N, Acc) -> case rpc:call(SinkNode, riak_repl2_rtsink_conn_sup, started, []) of [] -> timer:sleep(?SEND_ERROR_INTERVAL), send_sink_tcp_errors(SinkNode, N, Acc); [P | _] -> SysStatus = sys:get_status(P), {status, P, _Modul, [_PDict, _Status, _, _, Data]} = SysStatus, [_Header, _Data1, Data2] = Data, {data, [{"State", StateRec}]} = Data2, [Helper | _] = lists:filter(fun(E) -> is_pid(E) end, tuple_to_list(StateRec)), HelpMon = erlang:monitor(process, Helper), P ! {tcp_error, <<>>, test}, Mon = erlang:monitor(process, P), receive {'DOWN', Mon, process, P, _} -> ok end, receive {'DOWN', HelpMon, process, Helper, _} -> ok after 10000 -> throw("helper didn't die") end, timer:sleep(?SEND_ERROR_INTERVAL), Procs = rpc:call(SinkNode, erlang, system_info, [process_count]), send_sink_tcp_errors(SinkNode, N - 1, [Procs | Acc]) end. flakey_source(SourceNode, _SinkNode) -> InitialProcCount = rpc:call(SourceNode, erlang, system_info, [process_count]), ProcCounts = send_source_tcp_errors(SourceNode, 20, [InitialProcCount]), Biggest = lists:max(ProcCounts), Smallest = lists:min(ProcCounts), %lager:info("initial: ~p; post: ~p", [InitialProcCount, PostProcCount]), %?assertEqual(InitialProcCount, PostProcCount). ?assert(2 =< Biggest - Smallest), true. send_source_tcp_errors(_SourceNode, 0, Acc) -> Acc; send_source_tcp_errors(SourceNode, N, Acc) -> List = rpc:call(SourceNode, riak_repl2_rtsource_conn_sup, enabled, []), case proplists:get_value("sink", List) of undefined -> timer:sleep(?SEND_ERROR_INTERVAL), send_source_tcp_errors(SourceNode, N, Acc); Pid -> lager:debug("Get the status"), SysStatus = try sys:get_status(Pid) of S -> S catch W:Y -> lager:info("Sys failed due to ~p:~p", [W,Y]), {status, Pid, undefined, [undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, [undefined, undefined, {data, [{"State", {Pid}}]}]]} end, {status, Pid, _Module, [_PDict, _Status, _, _, Data]} = SysStatus, [_Header, _Data1, Data2] = Data, {data, [{"State", StateRec}]} = Data2, [Helper | _] = lists:filter(fun(E) -> is_pid(E) end, tuple_to_list(StateRec)), lager:debug("mon the hlepr"), HelperMon = erlang:monitor(process, Helper), lager:debug("Send the murder"), Pid ! {tcp_error, <<>>, test}, Mon = erlang:monitor(process, Pid), lager:debug("Wait for deaths"), receive {'DOWN', Mon, process, Pid, _} -> ok end, receive {'DOWN', HelperMon, process, Helper, _} -> ok after 10000 -> throw("Helper didn't die") end, timer:sleep(?SEND_ERROR_INTERVAL), Count = rpc:call(SourceNode, erlang, system_info, [process_count]), send_source_tcp_errors(SourceNode, N - 1, [Count | Acc]) end.