%% -*- mode: erlang;erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% =============================================================== %% Global configurations %% =============================================================== %% This section contains the configuration variables that will be %% applied to all tests. {default, [ %% GiddyUp settings: If your tester needs to report results or %% fetch a test suite from GiddyUp, set these configs. The %% canonical GiddyUp host is currently giddyup.basho.com. %% Authentication is required to post results, so ask someone on %% Testing/Tools for the credentials if you need them. {giddyup_host, "localhost:5000"}, {giddyup_user, "user"}, {giddyup_password, "password"}, %% The symbolic platform name used for reporting and fetching the %% suite. You won't likely need this unless you are actually %% submitting results to the scorecard, like on an automated %% builder. Typically this is in the format %% "NAME-VERSION-ARCHITECTURE". See GiddyUp for valid platform %% names. {platform, "osx-64"}, %% riak_test includes various wait_for_X functions that will %% repeatedly test for specific conditions until they are %% satisfied. `rt_max_wait_time' specifies the maximum length, in %% milliseconds, that any condition can wait. `rt_retry_delay' %% specifies the time, in milliseconds, that will be between each %% test of the wait condition. On slower machines, these values %% should be increased. {rt_max_wait_time, 600000}, {rt_retry_delay, 1000}, %% The harness specifies how Riak nodes under test will be %% manipulated. There is currently only `rtdev', which uses local %% `devrel's inside a git repository. In the future, we may have %% harnesses that use SSH to connect to remote virtual machines. %% To set up the `rtdev' harness for the first time, use the shell %% scripts in the bin/ directory. {rt_harness, rtdev}, %% The scratch directory specifies where riak_test will put %% temporary testing artifacts like client packages, git %% checkouts, etc. {rt_scratch_dir, "/tmp/riak_test_scratch"}, %% The path to a prebuilt copy of basho_bench that tests can %% invoke. This was previously used in the `loaded_upgrade' test. {basho_bench, "/Users/dparfitt/basho/basho_bench"}, %% The path to a corpus of spam emails to be used when testing %% Riak Search. This is typically expanded from the tarball %% included in riak_test. {spam_dir, "/Users/dparfitt/riak_test/search-corpus/spam.0"}, %% The number of workers-per-node to spawn when executing the %% `loaded_upgrade' test. If unspecified, this will default to %% `10'. For older/slower machines, use a lower number to avoid %% unexpected node crashes. {load_workers, 10}, %% lager_level defaults to info, which is should mean %% "relevant test output". debug level output is for helping %% test writers. {lager_level, info} ]}. %% =============================================================== %% Project-specific configurations %% =============================================================== %% Specify which configuration/project to apply using the `-c' flag %% when running `riak_test'. %% Sample project for Riak open-source. {rtdev, [ %% The name of the project/product, used when fetching the test %% suite and reporting. {rt_project, "riak"}, %% Paths to the locations of various versions of the project. This %% is only valid for the `rtdev' harness. {rtdev_path, [ %% This is the root of the built `rtdev' repository, %% used for manipulating the repo with git. All %% versions should be inside this directory. {root, "/Users/dparfitt/rt/riak"}, %% The path to the `current' version, which is used %% exclusively except during upgrade tests. {current, "/Users/dparfitt/rt/riak/current"}, %% The path to the most immediately previous version %% of the project, which is used when doing upgrade %% tests. {previous, "/Users/dparfitt/rt/riak/riak-1.2.1"}, %% The path to the version before `previous', which %% is used when doing upgrade tests. {legacy, "/Users/dparfitt/rt/riak/riak-1.1.4"} ]} ]}. %% Sample project for Riak EDS ("EE"). {rtee, [ %% [See rtdev.rt_project above] {rt_project, "riak_ee"}, %% Specific to replication tests, the size of the "A" cluster, or %% "source". {cluster_a_size, 3}, %% The total number of nodes to deploy in replication tests. {num_nodes, 6}, %% Which order to upgrade nodes in the cluster when doing the %% `replication_upgrade' test. Valid values are: %% * "forwards" - from 1 to 6 %% * "backwards" - from 6 to 1 %% * "alternate" - e.g. 1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6 %% * "random" - shuffles the list {repl_upgrade_order, "forwards"}, %% [See rtdev.rtdev_path above] {rtdev_path, [{root, "/Users/dparfitt/rt/riak_ee"}, {current, "/Users/dparfitt/rt/riak_ee/current"}, {previous, "/Users/dparfitt/rt/riak_ee/riak_ee-1.2.1"}, {legacy, "/Users/dparfitt/rt/riak_ee/riak_ee-1.1.4"} ]} ]}. %% Sample project to demonstrate use of local configs for the %% "intercepts" feature. Generally, all intercepts are installed into %% deployed nodes, but not activated. {intercept_example, [ %% Whether to load intercept modules into nodes that are deployed. %% `true' by default. {load_intercepts, true}, %% Which intercepts to load. See the README for more detailed %% documentation about intercepts. {intercepts, [ %% The intercepts take the form of: %% %% {ModuleToIntercept::module(), [ %% {{FunctionToIntercept::atom(), Arity::non_neg_integer()}, %% ReplacementFunction::atom()} %% ]} {riak_kv_vnode, [{{put,7}, dropped_put}]} ]} ]}.