%% These tests were written using the following riak versions: %% current: 1.4 %% previous: 1.3.1 %% legacy: 1.2.1 %% %% uses the following configs with given defaults: %% %% ## default_timeout = 1000 :: timeout() %% %% Base timeout value; some tests will use a larger value (multiple of). %% %% ## run_rt_cascading_1_3_tests = false :: any() %% %% Some tests (new_to_old and mixed_version_clusters) only make sense to %% run if one is testing the version before cascading was introduced and %% the version it was added; eg current being riak 1.4 and previous being %% riak 1.3. If this is set to anything (other than 'false') those tests %% are run. They will not function properly unless the correct versions %% for riak are avialable. The tests check if the versions under test are %% too old to be valid however. %% %% With this set to default, the tests that depend on this option will %% emit a log message saying they are not configured to run. %% -module(rt_cascading). -compile(export_all). -behavior(riak_test). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -define(bucket, <<"objects">>). -export([confirm/0]). -export([new_to_old/0, mixed_version_clusters/0]). % cluster_mgr port = 10006 + 10n where n is devN confirm() -> %% test requires allow_mult=false b/c of rt:systest_read rt:set_conf(all, [{"buckets.default.allow_mult", "false"}]), case eunit:test(?MODULE, [verbose]) of ok -> pass; error -> % at the time this is written, the return value isn't acutally % checked, the only way to fail is to crash the process. % i leave the fail here in hopes a future version will actually % do what the documentation says. exit(error), fail end. -record(simple_state, { beginning = [] :: [node()], middle = [] :: [node()], ending = [] :: [node()] }). simple_test_() -> % +-----------+ +--------+ +-----+ % | beginning | -> | middle | -> | end | % +-----------+ +--------+ +-----+ {timeout, timeout(90), {setup, fun() -> Conf = conf(), [BeginNode, MiddleNode, EndNode] = Nodes = rt:deploy_nodes(3, Conf), repl_util:make_cluster([BeginNode]), repl_util:make_cluster([MiddleNode]), repl_util:make_cluster([EndNode]), repl_util:name_cluster(BeginNode, "beginning"), [repl_util:wait_until_is_leader(N) || N <- Nodes], repl_util:name_cluster(MiddleNode, "middle"), repl_util:name_cluster(EndNode, "end"), #simple_state{beginning = BeginNode, middle = MiddleNode, ending = EndNode} end, fun(State) -> Nodes = [State#simple_state.beginning, State#simple_state.middle, State#simple_state.ending], rt:clean_cluster(Nodes) end, fun(State) -> [ {"connecting Beginning to Middle", fun() -> Port = get_cluster_mgr_port(State#simple_state.middle), repl_util:connect_cluster(State#simple_state.beginning, "", Port), repl_util:enable_realtime(State#simple_state.beginning, "middle"), repl_util:start_realtime(State#simple_state.beginning, "middle") end}, {"connection Middle to End", fun() -> Port = get_cluster_mgr_port(State#simple_state.ending), repl_util:connect_cluster(State#simple_state.middle, "", Port), repl_util:enable_realtime(State#simple_state.middle, "end"), repl_util:start_realtime(State#simple_state.middle, "end") end}, {"cascade a put from beginning down to ending", timeout, timeout(25), fun() -> BeginningClient = rt:pbc(State#simple_state.beginning), Bin = <<"cascading realtime">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(<<"objects">>, Bin, Bin), riakc_pb_socket:put(BeginningClient, Obj, [{w,1}]), riakc_pb_socket:stop(BeginningClient), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(State#simple_state.middle, <<"objects">>, Bin)), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(State#simple_state.ending, <<"objects">>, Bin)) end}, {"disable cascading on middle", timeout, timeout(25), fun() -> rpc:call(State#simple_state.middle, riak_repl_console, realtime_cascades, [["never"]]), Bin = <<"disabled cascading">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(?bucket, Bin, Bin), Client = rt:pbc(State#simple_state.beginning), riakc_pb_socket:put(Client, Obj, [{w,1}]), riakc_pb_socket:stop(Client), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(State#simple_state.middle, ?bucket, Bin)), ?assertEqual({error, notfound}, maybe_eventually_exists(State#simple_state.ending, ?bucket, Bin)) end}, {"re-enable cascading", timeout, timeout(25), fun() -> rpc:call(State#simple_state.middle, riak_repl_console, realtime_cascades, [["always"]]), Bin = <<"cascading re-enabled">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(?bucket, Bin, Bin), Client = rt:pbc(State#simple_state.beginning), riakc_pb_socket:put(Client, Obj, [{w,1}]), riakc_pb_socket:stop(Client), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(State#simple_state.middle, ?bucket, Bin)), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(State#simple_state.ending, ?bucket, Bin)) end}, {"check pendings", fun() -> wait_until_pending_count_zero([State#simple_state.middle, State#simple_state.beginning, State#simple_state.ending]) end} ] end}}. big_circle_test_() -> % Initally just 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 1, but then 2 way is % added later. % +---+ % | 1 | % +---+ % ^ ^ % / \ % V V % +---+ +---+ % | 6 | | 2 | % +---+ +---+ % ^ ^ % | | % V V % +---+ +---+ % | 5 | | 3 | % +---+ +---+ % ^ ^ % \ / % V % +---+ % | 4 | % +---+ {timeout, timeout(130), {setup, fun() -> Conf = conf(), Nodes = rt:deploy_nodes(6, Conf), [repl_util:make_cluster([N]) || N <- Nodes], [repl_util:wait_until_is_leader(N) || N <- Nodes], Names = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"], [repl_util:name_cluster(Node, Name) || {Node, Name} <- lists:zip(Nodes, Names)], [NameHd | NameTail] = Names, ConnectTo = NameTail ++ [NameHd], NamePortMap = lists:map(fun({Node, Name}) -> Port = get_cluster_mgr_port(Node), {Name, Port} end, lists:zip(Nodes, Names)), Connect = fun({Node, ConnectToName}) -> Port = proplists:get_value(ConnectToName, NamePortMap), connect_rt(Node, Port, ConnectToName) end, Res = lists:map(Connect, lists:zip(Nodes, ConnectTo)), ?debugFmt("der res: ~p", [Res]), Nodes end, fun(Nodes) -> rt:clean_cluster(Nodes) end, fun(Nodes) -> [ {"circle it", timeout, timeout(65), fun() -> [One | _] = Nodes, C = rt:pbc(One), Bin = <<"goober">>, Bucket = <<"objects">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(Bucket, Bin, Bin), riakc_pb_socket:put(C, Obj, [{w,1}]), riakc_pb_socket:stop(C), [begin ?debugFmt("Checking ~p", [Node]), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(Node, Bucket, Bin)) end || Node <- Nodes] end}, {"2 way repl, and circle it", timeout, timeout(65), fun() -> ConnectTo = ["6", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"], Connect = fun({Node, ConnectToName}) -> Nth = list_to_integer(ConnectToName), ConnectNode = lists:nth(Nth, Nodes), Port = get_cluster_mgr_port(ConnectNode), connect_rt(Node, Port, ConnectToName) end, lists:map(Connect, lists:zip(Nodes, ConnectTo)), C = rt:pbc(hd(Nodes)), Bin = <<"2 way repl">>, Bucket = <<"objects">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(Bucket, Bin, Bin), riakc_pb_socket:put(C, Obj, [{w,1}]), lists:map(fun(N) -> ?debugFmt("Testing ~p", [N]), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(N, Bucket, Bin)) end, Nodes) % there will be duplicate writes, but due to size of the circle, % there's not going to be a lot. Also, it's very difficult to % determine when/where a duplicate may start/occur. % a full breakdown: % "1" forwards to "2" and "6", noting its local forwards. % so we have two flows going. Assuming both sides flow at the same % rate: % 1 % / \ % 6 2: 6 has [1, 2, 6]; 2 has [1, 2, 6] % 5 3: 5 has [1,2,5,6]; 3 has [1,2,3,6] % 4 4: 4 has [1,2,4,5,6]; 4 has [1,2,3,4,6] ! double write % 3 5: 3 has [1,2,3,4,5,6]; 5 has [1,2,3,4,5,6] ! double write % % let's explore the flow with 10 clusters: % 1 % / \ % 10 2 10: [1,2,10]; 2: [1,2,10] % 9 3 9: [1,2,9,10]; 3: [1,2,3,10] % 8 4 8: [1,2,8,9,10]; 4: [1,2,3,4,10] % 7 5 7: [1,2,7,8,9,10]; 5: [1,2,3,4,5,10] % 6 6 6: [1,2,6,7,8,9,10]; 6: [1,2,3,4,5,6,10] !! % 5 7 5: [1,2,5..10]; 7: [1..7,10] !! % 4 8 4: [1,2,4..10]; 8: [1..8,10] !! % 3 9 3: [1..10]; 9: [1..10] !! % so, by adding 4 clusters, we've added 2 overlaps. % best guess based on what's above is: % NumDuplicateWrites = ceil(NumClusters/2 - 1.5) end}, {"check pendings", fun() -> wait_until_pending_count_zero(Nodes) end} ] end}}. circle_test_() -> % +-----+ % | one | % +-----+ % ^ \ % / V % +-------+ +-----+ % | three | <- | two | % +-------+ +-----+ {timeout, timeout(30), {setup, fun() -> Conf = conf(), [One, Two, Three] = Nodes = rt:deploy_nodes(3, Conf), [repl_util:make_cluster([N]) || N <- Nodes], [repl_util:wait_until_is_leader(N) || N <- Nodes], Names = ["one", "two", "three"], [repl_util:name_cluster(Node, Name) || {Node, Name} <- lists:zip(Nodes, Names)], Connections = [ {One, Two, "two"}, {Two, Three, "three"}, {Three, One, "one"} ], lists:map(fun({Node, ConnectNode, Name}) -> Port = get_cluster_mgr_port(ConnectNode), connect_rt(Node, Port, Name) end, Connections), Nodes end, fun(Nodes) -> rt:clean_cluster(Nodes) end, fun(Nodes) -> [ {"cascade all the way to the other end, but no further", timeout, timeout(12), fun() -> Client = rt:pbc(hd(Nodes)), Bin = <<"cascading">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(<<"objects">>, Bin, Bin), riakc_pb_socket:put(Client, Obj, [{w,1}]), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(lists:last(Nodes), <<"objects">>, Bin)), % we want to ensure there's not a cascade back to the beginning, so % there's no event we can properly wait for. All we can do is wait % and make sure we didn't update/write the object. timer:sleep(1000), Status = rpc:call(hd(Nodes), riak_repl2_rt, status, []), [SinkData] = proplists:get_value(sinks, Status, [[]]), ?assertEqual(undefined, proplists:get_value(expect_seq, SinkData)) end}, {"cascade starting at a different point", timeout, timeout(12), fun() -> [One, Two | _] = Nodes, Client = rt:pbc(Two), Bin = <<"start_at_two">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(<<"objects">>, Bin, Bin), riakc_pb_socket:put(Client, Obj, [{w,1}]), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(One, <<"objects">>, Bin)), timer:sleep(1000), Status = rpc:call(Two, riak_repl2_rt, status, []), [SinkData] = proplists:get_value(sinks, Status, [[]]), ?assertEqual(2, proplists:get_value(expect_seq, SinkData)) end}, {"check pendings", fun() -> wait_until_pending_count_zero(Nodes) end} ] end}}. pyramid_test_() -> % +-----+ % | top | % +-----+ % / \ % V V % +------+ +-------+ % | left | | right | % +------+ +-------+ % | | % V V % +-------+ +--------+ % | left2 | | right2 | % +-------+ +--------+ {timeout, timeout(70), {setup, fun() -> Conf = conf(), [Top, Left, Left2, Right, Right2] = Nodes = rt:deploy_nodes(5, Conf), [repl_util:make_cluster([N]) || N <- Nodes], [repl_util:wait_until_is_leader(N) || N <- Nodes], Names = ["top", "left", "left2", "right", "right2"], [repl_util:name_cluster(Node, Name) || {Node, Name} <- lists:zip(Nodes, Names)], Ports = lists:map(fun(Node) -> Port = get_cluster_mgr_port(Node), {Node, Port} end, Nodes), connect_rt(Top, proplists:get_value(Left, Ports), "left"), connect_rt(Left, proplists:get_value(Left2, Ports), "left2"), connect_rt(Top, proplists:get_value(Right, Ports), "right"), connect_rt(Right, proplists:get_value(Right2, Ports), "right2"), Nodes end, fun(Nodes) -> rt:clean_cluster(Nodes) end, fun(Nodes) -> [ {"Cascade to both kids", timeout, timeout(65), fun() -> [Top | _] = Nodes, Client = rt:pbc(Top), Bucket = <<"objects">>, Bin = <<"pyramid_top">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(Bucket, Bin, Bin), riakc_pb_socket:put(Client, Obj, [{w,1}]), lists:map(fun(N) -> ?debugFmt("Checking ~p", [N]), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(N, Bucket, Bin)) end, Nodes) end}, {"check pendings", fun() -> wait_until_pending_count_zero(Nodes) end} ] end}}. diamond_test_() -> % A pretty cluster of clusters: % +-----+ % +--------------->| top | % | loop added +-----+ % | / \ % | V V % | +---------+ +----------+ % ^ | midleft | | midright | % | +---------+ +----------+ % | \ / % | V V % | +--------+ % +-------<-------| bottom | % +--------+ {timeout, timeout(180), {setup, fun() -> Conf = conf(), [Top, MidLeft, MidRight, Bottom] = Nodes = rt:deploy_nodes(4, Conf), [repl_util:make_cluster([N]) || N <- Nodes], Names = ["top", "midleft", "midright", "bottom"], [repl_util:name_cluster(Node, Name) || {Node, Name} <- lists:zip(Nodes, Names)], [repl_util:wait_until_is_leader(N) || N <- Nodes], PortMap = lists:map(fun(Node) -> Port = get_cluster_mgr_port(Node), {Node, Port} end, Nodes), connect_rt(Top, proplists:get_value(MidLeft, PortMap), "midleft"), connect_rt(MidLeft, proplists:get_value(Bottom, PortMap), "bottom"), connect_rt(MidRight, proplists:get_value(Bottom, PortMap), "bottom"), connect_rt(Top, proplists:get_value(MidRight, PortMap), "midright"), Nodes end, fun(Nodes) -> rt:clean_cluster(Nodes) end, fun(Nodes) -> [ {"unfortunate double write", timeout, timeout(135), fun() -> [Top, MidLeft, MidRight, Bottom] = Nodes, Client = rt:pbc(Top), Bin = <<"start_at_top">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(<<"objects">>, Bin, Bin), riakc_pb_socket:put(Client, Obj, [{w,1}]), timer:sleep(100000), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(MidLeft, <<"objects">>, Bin)), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(MidRight, <<"objects">>, Bin)), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(Bottom, <<"objects">>, Bin)), %timer:sleep(1000), Status = rpc:call(Bottom, riak_repl2_rt, status, []), [SinkOne, SinkTwo] = proplists:get_value(sinks, Status, [[], []]), ?assertEqual(proplists:get_value(expect_seq, SinkOne), proplists:get_value(expect_seq, SinkTwo)) end}, {"connect bottom to top", fun() -> [Top, _MidLeft, _MidRight, Bottom] = Nodes, Port = get_cluster_mgr_port(Top), connect_rt(Bottom, Port, "top"), WaitFun = fun(N) -> Status = rpc:call(N, riak_repl2_rt, status, []), Sinks = proplists:get_value(sinks, Status, []), length(Sinks) == 1 end, ?assertEqual(ok, rt:wait_until(Top, WaitFun)) end}, {"start at midright", timeout, timeout(35), fun() -> [Top, MidLeft, MidRight, Bottom] = Nodes, % To ensure a write doesn't happen to MidRight when it originated % on midright, we're going to compare the expect_seq before and % after. Status = rpc:call(MidRight, riak_repl2_rt, status, []), [Sink] = proplists:get_value(sinks, Status, [[]]), ExpectSeq = proplists:get_value(expect_seq, Sink), Client = rt:pbc(MidRight), Bin = <<"start at midright">>, Bucket = <<"objects">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(Bucket, Bin, Bin), riakc_pb_socket:put(Client, Obj, [{w,1}]), [begin ?debugFmt("Checking ~p", [N]), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(N, Bucket, Bin)) end || N <- [Bottom, Top, MidLeft]], Status2 = rpc:call(MidRight, riak_repl2_rt, status, []), [Sink2] = proplists:get_value(sinks, Status2, [[]]), GotSeq = proplists:get_value(expect_seq, Sink2), ?assertEqual(ExpectSeq, GotSeq) end}, {"check pendings", fun() -> wait_until_pending_count_zero(Nodes) end} ] end}}. circle_and_spurs_test_() -> % +------------+ % | north_spur | % +------------+ % ^ % | % +-------+ % +---> | north | ---+ % | +-------+ | % | V % +-----------+ +------+ +------+ +-----------+ % | west_spur | <- | west | <-------- | east | -> | east_spur | % +-----------+ +------+ +------+ +-----------+ {timeout, timeout(170), {setup, fun() -> Conf = conf(), [North, East, West, NorthSpur, EastSpur, WestSpur] = Nodes = rt:deploy_nodes(6, Conf), [repl_util:make_cluster([N]) || N <- Nodes], Names = ["north", "east", "west", "north_spur", "east_spur", "west_spur"], [repl_util:name_cluster(Node, Name) || {Node, Name} <- lists:zip(Nodes, Names)], [repl_util:wait_until_is_leader(N) || N <- Nodes], connect_rt(North, get_cluster_mgr_port(East), "east"), connect_rt(East, get_cluster_mgr_port(West), "west"), connect_rt(West, get_cluster_mgr_port(North), "north"), connect_rt(North, get_cluster_mgr_port(NorthSpur), "north_spur"), connect_rt(East, get_cluster_mgr_port(EastSpur), "east_spur"), connect_rt(West, get_cluster_mgr_port(WestSpur), "west_spur"), Nodes end, fun(Nodes) -> rt:clean_cluster(Nodes) end, fun(Nodes) -> [ {"start at north", timeout, timeout(55), fun() -> [North | _Rest] = Nodes, Client = rt:pbc(North), Bin = <<"start at north">>, Bucket = <<"objects">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(Bucket, Bin, Bin), riakc_pb_socket:put(Client, Obj, [{w,1}]), [begin ?debugFmt("Checking ~p", [N]), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(N, Bucket, Bin)) end || N <- Nodes, N =/= North] end}, {"Start at west", timeout, timeout(55), fun() -> [_North, _East, West | _Rest] = Nodes, Client = rt:pbc(West), Bin = <<"start at west">>, Bucket = <<"objects">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(Bucket, Bin, Bin), riakc_pb_socket:put(Client, Obj, [{w,1}]), [begin ?debugFmt("Checking ~p", [N]), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(N, Bucket, Bin)) end || N <- Nodes, N =/= West] end}, {"spurs don't replicate back", timeout, timeout(55), fun() -> [_North, _East, _West, NorthSpur | _Rest] = Nodes, Client = rt:pbc(NorthSpur), Bin = <<"start at north_spur">>, Bucket = <<"objects">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(Bucket, Bin, Bin), riakc_pb_socket:put(Client, Obj, [{w,1}]), [begin ?debugFmt("Checking ~p", [N]), ?assertEqual({error, notfound}, maybe_eventually_exists(N, Bucket, Bin)) end || N <- Nodes, N =/= NorthSpur] end}, {"check pendings", fun() -> wait_until_pending_count_zero(Nodes) end} ] end}}. mixed_version_clusters() -> case eunit:test(?MODULE:mixed_version_clusters_test_(), [verbose]) of ok -> pass; error -> % at the time this is written, the return value isn't acutally % checked, the only way to fail is to crash the process. % i leave the fail here in hopes a future version will actually % do what the documentation says. exit(error), fail end. mixed_version_clusters_test_() -> % +-----+ % | n12 | % +-----+ % ^ \ % / V % +-----+ +-----+ % | n56 | <- | n34 | % +-----+ +-----+ % % This test is configurable for 1.3 versions of Riak, but off by default. % place the following config in ~/.riak_test_config to run: % % {run_rt_cascading_1_3_tests, true} case rt_config:config_or_os_env(run_rt_cascading_1_3_tests, false) of false -> lager:info("mixed_version_clusters_test_ not configured to run!"), []; _ -> lager:info("new_to_old_test_ configured to run for 1.3"), mixed_version_clusters_test_dep() end. mixed_version_clusters_test_dep() -> {timeout, 60000, {setup, fun() -> Conf = conf(), DeployConfs = [{previous, Conf} || _ <- lists:seq(1,6)], Nodes = rt:deploy_nodes(DeployConfs), [N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6] = Nodes, case rpc:call(N1, application, get_key, [riak_core, vsn]) of % this is meant to test upgrading from early BNW aka % Brave New World aka Advanced Repl aka version 3 repl to % a cascading realtime repl. Other tests handle going from pre % repl 3 to repl 3. {ok, Vsn} when Vsn < "1.3.0" -> {too_old, Nodes}; _ -> N12 = [N1, N2], N34 = [N3, N4], N56 = [N5, N6], repl_util:make_cluster(N12), repl_util:make_cluster(N34), repl_util:make_cluster(N56), repl_util:name_cluster(N1, "n12"), repl_util:name_cluster(N3, "n34"), repl_util:name_cluster(N5, "n56"), [repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(Cluster) || Cluster <- [N12, N34, N56]], connect_rt(N1, get_cluster_mgr_port(N3), "n34"), connect_rt(N3, get_cluster_mgr_port(N5), "n56"), connect_rt(N5, get_cluster_mgr_port(N1), "n12"), Nodes end end, fun(MaybeNodes) -> Nodes = case MaybeNodes of {too_old, Ns} -> Ns; _ -> MaybeNodes end, rt:clean_cluster(Nodes) end, fun({too_old, _Nodes}) -> []; ([N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6] = Nodes) -> [ {"no cascading at first", timeout, timeout(35), [ {timeout, timeout(15), fun() -> Client = rt:pbc(N1), Bin = <<"no cascade yet">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(?bucket, Bin, Bin), riakc_pb_socket:put(Client, Obj, [{w, 2}]), riakc_pb_socket:stop(Client), ?assertEqual({error, notfound}, maybe_eventually_exists([N5, N6], ?bucket, Bin)), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists([N3, N4], ?bucket, Bin)) end}, {timeout, timeout(15), fun() -> Client = rt:pbc(N2), Bin = <<"no cascade yet 2">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(?bucket, Bin, Bin), riakc_pb_socket:put(Client, Obj, [{w, 2}]), riakc_pb_socket:stop(Client), ?assertEqual({error, notfound}, maybe_eventually_exists([N5, N6], ?bucket, Bin)), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists([N3, N4], ?bucket, Bin)) end} ]}, {"mixed source can send", timeout, timeout(235), {setup, fun() -> rt:upgrade(N1, current), repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge([N1, N2]), Running = fun(Node) -> RTStatus = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl2_rt, status, []), if is_list(RTStatus) -> SourcesList = proplists:get_value(sources, RTStatus, []), Sources = [S || S <- SourcesList, is_list(S), proplists:get_value(connected, S, false), proplists:get_value(source, S) =:= "n34" ], length(Sources) >= 1; true -> false end end, ?assertEqual(ok, rt:wait_until(N1, Running)), % give the node further time to settle StatsNotEmpty = fun(Node) -> case rpc:call(Node, riak_repl_stats, get_stats, []) of [] -> false; Stats -> is_list(Stats) end end, ?assertEqual(ok, rt:wait_until(N1, StatsNotEmpty)) end, fun(_) -> [ {"node1 put", timeout, timeout(205), fun() -> Client = rt:pbc(N1), Bin = <<"rt after upgrade">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(?bucket, Bin, Bin), riakc_pb_socket:put(Client, Obj, [{w, 2}]), riakc_pb_socket:stop(Client), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(N3, ?bucket, Bin, timeout(100))), ?assertEqual({error, notfound}, maybe_eventually_exists(N5, ?bucket, Bin, 100000)) end}, {"node2 put", timeout, timeout(25), fun() -> Client = rt:pbc(N2), Bin = <<"rt after upgrade 2">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(?bucket, Bin, Bin), riakc_pb_socket:put(Client, Obj, [{w, 2}]), riakc_pb_socket:stop(Client), ?assertEqual({error, notfound}, maybe_eventually_exists(N5, ?bucket, Bin)), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists([N3,N4], ?bucket, Bin)) end} ] end }}, {"upgrade the world, cascade starts working", timeout, timeout(200), {setup, fun() -> [N1 | NotUpgraded] = Nodes, [rt:upgrade(Node, current) || Node <- NotUpgraded], repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge([N1, N2]), repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge([N3, N4]), repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge([N5, N6]), ClusterMgrUp = fun(Node) -> case rpc:call(Node, erlang, whereis, [riak_core_cluster_manager]) of P when is_pid(P) -> true; _ -> fail end end, [rt:wait_until(N, ClusterMgrUp) || N <- Nodes], maybe_reconnect_rt(N1, get_cluster_mgr_port(N3), "n34"), maybe_reconnect_rt(N3, get_cluster_mgr_port(N5), "n56"), maybe_reconnect_rt(N5, get_cluster_mgr_port(N1), "n12"), ok end, fun(_) -> ToB = fun (Atom) when is_atom(Atom) -> list_to_binary(atom_to_list(Atom)); (N) when is_integer(N) -> list_to_binary(integer_to_list(N)) end, ExistsEverywhere = fun(Key, LookupOrder) -> Reses = [maybe_eventually_exists(Node, ?bucket, Key) || Node <- LookupOrder], ?debugFmt("Node and it's res:~n~p", [lists:zip(LookupOrder, Reses)]), lists:all(fun(E) -> E =:= Key end, Reses) end, MakeTest = fun(Node, N) -> Name = "writing " ++ atom_to_list(Node) ++ "-write-" ++ integer_to_list(N), {NewTail, NewHead} = lists:splitwith(fun(E) -> E =/= Node end, Nodes), ExistsLookup = NewHead ++ NewTail, Test = fun() -> ?debugFmt("Running test ~p", [Name]), Client = rt:pbc(Node), Key = <<(ToB(Node))/binary, "-write-", (ToB(N))/binary>>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(?bucket, Key, Key), riakc_pb_socket:put(Client, Obj, [{w, 2}]), riakc_pb_socket:stop(Client), ?assert(ExistsEverywhere(Key, ExistsLookup)) end, {Name, timeout, timeout(65), Test} end, [MakeTest(Node, N) || Node <- Nodes, N <- lists:seq(1, 3)] end }}, {"check pendings", fun() -> wait_until_pending_count_zero(Nodes) end} ] end}}. new_to_old() -> case eunit:test(?MODULE:new_to_old_test_(), [verbose]) of ok -> pass; error -> % at the time this is written, the return value isn't acutally % checked, the only way to fail is to crash the process. % i leave the fail here in hopes a future version will actually % do what the documentation says. exit(error), fail end. new_to_old_test_() -> % +------+ % | New1 | % +------+ % ^ \ % / V % +------+ +------+ % | New3 | <- | Old2 | % +------+ +------+ % % This test is configurable for 1.3 versions of Riak, but off by default. % place the following config in ~/.riak_test_config to run: % % {run_rt_cascading_1_3_tests, true} case rt_config:config_or_os_env(run_rt_cascading_1_3_tests, false) of false -> lager:info("new_to_old_test_ not configured to run!"), []; _ -> lager:info("new_to_old_test_ configured to run for 1.3"), new_to_old_test_dep() end. new_to_old_test_dep() -> {timeout, timeout(105), {setup, fun() -> Conf = conf(), DeployConfs = [{current, Conf}, {previous, Conf}, {current, Conf}], [New1, Old2, New3] = Nodes = rt:deploy_nodes(DeployConfs), case rpc:call(Old2, application, get_key, [riak_core, vsn]) of % this is meant to test upgrading from early BNW aka % Brave New World aka Advanced Repl aka version 3 repl to % a cascading realtime repl. Other tests handle going from pre % repl 3 to repl 3. {ok, Vsn} when Vsn < "1.3.0" -> {too_old, Nodes}; _ -> [repl_util:make_cluster([N]) || N <- Nodes], Names = ["new1", "old2", "new3"], [repl_util:name_cluster(Node, Name) || {Node, Name} <- lists:zip(Nodes, Names)], [repl_util:wait_until_is_leader(N) || N <- Nodes], connect_rt(New1, 10026, "old2"), connect_rt(Old2, 10036, "new3"), connect_rt(New3, 10016, "new1"), Nodes end end, fun(MaybeNodes) -> Nodes = case MaybeNodes of {too_old, Ns} -> Ns; _ -> MaybeNodes end, rt:clean_cluster(Nodes) end, fun({too_old, _}) -> []; ([New1, Old2, New3]) -> [ {"From new1 to old2", timeout, timeout(25), fun() -> Client = rt:pbc(New1), Bin = <<"new1 to old2">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(?bucket, Bin, Bin), riakc_pb_socket:put(Client, Obj, [{w, 1}]), riakc_pb_socket:stop(Client), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(Old2, ?bucket, Bin)), ?assertEqual({error, notfound}, maybe_eventually_exists(New3, ?bucket, Bin)) end}, {"old2 does not cascade at all", timeout, timeout(25), fun() -> Client = rt:pbc(New1), Bin = <<"old2 no cascade">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(?bucket, Bin, Bin), riakc_pb_socket:put(Client, Obj, [{w, 1}]), riakc_pb_socket:stop(Client), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(Old2, ?bucket, Bin)), ?assertEqual({error, notfound}, maybe_eventually_exists(New3, ?bucket, Bin)) end}, {"from new3 to old2", timeout, timeout(25), fun() -> Client = rt:pbc(New3), Bin = <<"new3 to old2">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(?bucket, Bin, Bin), riakc_pb_socket:put(Client, Obj, [{w, 1}]), riakc_pb_socket:stop(Client), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(New1, ?bucket, Bin)), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(Old2, ?bucket, Bin)) end}, {"from old2 to new3 no cascade", timeout, timeout(25), fun() -> % in the future, cascading may be able to occur even if it starts % from an older source cluster/node. It is prevented for now by % having no easy/good way to get the name of the source cluster, % thus preventing complete information on the routed clusters. Client = rt:pbc(Old2), Bin = <<"old2 to new3">>, Obj = riakc_obj:new(?bucket, Bin, Bin), riakc_pb_socket:put(Client, Obj, [{w,1}]), riakc_pb_socket:stop(Client), ?assertEqual(Bin, maybe_eventually_exists(New3, ?bucket, Bin)), ?assertEqual({error, notfound}, maybe_eventually_exists(New1, ?bucket, Bin)) end}, {"check pendings", fun() -> wait_until_pending_count_zero(["new1", "old2", "new3"]) end} ] end}}. ensure_ack_test_() -> {timeout, timeout(130), {setup, fun() -> Conf = conf(), [LeaderA, LeaderB] = Nodes = rt:deploy_nodes(2, Conf), [repl_util:make_cluster([N]) || N <- Nodes], [repl_util:wait_until_is_leader(N) || N <- Nodes], Names = ["A", "B"], [repl_util:name_cluster(Node, Name) || {Node, Name} <- lists:zip(Nodes, Names)], %repl_util:name_cluster(LeaderA, "A"), %repl_util:name_cluster(LeaderB, "B"), lager:info("made it past naming"), Port = get_cluster_mgr_port(LeaderB), lager:info("made it past port"), connect_rt(LeaderA, Port, "B"), lager:info("made it past connect"), [LeaderA, LeaderB] end, fun(Nodes) -> rt:clean_cluster(Nodes) end, fun([LeaderA, LeaderB] = _Nodes) -> [ {"ensure acks", timeout, timeout(65), fun() -> lager:info("Nodes:~p, ~p", [LeaderA, LeaderB]), TestHash = list_to_binary([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [X]) || <> <= erlang:md5(term_to_binary(os:timestamp()))]), TestBucket = <>, %% Write some objects to the source cluster (A), lager:info("Writing 1 key to ~p, which should RT repl to ~p", [LeaderA, LeaderB]), ?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(LeaderA, 1, 1, TestBucket, 2)), %% verify data is replicated to B lager:info("Reading 1 key written from ~p", [LeaderB]), ?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(LeaderB, 1, 1, TestBucket, 2)), RTQStatus = rpc:call(LeaderA, riak_repl2_rtq, status, []), Consumers = proplists:get_value(consumers, RTQStatus), case proplists:get_value("B", Consumers) of undefined -> []; Consumer -> Unacked = proplists:get_value(unacked, Consumer, 0), lager:info("unacked: ~p", [Unacked]), ?assertEqual(0, Unacked) end end} ] end}}. ensure_unacked_and_queue() -> eunit(ensure_unacked_and_queue_test_()). ensure_unacked_and_queue_test_() -> {timeout, timeout(2300), {setup, fun() -> Nodes = rt:deploy_nodes(6, conf()), {N123, N456} = lists:split(3, Nodes), repl_util:make_cluster(N123), repl_util:make_cluster(N456), repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(N123), repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(N456), repl_util:name_cluster(hd(N123), "n123"), repl_util:name_cluster(hd(N456), "n456"), N456Port = get_cluster_mgr_port(hd(N456)), connect_rt(hd(N123), N456Port, "n456"), N123Port = get_cluster_mgr_port(hd(N123)), connect_rt(hd(N456), N123Port, "n123"), {N123, N456} end, maybe_skip_teardown(fun({N123, N456}) -> rt:clean_cluster(N123), rt:clean_cluster(N456) end), fun({N123, N456}) -> [ {"unacked does not increase when there are skips", timeout, timeout(100), fun() -> N123Leader = hd(N123), N456Leader = hd(N456), write_n_keys(N123Leader, N456Leader, 1, 10000), write_n_keys(N456Leader, N123Leader, 10001, 20000), Res = rt:wait_until(fun() -> RTQStatus = rpc:call(N123Leader, riak_repl2_rtq, status, []), Consumers = proplists:get_value(consumers, RTQStatus), Data = proplists:get_value("n456", Consumers), Unacked = proplists:get_value(unacked, Data), ?debugFmt("unacked: ~p", [Unacked]), 0 == Unacked end), ?assertEqual(ok, Res) end}, {"after acks, queues are empty", fun() -> Nodes = N123 ++ N456, Got = lists:map(fun(Node) -> rpc:call(Node, riak_repl2_rtq, all_queues_empty, []) end, Nodes), Expected = [true || _ <- lists:seq(1, length(Nodes))], ?assertEqual(Expected, Got) end}, {"after acks, queues truly are empty. Truly", fun() -> Nodes = N123 ++ N456, Gots = lists:map(fun(Node) -> {Node, rpc:call(Node, riak_repl2_rtq, dumpq, [])} end, Nodes), lists:map(fun({Node, Got}) -> ?debugFmt("Checking data from ~p", [Node]), ?assertEqual([], Got) end, Gots) end}, {"dual loads keeps unacked satisfied", timeout, timeout(100), fun() -> N123Leader = hd(N123), N456Leader = hd(N456), LoadN123Pid = spawn(fun() -> {Time, Val} = timer:tc(fun write_n_keys/4, [N123Leader, N456Leader, 20001, 30000]), ?debugFmt("loading 123 to 456 took ~p to get ~p", [Time, Val]), Val end), LoadN456Pid = spawn(fun() -> {Time, Val} = timer:tc(fun write_n_keys/4, [N456Leader, N123Leader, 30001, 40000]), ?debugFmt("loading 456 to 123 took ~p to get ~p", [Time, Val]), Val end), Exits = wait_exit([LoadN123Pid, LoadN456Pid], infinity), ?assert(lists:all(fun(E) -> E == normal end, Exits)), StatusDig = fun(SinkName, Node) -> Status = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl2_rtq, status, []), Consumers = proplists:get_value(consumers, Status, []), ConsumerStats = proplists:get_value(SinkName, Consumers, []), proplists:get_value(unacked, ConsumerStats) end, N123UnackedRes = rt:wait_until(fun() -> Unacked = StatusDig("n456", N123Leader), ?debugFmt("Unacked: ~p", [Unacked]), 0 == Unacked end), ?assertEqual(ok, N123UnackedRes), N456Unacked = StatusDig("n123", N456Leader), case N456Unacked of 0 -> ?assert(true); _ -> N456Unacked2 = StatusDig("n123", N456Leader), ?debugFmt("Not 0, are they at least decreasing?~n" " ~p, ~p", [N456Unacked2, N456Unacked]), ?assert(N456Unacked2 < N456Unacked) end end}, {"after dual load acks, queues are empty", fun() -> Nodes = N123 ++ N456, Got = lists:map(fun(Node) -> rpc:call(Node, riak_repl2_rtq, all_queues_empty, []) end, Nodes), Expected = [true || _ <- lists:seq(1, length(Nodes))], ?assertEqual(Expected, Got) end}, {"after dual load acks, queues truly are empty. Truly", fun() -> Nodes = N123 ++ N456, Gots = lists:map(fun(Node) -> {Node, rpc:call(Node, riak_repl2_rtq, dumpq, [])} end, Nodes), lists:map(fun({Node, Got}) -> ?debugFmt("Checking data from ~p", [Node]), ?assertEqual([], Got) end, Gots) end}, {"no negative pendings", fun() -> Nodes = N123 ++ N456, GetPending = fun({sink_stats, SinkStats}) -> ConnTo = proplists:get_value(rt_sink_connected_to, SinkStats), proplists:get_value(pending, ConnTo) end, lists:map(fun(Node) -> ?debugFmt("Checking node ~p", [Node]), Status = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl_console, status, [quiet]), Sinks = proplists:get_value(sinks, Status), lists:map(fun(SStats) -> Pending = GetPending(SStats), ?assertEqual(0, Pending) end, Sinks) end, Nodes) end} ] end}}. %% ===== %% utility functions for teh happy %% ==== wait_exit(Pids, Timeout) -> Mons = [{erlang:monitor(process, Pid), Pid} || Pid <- Pids], lists:map(fun({Mon, Pid}) -> receive {'DOWN', Mon, process, Pid, Cause} -> Cause after Timeout -> timeout end end, Mons). conf() -> [{lager, [ {handlers, [ {lager_console_backend,info}, {lager_file_backend, [ {"./log/error.log",error,10485760,"$D0",5}, {"./log/console.log",info,10485760,"$D0",5}, {"./log/debug.log",debug,10485760,"$D0",5} ]} ]}, {crash_log,"./log/crash.log"}, {crash_log_msg_size,65536}, {crash_log_size,10485760}, {crash_log_date,"$D0"}, {crash_log_count,5}, {error_logger_redirect,true} ]}, {riak_repl, [ {fullsync_on_connect, false}, {fullsync_interval, disabled}, {diff_batch_size, 10}, {rt_heartbeat_interval, undefined} ]}]. get_cluster_mgr_port(Node) -> {ok, {_Ip, Port}} = rpc:call(Node, application, get_env, [riak_core, cluster_mgr]), Port. maybe_reconnect_rt(SourceNode, SinkPort, SinkName) -> case repl_util:wait_for_connection(SourceNode, SinkName) of fail -> connect_rt(SourceNode, SinkPort, SinkName); Oot -> Oot end. connect_rt(SourceNode, SinkPort, SinkName) -> repl_util:connect_cluster(SourceNode, "", SinkPort), repl_util:wait_for_connection(SourceNode, SinkName), repl_util:enable_realtime(SourceNode, SinkName), repl_util:start_realtime(SourceNode, SinkName). exists(Nodes, Bucket, Key) -> exists({error, notfound}, Nodes, Bucket, Key). exists(Got, [], _Bucket, _Key) -> Got; exists({error, notfound}, [Node | Tail], Bucket, Key) -> Pid = rt:pbc(Node), Got = riakc_pb_socket:get(Pid, Bucket, Key), riakc_pb_socket:stop(Pid), exists(Got, Tail, Bucket, Key); exists(Got, _Nodes, _Bucket, _Key) -> Got. maybe_eventually_exists(Node, Bucket, Key) -> Timeout = timeout(10), WaitTime = rt_config:get(default_wait_time, 1000), maybe_eventually_exists(Node, Bucket, Key, Timeout, WaitTime). maybe_eventually_exists(Node, Bucket, Key, Timeout) -> WaitTime = rt_config:get(default_wait_time, 1000), maybe_eventually_exists(Node, Bucket, Key, Timeout, WaitTime). maybe_eventually_exists(Node, Bucket, Key, Timeout, WaitMs) when is_atom(Node) -> maybe_eventually_exists([Node], Bucket, Key, Timeout, WaitMs); maybe_eventually_exists(Nodes, Bucket, Key, Timeout, WaitMs) -> Got = exists(Nodes, Bucket, Key), maybe_eventually_exists(Got, Nodes, Bucket, Key, Timeout, WaitMs). maybe_eventually_exists({error, notfound}, Nodes, Bucket, Key, Timeout, WaitMs) when Timeout > 0 -> timer:sleep(WaitMs), Got = exists(Nodes, Bucket, Key), Timeout2 = case Timeout of infinity -> infinity; _ -> Timeout - WaitMs end, maybe_eventually_exists(Got, Nodes, Bucket, Key, Timeout2, WaitMs); maybe_eventually_exists({ok, RiakObj}, _Nodes, _Bucket, _Key, _Timeout, _WaitMs) -> riakc_obj:get_value(RiakObj); maybe_eventually_exists(Got, _Nodes, _Bucket, _Key, _Timeout, _WaitMs) -> Got. wait_for_rt_started(Node, ToName) -> Fun = fun(_) -> Status = rpc:call(Node, riak_repl2_rt, status, []), Started = proplists:get_value(started, Status, []), lists:member(ToName, Started) end, rt:wait_until(Node, Fun). write_n_keys(Source, Destination, M, N) -> TestHash = list_to_binary([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [X]) || <> <= erlang:md5(term_to_binary(os:timestamp()))]), TestBucket = <>, First = M, Last = N, %% Write some objects to the source cluster (A), lager:info("Writing ~p keys to ~p, which should RT repl to ~p", [Last-First+1, Source, Destination]), ?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(Source, First, Last, TestBucket, 2)), %% verify data is replicated to B lager:info("Reading ~p keys written from ~p", [Last-First+1, Destination]), ?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(Destination, First, Last, TestBucket, 2)). timeout(MultiplyBy) -> case rt_config:get(default_timeout, 1000) of infinity -> infinity; N -> N * MultiplyBy end. eunit(TestDef) -> case eunit:test(TestDef, [verbose]) of ok -> pass; error -> exit(error), fail end. maybe_skip_teardown(TearDownFun) -> fun(Arg) -> case rt_config:config_or_os_env(skip_teardowns, undefined) of undefined -> TearDownFun(Arg); _ -> ok end end. wait_until_pending_count_zero(Nodes) -> WaitFun = fun() -> {Statuses, _} = rpc:multicall(Nodes, riak_repl2_rtq, status, []), Out = [check_status(S) || S <- Statuses], not lists:member(false, Out) end, ?assertEqual(ok, rt:wait_until(WaitFun)), ok. check_status(Status) -> case proplists:get_all_values(consumers, Status) of undefined -> true; [] -> true; Cs -> PendingList = [proplists:lookup_all(pending, C) || {_, C} <- lists:flatten(Cs)], PendingCount = lists:sum(proplists:get_all_values(pending, lists:flatten(PendingList))), ?debugFmt("RTQ status pending on test node:~p", [PendingCount]), PendingCount == 0 end.