-module(ts_A_create_table_fail_4). -behavior(riak_test). -export([ confirm/0 ]). -import(timeseries_util, [ get_ddl/1, confirm_create/3, confirm_activate/3 ]). %% %% should error if you try and create a table twice %% confirm() -> ClusterType = single, DDL = get_ddl(docs), Expected1 = {ok, "GeoCheckin created\n\nWARNING: After activating GeoCheckin, nodes in this cluster\ncan no longer be downgraded to a version of Riak prior to 2.0\n"}, pass = confirm_create(ClusterType, DDL, Expected1), Expected2 = {ok,"GeoCheckin has been activated\n\nWARNING: Nodes in this cluster can no longer be\ndowngraded to a version of Riak prior to 2.0\n"}, pass = confirm_activate(ClusterType, DDL, Expected2), Expected3 = {ok,"Error creating bucket type GeoCheckin:\nalready_active\n"}, confirm_create(ClusterType, DDL, Expected3).