-module(repl_util). -export([make_cluster/1, name_cluster/2, node_has_version/2, nodes_with_version/2, nodes_all_have_version/2, wait_until_is_leader/1, is_leader/1, wait_until_is_not_leader/1, wait_until_leader/1, wait_until_new_leader/2, wait_until_leader_converge/1, wait_until_connection/1, wait_until_no_connection/1, wait_for_reads/5, wait_until_fullsync_started/1, wait_until_fullsync_stopped/1, start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete/1, start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete/2, start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete/3, start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete/4, connect_cluster/3, disconnect_cluster/2, wait_for_connection/2, wait_for_disconnect/2, wait_for_full_disconnect/1, wait_until_connection_errors/2, wait_until_connections_clear/1, enable_realtime/2, disable_realtime/2, enable_fullsync/2, start_realtime/2, stop_realtime/2, stop_fullsync/2, disable_fullsync/2, do_write/5, get_fs_coord_status_item/3, num_partitions/1, get_cluster_mgr_port/1, maybe_reconnect_rt/3, connect_rt/3, connect_cluster_by_name/3, connect_cluster_by_name/4, get_port/1, get_leader/1, write_to_cluster/4, write_to_cluster/5, read_from_cluster/5, read_from_cluster/6, check_fullsync/3, validate_completed_fullsync/6, validate_intercepted_fullsync/5 ]). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). make_cluster(Nodes) -> [First|Rest] = Nodes, ?assertEqual(ok, rt:wait_until_nodes_ready(Nodes)), [rt:wait_for_service(N, riak_kv) || N <- Nodes], [rt:join(Node, First) || Node <- Rest], ?assertEqual(ok, rt:wait_until_no_pending_changes(Nodes)). name_cluster(Node, Name) -> lager:info("Naming cluster ~p",[Name]), Res = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl_console, clustername, [[Name]]), ?assertEqual(ok, Res). wait_until_is_leader(Node) -> lager:info("wait_until_is_leader(~p)", [Node]), rt:wait_until(Node, fun is_leader/1). is_leader(Node) -> case rpc:call(Node, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []) of {badrpc, Wut} -> lager:info("Badrpc during is_leader for ~p. Error: ~p", [Node, Wut]), false; Leader -> lager:info("Checking: ~p =:= ~p", [Leader, Node]), Leader =:= Node end. wait_until_is_not_leader(Node) -> lager:info("wait_until_is_not_leader(~p)", [Node]), rt:wait_until(Node, fun is_not_leader/1). is_not_leader(Node) -> case rpc:call(Node, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []) of {badrpc, Wut} -> lager:info("Badrpc during is_not leader for ~p. Error: ~p", [Node, Wut]), false; Leader -> lager:info("Checking: ~p =/= ~p", [Leader, Node]), Leader =/= Node end. wait_until_leader(Node) -> wait_until_new_leader(Node, undefined). wait_until_new_leader(Node, OldLeader) -> Res = rt:wait_until(Node, fun(_) -> Status = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []), case Status of {badrpc, _} -> false; undefined -> false; OldLeader -> false; _Other -> true end end), ?assertEqual(ok, Res). wait_until_leader_converge([Node|_] = Nodes) -> rt:wait_until(Node, fun(_) -> LeaderResults = [rpc:call(N, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []) || N <- Nodes], {Leaders, Errors} = lists:partition(leader_result_filter_fun(), LeaderResults), UniqueLeaders = lists:usort(Leaders), Errors == [] andalso length(UniqueLeaders) == 1 end). leader_result_filter_fun() -> fun(L) -> case L of undefined -> false; {badrpc, _} -> false; _ -> true end end. wait_until_connection(Node) -> rt:wait_until(Node, fun(_) -> Status = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl_console, status, [quiet]), case Status of {badrpc, _} -> false; _ -> case proplists:get_value(fullsync_coordinator, Status) of [] -> false; [_C] -> true; Conns -> lager:warning("multiple connections detected: ~p", [Conns]), true end end end). %% 40 seconds is enough for repl wait_until_no_connection(Node) -> rt:wait_until(Node, fun(_) -> Status = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl_console, status, [quiet]), case Status of {badrpc, _} -> false; _ -> case proplists:get_value(connected_clusters, Status) of [] -> true; _ -> false end end end). %% 40 seconds is enough for repl wait_until_fullsync_started(SourceLeader) -> rt:wait_until(fun() -> lager:info("Waiting for fullsync to start"), Coordinators = [Pid || {"B", Pid} <- riak_repl2_fscoordinator_sup:started(SourceLeader)], lists:any(fun riak_repl2_fscoordinator:is_running/1, Coordinators) end). wait_until_fullsync_stopped(SourceLeader) -> rt:wait_until(fun() -> lager:info("Waiting for fullsync to stop"), Coordinators = [Pid || {"B", Pid} <- riak_repl2_fscoordinator_sup:started(SourceLeader)], not lists:any(fun riak_repl2_fscoordinator:is_running/1, Coordinators) end). wait_for_reads(Node, Start, End, Bucket, R) -> rt:wait_until(Node, fun(_) -> Reads = rt:systest_read(Node, Start, End, Bucket, R, <<>>, true), Reads == [] end), Reads = rt:systest_read(Node, Start, End, Bucket, R, <<>>, true), lager:info("Reads: ~p", [Reads]), length(Reads). get_fs_coord_status_item(Node, SinkName, ItemName) -> Status = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl_console, status, [quiet]), FS_CoordProps = proplists:get_value(fullsync_coordinator, Status), ClusterProps = proplists:get_value(SinkName, FS_CoordProps), proplists:get_value(ItemName, ClusterProps). start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete(Node) -> start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete(Node, undefined). start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete(Node, Cluster) -> start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete(Node, Cluster, undefined). start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete(Node, Cluster, NotifyPid) -> start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete(Node, Cluster, NotifyPid, 20). start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete(Node, Cluster, NotifyPid, Retries) -> Status0 = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl_console, status, [quiet]), Count0 = proplists:get_value(server_fullsyncs, Status0), Count = fullsync_count(Count0, Status0, Cluster), lager:info("Waiting for fullsync count to be ~p", [Count]), lager:info("Starting fullsync on: ~p", [Node]), rpc:call(Node, riak_repl_console, fullsync, [fullsync_start_args(Cluster)]), %% sleep because of the old bug where stats will crash if you call it too %% soon after starting a fullsync timer:sleep(500), %% Send message to process and notify fullsync has began. fullsync_notify(NotifyPid), case rt:wait_until(make_fullsync_wait_fun(Node, Count), 100, 1000) of ok -> ok; _ when Retries > 0 -> ?assertEqual(ok, wait_until_connection(Node)), lager:warning("Node failed to fullsync, retrying"), start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete(Node, Cluster, NotifyPid, Retries-1) end, lager:info("Fullsync on ~p complete", [Node]). fullsync_count(Count, Status, undefined) -> %% count the # of fullsync enabled clusters FullSyncClusters = proplists:get_value(fullsync_enabled, Status), Count + length(string:tokens(FullSyncClusters, ", ")); fullsync_count(Count, _Status, _Cluster) -> Count + 1. fullsync_start_args(undefined) -> lager:info("No cluster for fullsync start"), ["start"]; fullsync_start_args(Cluster) -> lager:info("Cluster for fullsync start: ~p", [Cluster]), ["start", Cluster]. fullsync_notify(NotifyPid) when is_pid(NotifyPid) -> NotifyPid ! fullsync_started; fullsync_notify(_) -> ok. make_fullsync_wait_fun(Node, Count) -> fun() -> Status = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl_console, status, [quiet]), case Status of {badrpc, _} -> false; _ -> case proplists:get_value(server_fullsyncs, Status) of C when C >= Count -> true; _ -> false end end end. connect_cluster(Node, IP, Port) -> Res = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl_console, connect, [[IP, integer_to_list(Port)]]), ?assertEqual(ok, Res). disconnect_cluster(Node, Name) -> Res = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl_console, disconnect, [[Name]]), ?assertEqual(ok, Res). wait_for_connection(Node, Name) -> rt:wait_until(Node, fun(_) -> lager:info("Waiting for repl connection to cluster named ~p on node ~p", [Name, Node]), case rpc:call(Node, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_connections, []) of {ok, Connections} -> Conn = [P || {{cluster_by_name, N}, P} <- Connections, N == Name], case Conn of [] -> false; [Pid] -> try riak_core_cluster_conn:status(Pid, 2000) of {Pid, status, _} -> true; _ -> false catch _W:_Y -> Pid ! {self(), status}, receive {Pid, status, _} -> true; {Pid, connecting, _} -> false %% Never wait forever for the response. Allow wait_until to work. after 2000 -> false end end end; _ -> false end end). %% @doc Wait for disconnect from this node to the %% named cluster. wait_for_disconnect(Node, Name) -> rt:wait_until(Node, fun(_) -> lager:info("Attempting to verify disconnect on ~p from ~p.", [Node, Name]), try {ok, Connections} = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_connections, []), lager:info("Waiting for sink disconnect on ~p: ~p.", [Node, Connections]), Conn = [P || {{cluster_by_name, N}, P} <- Connections, N == Name], case Conn of [] -> true; _ -> false end catch _:Error -> lager:info("Caught error: ~p.", [Error]), false end end). %% @doc Wait for full disconnect from all clusters and IP's wait_for_full_disconnect(Node) -> rt:wait_until(Node, fun(_) -> lager:info("Attempting to verify full disconnect on ~p.", [Node]), try {ok, Connections} = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_connections, []), lager:info("Waiting for sink disconnect on ~p: ~p.", [Node, Connections]), case Connections of [] -> true; _ -> false end catch _:Error -> lager:info("Caught error: ~p.", [Error]), false end end). %% @doc Wait until canceled connections are cleared wait_until_connections_clear(Node) -> rt:wait_until(Node, fun(_) -> try Status = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_connection_mgr, get_request_states, []), lager:info("Waiting for cancelled connections to clear on ~p: ~p.", [Node, Status]), case Status of [] -> true; _ -> false end catch _:Error -> lager:info("Caught error: ~p.", [Error]), false end end). %% @doc Wait until errors in connection wait_until_connection_errors(Node, BNode) -> {ok, {_IP, Port}} = rpc:call(BNode, application, get_env, [riak_core, cluster_mgr]), rt:wait_until(Node, fun(_) -> try Failures = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_connection_mgr, get_connection_errors, [{"",Port}]), lager:info("Waiting for endpoint connection failures on ~p: ~p.", [Node, Failures]), case orddict:size(Failures) of 0 -> false; _ -> true end catch _:Error -> lager:info("Caught error: ~p.", [Error]), false end end). enable_realtime(Node, Cluster) -> Res = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl_console, realtime, [["enable", Cluster]]), ?assertEqual(ok, Res). disable_realtime(Node, Cluster) -> Res = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl_console, realtime, [["disable", Cluster]]), ?assertEqual(ok, Res). enable_fullsync(Node, Cluster) -> Res = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl_console, fullsync, [["enable", Cluster]]), ?assertEqual(ok, Res). disable_fullsync(Node, Cluster) -> Res = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl_console, fullsync, [["disable", Cluster]]), ?assertEqual(ok, Res). stop_fullsync(Node, Cluster) -> Res = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl_console, fullsync, [["stop", Cluster]]), ?assertEqual(ok, Res). start_realtime(Node, Cluster) -> Res = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl_console, realtime, [["start", Cluster]]), ?assertEqual(ok, Res). stop_realtime(Node, Cluster) -> Res = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl_console, realtime, [["stop", Cluster]]), ?assertEqual(ok, Res). do_write(Node, Start, End, Bucket, W) -> case rt:systest_write(Node, Start, End, Bucket, W) of [] -> []; Errors -> lager:warning("~p errors while writing: ~p", [length(Errors), Errors]), timer:sleep(1000), lists:flatten([rt:systest_write(Node, S, S, Bucket, W) || {S, _Error} <- Errors]) end. %% does the node meet the version requirement? node_has_version(Node, Version) -> NodeVersion = rtdev:node_version(rtdev:node_id(Node)), case NodeVersion of current -> %% current always satisfies any version check true; _ -> NodeVersion >= Version end. nodes_with_version(Nodes, Version) -> [Node || Node <- Nodes, node_has_version(Node, Version)]. nodes_all_have_version(Nodes, Version) -> Nodes == nodes_with_version(Nodes, Version). %% Return the number of partitions in the cluster where Node is a member. num_partitions(Node) -> {ok, Ring} = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_ring_manager, get_raw_ring, []), N = riak_core_ring:num_partitions(Ring), N. get_cluster_mgr_port(Node) -> {ok, {_Ip, Port}} = rpc:call(Node, application, get_env, [riak_core, cluster_mgr]), Port. maybe_reconnect_rt(SourceNode, SinkPort, SinkName) -> case repl_util:wait_for_connection(SourceNode, SinkName) of fail -> connect_rt(SourceNode, SinkPort, SinkName); Oot -> Oot end. connect_rt(SourceNode, SinkPort, SinkName) -> repl_util:connect_cluster(SourceNode, "", SinkPort), repl_util:wait_for_connection(SourceNode, SinkName), repl_util:enable_realtime(SourceNode, SinkName), repl_util:start_realtime(SourceNode, SinkName). %% @doc Connect two clusters using a given name. connect_cluster_by_name(Source, Port, Name) -> lager:info("Connecting ~p to ~p for cluster ~p.", [Source, Port, Name]), repl_util:connect_cluster(Source, "", Port), ?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_for_connection(Source, Name)). %% @doc Connect two clusters using a given name. connect_cluster_by_name(Source, Destination, Port, Name) -> lager:info("Connecting ~p to ~p for cluster ~p.", [Source, Port, Name]), repl_util:connect_cluster(Source, Destination, Port), ?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_for_connection(Source, Name)). %% @doc Given a node, find the port that the cluster manager is %% listening on. get_port(Node) -> {ok, {_IP, Port}} = rpc:call(Node, application, get_env, [riak_core, cluster_mgr]), Port. %% @doc Given a node, find out who the current replication leader in its %% cluster is. get_leader(Node) -> rpc:call(Node, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []). %% @doc Validate fullsync completed and all keys are available. validate_completed_fullsync(ReplicationLeader, DestinationNode, DestinationCluster, Start, End, Bucket) -> ok = check_fullsync(ReplicationLeader, DestinationCluster, 0), lager:info("Verify: Reading ~p keys repl'd from A(~p) to ~p(~p)", [End - Start, ReplicationLeader, DestinationCluster, DestinationNode]), ?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(DestinationNode, Start, End, Bucket, 1)). %% @doc Write a series of keys and ensure they are all written. write_to_cluster(Node, Start, End, Bucket) -> write_to_cluster(Node, Start, End, Bucket, 1). %% @doc Write a series of keys and ensure they are all written. write_to_cluster(Node, Start, End, Bucket, Quorum) -> lager:info("Writing ~p keys to node ~p.", [End - Start, Node]), ?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(Node, Start, End, Bucket, Quorum)). %% @doc Read from cluster a series of keys, asserting a certain number %% of errors. read_from_cluster(Node, Start, End, Bucket, Errors) -> read_from_cluster(Node, Start, End, Bucket, Errors, 1). %% @doc Read from cluster a series of keys, asserting a certain number %% of errors. read_from_cluster(Node, Start, End, Bucket, Errors, Quorum) -> lager:info("Reading ~p keys from node ~p.", [End - Start, Node]), Res2 = rt:systest_read(Node, Start, End, Bucket, Quorum, <<>>, true), ?assertEqual(Errors, length(Res2)). %% @doc Assert we can perform one fullsync cycle, and that the number of %% expected failures is correct. check_fullsync(Node, Cluster, ExpectedFailures) -> {Time, _} = timer:tc(repl_util, start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete, [Node, Cluster]), lager:info("Fullsync completed in ~p seconds", [Time/1000/1000]), Status = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl_console, status, [quiet]), Props = case proplists:get_value(fullsync_coordinator, Status) of [{_Name, Props0}] -> Props0; Multiple -> {_Name, Props0} = lists:keyfind(Cluster, 1, Multiple), Props0 end, %% check that the expected number of partitions failed to sync ErrorExits = proplists:get_value(error_exits, Props), lager:info("Error exits: ~p", [ErrorExits]), ?assertEqual(ExpectedFailures, ErrorExits), %% check that we retried each of them 5 times RetryExits = proplists:get_value(retry_exits, Props), lager:info("Retry exits: ~p", [RetryExits]), ?assert(RetryExits >= ExpectedFailures * 5), ok. %% @doc Add an intercept on a target node to simulate a given failure %% mode, and then enable fullsync replication and verify completes %% a full cycle. Subsequently reboot the node. validate_intercepted_fullsync(InterceptTarget, Intercept, ReplicationLeader, ReplicationCluster, NumIndicies) -> lager:info("Validating intercept ~p on ~p.", [Intercept, InterceptTarget]), %% Add intercept. ok = rt_intercept:add(InterceptTarget, Intercept), %% Verify fullsync. ok = repl_util:check_fullsync(ReplicationLeader, ReplicationCluster, NumIndicies), %% Reboot node. rt:stop_and_wait(InterceptTarget), rt:start_and_wait(InterceptTarget), %% Wait for riak_kv and riak_repl to initialize. rt:wait_for_service(InterceptTarget, riak_kv), rt:wait_for_service(InterceptTarget, riak_repl), %% Wait until AAE trees are compueted on the rebooted node. rt:wait_until_aae_trees_built([InterceptTarget]).