-module(replication2). -behavior(riak_test). -export([confirm/0, replication/3]). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -import(rt, [join/2, log_to_nodes/2, log_to_nodes/3, wait_until_nodes_ready/1, wait_until_no_pending_changes/1]). confirm() -> NumNodes = rt_config:get(num_nodes, 6), ClusterASize = rt_config:get(cluster_a_size, 3), lager:info("Deploy ~p nodes", [NumNodes]), Conf = [ {riak_kv, [ %% Specify fast building of AAE trees {anti_entropy, {on, []}}, {anti_entropy_build_limit, {100, 1000}}, {anti_entropy_concurrency, 100} ] }, {riak_repl, [ {fullsync_on_connect, false}, {fullsync_interval, disabled}, {diff_batch_size, 10} ]} ], lager:info("Building Clusters A and B"), [ANodes, BNodes] = rt:build_clusters([{ClusterASize, Conf}, {NumNodes - ClusterASize, Conf}]), %lager:info("Skipping all tests"), replication(ANodes, BNodes, false), pass. replication(ANodes, BNodes, Connected) -> log_to_nodes(ANodes ++ BNodes, "Starting replication2 test"), lager:info("Connection Status: ~p", [Connected]), lager:info("Real Time Full Sync Replication test"), real_time_replication_test(ANodes, BNodes, Connected), lager:info("Disconnected cluster Full Sync test"), disconnected_cluster_fsync_test(ANodes, BNodes), lager:info("Failover tests"), master_failover_test(ANodes, BNodes), lager:info("Network Partition test"), network_partition_test(ANodes, BNodes), lager:info("Bucket Sync tests"), bucket_sync_test(ANodes, BNodes), lager:info("Offline queueing tests"), offline_queueing_tests(ANodes, BNodes), lager:info("Protocol Buffer writes during shutdown test"), pb_write_during_shutdown(ANodes, BNodes), lager:info("HTTP writes during shutdown test"), http_write_during_shutdown(ANodes, BNodes), lager:info("Tests passed"), fin. %% @doc Real time replication test %% Test Cycle: %% Write some keys with full sync disabled. %% Write some keys with full sync enabled. %% Check for keys written prior to full sync. %% Check all keys. real_time_replication_test([AFirst|_] = ANodes, [BFirst|_] = BNodes, Connected) -> TestHash = list_to_binary([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [X]) || <> <= erlang:md5(term_to_binary(os:timestamp()))]), TestBucket = <>, case Connected of false -> %% Before connecting clusters, write some initial data to Cluster A lager:info("Writing 100 keys to ~p", [AFirst]), ?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(AFirst, 1, 100, TestBucket, 2)), repl_util:name_cluster(AFirst, "A"), repl_util:name_cluster(BFirst, "B"), %% Wait for Cluster naming to converge. rt:wait_until_ring_converged(ANodes), rt:wait_until_ring_converged(BNodes), lager:info("Waiting for leader to converge on cluster A"), ?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(ANodes)), lager:info("Waiting for leader to converge on cluster B"), ?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(BNodes)), %% Get the leader for the first cluster. LeaderA = rpc:call(AFirst, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []), %% Ask Cluster "A" Node 1 who the leader is. {ok, {_IP, BFirstPort}} = rpc:call(BFirst, application, get_env, [riak_core, cluster_mgr]), lager:info("connect cluster A:~p to B on port ~p", [LeaderA, BFirstPort]), repl_util:connect_cluster(LeaderA, "", BFirstPort), ?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_for_connection(LeaderA, "B")), repl_util:enable_realtime(LeaderA, "B"), rt:wait_until_ring_converged(ANodes), repl_util:start_realtime(LeaderA, "B"), rt:wait_until_ring_converged(ANodes), repl_util:enable_fullsync(LeaderA, "B"), rt:wait_until_ring_converged(ANodes); %% Cluster "A" and Cluster "B" are now connected with real time and full sync enabled. _ -> lager:info("Clusters should already be connected"), lager:info("Waiting for leader to converge on cluster A"), ?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(ANodes)), lager:info("Waiting for leader to converge on cluster B"), ?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(BNodes)), %% get the leader for the first cluster LeaderA = rpc:call(AFirst, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []), lager:info("Leader on cluster A is ~p", [LeaderA]), lager:info("BFirst on cluster B is ~p", [BFirst]), {ok, {_IP, BFirstPort}} = rpc:call(BFirst, application, get_env, [riak_core, cluster_mgr]), lager:info("B is ~p with port ~p", [BFirst, BFirstPort]) end, log_to_nodes(ANodes++BNodes, "Write data to Cluster A, verify replication to Cluster B via realtime"), lager:info("Writing 100 keys to Cluster A-LeaderNode: ~p", [LeaderA]), % This export from Case isn't my favorite. ?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(LeaderA, 101, 200, TestBucket, 2)), lager:info("Reading 100 keys written to Cluster A-LeaderNode: ~p from Cluster B-Node: ~p", [LeaderA, BFirst]), ?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(BFirst, 101, 200, TestBucket, 2)), case Connected of false -> %% Check that the keys we wrote initially aren't replicated yet as %% fullsync_on_connect is disabled. lager:info("Check keys written before repl was connected are not present"), Res2 = rt:systest_read(BFirst, 1, 100, TestBucket, 2), ?assertEqual(100, length(Res2)), log_to_nodes(ANodes++BNodes, "Test fullsync with leader ~p", [LeaderA]), repl_util:start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete(LeaderA), case rpc:call(LeaderA, init, script_id, []) of {"riak", Vsn} when Vsn > "1.4" -> %% check that the number of successful FS source exists matches the number of partitions NumExits = repl_util:get_fs_coord_status_item(LeaderA, "B", successful_exits), NumPartitions = repl_util:num_partitions(LeaderA), ?assertEqual(NumPartitions, NumExits); _ -> ok end, lager:info("Check keys written before repl was connected are present"), ?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(BFirst, 1, 200, TestBucket, 2)); _ -> ok end. %% @doc Disconnected Clusters Full Sync Test %% Test Cycle: %% Disconnect Clusters "A" and "B". %% Write 2000 keys to Cluster "A". %% Reconnect Clusters "A" and "B" and enable real time and full sync. %% Read 2000 keys from Cluster "B". disconnected_cluster_fsync_test([AFirst|_] = ANodes, [BFirst|_] = BNodes) -> TestHash = list_to_binary([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [X]) || <> <= erlang:md5(term_to_binary(os:timestamp()))]), TestBucket = <>, {ok, {_IP, BFirstPort}} = rpc:call(BFirst, application, get_env,[riak_core, cluster_mgr]), LeaderA = rpc:call(AFirst, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []), log_to_nodes(ANodes ++ BNodes, "Starting disconnected full sync test"), %% Disconnect Cluster B to disablereal time sync lager:info("Disconnect the 2 clusters"), repl_util:disable_realtime(LeaderA, "B"), rt:wait_until_ring_converged(ANodes), repl_util:disconnect_cluster(LeaderA, "B"), repl_util:wait_until_no_connection(LeaderA), rt:wait_until_ring_converged(ANodes), lager:info("Write 2000 keys"), ?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(LeaderA, 50000, 52000, TestBucket, 2)), lager:info("Reconnect the 2 clusters"), repl_util:connect_cluster(LeaderA, "", BFirstPort), ?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_for_connection(LeaderA, "B")), rt:wait_until_ring_converged(ANodes), repl_util:enable_realtime(LeaderA, "B"), rt:wait_until_ring_converged(ANodes), repl_util:enable_fullsync(LeaderA, "B"), rt:wait_until_ring_converged(ANodes), repl_util:start_realtime(LeaderA, "B"), rt:wait_until_ring_converged(ANodes), ?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_connection(LeaderA)), repl_util:start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete(LeaderA), lager:info("Read 2000 keys"), ?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(BFirst, 50000, 52000, TestBucket, 2)). %% @doc Master Failover Test %% Test Cycle: %% Stop Cluster "A" leader. %% Get new Cluster "A" leader. %% Write 100 keys to new Cluster "A" leader. %% Verify 100 keys are replicated to Cluster "B". %% Get Cluster "B" leader and shut it down. %% Get new Cluster "B" leader. %% Write 100 keys to Cluster "A". %% Verify 100 keys are replicated to Cluster "B". master_failover_test([AFirst|_] = ANodes, [BFirst|_] = BNodes) -> TestHash = list_to_binary([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [X]) || <> <= erlang:md5(term_to_binary(os:timestamp()))]), TestBucket = <>, LeaderA = rpc:call(AFirst, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []), log_to_nodes(ANodes ++ BNodes , "Failover tests"), log_to_nodes(ANodes ++ BNodes, "Testing master failover: stopping ~p", [LeaderA]), lager:info("Testing master failover: stopping ~p", [LeaderA]), rt:stop(LeaderA), rt:wait_until_unpingable(LeaderA), ASecond = hd(ANodes -- [LeaderA]), repl_util:wait_until_leader(ASecond), LeaderA2 = rpc:call(ASecond, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []), lager:info("New leader is ~p", [LeaderA2]), ?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_connection(LeaderA2)), %% ASecond is all nodes w/o LeaderA lager:info("Writing 100 more keys to ~p now that the old leader is down", [ASecond]), ?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(ASecond, 201, 300, TestBucket, 2)), %% Verify data is replicated to Cluster "B" lager:info("Reading 100 keys written to ~p from ~p", [ASecond, BFirst]), ?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(BFirst, 201, 300, TestBucket, 2)), %% Get the leader for Cluster "B" LeaderB = rpc:call(BFirst, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []), log_to_nodes(ANodes ++ BNodes, "Testing client failover: stopping ~p", [LeaderB]), lager:info("Testing client failover: stopping ~p", [LeaderB]), rt:stop(LeaderB), rt:wait_until_unpingable(LeaderB), BSecond = hd(BNodes -- [LeaderB]), repl_util:wait_until_leader(BSecond), LeaderB2 = rpc:call(BSecond, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []), lager:info("New leader is ~p", [LeaderB2]), ?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_connection(LeaderA2)), lager:info("Writing 100 more keys to ~p now that the old leader is down", [ASecond]), ?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(ASecond, 301, 400, TestBucket, 2)), %% Verify data is replicated to Cluster B lager:info("Reading 101 keys written to ~p from ~p", [ASecond, BSecond]), ?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(BSecond, 301, 400, TestBucket, 2)), log_to_nodes(ANodes ++ BNodes, "Test fullsync with ~p and ~p down", [LeaderA, LeaderB]), lager:info("Re-running fullsync with ~p and ~p down", [LeaderA, LeaderB]), repl_util:start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete(LeaderA2), %% This says test full sync, but there's never a verification step. log_to_nodes(ANodes ++ BNodes, "Test fullsync after restarting ~p", [LeaderA]), %% Put everything back to 'normal'. lager:info("Nodes restarted"), lager:info("Restarting down nodes ~p, ~p", [LeaderA, LeaderB]), rt:start(LeaderA), rt:start(LeaderB), rt:wait_until_pingable(LeaderA), rt:wait_until_pingable(LeaderB), rt:wait_for_service(LeaderA, [riak_kv, riak_repl]), repl_util:start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete(LeaderA2). %% @doc Network Partition Test %% Test Cycle: %% Connect the Cluster "A" leader and swap its cookie for a new cookie. %% Disconnect node with new cookie from the rest of the nodes. %% Nodes will elect a new leader. %% Reset cookie on disconnected node and reconnct. %% Write 2 keys to node that was reconnected. %% Verify replication of keys to Cluster "B". network_partition_test([AFirst|_] = ANodes, [BFirst|_] = BNodes) -> TestHash = list_to_binary([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [X]) || <> <= erlang:md5(term_to_binary(os:timestamp()))]), TestBucket = <>, LeaderA = rpc:call(AFirst, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []), log_to_nodes(ANodes ++ BNodes, "Starting network partition test"), %% @todo add stuff %% At this point, realtime sync should still work, but, it doesn't because of a bug in 1.2.1 %% Check that repl leader is LeaderA %% Check that LeaderA2 has ceeded socket back to LeaderA %%lager:info("Leader: ~p", [rpc:call(ASecond, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, [])]), %%lager:info("LeaderA: ~p", [LeaderA]), %%lager:info("LeaderA2: ~p", [LeaderA2]), ?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_connection(LeaderA)), %% Swap cookie on LeaderA to simulate a network partition. OldCookie = rpc:call(LeaderA, erlang, get_cookie, []), NewCookie = list_to_atom(lists:reverse(atom_to_list(OldCookie))), rpc:call(LeaderA, erlang, set_cookie, [LeaderA, NewCookie]), [rpc:call(LeaderA, erlang, disconnect_node, [Node]) || Node <- ANodes -- [LeaderA]], [rpc:call(Node, erlang, disconnect_node, [LeaderA]) || Node <- ANodes -- [LeaderA]], repl_util:wait_until_new_leader(hd(ANodes -- [LeaderA]), LeaderA), InterimLeader = rpc:call(LeaderA, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []), lager:info("Interim leader: ~p", [InterimLeader]), rpc:call(LeaderA, erlang, set_cookie, [LeaderA, OldCookie]), [rpc:call(LeaderA, net_adm, ping, [Node]) || Node <- ANodes -- [LeaderA]], [rpc:call(Node, net_adm, ping, [LeaderA]) || Node <- ANodes -- [LeaderA]], %% There's no point in writing anything until the leaders converge, as we %% can drop writes in the middle of an election repl_util:wait_until_leader_converge(ANodes), ASecond = hd(ANodes -- [LeaderA]), lager:info("Leader: ~p", [rpc:call(ASecond, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, [])]), lager:info("Writing 2 more keys to ~p", [LeaderA]), ?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(LeaderA, 1301, 1302, TestBucket, 2)), %% Verify data is replicated to Cluster "B" lager:info("Reading 2 keys written to ~p from ~p", [LeaderA, BFirst]), ?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(BFirst, 1301, 1302, TestBucket, 2)), log_to_nodes(ANodes ++ BNodes, "Completed network partition test"). %% @doc Bucket Sync Test %% Test Cycle: %% Make 3 buckets on Cluster "A": %% -No Replication %% -Real Time only %% -Full Sync only %% Disable real time replication and disconnect Cluster "A" and Cluster "B" %% Write 100 keys to real time only bucket. %% Reconnect and reenable real time and full sync between Cluster "A" and Cluster "B" %% Write 100 keys to the No Replication bucket %% Write 100 keys to the Full Sync only bucket %% Verify that Full sync didn't replicate %% Verify that real time bucket written to offline didn't replicate %% Verify that the No Replication bucket didn't replicate %% Restart full sync %% Verify full sync bucket replicated %% Verify that the Real time keys replicated %% Verify that the original real time keys did not replicate %% Verify that the No replication bucket didn't replicate. bucket_sync_test([AFirst|_] = ANodes, [BFirst|_] = BNodes) -> TestHash = list_to_binary([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [X]) || <> <= erlang:md5(term_to_binary(os:timestamp()))]), FullsyncOnly = <>, RealtimeOnly = <>, NoRepl = <>, LeaderA = rpc:call(AFirst, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []), {ok, {_IP, BFirstPort}} = rpc:call(BFirst, application, get_env, [riak_core, cluster_mgr]), log_to_nodes(ANodes ++ BNodes, "Starting bucket sync test"), replication:make_bucket(ANodes, NoRepl, [{repl, false}]), replication:make_bucket(ANodes, RealtimeOnly, [{repl, realtime}]), replication:make_bucket(ANodes, FullsyncOnly, [{repl, fullsync}]), %% Disable real time and disconnect Cluster "B" to prevent real time replication. lager:info("Disconnect the 2 clusters"), repl_util:disable_realtime(LeaderA, "B"), rt:wait_until_ring_converged(ANodes), repl_util:disconnect_cluster(LeaderA, "B"), repl_util:wait_until_no_connection(LeaderA), rt:wait_until_ring_converged(ANodes), lager:info("Write 100 keys to a real time only bucket"), ?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(AFirst, 1, 100, RealtimeOnly, 2)), lager:info("Reconnect Clusters A and B"), repl_util:connect_cluster(LeaderA, "", BFirstPort), ?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_for_connection(LeaderA, "B")), rt:wait_until_ring_converged(ANodes), repl_util:enable_realtime(LeaderA, "B"), rt:wait_until_ring_converged(ANodes), repl_util:enable_fullsync(LeaderA, "B"), rt:wait_until_ring_converged(ANodes), repl_util:start_realtime(LeaderA, "B"), rt:wait_until_ring_converged(ANodes), ?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_until_connection(LeaderA)), log_to_nodes(ANodes ++ BNodes, "Test fullsync and realtime independence"), lager:info("write 100 keys to a {repl, false} bucket"), ?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(AFirst, 1, 100, NoRepl, 2)), lager:info("write 100 keys to a fullsync only bucket"), ?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(AFirst, 1, 100, FullsyncOnly, 2)), lager:info("Check the fullsync only bucket didn't replicate the writes"), Res6 = rt:systest_read(BFirst, 1, 100, FullsyncOnly, 2), ?assertEqual(100, length(Res6)), lager:info("Check the realtime only bucket that was written to offline isn't replicated"), Res7 = rt:systest_read(BFirst, 1, 100, RealtimeOnly, 2), ?assertEqual(100, length(Res7)), lager:info("Check the {repl, false} bucket didn't replicate"), Res8 = rt:systest_read(BFirst, 1, 100, NoRepl, 2), ?assertEqual(100, length(Res8)), %% Do a fullsync, make sure that fullsync_only is replicated, but %% realtime_only and no_repl aren't repl_util:start_and_wait_until_fullsync_complete(LeaderA), lager:info("Check fullsync only bucket is now replicated"), ?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(BFirst, 1, 100, FullsyncOnly, 2)), lager:info("Check realtime only bucket didn't replicate"), Res10 = rt:systest_read(BFirst, 1, 100, RealtimeOnly, 2), ?assertEqual(100, length(Res10)), lager:info("Write 100 more keys into realtime only bucket on ~p", [AFirst]), ?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(AFirst, 101, 200, RealtimeOnly, 2)), lager:info("Check the realtime keys replicated"), ?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(BFirst, 101, 200, RealtimeOnly, 2)), lager:info("Check the older keys in the realtime bucket did not replicate"), Res12 = rt:systest_read(BFirst, 1, 100, RealtimeOnly, 2), ?assertEqual(100, length(Res12)), lager:info("Check {repl, false} bucket didn't replicate"), Res13 = rt:systest_read(BFirst, 1, 100, NoRepl, 2), ?assertEqual(100, length(Res13)). %% @doc Offline Queuing Test %% Test Cycle: %% Stop real time on Cluster "A" %% Write 100 keys to leader on Cluster "A" %% Restart real time on Cluster "A" %% Verify Keys replicated to Cluster "B" after real time was restarted %% Stop real time on Cluster "A" %% Verify that 100 keys are NOT on Cluster "A" %% Write 100 keys to Cluster "A" %% Verify that 100 keys were written to Cluster "A" %% Verify that 100 keys are NOT on Cluster "B" %% Re-enable real time on Cluster "A" %% Verify that 100 keys are available on Cluster "B" offline_queueing_tests([AFirst|_] = ANodes, [BFirst|_] = BNodes) -> TestHash = list_to_binary([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [X]) || <> <= erlang:md5(term_to_binary(os:timestamp()))]), TestBucket = <>, log_to_nodes(ANodes ++ BNodes, "Testing offline realtime queueing"), lager:info("Testing offline realtime queueing"), LeaderA = rpc:call(AFirst, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []), lager:info("Stopping realtime, queue will build"), repl_util:stop_realtime(LeaderA, "B"), rt:wait_until_ring_converged(ANodes), lager:info("Writing 100 keys"), ?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(LeaderA, 800, 900, TestBucket, 2)), lager:info("Starting realtime"), repl_util:start_realtime(LeaderA, "B"), rt:wait_until_ring_converged(ANodes), ?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_for_connection(LeaderA, "B")), lager:info("Reading keys written while repl was stopped"), ?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(BFirst, 800, 900, TestBucket, 2)), log_to_nodes(ANodes ++ BNodes, "Testing realtime migration on node shutdown"), lager:info("Testing realtime migration on node shutdown"), Target = hd(ANodes -- [LeaderA]), lager:info("Stopping realtime, queue will build"), repl_util:stop_realtime(LeaderA, "B"), rt:wait_until_ring_converged(ANodes), lager:info("Verifying 100 keys are missing from ~p", [Target]), repl_util:read_from_cluster(Target, 901, 1000, TestBucket, 100), lager:info("Writing 100 keys to ~p", [Target]), ?assertEqual([], repl_util:do_write(Target, 901, 1000, TestBucket, 2)), lager:info("Verifying 100 keys are read from ~p", [Target]), repl_util:read_from_cluster(Target, 901, 1000, TestBucket, 0), lager:info("Verifying 100 keys are missing from ~p", [BFirst]), repl_util:read_from_cluster(BFirst, 901, 1000, TestBucket, 100), io:format("queue status: ~p", [rpc:call(Target, riak_repl2_rtq, status, [])]), lager:info("Stopping node ~p", [Target]), rt:stop(Target), rt:wait_until_unpingable(Target), lager:info("Starting realtime"), repl_util:start_realtime(LeaderA, "B"), ?assertEqual(ok, repl_util:wait_for_connection(LeaderA, "B")), lager:info("Verifying 100 keys are now available on ~p", [BFirst]), ?assertEqual(0, repl_util:wait_for_reads(BFirst, 901, 1000, TestBucket, 2)), rt:start(Target), rt:wait_until_pingable(Target), rt:wait_for_service(Target, riak_repl). %% @doc Protocol Buffer Write During Shutdown %% Test Cycle: %% Connect to Cluster "A" via PB %% Spawn background process to stop Cluster "A" nodes %% Write 10,000 keys to Cluster "A" %% Verify that there are and equal number of write failures on Cluster "A" and read failures on Cluster "B" pb_write_during_shutdown([AFirst|_] = ANodes, [BFirst|_] = BNodes) -> TestHash = list_to_binary([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [X]) || <> <= erlang:md5(term_to_binary(os:timestamp()))]), TestBucket = <>, log_to_nodes(ANodes ++ BNodes, "Testing protocol buffer writes during shutdown"), LeaderA = rpc:call( AFirst, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []), Target = hd( ANodes -- [LeaderA]), ConnInfo = proplists:get_value(Target, rt:connection_info([Target])), {IP, Port} = proplists:get_value(pb, ConnInfo), lager:info("Connecting to pb socket ~p:~p on ~p", [IP, Port, Target]), PBSock = rt:pbc(Target), %% do the stop in the background while we're writing keys spawn(fun() -> timer:sleep(500), lager:info("Stopping node ~p again", [Target]), rt:stop(Target), lager:info("Node stopped") end), lager:info("Writing 10,000 keys"), WriteErrors = try pb_write(PBSock, 1000, 11000, TestBucket, 2) catch _:_ -> lager:info("Shutdown timeout caught"), [] end, lager:info("Received ~p write failures", [length(WriteErrors)]), timer:sleep(3000), lager:info("Checking number of read failures on secondary cluster"), ReadErrors = rt:systest_read(BFirst, 1000, 11000, TestBucket, 2), lager:info("Received ~p read failures", [length(ReadErrors)]), %% Ensure node is down before we try to start it up again. lager:info("pb_write_during_shutdown: Ensure node ~p is down before restart", [Target]), ?assertEqual(ok, rt:wait_until_unpingable(Target)), rt:start(Target), rt:wait_until_pingable(Target), rt:wait_for_service(Target, riak_repl), ReadErrors2 = rt:systest_read(Target, 1000, 11000, TestBucket, 2), lager:info("Received ~p read failures on ~p", [length(ReadErrors2), Target]), case length(WriteErrors) >= length(ReadErrors) of true -> ok; false -> lager:error("Received more read errors on ~p: ~p than write errors on ~p: ~p", [BFirst, length(ReadErrors), Target, length(WriteErrors)]), FailedKeys = lists:foldl(fun({Key, _}, Acc) -> case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, WriteErrors) of false -> [Key|Acc]; _ -> Acc end end, [], ReadErrors), lager:info("Failed keys ~p", [FailedKeys]), ?assert(false) end. %% @doc HTTP Write during Shutdown %% Test Cycle: %% Connect to Cluster "A" via HTTP %% Spawn background process to stop Cluster "A" nodes %% Write 10,000 keys to Cluster "A" %% Verify that there are and equal number of write failures on Cluster "A" and read failures on Cluster "B" http_write_during_shutdown([AFirst|_] = ANodes, [BFirst|_] = BNodes) -> TestHash = list_to_binary([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [X]) || <> <= erlang:md5(term_to_binary(os:timestamp()))]), TestBucket = <>, log_to_nodes(ANodes ++ BNodes, "Testing http writes during shutdown"), LeaderA = rpc:call(AFirst, riak_core_cluster_mgr, get_leader, []), Target = hd(ANodes -- [LeaderA]), ConnInfo = proplists:get_value(Target, rt:connection_info([Target])), {IP, Port} = proplists:get_value(http, ConnInfo), lager:info("Connecting to http socket ~p:~p on ~p", [IP, Port, Target]), C = rt:httpc(Target), %% do the stop in the background while we're writing keys spawn(fun() -> timer:sleep(500), lager:info("Stopping node ~p again", [Target]), rt:stop(Target), lager:info("Node stopped") end), lager:info("Writing 10,000 keys"), WriteErrors = try http_write(C, 12000, 22000, TestBucket, 2) catch _:_ -> lager:info("Shutdown timeout caught"), [] end, lager:info("got ~p write failures to ~p", [length(WriteErrors), Target]), timer:sleep(3000), lager:info("Checking number of read failures on secondary cluster node, ~p", [BFirst]), [{_, {IP, Port2}},_] = rt:connection_info(BFirst), C2 = rhc:create("", Port2, "riak", []), ReadErrors = http_read(C2, 12000, 22000, TestBucket, 2), lager:info("Received ~p read failures from ~p", [length(ReadErrors), BFirst]), %% Ensure node is down before we try to start it up again. lager:info("HTTP: write_during_shutdown: Ensure node ~p is down before restart", [Target]), ?assertEqual(ok, rt:wait_until_unpingable(Target)), rt:start(Target), rt:wait_until_pingable(Target), rt:wait_for_service(Target, riak_repl), ReadErrors2 = http_read(C, 12000, 22000, TestBucket, 2), lager:info("Received ~p read failures on ~p", [length(ReadErrors2), Target]), case length(WriteErrors) >= length(ReadErrors) of true -> ok; false -> lager:error("Received more read errors on ~p: ~p than write errors on ~p: ~p", [BFirst, length(ReadErrors), Target, length(WriteErrors)]), FailedKeys = lists:foldl(fun({Key, _}, Acc) -> case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, WriteErrors) of false -> [Key|Acc]; _ -> Acc end end, [], ReadErrors), lager:info("Failed keys ~p", [FailedKeys]), ?assert(false) end. client_iterate(_Sock, [], _Bucket, _W, Acc, _Fun, Parent) -> Parent ! {result, self(), Acc}, Acc; client_iterate(Sock, [N | NS], Bucket, W, Acc, Fun, Parent) -> NewAcc = try Fun(Sock, Bucket, N, W) of ok -> Acc; Other -> [{N, Other} | Acc] catch What:Why -> [{N, {What, Why}} | Acc] end, client_iterate(Sock, NS, Bucket, W, NewAcc, Fun, Parent). http_write(Sock, Start, End, Bucket, W) -> F = fun(S, B, K, WVal) -> X = list_to_binary(integer_to_list(K)), Obj = riakc_obj:new(B, X, X), rhc:put(S, Obj, [{dw, WVal}]) end, Keys = lists:seq(Start, End), Partitions = partition_keys(Keys, 8), Parent = self(), Workers = [spawn_monitor(fun() -> client_iterate(Sock, K, Bucket, W, [], F, Parent) end) || K <- Partitions], collect_results(Workers, []). pb_write(Sock, Start, End, Bucket, W) -> F = fun(S, B, K, WVal) -> Obj = riakc_obj:new(B, <>, <>), riakc_pb_socket:put(S, Obj, [{dw, WVal}]) end, Keys = lists:seq(Start, End), Partitions = partition_keys(Keys, 8), Parent = self(), Workers = [spawn_monitor(fun() -> client_iterate(Sock, K, Bucket, W, [], F, Parent) end) || K <- Partitions], collect_results(Workers, []). http_read(Sock, Start, End, Bucket, R) -> F = fun(S, B, K, RVal) -> X = list_to_binary(integer_to_list(K)), case rhc:get(S, B, X, [{r, RVal}]) of {ok, _} -> ok; Error -> Error end end, client_iterate(Sock, lists:seq(Start, End), Bucket, R, [], F, self()). partition_keys(Keys, PC) -> partition_keys(Keys, PC, lists:duplicate(PC, [])). partition_keys([] , _, Acc) -> Acc; partition_keys(Keys, PC, Acc) -> In = lists:sublist(Keys, PC), Rest = try lists:nthtail(PC, Keys) catch _:_ -> [] end, NewAcc = lists:foldl(fun(K, [H|T]) -> T ++ [[K|H]] end, Acc, In), partition_keys(Rest, PC, NewAcc). collect_results([], Acc) -> Acc; collect_results(Workers, Acc) -> receive {result, Pid, Res} -> collect_results(lists:keydelete(Pid, 1, Workers), Res ++ Acc); {'DOWN', _, _, Pid, _Reason} -> collect_results(lists:keydelete(Pid, 1, Workers), Acc) end.